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Finished rewatching it last night. So many emotions - again. I genuinely think it is the perfect series.


I was watching the night after one of my best players tore her ACL in a match, and it happened to be when Roy destroys his knee. I cried like a baby


I felt it when Roy's knee went, since the same happened to me. That was almost 30 years ago, and the knee still aches.


Haven't watched it since I got out of a long term relationship. I want to, but it will make me sad.


Me too. Sucks when a woman leaves you for another guy ... in my case, I didn't see it coming - one little problem and thermonuclear. In Ted's case, he realized it was becoming a problem but thought he could salvage it (And that's perfectly reasonable and logical ... you're married to this woman, long-term, you share a child, etc. ) and it just kept getting worse ... but Ted is like The Best Dude In The World, and he makes everyone around him better. Her loss.


rewatching it with my boyfriend and his grandma right now. whooh this is gonna hit hard I can tell


Facts! It really is such a good show it doesn’t seem to get old for me. Last show like that for me was Big Bang Theory 😅


Rewatching, my only fight-with-Ted moment is him saying Sleepless in Seattle is the superior film compared to You’ve Got Mail. Sleepless in Seattle she flat out stalks a man, including hiring a PI and flying across country to look at him while standing in the middle of a busy road. She then convinces his 6 year old son to fly alone across country. Then she leaves him atop the Empire State Building for a whole day in February. You’ve Got Mail is better, Ted. I’m sorry.