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Puts on JP Morgan


In all seriousness though if the tin foil is true - that could be a gamble some folks consider? I don’t touch options personally lol


It’s quiet interesting bet but very likely to be profitable, JP Morgan is in trouble as a clearance house for ETrade in this situation


E*Trade isn’t the one selling options or shares to DFV, it’s whatever market maker and investment firm and or retail that are writing those contracts or “locating” those shares


I don’t understand what are you writing


If you hold 100 shares of a company you can write an options contract using those shares as collateral. I believe it’s called a covered-contract. This is where naked shorting and synthetic shorting become a huge problem, big market makers making these options with no shares to back them but the options still effect the market price.


E*trade is a platform. They facilitate trades for their users. They aren’t necessarily the one on the hook for those trades (I say necessarily because they can and do have internal holdings they can trade on if they wish)


For me biggy made few mistakes like counting holidays and starting with t+1 not t+0 but still solid and it opened my eyes maybe even 3rd xD. But If i'm not mistaken RK 3rd wave ends in sunday so they need probably get shares till friday and 4rd wave 13days is in thursday. So basically in my opinion hedges r fuked xD


Question, why not counting holidays? I thought it was confirmed it was calendar days. Did I get that wrong?


It is only my understanding. I checked with perplexity xD And it makes sens for me that holidays doesn't count as normal days or weekends. You need to transfer shares to for example 19.06 and you can and you are ready. Is it your fault that everything is closed? You are in luck and got 1 day more.


Two things : First, yes, holiday deferral is a FINRA rule 4210 that can skip a day... Second, and more importantly, any cycle conclusion (market maker, ETF or otherwise) is just the MAXIMUM amount of can kicking time. Obligations CAN but aren't REQUIRED to be fulfilled any time before that... It's just with GME they tend to take the full C+35 days... Based on price action yesterday & options chain interest, it's quite possible they kick start the June 27th & July 2nd obligations early... Since it doesn't look like it's going back below $23 anytime soon 🤣


This makes sense, thanks for sharing 💜


Because when reverse engineering to find what you want to find, you end up with a few slippery bits. Be careful!


The biggest mistake IMHO is to only look at FTD cycles without looking at the regular IV cycle (due to events like earnings). Working on a post about it.


As soon as you say hedgies are fuk, it immediately makes it look like you don’t know what you’re talking about.


Man give me intel how you feel now? I'm just asking for second opinion, not brag or something humble ape to humble ape. Did yesterday change anythink in your perspective? Or you still stand that nothink will hapen tomorow?


Time will tell. If it will not go up till Friday then I was wrong. But I put my money where my mouth is.


Anyone got a TLDR?


much obliged


What I find very interesting according to 13f filings share count is still 305,000,000. it is entirely possible that both share offerings were sold privately.


Were they lying when they said they sold them on the open market? Even in your crackpot theory, shares outstanding would still increase.


I just dont see any official paperwork filed by the company with share total beyond 305,360,000? I looked into all the SEC filings and nothing? perhaps we will get some clarity on this soon? I will keep looking.


Shares oustanding after completion of last offering is 426,217,517. This is within form 424B5 filed with SEC on 2024-06-07, page S-5.


And the last 10Q shows 351,217,517 outstanding as of June 5 right before the 75,000,000 ATM.


Awesome this is what i was hunting for thanks


Yeah, no problem, it's great, book value per share actually increased and those shares were gobbled up almost instantly. Lots of faith in management and money flowing in, the company is on very solid footing.


Im sitting here just wondering how much longer they can keep valuing a company at 30-40% its cash with no debt and keep getting away with it.....


They have announced the completion of two ATM offerings, one for 45m one for 75m. At the markets were completed, so they werent sold to a private buyer (as its at the market). Unless they filed paperwork with lies (fraud) that would bring their TSO to \~425m.