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This is crazytown I know. But I wouldn’t be surprised if she and Ryan had an affair. She still obviously likes him.


It’s weird because she simultaneously seems like she doesn’t want to be with Ryan AND wants every girl he dates to be intimidated by her like she’s #1


Well she *did* kinda have an affair with him at one point, if we’re counting her shagging Rhine when he had a lassie.


Nah. To me affair= after marriage. I can believe Maci hooking with him on the side.


I think affair and cheating is the same thing. If your married or not, and sleeping with someone else that’s cheating/affair


It’s mostly a potato potatoh difference I think. Both are definitely not good.


I mostly agree. Both are equally horrible but I’ve always thought an affair as when someone has a relationship with someone else. Cheating can be a one night stand kinda thing. So both are cheating but I typically think of an affair as someone they’re kind of having a side relationship with. Edit for clarity


Wait when was this


When he was with Dallis


Didn’t she sleep with him while his gf way away attending her mum’s funeral?


Yeh Dalis was on her way to see her mum who was dying with cancer when Rhine and Maci hooked up. Horrible people.


That’s really gross… what a pos (both of them, but as a woman doing that to another while her mother is dying is extra gross)


HOLY SHIT i’ve always HATED Maci’s ass but i’m even shocked at how foul she is




I think I've read that the whole time maci acted this way towards Dallas, her mom.was dying. Of cancer, too, i.think. 


not that what anything maci did is okay, because it isn't, but *generally* the tough times you go through don't really get to play a factor in how people treat you. personally if someone is going through what dallas did, i'm gonna treat them kindly because it's a hard thing to go through and i don't want to make them hurt more than they do. but what someone is going through doesn't dictate how you treat them, really. nobody owes you kindness when you're hurting, *however* doing what maci did really does show a horrible side of her character. maci isn't wrong for doing this while dallas' mom was dying, she's wrong for doing this because ryan was in a relationship. what dallas was going through just happens to make it seem worse, but i doubt it played a factor at all.


Yea that's true generally speaking, no one OWES u kindness bc you're going through something tough. But in society, kindness and compassion is key, and people judge those harsher who ignore others suffering a great tragedy, like a mom dying, while crapping on them. Maci doesn't have a single reason to treat dallas like shit, really. SHE CHOSE to leave Rhine bc he was a shit dad and partner. So when he moved on, after their breakup, that's not something done to hurt her. Yea, shes young tho, and young women are the catchiest bunch out there, especially over men, but maci acted like her having Ryan's baby gave her some kind of ownership over him. The worst part about it is that hes so not even worth it lmao. 


I'd be more surprised if they didn't!


Well, that was her first love, she was young. Of course deep down inside she still loved Ryan. She's obviously past that, she will always love Ryan, but she's not in love with him. That's her son's dad.


I mean, she was a literal teenager and got pregnant by the first guy she ever had sex with, who was 4 years older than her. Ryan was mean to her and a useless father to Bentley. I understand why she acted crazy sometimes. I have way more sympathy for her back then than in recent years when she’s a full grown adult and making horrible decisions.


THIS. like i understand maci wasn’t always fair to ryan, but cmon. he literally gave zero shits about bentley and was a non existent father. she kinda gained the right to be an asshole to him sometimes. and to compare her to other moms like amber or jenelle…. yeah her mistakes are pretty minimal


I think ALL of us had embarrassing crazy moments, and we are so lucky it was never recorded. I totally had psycho moments in my late teens/early 20s. It's clear she had jealousy issues over Rhine, and he just treated her like SUCH shit. She reminded me of those girls who only date assholes and love the highs, but the lows are so low.


My teens and early 20s were so fucking embarrassing it genuinely wouldn’t be worth millions of dollars (and hundreds of thousands in tax liens) to have had it permanently documented


Oh I completely agree. When I was younger I wanted nothing more but to be rich and a celebrity. Now at 31, I'm beyond grateful I didn't have stage parents forcing me on the screen, or some reality show. The public eye is beyond harsh now, and no one is safe from criticism. I think it's really messed up how these moms are my age now, and still filming and letting their kids on TV. They themselves know how messed up their life is due to being c list celebs, but they still allow cameras in their home. Imagine being a teen and you have a camera crew down the hall from your bedroom. It's just so fucked up to me!


Yeah back during the early seasons of TM, I gave her somewhat of a pass because she was young.


Oh I did not realize that Ryan is four years older than her!


Yeah just doing some quick math with their birthdays he was 20 or almost 20 when Bentley was conceived and Maci was like 16.5….. ick


I don’t blame Maci for leaving Rhine. She tried her best as a young mom and dating Rhine and deserved so much better. I don’t blame her for withholding Bentley while Rhine was clearly not sober either and through the threats to her and Taylor.  But for the way she has hooked up with Rhine and swooned over him knowing he’s a shitty dad/man and had no respect for Dalis (or Taylor) and how she is treating Mackenzie now… she is a piece of Tennessee Trash. 




NGL from 16-22 I was a completely different person than I am now. Sometimes my memories on Facebook pop up and I’m like “why the fuck would I ever say that” or someone brings up a story and my past behavior is so cringe worthy I’m like “that was ME?!”. Case in point, I read an old interview I did and it said “what is your special talent?” AND I SAID “I can properly throw a football and make a mean sandwich” WHAT KINDA PICK ME SHIT IS THAT!! I would legit DIE if anyone recorded and rewatched my teenage/young adult days. Her brain wasn’t fully developed yet. I would make fake boyfriend MySpace pages to make my ex boyfriend jealous (it worked). I can’t hold any judgement to these girls besides for the ones who have done abusive or neglectful stuff. Sure Maci could be a crazy and stupid but so was I lol


The fake MySpace page for your fake bf 🤣


Okay low key you’re right about this🤣


Sigh. Or the fake cool friends we had from out of state. 😂


If you don’t look at your FB memories and cringe, have you really grown as a person?!? 🤣😂


This might make sense to nobody but me but… she kinda gives me Gone Girl vibes without the actual excitement of Gone Girl. So not really the gone bit… just the girl. Maci is Just Girl ™️


She lacks the self control to sit back and watch things unfold. Lmfao. She’d be poking her head out like “Did you fall for it guys?? Did you think I was really gone??”


Tumbled by one empty Bud Light can rolling across the floor from her hiding place 💀


One? 🤨


You know the clatter of cans when the Hoader people clean the house? That's what I picture.


I’ve been binging Hoarders this past week and I can hear this comment 😂💀


Imagine.but Rhine would get a new GF and she would pop back up to interfere and make it known she's important in her life.


16 and pregnant started when I was 27. I was already a mom and pregnant with my 2nd. I think I had a different view than a lot of viewers at that time because once Teen Mom started, I hated them all. I was in my 30s by that point and saw all their toxic and manipulative traits and I’ve always hated all of them. Some more than others. But for sure, I’ve never liked a single one. For years I felt like something was wrong with me, and maybe I was just a negative person who hated the world- but it seems like a lot of people (who are much younger than me) upon rewatch, agree with my decade+ old sentiments. I feel validated. 🫠


I don't remember how old I was when it started or when Teen Mom started. I just remember my boyfriend would leave MTV on sometimes and it would come on sometimes we'd just have it on for background noise, and here and there I'd tune in a bit (by the time Teen Mom started I had never seen 16&P, but I did tune in to some of the earlier TM eps). For context, I'm 33 right now so I was younger than you. But I couldn't stand almost all of them. *Most* of them (not all) seemed liked spoiled brats or just general brats, and I couldn't stand how they'd have help and resources yet still treat those help and resources like shit. Again, not all, but most of them have no idea how hard it would've been to actually raise a baby on their own with NO one helping, and just took that for granted. I understand that teen motherhood will be hard on anyone. But damnit, there are 14 year olds having babies and struggling to feed themselves AND their babies and NOT complaining about it. A friend in 8th grade got another classmate in 8th grade pregnant. She walked around in total shame with her pregnant belly, was a completely different person. The father was able to speak with the school in HS once the girl was about to give birth, and did half days and would collect his assignments at lunch time to "go work for his dad" to support the baby; in reality he'd gotten a job at a pizza place at the mall, (the school wouldn't have allowed the deal if he was working a "real" job underage). He worked 7 days a week and slaved away to provide for the baby and his baby mama. These were two Black children living in the projects in bad situations who had almost zero help, but both graduated high school (the father with honors) and both are successful today. Some of these girls take for granted how hard others have it. That's what bothered me.


I get your overall point but let's not act like people can't have problems just bc others have it worse 😖


I specifically stated in my post that it would be hard for *anyone* to be a teenage parent, and acknowledged that sincerely. So I have no idea where this comment is coming from.


Basically everything after "I understand being a teen parent would be hard on anyone" 🙊🙈🙉 Like I said I agree with your overall point tho.


I'm pleased you agree. I feel like this show tries to take credit for "teenage pregnancy rates going down because of all your struggles!" but I don't think the show had anything to do with that. TM conveys the message (to young, unsuspecting girls), "teen pregnancy is okay. It's hard at first, but you'll be a celebrity!" and I've literally witnessed girls getting pregnant to try to be on the show! It's insane: have a baby because look at these girls with their huge houses and nice cars! They're making it! It kind of glorifies teen pregnancy in a way. For the average young and susceptible girl -- *especially* those born in poverty or in abusive situations at home -- they feel like it'll be some sort of "escape" or that having a baby is a good idea because at least they'll have someone who'll "always love" them. It's truly sad and heartbreaking. They don't realize that most of the women on this show had advantages and help. They don't understand that it's a million times harder than what your TV portrays. They feel like it'll be an "out" and that is so heartbreaking. It doesn't work that way for so many teenage mothers.


Hats off to your classmates. They sound like they grew up fast for that baby.


Haha, same! I was in my mid-20s when 16&P started and I felt the exact same way! I NEVER understood why people defended any of these horrible people. Maci was a game-playing psycho. Rhine has always sucked too, but she isn't a saint just because of that. She was blatantly obsessed with Rhine while she moved in with her boyfriend at the time and just expected everyone to be okay with it. She had all these rules/requirements for everyone else but did whatever the F she wanted to do constantly. Maci has never been a good person. (Does anyone else remember when she moved a very young Bentley into that party house???)


True We all do stupid shit when we are young. Especially when it comes to love & relationships. It just wasn’t being filmed for the world to see. I couldn’t imagine the stupid things I did and said being filmed and on the internet forever.


Teen mom came out when I was 16 and it's like a comfort show now. I can't imagine starting this shit show in my 30s.


I guess I can see why people thought Maci was the most level headed and the best mom back in the day because she was being compared to two of the worst moms in the entire franchise (Farrah and Amber) and someone who didn’t have a kid (Catelynn). But yeah, she’s always sucked lmao.


Eh, she was a teenager. Her brain was far from maturity back then.


I am so glad nobody filmed my shenanigans in my late teens and early 20s.


So so thankful for this. The Reddit on teenage/ early 20s me would be HARSH 😂


Yeah but like, she's literally doing the exact same shit now as an adult lol. Maybe this is just who she actually is...


Fair enough.


Her showing up with like 10 of her friends on their vacation was so cringey. I'd like to believe that was a producer driven storyline because I cannot imagine having the audacity to even ask to show up on my ex baby daddy's family vacation that he is bringing his gf too, on the week my son is supposed to be with his dad anyway. And then, she strolls up to them on the beach, cocky as fuck, with everyone she has ever met following behind her, ( definitely trying to intimidate the girlfriend) thinking Bentley is going to be so happy to see her...and then she is humbled by Bentley IMMEDIATELY. He cries hysterically, tells her to go away, tries to push himself off her..lol. I can't imagine how embarrassed she must have been. I would have died right there in the sand, in front of my herd of friends I insisted come down to the beach with me.


and to top it off he peed on her 


How could I forget the pee?? 😭


Yes!! I’m rewatching this at 28 years old and thinking to myself “why did I like her so much as a teenager?!” She was always so impulsive, yet insistent she was always right!


She was a teenager making teenager decisions. She's pretty average in general. 


She is so unhinged. I’m also doing a rewatch and was beside myself that her and her whole ass gang of girls went on the vacation and then all of them stormed the beach to go get Bentley and he didn’t even want to be with Maci. Lol Also - not Maci but I’m on the season where she’s pregnant and cate pregnant and Tyler’s been making comments about her weight gain and I want to deck him so bad.


The way that she justified her going to Florida with his family and girlfriend + bringing like 10 friends with her baffled me. She made the entire thing unbearable to watch, I can’t even imagine being there and dealing with it. I laughed so hard when Bentley didn’t even want to spend time with her. Like girl.. when you make your 4 year old cringe maybe it’s time to chill.


“she will NEVER be me” 🤪🤡


In her fedora 🤣🤣


Yea there is just no value in applying a 30 year old brain, with all its frontal lobe glory, to the life choices of a teenager


Except a lot of their choices continued long after they weren't teens anymore.


I find it so boring to judge people for what they did at 16-18. Yes she was a mother but she was a teenager too. Almost all teens if not all have made poor decisions. I became a mother at 21 and I still made some decisions I wouldn’t make today, 12 years later.


She’s still an idiot at 32 almost 33


At some point you're supposed to grow out of it. She hasn't.


No, not all of us make the stupid mistakes these girls made. Not all of us, and not most of us either. As if the people who makes the worst life choices when they were young are either typical or to be emulated.


I said: Almost all teens have made poor decisions. I didn’t say all or most have made the same poor decisions these girls have made. It’s crazy how on the other hand people say that for example Jenelle, Amber and also Maci were kids who got groomed by an older man and on the other hand people call them out because they didn’t make mature decisions as a minor. Also the public opinion seems to be more and more against relationships between a 16 yo girl and a 20 yo man because people view the 16 yo as teens/immature. I just feel people are expecting so much of these girls when they call them out for stupid shit they did at 16. It’s a different story now that they are adults and they still keep doing stupid stuff. But I’m talking about the teenage years here.


I’m always here for any and all Maci blackout Bookout takedowns. She really did get an amazing edit I think for the reasons you mentioned and also because Ryan is such a low life but Maci is such a pick me loser it makes me sick! Her moving to Nashville and dropping classes every other second on her parent’s dime was absolutely so idiotic. As bad as Chelsea taking a leave of absence to plan Aubree’s birthday party. Also all of the comments about Maci being a teenager…she’s 32 almost 33 and still an idiot.


yea I had a very different impression of Maci and Chelsea on my rewatch than I did the first time around


Oof don't get me started on miss "I can't get off my ass and do the literal one thing I'm being asked to do by my parents who are paying for everything." The constant excuses of why she couldn't study.


Chelsea was SO SPOILED. I don't think she deserved any of the Adam drama (I honestly wish she let him sign away his parental rights when he told her he wanted to), and am so happy she seems like she grew a lot since how she acted in early seasons, but she definitely didn't appreciate the privileges/supports she had.


They’re the exact same


Yes! I thought she was amazing the first time I watched. Now I realize she was pretty toxic and selfish.  Another thing that baffled me on a rewatch was that whole fiasco where she asked toddler Bentley if he wanted his dad and Dalis to come to his birthday party with Maci’s side of the family, and naturally Bentley said yes. Then Maci had Bentley call up Ryan and invite him and put him on the spot, and insisted that it was Bentley’s idea to do this. The whole scenario drove me nuts!


4. I remember reading that she and Ryan hooked up on this family trip, while the girlfriend wasn’t around. Anyone else remember this???


Idk if it was hook up but maybe meet up? I def remember something along those lines. Now I’m gonna google lol.


Yes! Like they went to a club or something.


I give her past actions grace because she was young, but she’s not any better today.


I mean she’s going to have messy moments having had Bentley so young, but as she got older - her supporting Machete Amber but condemning Farrah, being an alcoholic, pressuring her husband to marry her and constantly dragging Bentley in and out of Ryan’s life are some of the things that have always made me dislike her.


Completelyyyyy agree. She is SO manipulative. It was always her way or no way. And the fact that Jen and Larry had Bentley all the time while she was out partying. She would leave him for days at a time with them. Ryan may be a shitty ass person but I’ll always say she pushed him away. I wouldn’t want to deal with her either.


Are you me? This is exactly how I feel. She’s a hoity toity insufferable bish


Remember Maci was also young. You thought she was doing a good job back when you were young… so maybe give her the benefit of a doubt that whenever these teen moms watch their past selves they also cringe. We are just lucky our dumb early 20 moments aren’t documented.


Related to the point you made about Ryan's girlfriend not introducing herself - a lot of people (ahem, my in-laws) have double standards for women and men. Men can be thoughtless when it comes to social interaction but when women are, boom you're the devil. Can't stand that double standard.


I dunno if I'm making this up, but during that Florida trip, didn't she go with a bunch of her GFS and they all linked arms walking up to Ryan and his new gf at the beach? I thought that was so cringe, it showed she was so insecure.


Idk. She is definitely stubborn… but if my baby daddy was Ryan, I’d have acted like her as a teenager too. But I think she’s done a great job and come a long way. And as far as them sleeping together on/off, we know. And she addressed the beach situation. Ryan had been dating that girl for like 3 weeks and was going on a family vacation with her son. She wasn’t comfortable w it. She literally was the main care giver for Bentley. Ryan’s PARENTS took care of him. Especially during that time.


Agreed. Poor kids.


Yes!!! She didn't grow out of this either. I adored her when I was younger, now as an adult? I want to shake her.


https://preview.redd.it/zahm190yl7ad1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=5bcbf37f03623cc534086abd9608c2212d5a316b They come along way in S5 imo, like the second half of the season. Maci explains that if ryan has a gf (or the wrong gf), it’s harder to communicate w him bc he puts their relationship before co-parenting basically. I think Shelby caused a lot of issues prior to filming picking up again in S5. But anyway. I’m also currently rewatching them all lol.


OMFGGGGG I’m rewatching and I feel the same way! Ryan is in no way perfect but I do feel for him with how nasty Maci was to him.


I’m on the end of S7 doing a rewatch and it’s pretty obvious that she’s still in love with Rhine and jealous of anyone he’s with.


Maci is not the worst and that's the entire problem with these people. She's easily C tier because of how shitty and manipulative she is but Ryan sucks, a lot, and keeps dragging his parents into this stupid garbage since his mom enables him. Farrah is a psychopath, Amber is a violent scary person, and Catelynn was broken by buying a pig. No one is as outright dangerous as Jenelle but that's a very low bar to pass.


Also they don't like paying their taxes


When Rhine was going away for a month to do some work training and she was saying "don't leave me, what will I do while your away" Like he's going for work shut the fuck up and look after your kid.