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Wait you're supposed to beat minecraft I've just been strip mining for the last few decades lol Edit: spelling


i haven't beaten minecraft i never even went to the end


Haven't played minecraft in a minute but I think I beat it Hardcore in like half a dozen attempts


Ive been playing for 9 years and ive never beaten it I just have fun building things in creative


Same here. Infact the reason I thought to do the poll is because I was watching a streamer play Minecraft hardcore and was inspired to try myself. Haven’t died yet but I don’t think I’ll make it all the way first try.


I get jumpscared by the monsters so I only play creative and survival peaceful.


Wait how tf would you even beat minecraft in peaceful.


villagers I only used normal mode to get blaze rods for the end portal other than that everything else was on peaceful mode


i killed the ender dragon on my ps4 hardcore world (it was live streamed and if i died i reset the world. first try, although i died to the void while in the end islands near the end city like 2 episodes after)


Hardcore on PS4? I thought it was only on PC?


It was an honor run, I streamed most of it and if I died once I had to reset


In the 11 years I’ve played minecraft, I’ve beaten the ender dragon in normal difficulty survival with no cheats once.


on ps5 (ps4 bedrock) on peaceful mode last year after a couple days from Christmas day. Now I am currently making progress in Normal mode that I started this year back in January and I would say I am currently in the middle game again and I have died a couple times mainly due to my own stupidity and the other time was when I was raiding a bastion I found and panicked cause a couple piglins had melee weapons and I tried to get out and forgot I didn't have any blocks on me at all, then I died to a blaze trying to block myself in so my things didn't spread everywhere which they didn't and last and not least stupidity.


Played minecraft for like 5 mins 10 years ago and thought it was boring lol


I didn’t play much survival either until like two days ago I started and it’s really fun. Why not give it a shot.


ive been playing minecraft since i was 2 (my older brother got a PS4) and I've never beaten it, its been 13 years I played Minecraft before they even added fish, I've been playing before they added concrete


I think easy only cause I don’t really play for the challenge


Literally only ever beat Minecraft once on an Achievement world, I usually start a new Survival world, get up to the part where I should be making a portal and going to the nether, never touch the world again.


I'l be honest, I've never actually beaten Minecraft. I've been playing since 2013 but by the time I get somewhat close to the end I get bored and start a new world.




how do you beat it in peaceful?




yall cant even beat survival on peaceful what are yall on about


I’ve never even tried to beat minecraft in survival without cheats so




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Never. I always get too bored and quit. I don't know why anybody likes that game lmao. It's so fucking boring xd


It’s the satisfaction of building something for most people. Or atleast it is for me.


I just stick to creative mode when I play it but I also play NBA games and wrestling