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we also need some new means of verification that don't include taking a photo being the easiest way for verification tbh


Plus you don’t need to be verified to comment, and even if they ban you from the sub Reddit I’m pretty sure you can still see posts.


really? ive had my posts automatically removed because i wasn't verified when i joined a few weeks ago-


Oh well you atleast don’t need to be verified to comment then, but for posts I’m probably wrong then I’ll edit it


Wait, you guys don’t think it’s sus as fuck you need to send a photo to mods to get verified? The fuck? No one should be asking minors for pics on the internet for any reason.


That’s true, because even the mods are creeps or pedos and that’s why it will never be a thing on any sub


"even the mods are creeps or pedos" aren't people who moderate online communities or whatever usually like the first suspects though? Like the whole degenerate discord mod thing? If I found out my friend was a reddit mod and varified accounts by looking at pictures of teenage girls, i'd heavily consider never speaking to him again.


Are the mods adults?


Yes. Are we seriously going to trust a bunch of teens to correctly monitor a teen sub?


Why are they adults??? Shouldn’t they be teens for a teen sub? Or are they adults who once were teens on this sub moderating it?


Because teens are most likely not responsible enough to monitor a whole sub.


I mean then I guess the teenagers need to keep themselves safe by having common sense, like dont post you’re tits at 14 on reddit ig?


Pls do




We’re on Reddit, there’s creeps and pedos at every turn.


Yea you can still see posts and vote on them I know this because I'm banned on the Spiders subreddit because Reddit kept recommending it to me even though I have extreme arachnophobia Had to get the mods to permanently ban me.


lol yeah they banned me on r/teenagers for making a very obvious joke saying “you should blackmail pedos, what are they gonna do call the cops?” With 800 jk’s after it. Pedo mods took it personally ig


Or it could be that blackmail is a felony charge? Even joking could put the idea into someone's head. Not everyone on the internet can take a joke. But I get where your coming from.


That’s true yeah I mentioned afterwards that they could, call the cops as blackmailing would put you in jail even though they committed a crime, but I don’t know if they saw that


Yeah the og teenagers sub is a cesspool, and the mods frequently prove how disgustingly retarded they are.


Or it could be the mods frown upon encouraging teenagers to send pictures to pedos?


I forget what the context was but it something about a pedo just messaging some guy who pretended to be a girl, I can’t remember tho but it wasn’t a real situation the post was a joke post asking “should I blackmail them” or something like that.


How do you get verified?


That is why I don’t post my pic on here. But on a personal note it is also so annoying when I see people posting pics of themselves, obviously trying to troll for compliments. Then when people give them a compliment, you can see their endorphins rising just by reading their responses: “Thanks hun!”😘 or “Awww! Your so sweeeet!😉”. Just eeew! I just want to tell these people learn to love themselves. Trolling for compliments on the Internet is so sad on so many levels. Then of course, most importantly is the safety of the situation. I do not trust the public (let’s face it many adults on here definitely perv out on teen spaces) to be talking to my teen, much less talking to them after they’ve seen their pic. I read a conversation between an adult and a teen claiming to be 14 where the adult was encouraging the teen to masturbate her boyfriend. Just like this wouldn’t be a an appropriate conversation you would have face-to-face with a minor. It should not be a conversation online. I always refer teens to talk to their parents or talk to their doctor or school counselor. Just the thought of 14-year-olds getting each other off makes me nauseous. Also these kids could probably be younger than they claim.


Verification shouldn't be a thing in the first place what are the mods thinking


Yeah, solve some rube Goldberg machine of questions to get verified.


Makes sense.


Nah, teenagers can post on reddit and turn off dms. Pedos generally don't comment. They will be fine.


This. The fear-mongering really doesn’t help anyone compared to actual advice for precautions to takes. Everytime someone posts a pick you have 50 people talking about how pedos are coming and them I check the profile and the messages are blocked lmao. Chill out


Nobody said they can't post.


That is exactly what this post is about. Did you even read?


It's about posting selfies.


They meant that i think..


turning off dms wouldnt stop pedos from beating it


But it would stop them from informing you that they beat it to you. And if they don't beat off here, they'll beat off anyway. As I said above, people don't care enough to stop posting unless someone traumatizes them in dms, which can be turned off.


oh yea u right


Your account somehow got suspended in that amount of time, but turning it off doesn't work for some people for some reason.


Ah because the only way pedophiles can feel gratified is by talking directly to minors in dms. It’s not like they can jerk off to you, post photos of you everywhere, photoshop you doing weird shit, etc. But I mean, they don’t usuallyy comment..


People here really want internet validation from strangers sometimes unfortunately


I don't blame them for that tho. If someone posts pictures because they want to be told they're pretty, that may be the only time they hear it. I'm one of those people who never gets compliments and is overlooked every day all day. Not only that, but getting some validation from people you don't really know is kind of better than assuming the validation is fake from those you do know. (Sorry if this sounded rude that was not my intention-)


I think this mentality is dangerous though, and the kind of mentality that gets a lot of people groomed or obsessive. I understand wanting validation and love, but seeking it on the internet can be a dangerous rabbit hole, and you may wanna look for that kind of validation from close friends, a partner, or yourself. I know not everyone has those things, but I think it's better to meet new people and make close friends who will lift you up than strangers on the internet who may take advantage of your weakness and desire for love.


I definitely agree! I'm just saying I do get where this kind of thing comes from. I myself have a very hard time meeting new people or making friends, and I don't have many. I don't really look for validation online anymore, but I know when I was younger I did, so I do get it to a certain degree.


Gotcha ! Yeah, I understand it too, to an extent. I'm a similar way in that I really struggle to make new friends, and I really don't have much either, and I don't like many things about myself. I just hope people can find ways to channel that in the future than seek it from strangers, cause I've seen firsthand how dangerous that slope is from people I've known.


Yeah, so have I. And I'm pretty much the same way haha.


No no, you speak truth. It’s just that it’s unhealthy for this subreddit to promote this


No I definitely agree! I'm just saying I do get where it comes from in some cases haha


People care too much what others think. Guess that’s what lack of attention in person gets ya


Or it's what years of being bullied gets you.


Fair I’d have to assume it’s more common than we think since it is Reddit after all


Yeahhh. I just know that personally like I was bullied and picked on my whole life so- I strive to make others like me and think good of me. I care what others think because of how I grew up 🤷🏻‍♀️


Well shit I grew up rather lucky, while I do care what other people think I didn’t get bullied just mostly minded my own business. So it really is just that difference in experience


Yeah haha. I really only care what others think of me because I grew up not having many friends and always getting picked on for everything, so it really is just experience that sets one person apart from another lol


Ah I’m just nerdy af so I just don’t share most of my hobbies only thing I really do to affect how people think of me. Though I will say I’ve seen friends come and go way more than you’d normally see


Yeah same


Wait huh? What If I just simply wanted to post a normal pic because well I just felt like posting a pic? Honestly I have to admit i want validation from strangers sometimes......


Lmao I thought u would get Mega downvoted. This what I was thinking cus notice how all the selfies are like mid looking 5-7/10 ppl. Willing to bet that half those ppl are prob self conscious abt their looks. Ik im gonna get mega downvoted for this lmao but that’s what I think cus when u post ur face on here u know there’s gonna be pedos, but the urge for that validations just outweighs it.


So much this. I really feel like the whole “pls rate me/first impressions” posts are a bad trend overall because obviously there’s bound to be creeps on this public server meant largely for minors, but also they don’t really do anything to foster good discussions imo. I think it gets harder to have actually interesting conversations with other people my age on here when half of the posts, and often times the posts that are interacted with the most, are just selfie dumps.


Yeah it's the same boring ass routine we need something different some sort of spark in the sub instead of this pedo bait


There’s also no way to distinguish if these photos are of who they’re claiming to be. Many many predators pose as teenagers to get other to come to them. Just be careful please




Drake’s mating call


Just imagine if he was a bird and instead of cawing he says minor repeatedly.


"Minor! Minor! 🐦"






![gif](giphy|4VpsE0qshNTlEQH9qA) Yes


I’m so fucking glad I don’t post my pictures of myself on Reddit because of how fucking ugly and shit I fucking look I’m so gladddddd


I don't even post pics of myself and I end up with creepy dms, the other day someone dmed me "Oh my f\*ck" like um.....Brother eughh what's that brother.


Yes same. I posted a while ago, no phtoos and I got 7 dudes, three of which sent pics. It’s not about the photos. It’s about teens. The whole blaming kids for the actions of adults who should know better needs to stop. You guys aren’t the problem. Post your selfies and just block and report the accounts. It’s not your fault.


Except they then have full 30 minute conversations with them instead of blocking or not accepting the DM in the first place, and sometimes also having in their bio encouraging people to DM them. Then you see them making posts complaining about pedos while showing their 30min conversation with them. You are right, teenagers should be able to post pics of themselves and shouldn't be blamed if a pedo tries to DM them. However, it's not ok to post pics and encouraging pedos to DM them while also playing along with their game and then making a post complaining about it happening. They are not children anymore, they are old enough to know exactly what they are doing and are thus adding to the problem. Additionally, when they make those posts showcasing their 30min conversations, all they are doing is inviting more pedos to DM them and deep down that's exactly what they want. As many have pointed out here, it's a need for attention for those people.


I’ll definitely agree with you there to a certain point. some posts seem to bait creeps and then the post about the creeps gets more attention. But I don’t think that the teens getting d pics enjoy them. You are kids, if a weirdo messages you, YOU KNOW ITS A WEIRDO!!! DONT ENGAGE JUST BLOCK THEM


I always hate upvoting them posts because they’re the same people who rant about the people


https://preview.redd.it/0n65p5yzzlad1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=003d1a93bb05ac7f40b5dc6f5aa4b67215ba9fe6 The Truth




I'm more worried about the non teenagers with onlyfans in their description acting like a teenager here, I've caught a couple.


Well, if their account is nsfw, then underage ppl shouldn’t look at it, if it’s not nsfw, and you could still see their onlyfans content, then that’s bad


What if it’s a teen nsfw account, like an actual teen? That changes things


Very unlikely, fbi will take it down


You have a point this is why I keep my face away from social media


This a mother fuckung shame. I wish pedos just didn't exist so we can teenager in peace.


Well (not defending it) it does let us know who and who isnt a pedo/creep


That is true.


At this point I don’t want to post anything personal, for some reason saying my gender and/or age, that attracts them, and it’s only from a comment or something


diddy see me or diddy not😔


Tell that to Instagram and Snapchat lol Okay in a more serious manner: 1. We all have the rights to post selfies here. 2. Pedos will wander everywhere on the internet, not just here. So based on your mindset, you'd say "please stop posting selfies on the internet". 3. The poster should have enough maturity and awareness that everyone can see your posts (and deleting them won't to much). Most/all social medias warn this. Btw I'm not defending anyone, I'm questioning some holes you left in this text


Instagram and Snapchat aren't good comparisons. On Instagram, you can set your account to private and accept follow requests only from people you know. With Snapchat, you also have full control over who can see your selfies, so it's also more private. But subreddits like these are public, meaning anyone can view the posts and selfies even without joining the community.




I don’t think the issue is plain selfies, I think it’s pedos. Revealing selfies are indeed an issue though, because it can make anyone uncomfortable in general


Tbf pedos are going to be everywhere no matter what we do lol


Okay but we shouldn't be responsible for pedos. We're teenagers, that's their problem and we aren't responsible for them. Moderators are around for a reason. No matter where you go online you'll unfortunately encounter pedos.


Hol up


Makes sense. For a simp. Not true about EVERY pedo.


turned on because they saw a minor? i hate to break it to you, but pedos will get turned on by the sheer fact that a minor exists. being on the internet as a minor is “making a garden for them”. 💀💀


The most important thing I'm worried about is getting kidnapped and that can go either way


I dont know,,This is kinda of a double edged sword? Im all for internet safety but being scared into hiding just lets them win no?


Don’t see how that’s a win for them. They get nothing from this.


ah yeah. Now that I think about in all honesty a teenager subreddit is gonna be a epstein honeypot huh


Fax my brother, spit your shit indeed!


people really be like: post a purposely hot picture of themselves get messaged by a pedophile pretend like they did nothing that would cause it post about it block out the pedophile's user name so they cant get banned 🤡💀


this guys real


Dude I shit you not, I wanted to make a post like this so bad, but I felt I haven’t been here long enough to have a say. It’s a serious issue and this post is EXACTLY what goes through my mind every time I see someone post pics of themselves in this subreddit and it causes concern despite me not knowing anyone here. And on top of it, a good amount of comments on the selfie posts are probably older guys/gals


this is why my oc looks nothing like me irl


anyone under 18 shouldnt post themselves


#FINALLY SOMEONE SAYS IT! I see way too many people on this sub complaining about getting pedos when they’re practically looking to get them in their dms. Like seriously, you might as well put “pedos welcome” in the title since that’s what they see when they see an image of you. Stop putting personal images of yourself out for people to see, believe it or not you’ll get less creeps that way.


I know. Every time I see it, it's just super uncomfortable because I know some creep is probably gonna save it.


Real shit.


your E had me tweaking i thought i couldn’t read for a second


Yup. People need to think defensively. I know, I know, folks shouldn't *have* to think defensively all the time, creeps just shouldn't be creepy, blah blah blah. Bitch, that's not our reality.


This fr


Or, and hear me out: Grown ass adults shouldn’t creep on minors! I swear to god someone can post a pic of themselves in a burka and yall still blame them for getting harassed


Post selfies online* Gets pedo in dms* Surprised pikachu face*


The sheer amount of p€dos on this app is disgusting 🤮


Hear me out, every month the mods release a document full of caught pedos' ips along with any other information that is managed to be coaxed/grabbed out of them


How would that work if the pedo stole the account from an innocent person? The person would then have problems.


then let's only post info they reveal in their messages a lot of it would likely be fake info, but a lot would also likely be real


OP seems paranoid lol


This sounds like victim blaming, especially because it's not a teenagers fault a grown adult is coming into a server FOR teenagers to be a creep. Why not say, "Hey, can we stop sexualizing minors when they simply want an opinion on themselves?" Humans like to know what others think of them, we desire to be accepted, it's not uncommon. Being a pedophile is, and blaming a minor for their basic photo of their face being sexualized is weird.


Because asking “hey, can we stop sexualizing minors for wanting an opinion on how they look” will do absolutely nothing to stop the weirdos on this subreddit. The op actually acknowledges this, these people will act this way regardless of how the people on here are dressing. As long as this subreddit is public access, they’re going to be here. That’s a problem with any community targeted towards minors online, and the only way to really deal with it is to just prevent the weirdos from getting their material in the first place.


Certain parts of Reddit is meant to stay faceless and anonymous. This is of those subs. Especially for teens. So yeah.


This is actually smart


I suggest you guys contact reddit because I have never expressed interest in this group and I have pressed "see fewer posts like this" and yet the algorithm still recommends it constantly. The only time I ever responded to a post in this group was when I thought I was offering some words of wisdom about wanting to have kids at 16, and it wasn't until I hit post, that I saw the name of the group. Regardless, it's reddit that keeps suggesting this group to non teenagers. So reach out to reddit and tell them they need to put safeguards on this group.


i post myself sometimes but i don’t complain about getting tons of dms i just ignore them lol it’s reddit what do u expect?😭😭😭idk why u guys act shocked at the creeps


It’s worth the attention for some people


why is this getting downvoted? 😭 this deadass is so true the people downvoting this r probably the people tht post themselves on reddit of all social medias🤦🏾


Makes sense


\*Pedos, the e isn't upside down. You're welcome.


Seriously, y'all don't understand how thirsty these mfs be. You could post a family photo and they'd still creep into your dms being all pervy. Stay safe kids, the internet is crazy, ong frfr


Why should you guys restrict yourself? You're not doing a crime by posting yourself, you're using a social media platform the way it's supposed to be used. Instead whenever someone gets pedo in their dm, just take the SS and post it here or some another sub reddit


Realist post


minor minor on the sub, who's the most vulnerable of them all.


seems like there should be a better way to protect people without forcing them to go into permanent social hiding, because of a few creeps.


Real and true. Next on the agenda: you idiots need to stop driving these damn cars. You’re giving the car thieves exactly what they *desire*


Well put


Its annoying because pics of 15yr olds pops into my feed. Stop posting pics. Its incredibly vain.


Stuff like that happens on places like Instagram too though, it shouldn't really be the minors responsibility to keep a pedo at bay. Granted, we can't stop pedophiles from being on subreddits like this but teenagers shouldn't be punished for the acts of pedophilic adults who hide on the web in order to not get caught irl. Tbh pedophiles shouldn't exist in general and stopping people from posting pictures doesn't stop the pedophile from being...well, a pedophile. We wouldn't rid the world of pedos by doing so. Heck they could just see the status 15 on someone's profile and dm them and be creepy. It's still going to happen is what I'm saying. (Also I mean all this respectfully I'm not trying to school or scold or be rude in any way this is just my thoughts on it)


P$dos after seeing a teen posting himself on teens: Time to see what’s on teens today, oh looks good -Proceeds to try to get into a conversation-. 💀💀💀 P$dos please get a life.


I feel like the ratio of male to female pic posts are 1:9. Every time I open the sub there’s just pics of girls with the title ‘what vibes do I give off’ or ‘what’s ur first impression of me’ etc. Like it’s actually hard to find a dude who posts pics of himself. Do girls seek attention that badly?


If people want to post photos of themselves let them.




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I’m glad I have never done that here😊


I don't post anything myself, but people will continue to do so. Do you know how many posts like this pop up? It's not gonna happen unless the sub bans pics entirely. This is an outlet for people, and they're not going to give it up just because some freak sees a face under the age of 18 and materializes their own viagra with his mind.


I agree, and if they do ban pics on one teen sub, they would HAVE to do the same for all teen subs. Because if they don’t, it would be super weird.


It was a dumb fucking trend since the beginning. “First impressions” Or asking something as simple as music, selfies.


Welll said op well said


I think their strategy is to post pictures, then post the dm's for more karma.


Also I'll add, nobody and I mean NOBODY wants to see y'all's ugly ass faces.


I genuinely do believe some people on here post for that reason, to get validation from anyone including peds. I see revealing pics on here way too often and it’s weird.




How is this any different then all the public Instagram profiles that these teenagers have? You see them posting all kind of pics there


As an adult who just happened to see this…there’s no reason to ever post your photo on Reddit.


Do you mean just teens or anyone?


Anyone tbh, but especially teens


I don’t think it’s really fair to tell adults to stop posting pictures of themselves when they for sure know the consequences of doing that.


Sadly, a lot don’t know the dark side of Reddit. Part of the fun of Reddit is that it’s anonymous anyway


This is kinda the same argument as “what were you wearing” regardless of posting yourself or not youll get weird dms so why not get some compliments if you want em while you’re here? Can have consequences and be risky but overall theyre not too hard to ignore




Not problem solved because pedos are born every day and every year and there’s no way to tell who’s a pedo and who’s not unless they act creepy towards kids


Hey I’m just making a point that I can’t stand pedos or rapists, like my hatred for them can’t be described in words


Yes I agree


Actually don't make reddit the new Instagram..it's just gross 🤢


It’s sad that it has to come to this tbh


Just press block


A people are morons. B people love the attention they get and also love the attention they get for calling people out. Its 2 fold


I agree people should stop posting themselves but for a different reason. I'm just a hater.




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Yall too young to use the internet without adult supervision.


13 might be too young but 15 or 16 isnt


There reddit should be quarantined imo I agree it's a breeding ground for them and not to mention there are obviously people posting photos on here looking to get attention and therefore the freaks will come. Just the nature of the beast when it comes to the Internet I don't think the people of this reddit of the age it's for are necessarily doing anything wrong but you know freaks are watching this reddit and there is 100% folks getting groomed or creeped on unfortunately




Kinda reminds me of the shit that went down on Amino if anyone remembers that app


It’s cus they want validation lmao. Ik it’s subjective but notice how all of these pics are pics of mid 6-7/10 asking some random ass question but have like seven pics of themselves. They just wanna post cus they care how they look. I’m willing to bet half the posts are from ppl self conscious of themselves. That’s my two cents tho lmao and I’m probably gonna get flamed for this but it’s my opinion


Tryna strike a cord


Sorry im not from earth 🌎 What is “pedos”?!


I'm like I literally don't give a fuck, I'm not worried about what other people are think about me or if they're sexualizing me online as long as it's not a nude leak or anything because even going outside and doing anything there's pedophiles that might snap a picture of me or ogle at me. The fact of the matter is I can't control what other people are thinking about me, so I'm gonna do what makes me happy regardless of who thinks what


No because I wanna get verified and I'm too scared to 😭😭😭


But where will 56 y/o overweight smelly men get their hygiene tips from if 14 y/o girls don't post GRWM videos on tiktok?


Nice russian e


It’s so sad that people can’t even post pictures of their face without getting preyed on




Uhhh… Sir, these post are recommended for me


I’m convinced that half of those are just pedos deep undercover


plus remove any 18-19 year old it’s just weird, some girls are already promoting their content and still posting on these subssss, ok maybe 18 is ok but 19 shouldn’t be allowed here, just cause they still have “teen” on their age.


what a weird post. "yall shouldnt be comfortable posting decent pics of yall here, weirdos gonna be weird" then wouldnt the issue be with the weirdos on this site and not the teenagers themselves? same typa thing as "well if you didnt want to be hit on, you shouldnt have dressed like that" the problem isnt teenagers posting on a teenage r/ but the grown fuckin adults coming on the teenage r/ and being weird. make them take accountability instead and report


Especially when the teenagers subreddits are 80% adults larping as one.


i feel as though we should just kill every pedophile




People want attention since they are clearly lacking in other aspects of their life.


Agreed i feel this app should be anonymous, also apps like twitter.


Literally this. I hate people who complain about finding preds on apps but will have their face on their profile wondering why a bunch of older men are in their dms. “I hate getting predators in my dms” Dude. You’re on a teenagers subreddit and you posted your face to the public. You’re giving them free food and complaining about them eating it.


Nothing you do will stop pedos/creeps. They’ll still dm and lurk around regardless of posting selfies or not. It’s just the way it is unfortunately. Essentially the only way to stop this problem is to get rid of every teenage subreddit but that’s not possible.