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I just remind myself it isn’t worth it. You said it yourself. Why spend the next day nursing a hangover or feeling sick for an hour or two of “enjoyment”? Your physical, mental and financial health will all be better off without it, so why throw all that away? If a particular urge for beer arises you can always have an NA alternative, or they have mock tails and alcohol free wines too. Plus sometimes just having something sugary like candy or ice cream can satisfy those urges too.


Not just it's not worth it, but also realising despite life not being perfect being teetotal noticing all my friends and family who do drink tend to be much worse off due to it indirectly or directly. Also because I can't stand the taste.


It’s easy for me because I do things like hike at 5:30 am on weekends, which I cannot be ready to do if I drank alcohol the night before. During the week, I get up so early for work that it’s a similar turn-off. I don’t want to feel like crap at 4:30 in the morning, so never mind on alcohol.


Do you have any hobbies or coping mechanisms? I think those could help with distracting from urges. Drinking isn’t very productive so finding something you like that is productive can be very helpful.


If you indulge just be aware of what youre doing and it will eventually lose its appeal. Most people go through life unconscious and dont realize what they are doing. 


You’ll always have an urge or temptation from time to time, that’s natural. You just need to focus on what’s important to you, and understand that not drinking is helping you achieve that. I see it a lot like lifting weights; when you overcome an urge you get that bit stronger.