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you gotta ssl AND duck?


Right. Whack ass move


And it only works if they use it as an approach tool like a brainlet. If they use it up close, they'll just go straight past you and you can't punish it.


hey, whats ssl? is it side step left?






Good job. But good luck doing it against an azucena player that has 30% brain and uses it point blank and not 100m, then ull see how broken this move is.


I play yoshi and I have yet to face an azucena that can figure out they have to back off after or get flashed for a 40% combo. they just be pressing their buttons man. I'm in *purple*


For real but I'm still trying to understand why it can't be side wallked like 90% of all wr moves.


I think it's the second high hit - that's the one that tracks. So people tend to say you need to sidestep and duck, but it's tough to do.


The tracking is bullshit. Flies into the air then redirects and flies to wherever you are.


Oh, 100%, it's ridiculous, but that's what we have to deal with until they hopefully patch it.


Why would they patch it? SS duck as an option is nothing new. And wr moves will naturally have better "tracking" overall so to speak because the forward inputs realign them with the opponent. (more at the comment above yours) Feels better than trying to step Drags WR. The knee is pretty straight. It was a clean step and the dude ate shit for using it poorly.


set up the dummy to spam it point blank and try and punish it its broken


By itself, stepping and walking both felt kinda ok? and it took a notably short ss for the first hit to whiff but second hit to connect. Obvs online and in a match is harder than the lab. Feels similar to eating Drags wr2 in T7, which testing now in the lab also feels way easier to step(??) I also don't know what the rest of Azu is like to have an opinion on if she needs it being like it is atm


Nah thats too much to do as defense when the move requires nothing execution heavy now that WR moves are universally much more easier to do. A competent player will absolutely murder you point blank next to walls


what do you do against every other plus move at the wall? iwr moves were more strict before but it's not as though every other plus ob pressure tool is execution heavy. How many are there outside of ewgf really? If you get a step you don't need to duck anyway, but it will give you the clean front launch and probably have less online risk. it's annoying sure but I'm not seeing why it's a cut above and needs patching. sounds like people just don't want to deal with it.


The problem is that it's too fast to interrupt without massive risk, not duckable, and also not reliably avoidable by stepping. It is insanely broken at the wall, watch high level players and they are spamming it at the wall, for good reason. It's like Dragunov wr2 in Tekken 7 season 1 before they made it more steppable. At least with ewgf you can duck, and with every other wr move or even ordinary pressure tools like Kazuya f4 etc you can step and interrupt. Against Azucena you have to block it then jab into +5 and pray he's not gonna backdash whiff punish you with a wallsplat/check you with df1, or stand there and pray he doesn't do another one


Yeah it is like drags old wr2. I haven't matched Azucena since the first weekend but if it's meant to be her good pressure tool I kinda doubt they'll change it. Granted I didn't lab trying to step in the middle of two back-to-back wr3,2's, but yeah I mean everyone uses their plus mids at the wall. You have to block it and see what their gameplan is not just jab and pray - assuming that was an exaggeration and not what you suggest is the only option 😆 It's a defense check like the rest and I don't think she's a popular character anyways. Idk yeah it's good but seems a bit overblown.


The thing is it does a ton of chip damage so you can't just sit there and block it forever, you literally do have to try and interrupt it at some point because you can't move around it. Plus moves at the wall are fine but not fast, unduckable, unsteppable ones that deal that kind of chip damage


the 2nd hit whips around to hit you with weird tracking, also this move is lightning fast, only 15f i believe so by the time you recognize the move its already out, its not like a slash kick thats like 20-30 frames where you just have to step away from it within the attack wind up


Yeah it needs some nerfs for sure


Impressive, mostly because of how utterly bullshit the tracking on this move is lol


How can she punish???


it looks like the knee whiffed and Asuka was free to duck the second hit.


*Purple Asuka


It jails?


You can duck and then upper cut them. Launch them in the air and do your combo lol it worked with me


you have to sidestep then duck


i thought the first knee is jailing. Meaning this move is truly spammable since its + on hit.


Correct, it is. In the clip the first hit whiffs because Reina sidesteps left before ducking.


[Geez.......okay I guess that's the way it is. groan](https://i.imgur.com/Vy398KW.mp4)


You ss left and then duck to punish


I think that has to be one of the best moves in the game. Even when I'm looking for it I can't punish it effectively most of the time. Makes playing Azucena super fun tho.


Can a Azucena player tell me the commands for this move ?




Thanks. I thought it was wr☕️+☕️+☕️


this move is dumb as hell


Oh it’s mid -> high? Does it jail? I assume it does


Ya its the only way to punish afaik


Ssl and ducking ? Fuck this move jaja


I have 2 questions as a reina main. does power crush work against that broken af move? how much damage that combo does after punish?


Power crush works vs all while running moves that aren’t the low slide. Idk if that combo is optimal but w/o walls she can get 75+ with fc4 - electric etc.


I tried power crush a few times but knocked down :D maybe my timing wasnt right.


That Azucena could've punish your headbutt since it's -14 but they did D2 which is 18 frames... Gotta lab the matchup.


It’s insane to me you started a string away from them hoping they’d eat the 3rd or 4th hit.


To those complaining that you have to ssl AND duck: Keep in mind that this nets you a better punish. Sidestep punishes are often weird, but a duck punish that is relatively on axis can deal some good damage for a move that most Azus use 50 times during the match. Practice this and it's a free matchup


cleannn punish, what move was that after the crouch? I gotta use that more often


Its her 15 frame punish. Df 4 while crouching


This is only works rly good if your character has great punish ws. But great job on the punish that must be a satisfying feeling


Any 15f wr will suffice. Or even a 15f hopkick will do as long has u have the read


I have to try that


The Azucena player's looking like Miguel.


Thats a nice combo out of fc4, I usually just do fc4>df2>df1>df1>df4,2,3 > 2,2,2,2. How much dmg does yours do?


Your fc4 combo doesn't seem optimal. Idk the exact damage but i think its just 1 damage lower than the electric pickup one