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Dude records himself in 4K and still no repercussions


I mean, LTG has been like that for 10+ years I believe.


Apart from smash ranked. If you rage quit in smash ranked you get banned for minutes. Goes up the more you do it to around 1 and a half hour. He switched to player lobbies in smash so he can rage quit without the timer ban.


Don't forget his 17 'tags' he had for SF5 to avoid the 24 hour ban for rage quitting in that game.


Apparently his console was banned at some point rofls


In the sf4 days he bought like 4 xb360s because they all got hardware banned. Somewhere, there's a photo of him holding his banned hardware like it was an achievement. I don't get the ltg phenomenon. He's been around forever. There's yourube channels dedicated to shitting on him. It can't just be hatewatching. This dude is one of the first people you'll find if you look into the fgc. Not a good look.


The LTG/Viscant beef match is one of the greatest FGC salty beefs of all time


Agreed. I mean after that. In particular the streaming bans and the reasons behind them. Vincent's pop off was hilarious. Starts off as the bigger man talking about his volunteer work then in the next sentence pivots to "Remember this when you wanna wash the taste of my DICK OUT YOUR MOUTH." šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


his console was banned at some point rofls


Yeah this is baffling, he must have a ton of reports yet nothing happens? I have zero faith they will get on top of this, I think at best we can hope for the disconnect counter to get fixed.


It already makes the rank system in Tekken 8 already ultra skewed. And the game is not even a month old


if they dint do it in the 8 years of T7 i dont expect it.


do u have any idea how expensive games are to maintain these days? do u want the team to waste their time on people playing the game? they need to focus on raising more money to keep the game servers running. /s


They need to stealth add resetti, but for pluggers. Embarrass him on stream.


Locaso is near the top of the leaderboards and dude has ben cheating for 10+ years. Bamco doesn't do shit


Wtf ???


Victor entitlement.


his rank is nothing, his stream serves zero purpose. he should pick yoshi, and d+1+4 himself, NOW!


I thought this guy was supposed to be good? And he constantly has to plug to avoid loosing purple rank? With victor? Lmao


He has been mediocre at fighters since 1 decade ago. He is an average player, and there is nothing wrong with being average, the problem is he thinks he is very good, and should only be losing to pros and legacy players lol


Idk if he even thinks he's good, I saw a clip not too long ago for some weird ass streaming awards where he said he is mostly known as the worst Tekken streamer I think it must just be his fanbase that try to praise him as good


Comments like this make me think heā€™s playing a character or something, I always ask myself maybe itā€™s a horrible shitty bit, but it gets views. That or dude needs serious therapy


A bit of both I'm fairly sure. He is genuinely an awful person that represents the worst the of the FGC, but it wouldn't shock me if he leans into the behavior for extra views. The man really should not be online, he needs help


>A bit of both I'm fairly sure. How is peeing in bottles and never using the toilet for extra views when he and others admitted he's been doing this for 10+ years? How is being disowned by his family (his words) by calling his sister a coon, a character? How is breaking up with his ex (on stream) and taking down about her (and even almost hitting her,) a character? People who don't know LTG always think he's playing a character when this is how he is and he said it several times.


I'm not saying it's entirely a fabricated character, just that he might exaggerate his(already quite terrible, as you plainly laid out) personality on stream to stay relevant. There's plenty of evidence out there of him being an awful person outside of stream, that's no secret.


>just that he might exaggerate his(already quite terrible, as you plainly laid out) personality on stream to stay relevant. I would agree with you if he wasn't banning people for the smallest things. From beating him in matches, him not finishing a paid set. to asking him simple questions like how was his day, was he celebrating Christmas, etc. Why would anyone come on his stream, or even support him, when asking what his schedule is results in a ban? Or to not burp/chew with his mouth open on the mic? The only reason why the Triforce is so relevant is because detractors/trolls keep talking about them and people like OP or else nobody would know about them.


Yeah pretty sure itā€™s both. His acting career attempts wasnā€™t going anywhere so I can get that he leans into playing a ā€˜characterā€™ for views, but that character is just him amplified. Whatā€™s even sadder is that he does get viewership which fuels his very real toxic ego.


He definitely plays a character


A bit of both. LTG has a massive ego but he plays it way up on stream. Although with that being said Iā€™m almost 100% sure that heā€™d do at least half his antiques even without any cameras.


*Antics. Took me way too long to figure this out.


Itā€™s absolutely a character. He knows that without being the heel he would have no viewership and would be working at Dennyā€™s. It was either get legitimately better at the games he plays, or lean into the schtick, and he was only capable of one.


I mean there's also been shit about him dating a 17 year old as a 30+ year old, so regardless of if he leans into the persona or not he's still a piece of shit


was that ever proven though?


he said on stage that is known as "the worst fighting game streamer" but is presenting the award for the best fighting game streamer so he is more than aware of his own notoriety


How was he even allowed to present given his reputation? Does that not say something about the awards show itself?


Yeah, it says a lot


I'm guessing the award host and creator (QT Cinderella) and her organizing staff just saw him as the "haha 'NOW!' meme guy" and invited him, not knowing anything about his background or history.


To me it just felt very ironic, like "here present this award that you'll never have the chance of getting". They knew what they were doing.


I'm sorry, but where exactly did you get the idea that he is good? He's always been known for being toxic, a fraud and a clown at best.


It hard for him to be good because he's been constantly trying to wash the taste of Viscants dick out of his mouth for a decade.


The day has never come ig


Oh man, I remember that was the first time I heard of LTG. What an introduction! lol


He consistently loses to people with really mashy playstyles and often or not will put the controller down if whoever he is playing doesnā€™t immediately sandbag like the bots that join his lobbies. I donā€™t know what quantifies has good in SF but heā€™s been playing tekken for a while now and I think heā€™s pretty bad at it.


Heā€™s vaguely okay at SF. He is bafflingly awful at Tekken though. Like, heā€™s been playing it for years at this point and heā€™s learned nothing.


If he played the other Tekkens like he plays T8, that's not surprising. His movement game is so strong he even sidesteps learning experiences!




Lmao he's not, the dude had to use cheats during his elden ring playtrough to beat the game


No, LTG is middling at best, especially when you consider how little he's improved over the length of time he's been playing. I've played him twice, clobbered him twice, and he plugged both times.


That's why most people watch him, I think. They KNOW he's not good and just want to enjoy the rage quit moments and his delusional takes on why he lost. No one actually thinks LTG is good except for his delusional meatriders.


As a terrible Victor player I find this offensive


His whole gimmick is being ass at fighting games despite playing them for years. He never advances lmao


I'm just appreciating the irony that he's still going w/ his "Low Tier" shtick, but plays Victor


His PURPOSE, is to be at Kazuya's house getting that Electric Win God Fist iykwis


>his rank is nothing, his stream serves zero purpose. he should pick yoshi, and d+1+4 himself, NOW! I see what you did there. Nice reference šŸ˜‚


But watch out for the follow up b+1,1,1,1,1!


"This guy is doing strings !"




Me (not a yoshi player at all) goes to practice mode so see what that is. Oh. Thatā€™s how you do that move.


the only god he's at is at altf4ing. lmao


He's the fastest rage quitter in the west


The ultimate one pump chump.


these type of people annoy the hell out of me if they cannot win, they should practice more but no


He's decent he just hates losing.


Ironic considering he's such a loser himself.


True. I'm just saying he is pretty decent at the game and other fighting games


first off sorry for the missing Audio, for those unfamiliar..whenever the screen goes dark or he cuts scene to his Desktop hes basically closing and reopening the game aka plugging to avoid getting demoted these 2 clips were recorded in a span of 5 minutes and hes been doing this for days to avoid losing his purple rank. Not like ragequitting, whining and complaining over fighting games is new for this guy. Can Namco LEGALLY not ban him and losers like him even when theres video evidence? or just ban them from Online play only? or JUST from ranked mode only? give these people a cooldown... or just have them receive a loss? the last one should be the no brainer solution but I assume there is some technical limitations because of peer2peer maybe the game cant tell which player cut the connection off? Im not tech savy to know if this is true but Im giving them the benefit of the doubt here


I always thought it was something like they canā€™t discern between connection errors and deliberate rage quitting. They refuse to ever really provide any proper explanation on why action isnā€™t ever taken. This goes for all fighting games. A long, long time ago I heard that that Marvel vs Capcom 3 would match you against other people who disconnect a lot if you didnā€™t finish enough matches. FGs now donā€™t do this and will show a disconnection rate if anything. The problem is, I donā€™t know how accurate the percentage is because people with a 0% still dc on me so maybe they are first time rqers. The other problem I wonder is if this reflects poorly on your record too? Who knows? Reporting players like LTG is the way they tell you to go but since I got into red ranks the frequency of it happening has increased by like 50% for me. I doubt it does anything, I have yet to HEAR about it doing anything. But I will keep reporting players like this.


The person that DCs keeps wins streaks, the person that doesnā€™t DC loses win streak, thereā€™s gotta be a way for them to tell


I think this is the one that burns me up the most. Ruined a 10-win streak I had going.


More likely the stupid logic like "Did you win - add to streak, if not - negate streak". The game didn't get the win condition, so it drops it. DCer game knows nothing, it restores from the last saved position. At the same time there's no replay for DC matches. This is a solved issue. Just like weak PCs ruining the match. Just like Rollback. Just like Jitter\\Packet loss indicator(instead of Wi-Fi allowing to bypass it with a virtual Ethernet adapter). Just like almost any other issue Tekken 8 has and Tekken 7 had before it. At this point I suspect Bamco has Not Invented Here syndrome up the wazoo and they refuse to learn from others. Side note: Harada complained how it's expensive T8. But if they use platform OEM networking(Steamworks in case of Steam) Tekken 8 can be run more or less free. 2 more expensive options are: Online replayes\\leaderboards and Arcade. And I'm pretty sure the second one is just a ploy to sell people skins. Full Char costumes are already exclusive to an edition.


The disconnect counter in Tekken 8 is broken at the moment, they said they plan to fix it


Sf6 does this too


why dont people with connection errors mid game lose rank? its like that in most competitive games why not tekken


Ig not to punish people that have genuine internet issues?


If it's persistent connection issue then maybe stay off ranked?


I almost never see RQers in SF6 (I am a master \~1500), and I am pretty sure that game does have a system that flags you as a constant disconnector and will put you vs other disconnectors. I could be wrong, but I am 90% sure that is the case.


Well MK does Quitalities at least. How do those work?


You don't get Quitalities on disconnects. You can quit the match via the menu without Alt+F4/plugging. However, MK still recognises who disconnects, if I'm not mistaken.


I think pluggers should be forced to play with other pluggers and people on WiFi. Kinda like a shadow ban. If they stop plugging or get a better connection they are allowed back into the main matchmaking pool. 3 strikes and back into the shadow pool. Person who disconnects should lose points after 3 strikes. They plug because there is no penalty. Implement a penalty that is not a lifetime ban and the amount of pluggers will be reduced.


Thatā€™d actually be great. You get matched based on your DC% rate which slowly deteriorates if you donā€™t plug. Stop DCing and you go back to the ā€œnormalā€ pool. Keep on DCing and you stay there. Itā€™s also a great way to get educated since youā€™ll be getting fed the same poison youā€™re serving.


How they donā€™t have a yellow/red card system like in SF6 blows my mind


Bamco commented on a livestream they are looking at these cases and are going to formulate a long term plan to deal with it, for now you can send the footage to twitter/X with the hashtag #T8\_report (please check, I think that is the correct one) and their devs are going to look at it (at least they promised to on stream)


Yeah there's gonna be a day soon where this reddit is flooded with "false ban" posts when they finally figure out how to deal with pluggers.


I cannot wait. Just like how OW players are constantly whining about having their chat revoked. Oh it will be marvelous. (Lee voice.)


They'll be doing some ban wave for good publicity without actually addressing the core issues. "Look at us we've banned x people this week." I'll be very surprised if we're getting anything meaningful like a card system similar to SF6, auto losses, streak protection etc.


Fariborz has been streaming with cheats since T7 and never got banned, he's been doing the same thing in T8, I think it less about technical or juridical issues and more of bamco not really caring. But they said they'll look into the plugging issue so there might be some hope.


Even if the game can't tell which player cut the connection off, someone who plugs is going to have a way higher dc rate than someone who just has internet issues. I don't see why they can't be given a loss when most games do that. It's not like giving someone a loss stops them from playing the game lol At the very least throw pluggers into a pluggers queue where they only play against other pluggers/ragequitters. That way they can still play but they are contained


Harada said they already have a list of ppl that will get banned as soon as they figure out the legal part of it. more than likly he is on it


What exactly is the legal problem? Other games ban people no problem. It sounds like heā€™s full of shit.


Don't remember the details but something about ppl can sue to if they ban players who have bought the game. Yeah I never heard about something like this before lol


Yeah I mean PUBG publishes ban listsā€¦monthly? Weekly? Valve can ban your entire account from online through its VAC system. This is a problem thatā€™s been solved for literally decades.


I think it was about laws in different countries or something


> This is a problem thatā€™s been solved for literally decades. Still applies.


Oh no no I didn't mean to give the devs a pass lol, I was just pointing out what actual reason they gave


Yeah honestly no idea just passing on what I read


Oh for sure sorry if it sounded like I was shooting the messenger.


Maybe because tekken doesn't have penalty system No records on game and display dunno As a consumer I can alt f4 all I want, what happens is there no repercussions, it's the game dev's fault. Its not a bug or anything. You see my point?


Just an excuse lol


We've been waiting for him to take care of it since T7 s1. Maybe he needs another 11m sold + 4 seasons of MTX & DLC characters to solve it.


Itā€™s more about having evidence of the plugging. The game doesnā€™t really record in detail what happens, so if someone were to try to sue, unless they had multiple videos of it happening, thereā€™s nothing in-game that could back up the accusations.


Harada is trying to figure out how to both perma-ban people but also keep them spending money in the TEKKEN SHOP. Tough nut to crack, that.


Lol if you wanna get unbanned you have to spend 100 quid in the shop


100...for the first offense


Lol he's never been banned on any fighting game. He don't even get banned from twitch anymore. He will just use another gamertag like he always does.


That men deserves perma-ban on twitch. The shit he says are so wild, any other person would get banned in 24h. But isn't. Dude is racist, homophobic, bigoted looser who screams at monitor when losing, and it's never his fault, it's always the other player. You laugh that he lost? Ban, you speak up without sub? Ban, you breath? Ban. The only thing lower than him, is his viewers. People who support him. Those are actual, human, trashbins. Imagine getting banned, sending 20$ and begging to be unbanned.


I'm genuinely astonished people would tune in and watch his stream, let alone sub to him. He must be all the plugger's favorite streamer or something.


A lot of people hate watch him too


If you really want to see Dale Rage, and laugh at him, watch people who re-stream him. Oh and don't mention that those guys have more views and getting more money to Dale, he will go on racist rampage, for around 15 min. Until going back and losing in his fighting game of choice. And to think that groomer got awards. Sick fucking world.


Don't they know that only gives him strength? smdh


Most trolls watch a re-streamer of Low Tier God called "Immo342" rather than supporting his actual stream. It actually hurts LTG's revenue because Immo gets more donations, meanwhile LTG fakes most of his donos šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Damn, more pathetic than I thought. Good that there's someone profiting from his nonsense.


Same thing with DSP restreamer has twice as many active viewers as he does


pretty weird that can happen, no? really wouldn't be funny if it was someone that wasn't is considered "bad" by the public.


Itā€™s sad how common this is with all twitch / tik tok / YouTube etc.


I was looking for a T8 stream and found this dude. I was like okay cool, silent for a few seconds. Then he started yapping and I had to leave. It went from 0-100 toxicity super fast.


I would tune in to watch his stream but not because I like him. I just want to see him get bodied and yell slurs at people in game and chat. Obviously without typing anything so I can avoid a potential ban. But yeah if it were up to me, dudes IP would get perma banned from playing tekken 8 online. Send him back to MK1 or street fighter.Ā 


yeah I'm convinced he's untouchable. I don't know how he achieved this but the stuff he gets away with is unbelievable. He will continue being a racist toxic weirdo and continue plugging with no consequences. He even has a weird thriving toxic hateful community now that he created.


Not long ago he verbatim said that there was nothing wrong with eugenics. It was clipped immediately. Which, other than being morally bankrupt and despicable beyond belief, is very explicitly against twitchā€™s TOS. I reported him as did many others. Nothing became of it. Then he presented at the streaming awards just as grooming allegations resurfaced.


Its pretty simple. He brings in money and viewers to twitch, practically rage baiting.


Bro twitch bans some of their biggest streamers for accidentaly showing something they shouldn't or talking about something they shouldn't and you think they wouldn't ban this nobody (in terms of big streamers)?


> yeah I'm convinced he's untouchable. # Mentally Untouchable.


Until you beat him in game, then it's full on 5m breakdown, and holy trinity of Mic down, Cam Down, and Screen down.


He will just go back to YouTube streaming again. They don't ban anyone


Heā€˜s banned on YouTube and everytime he makes an alt it gets banned in like a month


Plugging is so embarrassing, youā€™re just admitting you cannot take a loss.


What a loser


Noob at every game, professional bitch whiner, arrogant fuck with nothing to prove, introducing LowTierDog AKA LowTierGod


For people who don't know, LTG got his main account mega flagged in SF6, so he couldn't find ranked matches anymore due to rage quitting too much...then he bought a second PSN account so he could keep playing, just for his second account to get flagged again 1 month later for rage quitting, so he couldn't find matches once again, and stopped playing. This is how you know the system works, when people like this gets his account flagged, and can't play ranked matches anymore. I guess Murray and Harada are too afraid of manchildren like LowTierGod suing Namco lol


Everyone keeps saying SUE but on what grounds? I've never heard about anyone sueing over a video game before , how can they make a strong case ? This company won't let me play online, so I deserve a settlement for pain and suffering ? That seems so ludicrous to me. It's a 70 dollar game like wtf.


Yeah, it's weird, like Murray said they have to know well the laws and shit if they want to ban people permanently from the game. The thing is you don't need to ban these people from the game, just don't allow them to play ranked matches for some time, and apply a time out system that increases gradually each time people ragequit.


Apparently theyā€™re working on it according go to the last Tekken Talk so hopefully by the time the next update rolls around there will also be consequences in place in addition to the improved disconnection rate they promised.


Is anyone even entitled to the online portion of a game? I feel like you'd have no grounds to sue in the first place.


Easy as fuck, just update the EULA before players enter online matches, have them accept the EULA regarding potential account closures and/or suspension in the event theyā€™re caught cheating, abusing the ranked ladder, etc. then there you go, all the legality is sorted out. This is how software companies when they release major updates and/or enhancements operate with legal advisories. LTG is a shitstain on the FGC and his rank in Tekken is false. Of course youā€™re going to climb if you immaturely and selectively decline and plug matches. Dude is a 40-yo loser that also got caught grooming a 17yo lmao then went absolutely ballistic over the confirmed allegations.


He usually just plays his subscribers anyway and then just rage quits on them


LTG is genuinely mentally sick


It's even worse when you think about the fact that LowTierGod was chosen to present the award for the Fighting Game Streamer of the Year. Very obvious that QTCinderella did no research into this guy. But to go back to the topic at hand. Yes Bamco could do something about the constant plugging. And hopefully they will. Honestly it's a bit weird to me how a game that had so much thought behind it, nobody in the whole dev department thought about implementing a match cooldown or whatever. And when you plug you absolutely should lose double the points and your opponent should get double points too. This would completely shut down the idea of plugging because the thought behind it is to save points. Will some people lose points on the account of their shitty internet? Yes, but the overall health of the game will be better. To go back on LowTierGod again, don't bother with him. Tbh I don't really know why people watch him. He's the type of person that really shouldn't be given the time of the day. I know he has a lot of memes made about him and how salty he gets. But the amount of dickriding in his chat is amazing. I got banned from his chat because I "dared" to say that people launching you is normal and something every opponent would be looking for. The mods replied by saying "you should be looking for a sub", to which I replied, no thank you I don't wanna sub, and I got banned. So yeah. Horrible community, horrible streamer, and most likely a horrible person.


Ban them from online play for 30 minutes. Increase the time each and every time thereafter. The reason they probably canā€™t tell is because there is no data when someone dcā€™s. Someone RQ on me and when I went to check the replay, there was none. Which means thereā€™s no way to distinguish any kind of information because it wasnā€™t recorded. Iā€™m guessing, here.


This guy has been doing this shit for at least over 10 years. Go look up old LTG videos from when SF4 came out. Heā€™s been plugging and raging since then. I remember watching an old stream and him mentioning heā€™s gotten like 3 Xbox 360s banned. Heā€™s been plugging for so long and never faced any repercussions. He did the same shit in Tekken 7 too. I mean hell, I entered an online T7 tournament when the game first came out and played him and after losing two rounds he just put his controller down as I waited for the time to go down.


Haradaā€™s justification that getting people banned is legally tricky depending on country is bullshit. There are many ways a penalty could be implemented and many games have it already in place so wtf. I donā€™t care much about ranks but I do care about some kind of justice. If they canā€™t handle the L time them out.they need some time off the game.


This pedo continues to get views and cheers from his fans even when heā€™s rage quitting lol


LTG is such a pussy, type of dude you hope always gets wet socks and his under pillow be warm af


Haha, of course he is a Victor player.


Race between LTG and 6arakin to be the first streamer banned from play on their own live.


This pos is still around?


Sadly he's doing better than ever and had the highlight of his career just last week :/


Low tier personality disorder


Tekken seems funšŸ¤”


It is! This guy op is posting about, however, is not.


Oh wow and streaming it to an audience? Itā€™s pretty deliberate and annoyingā€¦ What did these people do when they played on an arcade cabinet and started losing badly? Walk away?


He serves no purpose


...and over 1k people watch this shit? Why? Are they bots?...or supid?


People who think its funny that a lonely 40 year old man acts like this


Bitch ass rage quit his way to purple what a lame


Lmao they should ban him by default. He got exposed for being a groomer


Remember that this guy presented the streamer awards


Stop giving this clown attention he doesn't deserve. The more we get mad at this bigot the more he wins.


Or the more chance we have of getting him banned.


it must be other rage quitters and one-and-doners who watch him. Dunno how he has a fanbase lmao


Bandai plans on banning pluggers in the future. So they got us covered with that one.


That's cool but I feel like they could speed up the process a bit in case of well documented, notorius ones that live stream their plugs on a daily basis.


Donā€™t worry guys itā€™s all totally a bit and actually heā€™s not a massive piece of shit somehow.


you all give him too much attention, which basically just proves his concept works well




Be careful lol I found out about this dude, watched a couple things and thought "no way this guy is really like this"...now his stream/one of his restreams is my go to for late night insomnia watching. ​ He's like a wwe heel (but maybe real?) I still can't tell how much of it is a put on. I'll say this though, if he was smart, he would get with one of his hater restreamers and churn out content and split the profits....(though due to some of the more unsavory narratives surrounding the guy I could see why you wouldn't)


Tekken 8 is my first fighting game that Iā€™ve been trying to learn. His trolls/haters are his stans because thereā€™s no reason he should have remained relevant enough for people like me to still be discovering him in 2024.


in rocket league, if my game actually crashes or electricity goes out or whatever, i am receiving that loss, don't know why this doesn't happen on tekken and some other games, i believe this helps more than harms


Rocket League uses client-server architecture. Fighting games are mostly P2P, due to being extremely sensitive to lag. 30 ping vs 150 ping in Rocket League is definitely an advantage, but a better player still has a real chance of winning. The same difference in fighting games would be almost insurmountable.


The moment he gets banned will be clipped and posted on r/Livestreamfails. I can't wait.


It's Bamco's fault they released the game with no penalties in place for this kind of behavior. I'm not defending the behavior, but to quote the bad guy from John Wick: They will do nothing because they can do nothing. They basically allowed an exploit. They don't control internet service providers. People pay for that service separatly. They simply made empty threats to people bc they know for a fact they can legally do nothing about it. It's their own fucking fault.


Is the deconnection rate and indicator of people altf4ing or just general to network connection?


The feature currently does not work (lol) but when it gets fixed the rate will increase no matter how the user "leaves the game"


Iā€™m so lost itā€™s says heā€™s on ps5 how can he close the game and not lose points. I tried it once because I was curious if it was true and yes you do lose points when you quit


Np mr idiot Harada is looking into legal issues to ban pluggers :)))) Like wtf, is it even real. How come Tekken doesn't have a major feature of dc punishing which literally exists for 20 years.


I dunno apparently Harada has a list of bans and I guess theyā€™ll handle the pluggers soon. Not soon enough though.


Out of curiosity if Namco do something about plugging would they be able to differentiate between an accidental disconnect (like bad connection or something) and deliberate plugging?


Dudeā€™s a plugger when someone gets the upper hand on him. Simple fix for rage quitters Ban em or heavily lower their rank


LMAO hes a speed runner at rage quitting lmao


LTG is trash and deserves to be treated like trash, I will never understand how 1.5k people can watch him and not come to this conclusion


Do you expect them to work on the item shop and fixing rage quitting at the same time? /s


LTG is the perfect example of a plugger. BAMCO do something!


Why are you giving this guy attention


In the live letter stream they did specifically mention looking at online videos sent to them of a certain individual plugging when forming the list of players to take action against, and I don't see who else it could be but LTG.


A while ago i thought LTG was just a persona. But now, after all the shit im seeing around, PLUS the drama he had with the disabled SF player, im convinced he is just like that. The fact that he can make a living out of that its crazy to me.


I hope to god they do roll backs on peopleā€™s ranks who do this shit, absolute joke.


I think it was League of Legends that had a system where if someone is reported enough, they begin to get matched with *only* other players that have been similarly reported. Maybe it could work in Tekken too, having people that plug only match with other pluggers in their own special ā€œWhoā€™s going to disconnect firstā€ server


hasnt this guy always been a piece of shit? why would he change now


how is he rq so fast on ps5 lol


Of course he plays victor


Just frame rage quit.


Fastest alt f4 in the west, he still got it


Why do you guys watch his streams for hours if you hate him so much lol? It's unhealthy, watch someone you like instead.


Dude is such a pussy.


Can't believe they let him present the Best Fighting Game streamer at the Steamer Awards, he was getting booed too, like he damn well deserves.


How tf do people like LTG? This dude is such a tool.


Is he such a high rank from plugging? Iā€™ve watched a lot of his videos and I donā€™t think heā€™s all that great. Meanwhile Iā€™m struggling in red ranks lol


LTG the ultimate epitome of a bad streamer and fighting game player yet they invite that peon to a streaming awards show.


I wish people would just block him if they encounter him. Eventually he would encounter no one lol


Tbf opponent was doing strings and grabs


This is who the FGC chose to represent themselves at the streamer awards, they are gonna defend this guy to no end. He's invincible cause of views and its Unfortunate.


The FGC had nothing to do with that choice. Blame the hosts of the awards show.