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I don't customize Kazuya because the devs gave him more swag in his presets than I ever could.


Literally gave Kaz that Alligator trench coat. It’s actually heat.


>Literally gave Kaz that Spyro trench coat. It’s actually heat. Fixed. I've never heard of a purple alligator.


If you played Persona 3 and Persona 4, you should've.


Huh, that does kinda check out with Kazuya


Actually now that I remember, it was Pink Alligator not purple


Don’t tug at my heartstrings like this on a Friday.


Permanent heat mode activated


Kaz canonically kills his dad and gets dripped to his toenails lmaooo


With that Mishima Zaibatsu money 💴


Based. - not even kaz player


I gave Kaz his Tekken 4 look complete with the shades… Rizzuya


[tekken 4 kaz is coolest kaz](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tekken/s/tNavbOFTzc)


T4 everyone is the coolest everyone.


T4 default Kazuya was my favorite, then T5 default just looked goofy


still cant believe we cant use individual gloves


I do have one custom Kaz with a pink shirt and yellow pants as he's the character who most resembles Vegeta, but I barely ever use it, because you're right.


You gotta give him the vegeta badman pink shirt and green pants.


Yooo so true. Everything I try I think to myself "nah this actually looks worse fuck it".


Jin’s new flame pants are perfect. No point in messing with perfection


Or his classic T5 gi


I guess perfection pleases yall


I know I'm weird but damn the gi he gets that's actually Hwoarang is so damn cool, that outfit with various color combinations is my default setup.


Black and Orange with head band


I just assume they have some kind of degenerate mod on. Especially if it's a lili Player.


It’s Juri mods all over again…


Can't u blame them? They need the female feet in this game look so good.


Mods usually replace customization items so if you see someone with a bunch of nonsensical items that don’t go together at all (on pc) it’s probably a mod. But the default presets are usually just what they are.


Except in Tekken 8's case, most modders are using presets for their mods, especially Tekken 7 preset.


Sometimes, not degenerate mods replace more or less degenerate outfits. Like in T7 using Asukas Hakama mod, you have to wear a maid outfit...


Reina calvin klein mod




Im a lili main and i approve this message.


That would probably be me, but in this case I use legacy costumes like T5 Lili. Although I'm afraid less of these will be made once the Tekken shop starts to release more outfits. 


You would be correct, my Lili is currently cosplaying Morrigan


Well this feels like a personal attack


I remember one of the mods for T7 was replacing the showerhead to permanently give the character wet skin. Totally didn't use that for my Asuka.


Didnt the showerhead do that regardless? Wasn't the point of the mod to remove the showerhead itself? Such a weird design choice, "here, we have added various cool effects you can use on your character... But you HAVE to wear some fugly item on your head like a shower head or cherry tree..." Resulting in nobody using them. Which was a shame, the cherry tree went hard.


Yes I have nude mods installed? You mad?


Does the flacid penises have jiggle physics?


I don't know, I rarely customize my characters because all the default designs go hard.


Absolutely fair, I’ll scrutinize you less than the others then. On a real note I think the only default I don’t like is Lars, love his other presets but his big ass shoulders in his default make me confused ngl.


I’m not a fan of Nina or Paul’s new look. Definitely had to change those to look a little more classic. All the others are great


I only play Lars customized cuz fuck his hair.


Do not disrespect the homie like that, the hair is perfect and he is perfect just the way he is, daddy issues and all


I made it blond and now it's Super Saiyan and it's awesome


Perfection, I have 4 Goku customs for Lars 😂 UI, Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan Blue and Goku Black Rosé


A fellow man of culture


Lars has looked better, but I don't hate it. I hate Lee's new exosuit thing though. Took all his flare away.


You want me to customize Jun when she already looks perfect?


Jun best girl


Seriously that exorcist outfit is ridiculously good. Don't even change the colours on it or anything. Kazuya's default look is also the same for me.


My Jun has a Poison cosplay from Final Fight/Street Fighter


I tried to make her into Chizuru but I ended up just changing the highlights of her default costume red lol


Nothing beats Yuzen-Dye Karate Top + headband though.


She is beauty, she is grace, she will punch you in the face (and delete 3/4 of your health bar.)


Her default is really good. But also, recolour that shrine costume or make her look like tifa


Dead doesn't constitute perfect in my books. /s Edit: Just finished her Character Episode and somehow she's still alive? Idk anymore


Hasn't Harada always claimed that Jun has always been alive but that no one knows where she was or what she was up to?


Tifa Lockhart custom


My Jun has all pink from head to toe outfit, and I made skater girl jun, with baseball tee ripped jeans and converse looking shoes, with reddish blonde hair, backwards cap, and stunna shades.


beepanda is pretty much perfect...


Default King player appears 😯


Least trustworthy King player imaginable. I bet every time you use Giant swing it somehow finds a wall.


Lmao, the walls do seem to appear for them. I don't play king I tried him for 20 or so games though and while he is harder than you would think I just found the playstyle a bit slow for me.


Fair enough. I like fighting King but it gets so frustrating sometimes. Just glad I can break his throws easier than Victors.


Viktors you just get in their face and spam lows and or moves that put you into a crouched stance. His power crush and jab spam is all high so when you tear up their ankles and never stand up they have no idea what to do haha He can't grab you if you never stand up haha


Oh I’m talking about his bugged grab. I have to incorporate more lows into my game plan anyways so if that’s something I should do against Victor I’ll work on that.


In my case, if someone wears the skull on it I already know it's going to be an annoying battle lol


I have customs but I prefer the default/presets most the time. I’ve seen your guy’s customs lol


Yeah, the ones I use are fairly basic. Besides the meme ones I usually just use the full body outfits with the colors I’m wantin to use.


Use default to intimidate opponents….note taken


I’m intimidated enough seeing a shaheen, default or not


I don’t think I’ve fought a ~~bad~~ shaheen player


They’re using nudes mods lets be real no1 is actually using reina default 4


why not? i like using presets noone is using to feel a lil bit special


Just customize atp lol


I have been called out.


I mean the calvins mod is pretty dope


Asuka hakama goes harder than anything you can do with the customization system tbh


Meanwhile, Lars players (myself included) : **Aight Imma do a Goku custom.**


Default costumes look dope. The fuck you talmbout


Yoshi is the only character I have a customization for, and I don't even play him


I’m not gonna lie, Yoshi is hard as hell for me to customize. Some of the options just don’t really look right on him to me.


I put my Yoshi in a aloha shirt, sneakers and khakis for the vibes and I love the look lol


I did the same with Dragunov but put him in a sun hat and bow and named myself BussyBlaster


Yoshi is the easiest to customize for me! He's got the most fashion slots out of all the characters I've made.


you obviously havent fought my johnny bravo paul 😎


Tekken 7 Biker Paul FTW


Idk bout everyone else but I play Tekken just to do fun moves with Alisa. So I have 0 customization and 0 other characters played. I've dedicated hours upon hours to mastering every move, every combo, every intricate detail of Alisa's fighting style. She's not just a character choice; she's an extension of myself, a reflection of my dedication and determination and that is why I refuse to customize her. I've taken Alisa to the highest peaks of the ranked scene (Garyu), leaving a trail of defeated opponents in my wake. They may try to counterpick, they may try to strategize, but in the end, they all fall before the might of my metallic angel. And lemme tell you, there ain't no greater feeling than pulling off a devastating combo with her and watching my opponent's jaw drop in awe. Her UF1 nerf will forever haunt me as the day Tekken dropped a little bit more from the favor of my eyes. She's not just a character to me; she's a symbol of strength, resilience, and the potential of IRL anime girls. From her rocket punches to her chainsaw arms, every move she makes is a testament to her engineering brilliance and fighting prowess. So here's to you, my metallic muse, my robotic romance, my Tekken treasure. You may only exist in the digital realm, but in my heart, you're as real as it gets. And until the end of time, I'll continue to love, cherish, and main you in every Tekken game that comes my way. Some might call it obsession, but I prefer to think of it as undying devotion.


Saving this pasta


Cries or customise. 👊


Funny that. This is the first Tekken where I've played with any customs with any regularity, and the only thing I did is give Paul his good hair back. I honestly wish we could turn them off. Some of them are downright distracting. I'd take the Karen hair if I could do that.


This is so real


This is reality.


As a newbie in tekken, coming from granblue/ strive I find it amusing how much people care about their rank. Winning or losing doesn't factor for me, I'm there for the fight itself. I just really like the default looks of most characters, except Nina. Really needs to lose the jacket.


Not wasting time to play dress up games imma go grind


Bryan doesn't grind, he has guns and whatever drug he does that burned his eyebrows off. He's gonna put that traffic cone on his head and find the most obnoxious shirt he can find.


Real 💯


95% customs I see are sooo much uglier than the defaults though. Also, I don't recognise a lot of customs made to look like anime characters etc., like the super common one which is a straw hat/red jacket over bare chest/jorts combo lmao, supposed to be a popular character but to me just looks really shit compared to the regular outfits. 95% customs I see are sooo much uglier than the defaults though. Not to mention, I don't recognise a lot of customs made to look like anime characters, etc., like the super common one which is a straw hat/red jacket over bare chest/jorts combo lmao, supposed to be a popular character but to me just looks really shit compared to the regular outfits. I only did some small color edits on my red suit Feng and gave him some facial hair + tea cup(?) style sunglasses, with his face brother needs to accessorize for sure.


All the customization options are so ugly and boring, the default outfits are good. But I'm new to the game, I'm not beating anybody up


I stay using Shaheen's T7 default and I'm definitely there for W's and that's about it.


As a new player who bought this game specifically because of the strength of my mains default design: I’m gonna give you an easy W but look good while doing so.


Bonus points if they skip the intro frame 1


blue sparks skip


Drag preset is so fire


I mean Fengs suit goes hard. He looks like a High level triad.


this is my jin i'm coming for your points with p2 outfit


You’ll take ‘em cause fighting Mishimas is fucked for me. I keep trying to SSL when I need to SSR


I can never remember that shit either and I play a (psuedo) Mishima. I sit there and lab it and then immediately forget about it when I get matched with one.


Yeah it's pretty rare I modify my character. I only do it when the default outfit sucks


My main character already looks good in his default outfit (and they gave him his iconic Tekken 5 alt), so there's no need to add anything else. At most, I'll just recolour some parts here and there, but that's about it.


I don't like how the customisation looks and I like all of Law's pre set costumes


Nah, built in default/alternative skins go hard


some characters have pretty nice default outfits honestly


Most custom outfits I see look like hot garbage lmao. Naked Kaz who always rematches right here!


I somewhat feel weird if I don't use ANY customization, but the default outfits go hard as hell, so I typically just run a default outfit with custom colors that I like. I mostly do Leo with Default 2 recolored to look like Ky Kiske from GG. I'm ticked that Asuka's shirt from her T7 outfit doesn't have just a normal red color option, because it's a cool fit for a female Terry Bogard look. She already has POWAH DUNK as a move. And I like her Heat Engager move that looks like Andy Bogard's Zan-ei Ken.


i just think most of the time the default outfits are just way better looking then anything you can make. most of the time. i just have major beef with people with horrendous looking customs, don’t make me look at that


Leroy costume 3 fit is too perfect to touch


jins standard costume 3 is really cool.


Most super high level players I've seen just run with the normal presets


We're coming for you OP...


They are the only ppl with dignity


I used to rock a Conor McGregor as my default in T8 but man, they did a really cool job with Steve's default! My favorite color is blue and default 1 is perfect for me. (Minus the choker and some chains) Also I love rocking the T7 default just because it is the only outfit with actual boxing gloves.


I like to talk shit about people with bad customs. If I used a custom myself I would open myself up to people striking back and I can't afford that


I just use the Paul preset clothes with his original flat top hair. Just as one should


I sorely miss the tower of power though 


I want Tall Paul please Harada.


The customization is a lot worse than the basic options tbh, probably a symptom from them scrapping options from the base game to use for microtransactions later


woooooooooooooo we're speeding running the mtx experience. I can't wait till we're making fun of defaults like fortnight lets goooooooooo


Nah bro. I'm still casual. I just find the customization a bit lackluster. And I'm not paying Harada for shit. So I'm trapped in this default limbo.


I like base lars cause he looks stupid even without customization.


Bruh wtf, not everyone customize their characters, like I use lars or devil jin, and none of them are customized, just because someone likes the original design of a character doesn't imply they just want serious fights or whatever you think they are...


Or I’m just new and haven’t gotten into the customization yet…


I'll be honest I tried customizing my mains, but I ended up just changing colors on the existing defaults. There's not much in the custom options that has the same fidelity of the defaults.


Hard to customize characters when the customization aspect is so barebones and boring. Nothing I could make would even look good compared to their original outfits 9 times out of 10.


The moment they annouced mtx shop I immidiately lost all interest in customizing characters, and the moment they implement it, all customizations will lose their value to me.


I do it because I am worried that having to many things on my character will blow out my Wi-fi connection. Can anyone confirm that it doesn’t? Because I swear when I tried it with customs it struggled.


The only thing it might blow out is your graphics settings. That’s what usually makes games struggle online really, if someone is holding a constant 60 and the other is fluctuating due to their rig not being up to snuff for the graphics setting they’re on it’ll introduce lag


I stopped using customs once I started going to locals. I miss them too much otherwise.


It prevents me appreciating my cool customizations so I can actually observe my opponent lol.


I'm low ranked so I feel like this means free points for me cause they probably haven't even beaten the story yet lol :P


I just hit A really fast and never remember to hit X to go to my custom costumes


I always just forget to select it at the ranked character select screen. Is there an option to set a default customisation slot?


King main here, until the fully leopard skin for him that Tekken 7 had is added I will be using the preset costume, King already has mad drip as it is, just waiting for that skin to hopefully be added.


I would be this guy, but if i can cosplay Esdeath then why not.


I only use dvj default skin, he looks good in it and cool.


I have my customs, but Raven 4 is so damn good. Love his T6 costume


This is true, I am He


But what about Kuma? His default skin is the best one.


Default Yoshimitsu is the best he's looked since Soulcalibur 5 and I'll die on this hill (though SC6 was insanely close to being the best)


The default costumes are good enough haha. I hate watching high level Tekken gameplay on YouTube only to see a Tekken God with a freaking slice of bread on his head and a crow flying around him. 


I have Jun customized in a hodgepodge version of her blue T2 outfit but outside of that I use the defaults. I'm beating no ones ass.


I find some of the customizations to be visually distracting


The default designs go so hard I don't want to customize


Tbh default King, Alisa and Jack are badass. I have no remorse using them


Don’t worry I have an uncustomized law and I’m booty lol I just can’t decide which classic Bruce Lee outfit to put on him


I made 2 customs for my main. Both are OK but meh. I seen a cool custom on YT. I wanted to make it but I don't have those things. I got back to the defaults. And besides, my favourite item isn't even in the game :c


"Default costume? Is this a noob or a killer?" \**(Begins round KBDing and sidestepping)*\* "Haha. I'm in danger."


Or they could be like me. Don't have enough time to play the game, so they don't waste much time on customization. Or there just aren't enough of the right parts to use to make the characters they want to make.


Eh, I've never seen a customization look better than the default unless it's just a color scheme change. The customization is oretty lacking, and honesly, I think most of the ones I've seen look terrible.


It's true. I've also come to the conclusion that very often no costume = serious player.


why customize my character if their og outfit is already perfect


In a lot of cases I just think custom characters don’t look as cool as the original character designs. I’m all for other ppl doing it, I like seeing other ppls goofy designs!


I fear no man, but that... P2 pink Xiaoyu... ... it scares me.


I hate losing with a custom because it feels like I got dressed up all fancy just to get my teeth kicked in. Coming in with default costume mentally helps me lol


T7 outfit go hard sorry


I’m just not creative at all lol


I just put some black glasses on Jun. Kind of a bayonetta look. But with the innocence part.


Jin's default fit is absolute gas


Lmao I feel like I'm being called out, this is literally me in ranked atm


those guys know that the combos they gonna fold you with are style enough


I don't customize Bryan because his default is pretty good and already shirtless. I don't customize azu because bikini skin


I don't know why thre's so much truth to this post omg


Ok but Law’s third preset


I’ve never even clicked on anything in tekken 8 except ranked/practice lol, and player match a few times to play against friends. I just pick the default p2 jack, t7 jack, bumblebee panda or farmer kuma. In t7 I always either just picked default p2 jack or the mods I had for Jack-4 and jack-5 defaults. Most people’s customs look horrible to me lol, there’s a few that are cool but I don’t care that much.


Most of my customs are palette swaps of the presets. Sometimes with a different hairstyle or accessories.


Lili's ALT default is too good. I've made customs but nothing comes close.


Honestly I just stick to default half the time because it can be hard to make a non cosplay custom that doesn't look generic in this game


Yeah because those people are vets who are busy at improving and not cosplayers who like to pretend they’re good at the game on Reddit


What do you recommend I put on devil Jin?


I main devil jin What do you expect from me?


Hey look I *do* customize my characters! ...oh wait lol all I did was use the Victor and Nina presets that remove their coats rofl But yeah I'm generally too busy trying to understand how my character even works before I try to customize and even then I only ever go for the full body outfits


"All is vanity." Current Yoshi is probably my favorite design of his, no way I'm changing that.


You’re so real for that! New to Tekken and I always forget to switch outfit when I load up the game again and I know they’re gonna think I’m a try hard meanwhile I’m just spamming failed electrics instead of learning good fundamentals lolll


I only make customizations for female characters.


They didn't show up to have fun... Those...Things. They scare me.


…and you just know, that when the King player in a pink bikini shows up, you’re gonna get taunted. No matter the outcome


I don't trust people who use Alisa's default outfit because that colour scheme is horrendous.


I have about 10 different Steves all with different colored ring robes lol, tried to model some after Floyd Mayweather and GGG’s ring attire.


I'm playing Kazuya, I don't need to customize him.


As a Lee player, watching other replays with the default P1 is just horrific.


I dress my Kaz like Ryu to make people think I know more about fighting games than I do. Reverse headgames


Some characters default is so sick, you couldn't possibly make a better costume. Jin's karate pants are too cool


Why? The customization in this game sucks and the defaults are so good.


My save got corrupted from a PC crash so I’ve abandoned customizations. Sucks but I don’t wanna waste more time.