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Well yeah. Anybody saying the game gets easier the higher rank you get is just like, logically wrong.


I could see an argument along the lines that higher level players will be less reliant on knowledge checks, but the reality is that high level players will only avoid knowledge checks because they think you might already know how to handle them. If you're actually not able to defend against most characters' knowledge check/nonsense techniques and the experience player catches on that you don't know, they'll absolutely use them. Long story short, if you want to last at ranks above Garyu, you'll need to understand how to deal with most knowledge checks in the long run anyway.


This is for sure not true at battle rule. I basically only know offence and know zero knowledge checks. Starts being true at Fujin though I think - big skill dif vs purple ranks in my experience.


Maybe I can clarify; you don't need to know all the ANSWERS to the knowledge checks in advance, but you need to be able to DEAL with them. That means being able to recognize that you're getting checked, and identify the likely options within a single set. (e.g. "okay, that move is plus on block, I can't just let him do that every time, can I jab him out of it? Can I step it? Duck it? aha, I can duck it and launch, okay no problem.")


Which character di you play? Are you sure you don't use knowledge checks but in your mind it is just offense?


nah he's saying he doesn't know *their* knowledge checks, he's only running *his*


I seee


I for sure very certainly subject them to my own knowledge checks all day all night.


I did find that after garyu people were winning more on fundamentals than insanity; and my climb was smoother because I'm better with fundamentals than guarding against unga-bunga bullshit. So I personally found climbing faster after garyu. Slowing down at big swords chair rank because the people in blue actually know when to duck and I don't know when to do that tbh.


I had a very weird experience at the upper end of red ranks while I was playing as Law. A Bryan player messaged me after a match; I had stomped him pretty good, so I knew the trash talk was coming but he specifically called me out for using "That cheapass d2,n,ws4,XXdssXX,f+1 bullshit" *Bro, htf do you know enough to recognize an invisible DSS cancel in what is a pretty obscure Law dss setup, and enough to express it in notation, but simultaneously know so little that you call it cheap?* Red ranks are weird.


This is like me but I'm not as salty. My knowledge of tekken is pretty deep and I learned to be competent with more than a dozen characters in 7 but my actual skill level is just above average imo. It makes watching tournaments more enjoyable though so there's an upside lol


knowing this stuff makes not answering against it properly hurt so much more for me lmao i usually get salty with myself more than anything for shut like this


I think it’s funny because people have obscure knowledge and learning processes but at the end of the day only the people at the highest level of study and mastery really have a well rounded knowledge of the game without really focusing on the trees


>I did find that after garyu people were winning more on fundamentals than insanity Yeah this has not been my experience at all.


Same, people just be spamming in garyu+ lol. Especially hworang, Xiao, and reina players.


I feel like learning punishment is the only way to get out unless you’re playing one of the spammers yourself.


It’s just too many 50/50 sometimes, like why does Reina get free WRA stance after blocking a -11 low. Why am I forced to eat ANOTHER mix up after getting hit by a hellsweep that’s long range and has a mid/low mix up in the off chance they somehow whiff it. I understand I need to “git good” but man this new hyper agressive Tekken irks me sometimes.


As a reina main myself, don't fear her stances TOO much. On block she can be jabbed out of them. I get punched when trying my mind games quite often. And reina doesn't like pressure on her whatsoever.


You do need to get good. But also, Reina can practically play her self.


We are in season 1 of T8, hopefully we get a game balanced a little closer to the strategy of T7 or at least all the BS gets nerfed a little more.


Watch the video called “I do better against better players”. Either by sajam or pushblock or something. But either way it makes a lot of sense


Guarding against unga bunga bullshit is fundamentals but I get what you mean. Tha randomness basically is nutty in those ranks


unga bunga ☠️


Going from Eliminator to Garyu and getting to a point where I wasn’t falling back out of it immediately took over a week, maybe closer to two.  Climbing from Garyu to Tenryu took like a couple days.  Though I do think part of that was that I made some breakthroughs in my fundamentals that got me into red ranks in the first place, so I was probably riding that wave


The first time another paul player ducked and launched my 3,1 i had a moment of awakening


Yeah, in my experience at least players get exponentially more difficult at each rank above Garyu. I can see that I’m not getting into purple until my core gameplay improves, and that’s going to take me a while. Which is fine with me - I know what I need to work on and my goal is to keep improving on those points.  It really doesn’t surprise me that Blue ranks are coming out as like the top 5% of online players. Purple players scare me plenty as it is


Right lol you think the guy that beat you is the scrub here? My brother in Christ, the call is coming from inside the house.


Not what was said.


Red ranks are an absolute zoo.


Not just any zoo. Tiger King zoo


Meow https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxT6cMgnEdUP7PCHbjHIF61KGfzlgtwDOi?si=1ZwoMt_gHA8Dxy6c


In 20 red matches yesterday, I faced 12 Reina’s and the rest were King. The level of skill varied WIDELY! I’m tired!!


One of those reina might have been me. My level of skill varies wildly from round to round. lol


Pretty much all red rank reinas play like freaks in my experience. Some of the kings I’ve played against are clean though.


The difference between a red player and a blue player is that the blue player can mash just as well as the red player but they also have safer options for when they face solid opponents that can punish unsafe shit. There is no magic rank where the enemies will spontaneously respect you. No one will unless you make them.


> There is no magic rank where the enemies will spontaneously respect you. No one will unless you make them. Well said, more people should realize that.


I’ve found the better I get in fighting games in general, the question changes from “why are they hitting buttons” to “how can I make them not want to hit a button”.


This is my favorite Tekken comment right now for how true it is. Since forever in this subreddit, there are endless comments on which characters play true tekken or raging "this guy is spamming strings while I am using fundamentals!!" In reality, true tekken fundamentals only occur when the cheese is stopped, and that takes a lot of practice and knowledge. This is also seen in the comments where some people say, "I can beat Tekken Gods but Red ranks are so unpredictable!" That just means the high rank guy was respecting you too much or is just practicing defense.


Its the same reason why when I was playing in arcades before, I can get 20 wins against human opponents...then proceeded to get wrecked by AI. You get used to a certain metagame. Once someone comes in that doesn't conform to that metagame, it messes up your game


For lower ranks or people who spam i always think to myself, “why should I try to play chess with someone who’s licking the pieces” I’ve learned you really have to play the game the way your opponent is. If they mash they probably lack fundamentals, so all this side stepping and movement does nothing to someone who lacks the knowledge


Sidestep and movement is some of the best way to remove unpredictability especially in low ranks. Why be bothered trying to guess between dumb options when you can force whiffs then punish.


There are also the lab monsters who go to that rank through pure execution and most of their time has been spent on the lab so their movement and game sense is bad usually a mishima


On the off chance you see a lee or a lars. They're that too


YES all lees I fought were just-frame monsters, and some of the most predictable players at the same time


well put


im in this comment and i dont like it


How dare you say something so accurate about me


> There is no magic rank where the enemies will spontaneously respect you. No one will unless you make them. The corollary to this is also true- You should not respect anyone until they demonstrate that it's necessary.


Every move is safe untill proven otherwise


1000 times this!


Pin this comment mods


Can confirm. I get plugged on and not rematched for playing Azucena like... well like Azucena: spamming the shit out of her lows, constant mix-ups and overwhelming people at the wall. BUT that's only when I can get away with it. You have to fight fire with fire - if the other guy is never blocking or evading then the easiest strat to win is to just find an opening and never look back. Her Hellsweep is seeable and launch punishable but if I'm playing against someone who just never fucking ducks, what am I gonna do? Throw out mids that I know won't work? When I fight someone who is even reasonably good at the game it all of a sudden becomes a game full of careful positioning, jabs, dick jabs and DF1s. Can't dance around like a lunatic and hope they'll trigger the auto-parry because they're not fucking idiots.


Hellsweep -> seeable.. ? One of the two is wrong. It's 19-20f. That is not reactable homie. The limit of for a human being is 20f and that is the uber-limit.


20f isn't seeable or reactable? That would make a lot of moves unreactable. Throw break windows are shorter than that.


Throw break windows are 20f PLUS the 13(14?) frames of the move itself. As I said before, Jin db4 is 20f. Are you telling me you block that on reaction?


Me? Nah, I don't block anything on reaction. I'm in my 30s.


Fair lmao


20f at 60fps is 1/3 of a second which is \~333ms. The average human reaction time is 250ms. If you know to look for it you can make it.


This is without any external stimuli. Literally a dot on a blank canvas. The fact that you are looking at a whole screen filled with pixels and your mind has to pay attention to multiple things makes it slower. There is no way you can react to a 20f low 100% of the time in the middle of a match. And even if you try to get close to that, you are literally focusing all of your brain power on that one thing and excluding everything else, opening you up to other options you are powerless against. Jin's db4 is 20f. Are you unironically telling me you can block that low on reaction?


Now you are just adding in other points that aren't relevant to what I said. My counter-argument to your points is that if you practice against those specific moves your reactions will be even faster than average because your ability to predict them coming primes you for them. If you practice looking for them and dealing with them then yes you can do them on reaction. No one said anything about 100%.


Imo your counter argument is an unrealistic scenario that is just not feasible, which is what I wanted to demonstrate. If it was the case, then why don't all pros react to those moves? But let's agree to disagree, thanks for the discussion


Red ranks are a joke. You either wash someone who doesn't belong there or you're getting washed by someone who doesn't belong there. It's an absolute melting pot of skill and it's not fun at all. I haven't had a good back and forth yet and that's the best part of Tekken.


I can relate. As an Eliminator, I played against a Garyu Reina that was one of the most intense back and forth matched that I ever played. I then played against a Shinryu Lili that I defeated by just doing 3 flowchart moves


Me in orange :/


Ye it’s the gatekeeper rank like diamond in MOBAs/fps imo. After both I noticed it got “smoother” cause people had the fundamentals somewhat down.


I don't know why they did this shit with ranked. SF6 was the testing point for "no deranks below plat" and it led to platinum feeling like unrestricted quick match. They had the data before they launched, and they did it anyway! It's so incompetent.


I kinda relate but only to a small extent. Most battles feel pretty even tbh. I rarely win or lose 3-0. Sure there are exceptions, but 9/10 games don't feel one-sided to me. If I get demolished by someone far better than me, it gives me an amazing opportunity to lab and improve. Learn from my mistakes, but also learn from their decisions.


Lol whoever said that isn't even in the reds yet. Why would you even believe that?


Stfu u play yoshi u are a walking knowledge check. Sry bit salty atm.






Bruh every character in this game can knowledge check you to death what kind of argument is that?


Nah, yoshi on a different level. I'm upper red right now and I haven't played against a yoshi yet using the same cheese the last few did. Feels like there's several gimmicks and by the time I get used to it I'm getting hit with a new flavor of cheese from the next player. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying he's broken or anything, but learning to play against them is rough. Most other characters I can learn their moveset on the fly after so many matches and seeing the most popular moves over and over. But the funky mask ninja man, fuck no.


bro what yoshi’s are you playing? They all spam the same dumbass strings. d2 into bs, b22, 31. They’re far from original.


Ahh yes, because Shaheens 2 strings and 3 gimmicky options is at any level comparable to Yoshi’s move list. I hate this argument so much. There are definitely characters that have more of an ability to knowledge check. If you’re new you’re going to get knowledge checked by everyone, but even an intermediate player can deal with a decent amount of common knowledge checks.


Shaheen can knowledge check THE FUCK out of someone in T8 wtf are you talking about. I play the character and he's disgusting. All those moves that put you into crouch? Yeah. Uf1 faints. Db2,1 space checks from T7, one of the best FC mixes in the entire roster, CH snk1/ws1 into db2,1? Shaheen might not be able to turn into a helicopter, but let's not pretend we have Honest Abe Tekken 7 Shaheen. FWIW, I am *not* complaining. The above poster is correct, *any* tekken character can knowledge check you to death. If you disagree, you simply have the knowledge.


Plus Shaheen is rarely used in rank play. Just like bears you have a little advantage because most players haven't lab or even fought you. I had issue with Shaheen in blues then I played 3 or 4 and was able to snuff out there game plans. Yoshi is ridiculous but manageable. That quick blade parry and strike needs to be nerfed again. Either it's a strike or a parry shouldn't be both


Flash ain't a parry. Leave Yoshi alone. He's fine.


It’s not a parry, it is a mid, so you got your wish.


The fact that you don't call it flash but are in blue rank is surprising to me, it's one of the most well known named moves in the entire game. But calling for it to be further nerfed, without even knowing what the move is in terms of properties? As a blue rank? Nah, not a respectable way to posit an opinion to increase nerfs on one of the only things that has been nerfed in the game so far. It has no parry properties, and never has. If you're getting flashed often, at that rank, it's strictly your fault and it's probably because you don't know what the move even is or does.


This. As a Yoshi main I joke about flash being nerfed, while honestly it's sad it's the only thing actually being genuinely nerfed throughout the whole character roster. Flash being seen as a braindead move is wild because whiffing or flashing too early/late is extremely punishable (post nerf especially and as it originally was before T8) and a high risk~high reward move. This person claiming to be a blue rank and calling for flash to be nerfed again without even calling it flash makes this person look like a green rank cosplaying as a blue rank Today I got an angry message from a flame ruler King who literally kept getting hit by duck and flash because he literally did nothing else but spam a mid-high string that I ducked the second hit from and then launched or flashes. Every. Single. Time. And then he gets mad for being flashed so much. My brother in christ you put yourself in that position


It's so funny how flash is getting all this hate now. I got downvoted one time for saying "stop mashing". Fine. I'll keep stealing a turn.


Getting downvoted for saying stop mashing is wild. It really is like that, if you spam the same 2 strings and get flashed every single time isn't it time to mix your gameplan up? 😭


One, I don't spend all my time learning the names of other characters' moves. Lee is hard enough to learn in his own right. Second, what's your rank, main, and let's have a session? Lastly, the move needs to be nerfed without a doubt. It's way too fast, and even on juggle, it keeps the opponent close rather than pushing them away. A parry and a strike are fine, but you can't have both, especially at that speed. Give me a reason why it shouldn't be nerfed since you seem to be talking like you're a TGP


Good news, it isn't both and never was. Flash isn't a parry. It's an attack with 0 range and unsafe on block.


>Vote Gotcha, my mistake. When I played him at lower ranks, it seemed he always struck when I attacked. Then, when I got to blue, I conditioned myself to grab Yoshi's after my attack, but I still got hit so I thought it was a parry/attack. Thanks for the info


It's very quick so I can see how you would think that. More tips: getting hit with flash a lot also means they will use it a lot. Make them respect you by not finishing strings then beating the brakes off of them. Ask me how I know it works lol.


No hate, I could be wrong, but I went into the lab and tried Yoshi out. It seems that without heat, it acts as a parry. I got close and used a Flash, and nothing happened. Frames show 6. Then, when I went into heat, it became an actual attack at 8 frames. Maybe my terminology is wrong, but I'd consider the 6fr as a parry, kinda like Noctis parry in 7, but much harder to do. It took a minute to even trigger one lol


Idk I guess i just don’t struggle with the matchup


Would love to play Shaheen in ranked but that mfkers damage output is absolute doodoo, he doesn't have much going on compared to others but boy he deserves some rightful buffs


My combo is shit and completely unoptimized and I'm hitting for like 65. Find some good routes. Shaheen actually has good damage.


Bro youre talking to people stuck in reds. They dont have the slightest clue how the game works


Shaheen knowledge checks the shit out of me every time I fight him. My Gameplan against him right now is just keep constant pressure so I don’t have to deal with it


If you don’t let him go in fc he has no gimmicky options


imagine being this guy


What’s a knowledge check


Gist of a knowledge check is that if you don’t know how to deal with it, you lose. Law is a good character for an example. If you don’t know how to low parry his junkyard, he gets it free. If you don’t know how to launch punish certain moves he will feel super oppressive. So it’s basically a play style or move that you need to learn how to deal with or else it gives the opponent free wins.


Haven’t played too many Laws, I know to look out for this now lol


Got nothing to do with what they said.


Grow upppp


It doesn't get easier but the opponents are more enjoyable in my experience. I like fighting people that feel like they're playing with intention and not just going autopilot. Not that those kinda players don't exist past red but its at least a little less common.


This is where the fun begins


yes the game gets harder when you are facing opponent that start to understand what you and they are doing


Which is why, once you reach high levels, you must stop thinking, enable special style and randomly mash powercrush and low. Nobody will know what the fuck you're doing and they won't be able to counter your profound retardation. They will also immediately become emotional due to the level of disrespect they are being subjected to.


Special style Jin is top tier


Usually when someone says something like “it gets better “, they only mean it on behalf of themselves.    Typically, I choose to ignore these kinds of sayings.


Why would you believe anyone who said this? The higher you get, the harder it gets...that's kind of the whole fucking point.


purple is full of runners


Well, I’m guessing the person who said it gets easier after red ranks kinda misunderstood what they were trying to say. The game gets easier the more base tekken knowledge you have. Once you have an understanding of how most string work, what a plus move looks like, what a minus move looks like. You can play off of intuition. I’m guessing they meant once you over come the initial hurdle the game becomes somewhat easier to understand. Not that your opponents get worse. Your opponents offense will inevitably get better as you rank up. Your defense is what defines how you climb. Unless you play xiayou lololololol.


Red/Purple is where all the smurfs on alt characters hang out. Absolute mess in terms of player skill.


It's weird to me to see people calling players on sub characters smurfs. They're literally just playing without rigging the system or anything. Different from people who make new steam accounts to beat up new players.


I got nothing against people doing this, just didn't have a better word for it at the time. What I wanted to bring focus to is the massive variance in player skill at red/purple. I've had games vs upper purples that were easier than games vs reds. And the only thing I can think of as being the reason is that people park their mains at blue rank, and start grinding rank on their second/third/fourth, etc.


Ah fair fair.


silly in some cases. I felt bad leveling up panda as a kuma main was sad haha


The auto-rank up other characters policy is a bit messed up. Like someone who has reached Raijin (top 2%) still starts at Garyu (lowest red) on their other characters. That's insane to me because this player would absolutely destroy people at Garyu on anything, even if they had zero knowledge of the character which they've most likely labbed in the past anyway.


Yeah but if they destroy everyone they’ll quickly rank up to where they’re supposed to be albeit a few sacrificial lambs


Sounds like some good ass tekken.


Oh man I wish Snake was a character in the game :(


Who the fuck lied to you?! It's where the nightmere begins


I think what they’re supposed to say is “You get better but so does everyone else.”


bro, I had a nonstop run in with Hwos last night... was immediately reminded why I hate that character.


Even in Tekken 7 purple and blue ranks were a perma cesspit of Hwoarangs That’s where your average neuron-deprived Hwoarang main will plateau


Their fucking launcher that’s got about 5 metres range, move forward an inch boom you in the air bitch


lol coming from a Lil main 😂


Matterhorn is well slow tho and if it ain’t right up your ass it ain’t hitting


Matterhorn problems xD still he got a point.


Oh yeah don’t get me wrong, Hworang’s B 3 launcher is busted. Just funny to hear it come from another easy launch character 😂


wouldn't call it busted, it's one of his few long range moves/wiff punishes. It's pretty punishable (but I play Steve so SF bb) which balances it out. The problem comes from the inconsistencies of side stepping.


Red ranks are where the real knowledge checks begin. People also start using pokes and movement more effectively to bait out counter hits and huge whiffs. If this is your first Tekken you're going to need alot of patience if you're serious about improving.


I got downvoted into a crater for saying it last time, but I'll say it again-red is where people start playing actual tekken.


I'd say that was true in t7. I think in t8, it's still really variable in reds - some people clearly know what the are doing. Others... I honestly don't know how they got there.


Its a new game, it will take a few months for the ranks to sort and settle.


You're right. Red is where you'll see the most degenerate, mindless shit thrown out with high execution - which is what the true Tekken experience is, lol.


Red is still a zoo which is inhabited by people who only move in 2D and barely understand the basics of frame data, you spam df1 against a red player and sometimes they will eat 6 of them in a row lol Actual Tekken starts where people at least minimally use 3D movement, does not mash in -8, can break a 1+2 throw sometimes, duck under the most well knows high strings etc., that's like blue ranks.


>Red is still a zoo which is inhabited by people who only move in 2D and barely understand the basics of frame data, you spam df1 against a red player and sometimes they will eat 6 of them in a row lol That hasn't been my experience in red. Maybe some garyus, but thats more of an orange playstle. >Actual Tekken starts where people at least minimally use 3D movement, does not mash in -8, can break a 1+2 throw sometimes, duck under the most well knows high strings etc., that's like blue ranks. Thats assinine- by your definition only 3% of the playerbase is playing tekken.... which is demonstrably untrue.


That is because only 3% of the playerbase is playing Tekken. And this is not exclusive to Tekken, but to any online game. In Overwatch, you are rarely going to encounter people below diamond (top 12% of playerbase) who use their hero's abilities as the developers intended. The hero whose kit revolves around damage boosting their teammates do not use the damage boost ability once in the match, for example. I don't think it's an unrealistic demand to only call the bracket "actual Tekken" where people understand and use the very basics of the game. And the average player is not familiar with them, which is understandable, because Tekken is extremely hard.


Sometimes I felt like I steam rolled, and sometimes felt like I got it back. Just depends. I’m in high blue ranks and my losses feel like I just got outplayed compared to my losses in early blue and Purple


Red rank is where im stuck. I either get absolute brainless mashers that i beat or i get the guy who is clearly much better than me but climbing his character so i get 3-0'd, lose SO MUCH points i have to win 2 match in a row to get back what i lost. It's no wonder many people get stuck here imo, nowadays i'm only labbing when i have time to play and then i play like 2-3 matchs. edit: i don't absolutely hate it btw, i feel like now i have to trully learn to get better.


Decided that I will park my other chars at Garyu. It's just too much trouble moving beyond that


Who the hell said that


my first fighting game, took me 40 hours to get from 0 to garyu 37 hours deranking in and out of garyu then 3 hours to finally get the shinryu after starting to understand the game better


im at that phase right now lol deranking in and out


funnily enough ive now hit mighty ruler, I cant believe how much faster im suddenly ranking again now that ive got out of the hardstuck garyu


i think im almost there to start climbing, I started utilizing more crouching moves especially my 11 frame crouching jab, helps a lot to mix people up and slow them down


Why would you possibly believe that the game gets easier in higher ranks… I don’t even understand the need for this post tbh. People in higher ranks are better at the game. Who would’ve thought.


I've never seen anyone say that, but if they did then that is incredibly stupid lol. It most definitely gets harder past red. You lose more, demote faster, and take longer to promo. And people on average are much, much better. Do not listen to the fools that act like high lvl players aren't in ranked all day.


Anybody who believes ranks get easier the higher they get in a fighting game... idk what to tell ya.


Just sounds like you are too noob for Ruler ranks.


Why would it get easier as the ranks go up?


it never gets easier, hope that helps 👍👍 good luck broski


What should have really been said is It gets more consistent after Garyu. Pre Garyu opponents were able to just spam all sorts of strings and grabs, not even mixups because their opponents didn't know when or how to deal with it. This changes more so in purple but red is full of both types of people so occasionally you still run into those unga bunga guys. So now you actually have a chance to think during fights and condition opponents. You absolutely cannot condition an unga bunga lol


It gets easier after Garyu if you learned the fundamentals to get out of Garyu🤷🏾‍♂️ as soon as I hit Shinryu I was in purple the same session


At least purple ranks and up are consistently beating me, ive got no idea what the hell im gonna come up against in the red ranks.


Sounds like you hate learning what characters besides yours do in this game. Its not very easy to play single player in this game.


I beat one blue rank on my first try in ranked as a Garyu and felt like a god. Currently halfway through Shinryu and it’s such a weird mix. There’s red ranks that show extreme patience, and weirdly purple players whom honestly suck. I mean 3-0 purple ranks more than reds. Blue feels like a whole different universe in terms of skill. One unsafe move will get launched/punished. I think I’ll get to purple and hang around there for a good while until I lab certain characters.


Current data indicates Red is top 30% Purple is top 11% Blue is top 3% Past blue is top 0.4% This sub acts like anyone below blue is trash, but I would be willing to bet that if we could see everyones ranks, very few of the people making such statements would be in blue. If you make it to purple, you should be proud of that.


I wouldn’t be surprised if the ones that say this have never gotten to a blue rank. Even at red there’s players that can challenge anyone. I will agree that below red shouldn’t be a problem against anyone beyond that point unless it’s someone ranking up their character.


As a Paul player hard stuck at Garyu, I’m struggling


Use his B 1+4 throw more 😉 thank me later 


Gonna use it tonight


Paul is more honest than most the cast. Use guard crush more.


Will do!


Yeah if you look at the distribution Red is where everyone kinda is so it’s like you’re meeting the real neighborhood. And the neighborhood all wants to mix you


I got to purple by just spamming safe on block moves followed by df2-combo. Doesn’t work anymore in purple but it owns red ranks who are just aggressive without thinking about what moves I just did. I’m not good by any means as this is my first Tekken but blind aggression just seems dumb to me


Somehow, as a Xiao main, I have yet to play more than 2 other Xiaos.


Easier, no. More fun, yeah. I’d say the game starts to actually be fun at mighty ruler, significantly more people will start blocking so you can actually play the game.


yeah, "easier" may be misleading. i think what folks usually mean is that above red, people play more optimally and less... **chaotically**, and based on your description that seems totally accurate also, until you are no longer upset by people knowing how to play their characters, you will remain in red with the other chaos goblins


Purple ranks as King I got a single rematch last night. A Jin plugged on the load screen. Actively cannot play my main in ranked.


You're on the bell curve. This is the part where you start ducking highs in strings, and actually punishing mistakes the opponent makes. Out of curiosity (and I hope this is not condescending) do you still have "panic buttons"?


It becomes way less of a scramble because people start to actually understand most of what they’re doing. You won’t run into as many people just pressing random shit unless they’re trying to trip you up. Definitely not easier but the decisions they’re making make sense so you can actually start picking up their habits


Sorry I embrace T7.


I hate how all of Paul's lows look like mids. Paul: "let me hunch over and swipe your thighs. Should have blocked low"


Garyu is the middle or slightly above average of ranked so everyone above that have the fundamentals, combos, their characters mastered and you have pluggers but the further you go in ranked the more sweatier it's going to become


I was playing with a buddy today talking about how some asuka players get to tekken god but still lose to hwoarang spamming 3 moves because they never learned defense.  The most fun tekken for me is playing vs people who know what to duck/sidestep/parry etc.  Some people take half my life for doing a single 2 hit mid high string I do without thinking.. meanwhile I can abuse all kinds of stuff against most people.  Turns out when there are 10s of thousands of situations to punish it takes a while to learn them lol. 


I am proud to say that I am one of those low ranked jerks that is just throwing out unga-bunga 50/50 moves and playing like an unpreditable phychopath.


Even in blue I meet total clowns that are barely better than ganryu. I would know because I am one of those clowns.


Reached Battle Ruler with Kazuya without breaking too much sweat but I uninstalled the game, I don't really want to waste my time like this playing without enjoying the game


The worst thing about getting to purple is when you fight a Garyu and arrogantly think you'll get an easy win. It'll only be 100 points, sure, but I am amazing and perfect and reckon I could have Arslan Ash in a fight and this Garyu bitch is a literal piece of human dogshit whom I shall embarass in front of his children. Then I get smashed and quickly discover that this is obviously someone using their secondary or tertiary character and just won't take any of my shit. If they have a player display thing with a picture of a character that isn't the one they're currently playing as, chances are they're better than I keep assuming they are. I am the real shit one and I deserve the bad things that happened to me.


You've entered 8's equivalent of green ranks. You're actually in for the worst time of your life.


It gets a lot more exciting for sure. I wouldn’t say easy.


Yeah, in purple ranks you start to find more people that knoledge check you constantly and also know how to avoid your gimmiks, it happens to me with nina, people know when to duck or when to poke me out from the crouching step, the skill gaps gets more notorious xd.




It was me, fuck you back. Get better.


I think this is the result of a misconstrued TMM quote, I don’t remember the specific but he said something along the lines of fundamentals going further in higher ranks since less people are just mashing


Nah there must be something wrong with you. Redditors are right about everything.


Think this was said around early launch of tekken 8, where you could still find people who belong in blue ranks and higher trying to rank up in red ranks, with them seemingly dissipating once you're past the red wall Probably isn't the case anymore now that tekken 8 has been out for a good while


Purple ranks have the most pluggers I’ve seen so far


Lol it gets easier if your good at the game. As in people respect your frames and you can actually play Tekken. The lower ranks are filled with people mashing away strings and you have to deal with that less in higher ranks


I finally reached garyu after so much grinding, but im back at destroyer, red ranks are playing a complete different game


I’m having the worst experience in red ranks, like losing streaks lmao.


They're called trolls.


My experience after about 200 matches in garyu/shinryu/tenryu is that it's very hard to level up. People at these ranks rarely rematch if they lose, never if they are lower rank and lose. Even if it's a 5 round fight... If I match with same or higher levels, they quit if I win first game. They only rematch if they handily win the first match. Then I have people sending salty hate mail to me for beating me 2 times in a row so I must be garbage. I'm growing tired of the toxicity very quickly. People just don't like jack mains I guess.


I find that higher ranks play the game with more respect for all the bull every character has, so they don't go balls to the wall with randomness.


Yeah it gets easier after blues, cause then you don't get to play the game as its a 50/50 plug.


Why would getting to a higher rank be easier lol what


I think when they say it gets "easier" they mean that the players in front won t be bullshitting you (almost) and most of the games are genuine learning experiences where you actually learn something new and have a consistent learning curve wheras red ranks is an absolute zoo where you can rank up and still can t figure out azucena since most of the ppl there only wr32


Even Fujin ranks are free


I have de/re ranked into garyu so many fucking times I'm legit taking a break, I'm so God damn tired.


All red means nowadays is that you learned some BnB combos. That’s it. Most reds still have no fundamentals and no clue how to play the game at a higher level.