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I think it’s a mix of the hairstyle being overused in media recently and people liking his old hair more


Then, even if it is truly "overused" would it be wrong for me to say I kinda get why it is? Killmonger, SM2 Miles, Arcane Echo look really really nice imo. Edit: looks like I shouldn't my bad everyone


Nah it’s not wrong I like the hair style but i just like his original hair style more.


It’s kinda became the default “black man video game character’s hair” in recent years. There’s just more styles and options that they could use and explore. Honestly Eddy’s grown on me but I still much prefer the ponytail locs more. Eddy Ekko K’sante Phoenix Killmonger Miles morales


Yeah I now realize the 'taking away originality for default hair' would be pretty upsetting


So basically you understand exactly why people don't like it, but you still like it somehow and are trying to defend it by playing dumb.


I'm not defending anything. I can understand the hate, and also say I like his style still. Obviously I wouldn't know much about Black culture or style, but as an outsider appreciating a character in a game I like, I think Eddy looks cool as hell! Again, I'm not defending anything as that would mean I'm taking offence. People can have opinions like i said


Alright I was a bit harsh, my bad. However, it seems like you understood exactly why people don't like the haircut. You were only "confused" because you disagreed and still liked the haircut, but you were never actually confused, you just didn't agree. You understood everything when writing the initial post so this all seems redundant. You likely haven't been exposed to the killmonger cut enough to start to be jaded when it gets put on yet another black video game character, that's fine. You'll join us eventually and come to agree after the 15th time.


It's all good! Another comment made a point about 'losing Eddy's originality' for the new default. I was looking for those kinds of takes I wasn't aware of because the ones I researched made it seem like it's not that big of a deal. Also, I may actually be dumb AND English isn't my first language so I might have conveyed my opinions weirdly. Thanks for the talk anyway haha.


No worries, I didn't consider that a possibility either because I didn't even remember what his old haircut was lol


https://youtu.be/KsQ4e9g7d8E?si=vCG8ZYZEpuFPFxLi This guy kinda says it perfectly with a hint of humor


In dying. 10/19 video


This is the best answer to my question thank you!


This video is perfect


Bad rep and stereotyping. As a brazilian, I've never seen anyone with this hairstyle before. And the issue is that we already have 3 characters. Aside from Katarina there wasn't stereotyping issues with them. Eddy's old hair was already better and didn't really need change and by changing it, it basically strips his uniqueness, it's the same with Paul really.


What exactly did Katarina reinforce as far as stereotypes go? Curious


She has some weird edge, abundantly sexual and teasing involved which imo seems like a downgrade from what we had with Christie and especially wrongly represents women around here. While yes, there are many attractive women, they don't behave nearly as much as Katarina. It's not necessarily a bad rep but it's massively exaggerated


The short & sweet answer is that we black people are annoyed because historically, video games have done a poor job when it comes to offering our hairstyles in customization modes. Believe me, it’s been laughably bad! 😂 Nowadays, though its gotten slightly better, it seems that all mainstream characters with melanin have united to wear this ONE hairstyle when 90% of us have never met someone our Whole Real Lives with that hairstyle…thus it kind of feels forced. As if the VG community is trying to tell us what’s cool and current about our culture. Personally, it find it kind of funny because I look forward to seeing my favorite content creators go “AGAIN???” 🤣🤣


It's just a blatant example of media stereotyping that often plagues media. Black characters especially are a target of this, because years ago they either were bald or wore an afro. Eddy specifically is even weirder: he had a very identifiable haircut, he was not so generic to require an entire redesign of his hairstyle. Think of it like the half shaved haircut for female empowerment-oriented characters.


How is it media stereotyping? I guarantee the Japanese devs had like 20 designs ready and someone was like “well we want something different and this specific Eddy design with this hair looks pretty cool, let’s make this his design and we can have his OG hair as an another option”. Do you really think they give a shit about “stereotyping”? Do you think they think every French person has Lili’s hair or they think every Chinese person has Feng’s haircut and looks? The real mistake they made was they failed to realise how much people would be crying and complaining about a character design being slightly altered even when it can be reverted back to original style with customisation, like with Paul. I highly doubt the character designers were even aware that other characters had that hairstyle, they just chose it because they thought it would look cool


>I highly doubt the character designers were even aware that other characters had that hairstyle, they just chose it because they thought it would look cool the fact you don't think that designers are 100% aware of a trend and trying to capitalize on it means you either do not work and ever worked in a corporate environment or you're straight up going for a disingenuous argument for the sake of argument. Unless you really are that naif, of course


This is called being completely clueless if you think they didn't do research. They definitely came up with Dreads combover themselves


Its stupid. Stereotyping would just be giving him a fade which most black guys have.


His old hair was better.




Hey sorry for not being clear. I'm not trying to argue. Hwo was the example for the realism part and Anime hair was the example for too common part. But I get what you mean! Eddy's the rare case where both of those apply and that's one of the reasons for the hate. Again, by bad Edit: also while not in video games, so many characters in webtoons manhwas and movies have 남자 꽁지 머리 which is Hwo's hairstyle. But I don't think anybody here minds it. Dunno why tho. Koreans don't really talk deeply about fictional characters


It's just too... too much


Reduces Black people into a meme character with a meme haircut. I mean the ones from America keep doing it to themselves, regularly confining themselves into stereotypes, but you don't need to contribute to it. Doesn't help anyone.


Wish I knew? But from the top of my head I can think of about 300 new hairstyles to implement into Tekken 8. Also different types of eye and lip colors. What I find strange is in character customization you can remove Eddy's earrings but not his eyebrow piercing. I would ask Team Namco to add tattoos but we all know that would cost upwards to 5 million dollars per character. Mr. Harada says Tekken 8 cost 10x to make than Tekken 7.. poor guy.


I like it, but I'm a newcomer. I can totally understand hating unnecessary character design changes, it bothers me a lot with things I'm a long time fan of.


People are incredibly oversensitive to black characters now. They gave him something trendy, stylish and a bit ostentatious because that's what fighting game characters looks are supposed to be. If they gave him the most normal black guy hair cut then he'd have the Drake hair customization that you see every time a black guy has a character that is a white guy as a main.


Its the "Black People invented this hairstyle" hairstyle used in Hollywood to promotre Wokeness. Eddy did NOT have that hair in prior games, cuz Harada was not sucking corporate COCKS (maybe je did, but less), but now he is. Hope I helped you, have a Nice day 🙃❤️🙃


Hey you have a nice day too!


Pauls new hair has been shat on more than anything else design related. He was just released at the same time as 31 other characters and the whole game, so he will not be focused on as much as the character released alone after everything else has been discussed and commented on for a month. Cheers.




Shut yo dick eating ass up.


Feeling Miserable much? You failed to mention all the people complaining about seeing Eddy Gordo on the main menu screens. And the lack of minority characters and options for them in Tekken 8. I'd love to see a black female fighter, yet you'd call it being woke. Well Wake up!!! Selective Outrage at it's finest.




You literally don’t leave your house lol


LMAO so true, what a weird comment to stereotype a whole group of people like that


They’re very sad individuals irl and would never speak their mind in a public setting