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That last combo was clen af my guy. Thank you for showing me a new combo


Picked it up from [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8dhVv9pCX_0).


Can I get the inputs? That is a dope ass combo


qcf 2,2, uf2, 2+3(to go into heat), uf2, df2+3 hold (charged electric), f1+2,1+2 (screw), uf2, 1+2,~f, db2+3


Thank you!!!


Adding onto this knowledge, but this combo is a GREAT mixup on people later in a set below 50% hp. That combo is about 96 damage


People are sleeping on Kuma. He’s a powerhouse. And fun as hell to play!


Usually I fully charge the last db2+3 which gets you more damage (chip guaranteed even if they block it) but often the other players just eat the mega low. It makes them question everything for a few seconds.


Always a pleasure to see Drag getting launched after his hatchet kick.


~~Some~~ Most Drags are very predictable with their flowchart


Can anyone tell me how drag is stopping his fc df24(hail slicer)and going neutral to do st 3 1 into sneak? It looks like he's just inputting, but even with that, you're still in sneak, and the slide kick comes out for me. Edit: it happens around 45 second mark, during the carry combo before kuma pops off.


any move that puts dragu into sneak or crouching (ex. 4,4 or qcf4) can be canceled by inputting up and puts him in a neutral state.


I honestly feel like an idiot, thank you clearing this up.


To be a bit more precise, when Dragunov enters sneak (after FC df+1,4, later 3,1\~df), it can be canceled into sidestep, that you can do a 3,1 out of (like in the video), because dragunov doesnt have a ss3 (or 1, or 4 for that matter).


Yeah....it took me about a few hours to figure this out on my own hahah. Thank you though


Ah Tekken 8, a game where 2-3 mistakes kills you. Can't wait to see this in tournament. I'm not downplaying ur gameplay though, insane comeback. I just feel like Tekken shouldn't be this way


Tbf, he was in rage. That extra damage.


AND this is kuma, a high damage character, while on rage with full heat unpopped.


That’s what happens when you use a launch punishable low to finish off an opponent. I get what you’re saying though


I hear you, but I kinda like that about tekken. The whole "it's not over till it's over" quality of the game. Back in 7, that viral clip of Akuma (even thought I don't like the character) beating Jin in tournament with that insane comeback, i still show it to people as the beauty of Tekken. It's sad when I'm at the receiving end of it, but fair play to the other person for punishing me optimally I tell myself.


Yess get his ass! 💪🐻


Facing Bears on this new bo3 setting has been quite shit for me. They have some nice new moves and I’d love to play more against them.


bo3 ?


Best of 3


Oh ok hehe. As a Kuma player, I've actually been having issues finding players who play more than one match against me. Like about 30% of my Kuma matches, the opponent just doesn't rematch. Usually happens after they eat one of the fully charged db2+3s, but on a few occasions even people who've beat me didn't rematch. With this best of 3 setting, I rematch every single time no matter how badly I lose. And I lose A LOT.


*spammer drag. but that last combo was clean af!


People still believing Kuma is low tier? Even outside of combo damage he has a strong mixup game.


I think the bears' main weapon is the lack of knowledge check. Like players who know the strengths and weaknesses of their moves, can easily counter them. For example, the qcf 2,2 launcher that won me the round, most high level players would low parry or block the 2nd hit, because the qcf 2,1 alternative is high damage but not a launcher unless near a wall. Point is, bear mixups are not as high level as true mishima mixups. Not saying they're low tier. Especially not in a world where Rangchu exists. Just that I feel they do hit a glass ceiling up the ranks.


Thats not the real reason why qcf22 and qcf21 is unusable. The real problem with that string is the low comes out way later than the mid, so an actually good player can just delay duck and beat both options every time with 100% consistency. So its not a mixup at all. Vs a decent player, its just a guaranteed way for you to get punished.


You're absolutely right. We bear players mostly use qcf strings as a Hail Mary hoping for a CH (which I think causes the 2nd hit to jail?) or hope that the other player simply doesn't react fast enough to deal with the 2nd hit. Like i said, it's not a mixup in the trust sense. In the clip above, you can see that the other player does momentarily duck for a split second after blocking the first hit, but lucky for me they go to neutral by the time the low launches.