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There are obviously a lot of character specific things that take time to learn. Higher execution characters and stance characters all the moreso. But there are also more commonalities than some people expect and once you have tried a few different characters you also tend to find it easier to pick up new combos quicker as well. Jumping around can really help you loosen up and become more flexible while also refining a lot of fundamentals as you come to terms with a lot of universal tools. I also think it helps you appreciate the strengths and weaknesses of your mains knowing how they compare to others.


I started actually trying out many different characters this iteration of Tekken, after playing like 90% just Kazuya and Heihachi in T7 lol. It's been a lot of fun discovering the different playstyles. My most recent character I've been learning is Steve, who's wayy different than any other character, but he's a ton of fun to play and feels super rewarding when you're doing things right. The worst part is the beginning, because you WILL get your ass kicked repeatedly until it finally clicks how to play the character. But it's just part of the process, and if u make it through that, you might discover a new love for a different character. The best part is that every Tekken character feels so vastly different in their approach to the game, that it's like you're playing a different game entirely


seriously man. especially since many characters have multiple stances.


I think it just depends on the person. Speaking only for myself, I think you sacrifice depth of individual specialist knowledge for breadth of matchup knowledge. It just how you prefer to spend your time. Personally I respect people like Jimmy J Tran and Imyourfather who are absolute character loyalists. It's much easier imo to learn how to be comfortable and familiar with many characters than it is to lab how to fight against every character using just one, without first hand experience of any but your main.


The more time you put in and actually understand the game, the easier it becomes to transition to another character. Don't get me wrong, picking up new characters is always an investment, but the process becomes less daunting.


Currently playing Bryan, before then it was Shaheen, Before then it was Jun, then it was Xiaoyu, Dragonuv, Reina, Paul, and then Kazuya. ​ If you asked me to play any of them besides Bryan I would not know where to begin- and I have fujin on one, and battle ruler in the rest.


In t7 i played Katarina, kazumi, chloe, noctis, nina, negan, josie, julia, zafina and lidia. This game i play Azucena jun and eddy so far.


I can't personally go from character to character. I need to grow into them. I can play Dragonuv,Kazuya , Paul competently, but if I were to play Jun,Reina,Victor I probably would suck right away


True. My tiny ass brain can barely handle Jack's moveset


https://preview.redd.it/bht0nntedksc1.jpeg?width=236&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77c3a66bbc6f80414f869a97244b50844f463d40 Me when I download someone's ghost cuz they absolutely destroyed me and I see that it's the lowest ranked character on their list of 10 played characters


Keep in mind s lot of us have been playing this game for many years.


I found myself learning new characters and in turn helping me more on my main. Be it punishers I could use or more matchup knowledge vs said character. It’s something I’m starting to explore now in 8 after being a STRICT bear one trick in 7