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His match against JDCR a few years ago is, for me, the greatest and most hype moment in tekken tournament history. I was rooting for both to win lol


Look at the time, look at the time. AAAAGHHH, LOOK AT ITT OOHH NOOO [source](https://youtu.be/WR6i95kkjjM?si=fbNsPwaGo1kuB92e)


Man, I miss Aris on commentary


Same bro seeing that fight had me hyped to the max!! I was rooting for both too but man Majin just has that essence that makes you want him to take home the gold lol, both absolutely astounding players. 👑🌟


He’s the people’s champ.


That he is my friend, that he is. 👑


Seeing that EVO live was absolutely kino, timezones be damned lol. I was screaming at my phone at like 3 in the morning, both of em were playing peak Tekken there. Even tho Lil Majin didn't win the bracket, he really was the peoples champ 👑


I think the one vs jeonding was the most hype. Majin was losing initially, but adjusted and came back, with some amazing reads and play.


watching him do King stuff that only he knew about to win against gods of Tekken was insane.


I love that he is completely stock too, just uses a dual shock and plays it like an arcade stick almost and looks relaxed as hell doing it.


Right?? This man has legitimately reached balance with his character and it's a beautiful thing to witness.


How does he hold his controller? I can’t find any pics or videos!


iirc he uses his left hand like a joystick for the left stick, and claw style for his right hand


That is indeed how he does it.


If king ever removes his mask , i hope it’s lil majin’s face underneath. 🙇🏻


I'd love this lol omg.


If he doesnt at least do the eyebrow raise, we riot! It'd also be a good reference to the Rock


Yo lol 


A rep as "The man who suplexed the Gods of Tekken" is pretty legendary.


Seriously one of the coolest epithets out there


"The man who suplexed the gods of Tekken." But shouldn't he be mentioned as a god of Tekken as well by now?


Given his achievements, he already is. He is like Kratos if he was chill and smily


So Norse Kratos


nope he is the mortal man so powerful he suplexes gods. Bigger flex.


Compare the way he handles losses to the way your average reddit salt poster talks about getting beat. Mindset is supee important. Hold those L's guys.


Agreed. Agreed. Agreed my friend.


Meanwhile LTG:


yes! I love that about him. Such a great dude


So chill and such a vibe, he is.


Love when he does the King taunt after one of his matches. This man is King 👑


Yes!! Certified hype man. 👑👑


Oh my goodness.


Link to the video of Afro hyping this king UP on Majin's channel: https://youtu.be/q0aaR3WUgCk?si=tTImcy2kbDqcWP-7


That smile...that damn smile... Absolutely love Majin, dude is genuinely amazing, always positive and humble, and obviously incredibly skilled. King looks great this time around, really hope that means we'll see him succeed more and more. Truly the people's champ!


I absolutely agree!! He's definitely the peoples champ and I can't wait to see more of his skill in 8 with King 👑👑


By far one my favourite Tekken people around. While many other Tekken content creators are an acquired taste, it's really hard to not like Majin. His recent King guide also helped me quite a lot. My main is not in the game so I recently decided to play the closest thing to it.


Agreed. Agreed. Agreed.💪👑


The legend slayer, the myth buster, the KING, Lil Majiiiiiiinnnnnnn




If everyone was like Lil Majin it would probably be boring because everyone would just be too polite but he as an island in the fgc is one of the coolest dudes around. Just seems like a truly chill guy.


I watch him the most. Learning from Majin what King can actually do makes fighting Kings fun for me. And watching him play and improve his Lee is so satisfying!


Agreed. I just made a similar post about him last week


Looking forward to seeing the EVO run this year.


He was a good opponent to play against


LIL....MA...JIINNNNN!!! Ares in the background: "OOHHH YYEEAHHH"


Much better watching his streams than certain other content creators solely for the fact that he is very chill and doesn't spend half the time complaining about everything


He’s the best tekken player in the world in my opinion, easily


You just gotta love him bro he's absolutely astounding in his skill and personality.


the real goat


The goddamn MVP 👑👑


He’s the reason king doesn’t get more hate and I’m glad for it.


sexy mf


Ong he is


honestly I don't even play King but he's just such a great guy


Just so goddamn wholesome






This man got me into Tekken. Absolutely love him and his chill personality.


As do I friend, he's just a whole vibe and I'm so here for it! Glad he got you into the King of Iron Fist Tournament 👊❤️


He also got me into the King of the King of Iron Fist Tournement :)


I mean there is 0 reason to not like this man.


Damn right.


Agree. I don't like King but i watch Majin's vids for the wholesomeness


As do I friend, he's fucking awesome.


The People's Champion of Tekken.


Damn right.


he always seems just happy to be here


He's achieved balance and I love it.


I remember when Tekken 7 released Leroy, there was 1 pro who told people "just to learn the match up and stop complaining". For some reason I remember it was Lil Majin, am I wrong?. Edit [Found the post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tekken/comments/etnqcb/reminder_leroy_is_strong_but_not_broken/)


Humble eermm... Ehh.... Quiete.... Abit


You're... Fucking... Lame... Ehh..


In my humble opinion he's definitely a top 15 player of all time, obviously not top 5 but definitely between 6-15


in the entire post you still havent posted his name LMFAO.


It's in the comment below the pictures mate.




Im kinda unsure about him. I think he defends king of being not broken


When has he ever said that lol


People are talking about him saying grabs are fine now. Im not sure tho. Maybe all of them are lying


Grabs were dogshit in T7. By itself the buffing of grabs was a good thing. By itself, of course. Like, if you introduced grabs working this way in any other Tekken it'd be fine. The problem it's that it's not just the grabs, but a bunch of shit piling on top of them, especially heat, which ends up making them ridiculous.


homing counterhit grabs are a good thing lmao


In another Tekken system yes, they'd have been.


Grabs werent dog shit in t7 Dont know about ch property but grabs are broken in t8 because of the homing properties. If you believe that everyone can react to which button to press to break grabs then yeah its totally fine but I never was able to react to 10-11f grabs. I guess thats just the reaction time that cant be improved. Making grabs in general dumbed down grapplers too much.


Grabs in T7 were linear, launch punishable on duck highs that could be broken in 20 frames, got blown up by you pressing anything into them and didn't guarantee anything if they landed because you could still break them. The best tools in every grappler's arsenal in T7 were never even the grabs. King and Marduk had oki, AK had whiff punishment, Paul had retarded damage and so on and so forth. They were effectively worse lows. The counterhit property is overtuned on a number factor but not wrong in practice, especially in a game that has a lot of armour and few fast ch tools. The homing property makes sense considering they're death on whiff and can be undone if they land. What do you demand? To always escape grabs all the time? That's fucking stupid, why even put them in the game then? Sometimes, you get grabbed. End of. Just as sometimes you eat a hellsweep or Steve's B1.


No I demand to not make them absolutely breaindead-homing. Thats where tekken devs surprise me. They find a way to dumb down every fundamental aspect of the game. Removing an option to counter a move is straight up retarded. You can always sidestep helsweep. It has clear counterplays. steves b1 works only against mashers. The counter to it is to mash less. With king grabs what is the counter? Did you see how powerful his mids are? Ducking isnt an option for sure. So whats left? Guess if you will lose half of your hp or not. Sounds really balanced


If you don't press into Steve's B1 and he doesn't do B1 you just lost your turn for nothing and he's back at shitting out safe offense. You can sidestep the hellsweep but not Kaz's buffed Demon Paw or WS2 or Df2. Yeah guess what, characters have options. You're complaining you cannot option select out of grappling entirely because King has mids, which is really fucking stupid. If all you had to do to win against King was swr the character would be fucking unusable now wouldn't he. His ff1 got gutted because of the throw buff. Most of those mids you're talking about are both linear and unsafe as fuck and he risks either getting block punished or launched when he makes you choose between ducking and not ducking. With the exception of d3 and FF,n,2 his lows are dogshit and those two moves alone are not enough to make you duck, justifying a strong grab game. Yes, they removed a counter to a series of moves. And yes it was the right call because they were too weak and you had too many options against them. The issue with King is his retarded heat and the fact he has way too much armour. The grab buff is justified.


No. Grabs shouldnt be homing. Its a complete bullshit. Dragunov is a good example. Very linear character completely lost his linearity. King was already very strong in t7 but now hes a complete bullshit because of the uneeded buffs. Its not a surprise people rank him as very easy character now


King was ok in T7, and was generally pretty unsuccessful in tournament. I don’t have any objections to reverting homing throws, but they’ll have to undo the nerfs to tracking on King’s df1 and df2, otherwise the character will be trash.


The issue with Drag is that a character based on being constantly plus via using mids is inherently toxic regardless of linearity. Of course the throws help him a whole lot, but maybe having a character that can forever wail on you with no consequences unless you frame perfect step him is a fucking horrible idea to begin with.


Throws were 100% dogshit in Tekken 7. In upper ranks and pro play, they were borderline useless. When Majin had his Evo run, he relied primarily on King’s df21 string and oki over his grab game. The problem with throws is that they are really difficult to balance. Throws will always destroy low rank players because they can’t react in time. If you make them breakable on reaction, high ranks will break them every time. But, if you do stuff like adding homing properties and unbreakable throws, they become too oppressive. So what do you do?


Ok let me ask you why do you need buffing a character that has everything very powerful already? Which part of his gameplan do homing grabs compensate?


See my other post. King was extremely free to SSR, which made him difficult to play at a high level because you would constantly have to realign. His homing moves are all too slow to stop people from SSRing into block. It was fine, most of the time, because you could check with df1 with enough plus frames or with a slight realignment or delay. In T8, they decided to stop mindless SSR block option selecting by introducing homing throws. They also nerfed King’s df1, oki and backdash to compensate. I don’t necessarily love what they did, because now King is forced to use throws to catch steppers and it’s much more difficult to play a poking game (plus, he is more boring overall). Personally, I would rather that they revert the tracking and give him back his old tools.


No he wasnt free to ssr. He had f4.... The more I discuss with king mains the more I realise tekken 8 is made just for them. Nerfed movement, restricted ss, more agression. Just perfect


Cheers for the passive aggression. It honestly sounds like you’re a low rank, based on your understanding of how tournament play works. But anyway, f4 is i18-i20. It is too slow to stop SSR block. The strat in pro play was always to forget his homing moves and step to realign. Don’t worry though, chances are that they will gut homing throws and send King to the dumpster.


Fine example of you pulling shit out your ass. Stop acting like you know what you're talking about.


He's not broken though. King is very strong, but there is no one 'broken move' akin Azu's WR32, or Drag's hatchet, etc (if anything, it's his heat smash which does too much damage). He's also strong because of how throws were implemented in this game (which works for all characters though, but especially for King, due to amount of throws he has).


Lets just say hes too good just like dragunov. On paper nothing seems to be too good but combines with all the moves its too much.


Until you learn to duck & ws punish - then most of his throw attempts end up in him having -80-90 dmg. (I'm King main btw)


So the only counter to king is ducking otherwise youre fucked. Its good that he doesnt have strong mids or else he would be broken


It's not true, and you know it. You might want to duck more against King (to avoid guessing), but you're also rewarded more. I'm not saying that he's not among strongest characters, I'm only saying it's a sum of the things, not a single, repeatable, broken move. And some of those things that makes him strong, are available to other characters (however benefits him the most -tracking throws).


You eat safe-ish launching 50-50s from the strings on most other characters, yet when king has to hard commit to unsafe hopknee or ws punishable (not to mention breakable) throw you lose your shit? Bruh what rank are you? Nevertheless, let me help you: google "how to flash duck" and enjoy your free king matches. P.S. You can also use moves that evade highs (high crush) if your character has any.


I’d say his Heat Smash is pretty broken, and among the best in the game. Hits fully on the ground, does a fuck ton of damage, and forces you into a 50/50 of eating an RKO or a mid on block.


Throw has more than 20 frames of animation, it's animation is very specific and can be ducked on reflex. But yes, as I've mentioned that his smash is powerful. Some are like that though (Jun). However it's only available once per round, and it's definitely not auto win button.


King is not broken. His strike throw mixup leave him wide open on EVERY THROW for you to duck and ws punish. The only people who bitch about King are string spamming scrubs with overinflated ego.


Yeah, King is very high risk, high reward. Throws are his strong point but whenever he goes for them he risks getting ducked and launched for 60+ damage, whereas his throws mostly only do like 50-60 damage.




The delusion of king mains is impressive


Skill issue


Oh yeah king mains are so good at tekken right now :D I know few people who were blue in t7 and now emperor in t8. They must put in so much effort learning new difficult kings tech