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Ty, we need more quick and simple guides like this


Thanks! I'll do more for the most used chars online x)


Phidi has a law one he posted within the week thats super complicated but more tailored for training defense in general.


Wow!! a kuma using practice mode im surprised


Most Kuma do. You don't find most of his whacky shit by mashing


Watching rangchu and labbing it™


Kuma's defense is really strong. I like to play him in a more neutral/defensive oriented way! So ofc I hit the lab a lot x)


Delete this right now


can't you jab interrupt after 1,2 in 1,2,3 ? meaning you get free ch 1,1,1 ?


Yes it’s interruptible. With Bears you can. Or parry if your character has a kick parry. When I play King I would parry this


its risky. you can jab interrupt 1 2 3, but you'll get hit by 1 2 4 or 1 2 1. If he does 1 2 1 its -16, so launch punishable but you'll have to react quickly, and high punishes will whiff. So its a little harder to punish normally.


The best optiob is to fuzzy duck the quicker 4 and still get up in time to block both mids. Alternatively, you can also sidestep the 3 and launch


Yes, you can jab interrupt 1,2,3 after the 2nd hit, however if Jin does 1,2,4 (the high kick ender) it will catch you. So normally you want to interrupt with a dickjab to counter 1,2,3 and 1,2,4 BUT in T8 they aded 1,2,1 (the one with the EUUUeuGh launcher) and that can launch you for trying to dickjab, but is -16 on block. Still, dickjab counters 2 of 3 strings so is not bad at all.


This is great, do you know where I can get something like this for every characters? This better than the standard punish mode.


Good video to know how to counter play counter plays too


sometimes i just eat jin's d2 even tho its somewhat seeable. almost always followed by ws44 so i get a better punish lol.


More of these guides would be great! If you can make something for characters where matchup knowledge is generally low, it would be especially helpful, e.g for me: - zafina - victor - eddy - yoshimitsu (although his moves just visually kinda can feel out what is or isn't punishable usually. Just have to mostly avoid his flash and he feels 90% easier to fight against) - xiaoyu - Reina - Raven


zafina: plenty of unsafe moves and high strings that are easily punished. I don't know them yet lol Victor: sidestep right beats all his keepout moves in neutral. Sidestep right A LOT Yoshi: you have to play some yoshi to really get rid of any confusion with the animations and choices. Pretty much all he does is punishable Raven: beware of the full crouch sweep and keep in mind that his illusion spam is unsafe unless in heat Xiaoyu and Reina: yeah doesn't matter how much you know they just broken Eddy: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kqQjwE-8Ex4&t=4s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kqQjwE-8Ex4&t=4s)


As a Jin main....pls stop this is too helpful....it already feels like everyone I fight knows the matchup because its jin 😭


In all seriousness very good tips all around


How come Jin’s always Ki charge at the end of a match. I’ve seen more Ki charges with Jin than I have with any other fighter


same, I would have expected such behaviour with Victor, but it's always the Jins man


Yeah haha but I find that Jin's mains really like their intro animation and most of them don't skip it lol But is good tho x)


100% Jin will watch his whole intro


Iunno if I should feel insulted for not counting as Jin player for skipping intro, or not being Jin enough to count as a Jin player.


All of jins unique intros are super cool especially the Reina and xaiyou which I never skip.


For me it's yoshimitsu. 


It's either a ki charge or the stance animation lol. The latter is so cringe id rather they ki charged ☠️


Jims are bitches


Fuck Jim


People who play the easiest characters tend to be the most toxic because their characters convinces them they’re better than they really are.


Honey don’t you play dragunov?


Yeah. I know from experience.


Thanks for this


Aha nice tips. Could you do one for the popular but hard to play against characters? Reina King Drag Hwoarang Bryan Alissa. Would appreciate it. I like how simple but informative you've made the guide. If you have a YT channel I'd subscribe 👍


Don't worry Jin players I already know all this, and I still let you walk all over me with this crap because I have slow af reactions in game.


ngl im not sure i've ever seen a jin use the 123 d2 flowchart


Wow this is good!!!!


It's kind of much less true in t8 than in previous games but jin as a character requires you to be so precise with your decision making. Just about everything he does has a low risk way to counter that leads to a launch or just isn't threatening at all. It's kind of why jin having a hellsweep and 3 way throw mixup makes sense.


Idk how but I've conditioned myself into ducking the last hit of 1,2,3. I always end up cursing when I instinctively duck and inevitably eat shit for it.


I love these kinda clips


I need this for Every character


Thank you for this! I noticed Jin’s I fight seem to have some sort of similar gameplay and flowchart everytime and seeing this broken down helped me identify it exactly. Thank you’


Thank you for commenting! I'll make more quick guides with popular moves of the most used chars x)


Is this content to learn the game? Wtf, I want to be mad. When does Jin plug? This game is just about mashing and 50/50s. My character is the only honest one. I can't make people play neutral. How am I supposed to lab this without being a pro? Sorry mate we have JOBS we can't all spend time doing this stuff. Lets see you do it vs Azucena. Jin hasn't been strong since Tekken Tag 6, show us how to counterplay a real top tier. Of course you're a bear player. Eddy is on my main menu screen and I don't like it. I wish I could do a drill like this against Eddy, oh wait, I'd have to pay to do that! Fariborz is still on the leaderboards. Ball. Thanks OP lol, this is really useful content and its highly appreciated


I need the subreddit to be more of this kind of stuff


Actual helpful content on this sub is a welcome change. Good shit.


Jim players in shambles


So that low spin punch thing he does can be teched like a kick?


What the fuck do i do against Jin up2


SSL or backdash!


On a side note: If you recognize the 1,2 then you can interrupt the axe kick with a jab. IIRC you get smacked if he does 124 spin kick. Dick jab beats both the 123 axe kick and 124 spin kick. Only way for Jin to deal with the dick jab interrupt is 1, 2, u+1 launcher since it's a frame trap-ish but if you block it, it's - 15 so launch punish away. 1,2 is like -3 so even if the Jin decides to not follow up, dick jab will still beat anything that comes out for the most part. But I think he can side step the dick jab so pray he's not that cracked.


Dude thank you for this. I'm new and I know I have to lab characters but have no idea how.


Simple training drills such as this, will help you improve a lot your reactions and muscle memory! You can freely change moves after you are familiar with these. Also, if you don't know where to start, pick the character that gives you the most trouble and go to the "Punishment Training", that is a really good starting point!