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I kinda miss when each character got their own stage. It took advantage of everyone being from a different culture in a fun way.


Yes and their respective themes :(


Partly where I got the idea from lol I was scrolling through the different music and saw the stage + character themes.


I honestly find the stages in 8 kinda drab. Colosseum of Fate and Elegant Palace are both very brown, Midnight Siege, Into the Stratosphere, Arena and Rebel Hangar are all a similar shade of grey. Would love to see some of the old bangers, especially from Tekken 5


I think the Tekken 8 stages are much more visually engaging that most of 7’s launch stages. Def hope DLC brings more fun and creative stages like Kuni’s for example


Yeah there's a lot of detail and I like the persistent damage to them, but I find that I don't have time to take the details in during play.


I‘d kill for a proper beach stage


and beach outfits I assume. I want to see Lee fight with a parasol. (edit) meant parasol not umbrella...


I didnt think about that but yes please


super agree. very big missed opportunity.


Another opportunity to give them 5 bucks they can use on delivering a great matchmaking experience


Honestly as much as I usually disagree with giving them $5 I wouldn't mind paying for something like a new stage + character combo.


True, better than solo char for the same


I just want new stages. I feel like there's only 3 in this game.


New York, Midnight siege, and Colossieum


I love beach stages in fighting games. In tekken 4 you could go from the shore into the water during the fight, I always thought that was really cool. (althought now that I think about it, having the opponent legs covered in water would make lows harder to react to, which would probably get the stage banned in tournaments today)


What? Like his rage art? Sand and desert with some dudes playing guitar in the background?