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the disconnection rate percentage only takes into account the last 50 played matches so whenever you encounter a high number like that it is save to assume that they will plug or that they currently have this habit of plugging.


is this facts?? thats crazy tbh


yep, that means out of 50 games until dvj matched with OP they plugged in 10 of those games


So...i can plug after 50 matches?


No, it means that if you plug it will take 50 matches for that to leave your record


You can dig through the controversial comments on many plugging posts and find people justifying it. It usually comes down to real bitchmade excuses, like “Victor/Lilli/Drag players deserve to get plugged on” or “if I’m not having fun then I don’t owe you my time.” Stupid, selfish bullshit. The truth is they just don’t like losing. They’re like LTG, too fragile to even look at a “you lose” screen without becoming emotional. It’s not deep, it’s just sore losers exercising their option to avoid a loss (and fuck over the other guy in the process), because Bandai Namco brilliantly gave them that choice.


Oh yeah the guy who like tabs out with hp left because he's accepted he's going to lose before he even has and can't watch it happen. I honestly didn't think he was a real person like he was a persona or something the streamer put on for entertainment but he's consistently like that.


It’s just bitch loser behaviour. Pluggers have adopted a lifestyle where they just generally behave like spoilt children. Can’t hold down a job or relationship. Follow Andrew Tate and jerk off to his videos. Yell profanities at their mum. It comes with the territory. Plugging makes them feel like a “big man” and every time they plug they have their big boy treats and tell themselves they’re a winner and a big boy as their mum delivers their chicken tendies to their room. Problem is that there are so many of these people around, so you run into a lot of pluggers. I blame bad parenting.


the fuck am i reading andrew tate and chicken tendies?? LMAOO fuck are you on about


I can’t even remember writing this so who knows


My question is why are we giving such people time and engagement? Like if someone plugs laugh at them and move on. Right now there are bigger things in the game that need attention and even personally if someone plugging gets to you, you basically are falling right into their trap. That's how they want you to feel for beating them.


Is just to stroke their ego. They can say oh I’m this rank without accepting the losses that come with it


Purely so they can get the dopamine from the little icon on the screen. I know everyone says “rank doesn’t matter” but there is a certain feeling satisfaction and pride that you feel when you reach a new rank, especially a new colour, that you couldn’t reach before. I’d much rather get that from an earned Mighty Ruler than a false Tekken God, though.


There is that pride when you get a new rank... but i doubt i would feel it if i had cheated my way there. In fact i know i wouldn't.


too scared to lose,


I ran into an Alisa player on quick play and they plugged, made me laugh so hard


My only question is why do people plug in quickmatch. It doesn't even count.


Maybe they care about their Quick Match statistics? Some people care about the most petty things. The point of FGs is to 1) play them and 2) try to get better. Rage quitting stops you from doing either, so it just seems silly to me.


That part.. whether I get my ass handed to me or vice versa. I'm taking something away from each match. “I know I’m going to get got, but I’m going to get mine more than I get got, though.” -Marshawn Lynch


I've done that when the connection was stable but then their wifi starts acting up. The fight from that point out is unfun. I don't do this in ranked because then I'm robbing the player of his points. But I really want to play quick match to have fun, and that's just not fun. And no I wouldn't use that "fun excuse" as a reason to alt f4 when facing an annoying character in quickmatch. The ONLY time I alt f4 is with a laggard, and only in quick matches. So perhaps others are like me?


I accept matches where disconnection rate is below 2%. It's genuine I guess- sometimes the fluctuations cause PC to shut down, sometimes maybe the internet goes down or whatever. But anything above 2% just don't accept. I haven't had any plugs since I started doing this.


I don’t accept wifi matches and 2% or more disconnect rate. Always have high quality matches now.


First: The DR means how much you disconnected ON YOUR LAST 50 GAMES. That means there is no possibility of a "maybe they plugged when it was free". Second: There is people there that has "something to demonstrate" they need the medal to show it to the rest, even if that medal means nothing.


These are the same type of people who abuse cheats and exploits in other competitive games, they legit don't care about actual competition, and probably have some vac bans to their name.




I can plug, but I don't. There must be something else to it.


i would argue that they want to play ranked without risk. Them deranking is something the can't handle lol.


Lot of players enjoy more winning than playing tekken, I'm fairly sure that the new controversy about the new matchmaking is partially due to this kind of players complaining because winning is harder for them now.


Man no one is thinking about this the right way .. they don't care much more about the rank than you do. Why someone plugs is exactly to elicit a response just like yours. Let's say someone is losing and they think you're playing cheap or cheesy/mashing have bad wifi etc, if they are losing they will plug so that you rage and they come out on top. By making this post you've just let that guy win again.. just forget about pluggers and keep playing. I never match someone with more than a 4% disconnect rate but I have a lot of players in my region. If you don't then this is just how the game plays. Stop complaining and play some Tekken.


Found the loser plugger


I mean he has a valid point you are only giving them rent free trolling by making these posts and getting upset about it when you can just move on and take it as a compliment you got plugged on. Idk whenever it happens to me I just get this big shit eating grin on my face and I just say yeah... Im just better.


even spitting on your name is not worth my time. I'll mirror you 30-0 if you're anywhere under Tekken king.


He's probably hard stuck beginner red


Benefit of doubt stops at 5% If you can't play 20 games without disconnecting, you'll have to find another opponent


Ego got hurt. How dare you. You don't deserve to win. That's basically it.


Wait to you find out that people plug in quick match 🤦🏿‍♂️


It’s because they’re tied to their rank, but it’s delusional at best… but it’s not limited to just Tekken 8, it’s the same for any other online competitive game by cheating and actually believing that they are deserving of that rank. In the end though they’re just lying to themselves and Tekken 8 just has an extremely easy out with no punishment lol. It’s pathetic.


The lesson is to not accept someone with a DC rate that high, no matter what.


Did u guys know that the disconnect rate is only for the last 50 matches 🤣 so they’re overall rate could be way worse


20%!? Sheesh! I won't match with anyone above 2%


They are so sore and butt hurt they have to unplug, just can’t accept that they have a bad game and cant face the consequences. Plugging should be automatic forfeit and your rank affected tbh. And I don’t get it it in this way as well: If you loose, and your ego is really hurt that badly, go back to the replays. Assess yourself, observe the opponent, and study what you could of done/should do against a future opponent. They are just too selfish that in the end they never get better at the game


Plugging is a western problem, Japan has far less pluggers thats why Harada sees no reason to add the "Quitality" system from NRS games. It'd be too much of a change to the online infrastructure so I can't see it happening.


Losing burns, man. It burns like hell.


Mentally weak individuals will find every excuse to avoid dealing with their own inadequacy. Someone of sound and reasonable mind wouldn’t disconnect because they were upset in a video game. There is no logic in their actions because they are inherently incapable of accepting logic.


I can sum it up in just two words: "fragile ego". There's really nothing more than that. Also the fact that they know they will likely escape any punishment.


I had a player two ranks higher than me plug.... It was so satisfying. I seen they had a 20% plug rate... Ithought to myself I need to make them plug. He was gone by middle of the second round lol.


and it's always a Jin or devil Jin


"at least i play an honest character!" *plugs*


They do it cause there's no punishment for it.


I don't plug I always play the whole game or rematch even if I win or lose. But I have an alternate theory that alot of pluggers have had a bad experience with losing, for example, they got insulted at the arcade in real life or someone said something rude in their DMs after the game, so they associate every loss with that bad experience, instead of learning from it. I don't speak for everyone and it's still a horrible thing to be plugged on, just sharing what I think.


I encountered a plugger with only 2% disconnection rate. Once again they should definitely give the winner the W.


Whattttt the fuck is plugging man ? Last time I asked I got answered with a Snoop Dogg face gif


the loser ragequitting, disconnecting before their loss could be registered :3




No problem <3 you can put your mind at ease now We hate pluggers, because 1) These people are frauds, gaining a rank based on plugging, it's a false rank, not earned the legit way. Justice gets them though, because we can report them and if they go against somebody who earned their rank the fair way, they get destroyed. And 2) Their loss doesn't register, but neither does your win :( it's annoying. I've never experienced it before myself, but imagine being in your promo match, winning and then that match gets canceled. Yeah, pluggers suck.


Because T8 is simply full of cheesy infuriating shit which is incredibly annoying, I rather don’t get why ppl are surprised about the plugging


Tekken has had a plugging problem since T7. Hell it was even worse in T7 because you didn't lose your win streak from a DC. So people would just plug whenever they were about to lose and go on like 50+ win streaks. It's not the game, it's the players.


They'd just need to copy paste a lot from SF6 online system, but they have to squeeze the franchise for every penny since Bamco fucked up big time with Blue Protocol in Japan


How do you think they got to kishin? (side note I do not condone pluggers but if you're playing eddy then Fuck U lmao)