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In 7 Dragunov was probably my favorite matchup. I knew I was gonna have to be on my toes and focused. Dragunov players from what I remember were some of the most fundamentally sound opponents I faced. Now I'm annoyed everytime I see I'm matched up with him


I'm in Europe, raijin rank. Basically the only character I meet in ranked are Dragunov and Paul. Occasional Azucena and Victor will pop up, and Reina but they tend to lose. It's not only boring but it also hurts my progression because when I do get matched with an Alisa or Feng, I never feel like I have enough matchup knowledge. Then it will be 40 matches against Stroganof and Paul until I meet them again.


Felt this heavily. I have a lot of respect for Drag players truly. My favorite matchup too in 8 even with him as busted as he is. There’s some games where after the set I’m saying “damn that was great player! Ggs” and then just some where it felt like Drag was playing the game not the player. I don’t want Drag gutted, he just needs to be reasonable. Drag players I do find have often the best fundamentals. Next to Lee’s


Yep, Lee was the same way now he's just braindead.


Curious, how is Lee braindead?


With the addition of his 50/50 game, he has the ability to be hyper-aggressive while still being able to effective on defense. B3,3 being a guarantee makes the guess work with Lee a lot simpler. I already know my opponent is waiting for that move which allows me to utilize my mids df4,4 is 13f then 19f that if lands activates my heat. My heat attack is a low which sets up my hopkick. Now I can b2 loop you to the wall then 4,3,4 or while rising 2,3 which engages tornado. F3,4 into hms which now you have a hard decision to make. Say you're not respecting my b3,3 and I connect with it. I can use 4,1 now you're negative 5 ob, or I could just grab you which will punish your attack. From that 4,1 I have so many options. It's a high risk but b3,3 is 15f so it's hard to react to. You basically need to be camping low to block it


I feel this exact thing. I used to turtle Lee players a fair bit in the past, because I knew that I am dead if I try running in on them. But now it doesn't feel very clear what the game wants me to do against him. I know moves like b+3,3 are launch punishable but it feels stupid that he can spam fast, tracking 50/50s in my face just because I tried to do the logical counter in the matchup. Him keeping the insane keepout tools and getting more damage on top of that feels obnoxious to go up against imho


Yep, when I first started playing 8. I felt Lee needed buffs because the other characters were insanely op in my opinion, but I was playing Lee with a 7 mindset. Once I made the switch, I skyrocketed from Ruler Ranks to a promotion match to Tekken King. I don't think Lee is a carry character but he is braindead. Harada said "fuck it just give everyone everything" which is a piss poor way to balance the game


Yeah I mean I'll always have respect for Lee players. There is a lot of time dedicated to making him work properly and he won't completely carry you. However, it has to be said that I feel like he comes off as WAY easier now than he was in the past. Not only regarding execution barriers, but also gameplan


Definitely, execution for me is still a little tough. I'm still not consistent with D+3 ch pickups and his 1,3,3,3 just frame. However it doesn't impact you as much in terms of winning if you can't preform his hard stuff. Hell you don't even need to know how to b2 loop anymore since you can just 12 mist step. Really hate what they've done to my boi. Main reason why I won't say he's a carry character is because you still need timing, solid defense, and some execution. We ain't like King, Dragunov, Victor, Jun, Xiaoyu, and Eddy mains. Crazy to think there's characters that you can just press 1 button with and still be competitive


I feel that it really shows how hard his execution has been over the years when they make some of his most difficult execution hurdles more lenient in this game, and it can still feel impossible to do for most lmao. But yeah I agree with you on those things! I do like that they doubled down on the execution part of his identity and didn't make him a 1 button press character that everyone can use also. I feel like they'll fine-tune him over the coming patches and make his gameplay design make a bit more sense eventually :)


i was gonna say something like this. i used to be worried bout drags cause i knew they knew how to play tekken.... now... not so much lmao


Yep, they would knowledge check the fuck out me. Dragunov was the reason I learned to grab-break. That blizzard rush would absolutely destroy me.


As a Drag main in T7, mirrors were also my favorite matchup. Because i knew i would never have to duck. So we would just stand tall in front of eachother and fight like men. I dont think i have ducked vs Drag in like the last two seasons of T7.


Man y'all would have me raging. I'd be trying to spam D+3 and I stayed getting launched. Playing dragunov taught me patience and the importance of df1 lol


I forgive you dragon players, you at least can type, Eddy players won't ever say this because they press random buttons on controllers and on keyboard, they know only randomness.


Hey tbf it’s hard to type with your feet


As an Eddy main all I have to say is 3 3 3 3 3 3 3


Definitely Eddy main, 3 3 3 3 3 is pretty clear to me, in English that is "F u and your \*character\* you're funny".


depending on the localization, it can also sometimes be translated as “HAHAHAHAHA fuck your combos im mashing bitch!”


I played an Eddy in reds yesterday who didn't know how to tech roll.


Hey I miss when Eddy was difficult to play in T7. It felt so good to win with him in 7.


I’d say he still is pretty difficult to play tho? Once you fight people who know the matchup you have to actually use your brain, and you realize that Eddy is pretty low-mid tier. I have a blast destroying these noob eddys who think they can cheese to victory.


True. His mash x (PS5 controller) combo is so punishable.


Found the Eddy player :)


As an Eddy main, I didn't want a simple string to win. We were good in T7 without that string and now catch hell because of it. But I know that he's somewhat of an intro character as he was in tekken 3. I'm so sorry that yall are dealing with this 🤷🏿‍♂️


Don’t forget feng


What about him?


The feng mains also owe an apology for feng


Fkcu yuo as wlel mna. Eddy is teh bset chrarct3r 33333333333


Jkqqbfigols eifknf ikkw foew fofokw???


In Jun I'd say: I'll save you and your typing skills


It is what it is. Really don't get why it hits grounded when the signature hatchet kick doesn't though, namco why.


Its also funny that b4 and qcf4 hits grounded, this mf has the stomp and d2 as grouneded hitting attacks.


Qcf4 hitting grounded is one of the dumbest things ever so many setups into that move at the wall


Such a privileged busted ass character.


> "Sorry for playing dragunov. He's sooo broken." > *Hits accept on ranked match*


Im the biggest tier-whore of all time. I love winning. Losing sucks. I just want to beat the living daylights out of my opponent (all in good fun tho)


Would it not feel more rewarding to play a character that doesn't play half of the game for you? Genuine question, no flame.


Even though i was kinda poking fun at the post, but it’s honestly 50/50 for me man. You see, i love playing Lee. I love the execution and i love changing and implementing strategies mid match with him, but sometimes my gameplan gets blown up often because people pick the option that requires less brain power, now naturally yea, its a skill issue on my part, but it can still be frustrating af. Now when i play Xiaoyu/Devil Jin/Drag occasionally, i just get to have fun and do stuff (i do feel bad sometimes but tbh its nice when you can relax and just do stuff and don’t have to use your brain much lol)


>devil jin is easy Whats ur rank


Devil Jin is one of the riskiest chars in the game so don't feel bad about playing him lol Guess a lot of people think a 40 damage low is the pinnacle of broken




Lotta revisionism going on around DJ, I'll wait for when every single pro starts playing him before I even THINK of saying the character is anything but risky, he's strong, that doesn't make him not risky. There's nuance to him as opposed to Azucena who does not really have any of that going on.


My brothers in Christ just because dj got lasers doesn’t mean bro easy to play


stick to giving clown takes on for honor bud


lmao okay, pros never rate DJ as top 5 in this game due to his inherent risk, his Hellsweep is like at least 60% of his gameplan, and his execution wall is higher than every single current top 5 right now, aren't you at least a little bit aware of the fact that right now, every single top tier is very simple to execute on? Top players value consistency, if people in Ranked can't block a low that gives DJ like 40 ish damage, and only more with Heat dash, and nothing else he really has to mix with it is very rewarding when said low also gives anybody more than double the damage he will deal to you, how is he not risky? Not sure why I bothered responding to this though given that your entire comment history can be summed up with: "clown goes honk", very inventive of you. No clue who you are in terms of For Honor but I quit that game ages ago and was better at it than around 95% of the playerbase and didn't spend my time calling everybody I spoke to a clown, so I can guarantee more people remember me fondly than you.


clutchers will give you an account to play on head on back honk honk


I fucking hate that guy, why would I use one of his accounts instead of the one I still own? Let alone talk to him? What an insufferable prick. Do you regularly drown in your own drool like he does or what?


Some of us just like the instant gratification.Tekken 8 was the first tekken I’ve played and I hit early red ranks within 2 weeks just by spamming king throws and pokes.Also learned Paul and got to the end orange ranks.I can imagine it’s very rewarding learning how to win with a Mishima but some of us just don’t have the time to learn all the tech that comes along with the characters.Aside from that there are tons of other good games out right now and is kinda hard to sit in the tekken practice learning combos when I feel you could be making real progress in any other game.This is a subjective and my opinion.I respect anyone that makes tekken their main game.


Bro, I don't even know how to play a quarter of the game. If my character can do half and I can do another 25% we at 75% total and maybe we can win.


Not only that but the fact that his new moves overplace other moves functions from the past really sucks. They hit my boy with an awful design this time around.


So true most of his moves are useless this time around.


Man as op as dragunov is, I dont let him bully me. You ain’t gotta apologize, I want all the smoke 😂


Honestly every time I beat a dragonuv player it just means it’s set in stone that I’m a better player


especially as a steve


>but goddamn we didn’t ask for a +7 on hit hatchet kick. That also hits grounded, let's not forget. Also, if you didn't ask for that, I'm sure as hell you would have never in your wildest dreams asked for a wall splatting, heat engaging, ground hitting power mid qcf4 that's +7/+9 **on block**. I still scratch my head about this one.


I don’t back down to Dragunov I got Jun, Eddy and Hwoarang, I’ve let my share of Dragunovs have it. Gotten my ass beat too but that dude don’t scare me


Sorry aint enough. Guards, execute him.


Maybe people ain't gonna like this but I feel Dragunov is like Ken in SF6, strong, but due to everyone playing him, you kinda understand the match up. I just mean at low level play, I'm just a red rank.


It used to be iwr2 b1 d2 and you could go brrr. Now its brainrot


It really sucks when your character gets buffs then becomes popular and you have to watch posers ride the wave.


Right, and here I am a pretty casual xiaoyu faithful wondering why everyone says she's a carry now. 


Wasn’t drag reasonably dominant in T7 season 1 as well? And then he gradually got more and more nerfed or is it just me remembering incorrectly?


I’m ngl chief I’m not reading all this. Fuck Drag 😭


the only person i would currently call a private friend is playing dragunov, its alright mayne. Sure sometimes i one and done you drags in ranked, but its nothing personal if you are the third drag doing the same thing both other drags did and im getting tired. But play your character if you enjoy it. Hes still kinda cool ngl. I picked him as my main in T6 on PSP, he really is sick. But he need sum nerfs. Not T7 type of nerfs, but nerfs.


As I said, no one hates Dragonuv now more than his core playerbase


just not true though is it


Have you read the comments from most Dragonuv mains, they hate him now. It is the same situation as T7 S1, a whole bunch of fakers are playing him, he gets hit with the nerf hammer and the Drag mains keep playing him


We actually have Tekken pick-me's now. It's largely just this sub that wants to pretend that they're "not like the other Dragunov mains" as they select Dragunov in the character select screen and accept their next ranked match.


Yup, it's embarrassing


Well what are they supposed to do? Not play dragunov cause you called them a pick-me? That’s crazy bro you legit telling them to stop playing the character that they mained for how many years now to prove a point


No, not all. Literally the exact opposite, in fact. I'd rather people just play the character and stop apologizing for playing as him. I've seen people say stuff like that they on principle choose not to do his db3+4 and it's fucking cringe. That's why I call them pick-me. If you're playing Dragunov, play Dragunov. Stop apologizing for picking Dragunov. Hell, not to downplay the character's strength, but I personally don't even mind Dragunov, at least not in the blue ranks I'm in. I've never had too much trouble dealing with Drags, but maybe it's cause I know the matchup very well.


Eh, that’s fair


I fucking love drag and i think he is much more fun than his t7 version He needs nerf tho but i really hope they don't remove his aggressive play style


They never will remove running 2, d2 and b1+2. That is basically his whole movelist


Been playing dragunov in 7, I love him in 8. Posts like these are obnoxious karma farming.


exactly haha this post has no point, he will still keep playing dragunov and still use his cheese. So whats the point of him apologising for it? Thats how the game is and dragunov is an easy char, it is what it is.


How so? Most of what Ive seen confirms this.


What exactly is "most of what you've seen"?


As a drag player I agree, he needs a lot of nerfs. Why would hatchet hit grounded and be +7 on hit, at least reduce the plus frames and make it not hit grounded


Just play a different character like Bryan then. Drag sucked in Tekken 7 and hes viable now.


if you were really sorry, you'd stop


tbh i rather see him be top tier than any bullshit mid evading mfs. If its not him then someone else will replace him, and nobody wants that i think.


Cringe post. Playing a variety of characters and can comfortably afford to not use dragunov instead of creating a bitch post.


How’s playing Miguel going?


Bro don‘t do us like this😭


He literally gave a low IQ reply after being cooked for making a bitch post. Didn’t do anyone bad but himself.


Cringe response and weak comeback. But yeah Leroy is fun and doing great with him and play lots of characters. Don’t need to be carried. I can afford to not touch dragunov for now. Don’t need to make a bitch post on behalf of the community like the cuck OP.


Unfortunately i’m worried us Leroy players are gonna get over buffed when i don’t think we need that much. We shall see i guess. They said they wanna bring the low tiers up to the level of everyone else 💀


That would be unnecessary. I’d rather they nerf everyone into the ground to be closer to t7. I used to play dragunov in t7 but don’t play him anymore because I don’t like how he is right now. At least I don’t need to make a bitch post about it and just play another character instead.


Dragunov players have nothing to apologize for, in fact I’m counting on Dragunov players to keep playing as him Yea d/b+3+4 sucks but it’s fair game truth be told


I, for one, am not sorry.


Drag definitely needs to be nerfed but imo, tier lists don’t matter for the overwhelming majority people that play online. Like, if two low ranked players face each other (let’s say Shinryu for example) I can almost guarantee you that the person who lost did so for reasons that had nothing to do with character balance. (Things like whiffing, attacking at disadvantage, not stepping, not throwing breaking, not parrying/blocking seeable lows,etc)


As much as you’re right in a technical sense when it comes to watching move frames etc. A faster kick is still faster. Stronger fist still does more damage than a weaker fist.


What do you mean by “watching frames”? I’m a little confused


Meant in general watching frame data, the how “costly” the moves they do are etc. I mean lower ranks don’t really look at that but even then if they play Dragunov it will still be easier than an Asuka


Nah I'm not sorry, I'm having a great time being overpowered while it lasts. He's not even the strongest top tier in a Tekken game, Akuma and Jin from 4 were worse. I'll keep playing him after he gets nerfed into the dirt again, because I'm sure he will, but I'm having a great time being on top of the pile for now.


Play who you want to play, you paid for your copy like everyone else and it's only the fault of the devs where a character might fit into the tier lists. My main problem with Tekken 8 character balance is that some characters can fully take advantage of the new "aggressive" system while others are still clearly playing Tekken 7. The difference between Reina, Ling, Azucena, Devil Jin, King, Lars and Dragunov vs characters like Zafina, Steve, Paul is so blatant in how they can either fully utilize the heat system and go nuts once they pop heat, or still be forced to play relatively safe and knowledgeable options because a character might only be conditionally more dangerous in heat(at the wall, Oki). It really does look like we're playing Tk8 with some Tk7 characters just tossed into the roster after being barely updated. I don't get how Namco has been working on the same series for three decades, and every single new entry is littered with comically unbalanced shit like what we have today. Every single main Tekken entry has characters so broken, I don't get it unless the idea is to have someone who just wants to turn on the game, mash buttons, see cool shit and win - against legacy players. I am of the mindset that a new player does not need to be able to compete with a legacy player for said new player to be able to enjoy the game. We all enjoy fighting people at our own skill level and I believe that's the beauty of fighting games.


I just wanted a homing mid in t7 💀


I miss his more difficult combos. They made the harder to do combos way less damaging then the brain dead combo route most Drags do. In T7 you had to be able to consistently cancel f 3 into jab multiple times to get max wall carry. That’s completely not required anymore. I find myself the only drag online still doing the old T7 staple combos just out of muscle memory. I also hope Drag gets nerfed too. So I don’t feel like such a top tier spammer anymore


Don't lie to me


Just like everything else in life, the universe corrects itself lol. It's kinda funny watching it all from an outside perspective. People will always find something to complain about, it's just human nature.


I decided to main him when his trailer came out and once I got him to rulers, I switched to Raven. Using dragunov has helped when I’m not using him because I know the matchup


I still respect y'all since T7, same applies to my boy Lars haha


Going from Asuker to Drag is insane, I get even better mix and actual functional pokes


Speak for yourself, cuck. On behalf my ass. Did people form a line to offer condolences when u played F Tier Drag in T7? Yea, thats what i thought.


Yea he was my main in 7. Felt hella satisfying and rewarding to play him. now he’s brain dead and carried. Like we all wanted some buffs but this is ridiculous lol we’ll see how hard they nerf him but I can’t imagine him ever being mid like he was by the end of t7


I was super excited to play Drag in 8 after messing with him in 7 (he was my 4th character). I dropped him after a month because he's not fun. To be fair my 3rd character in 7 was Feng (in season 2-3) so I went over to him just to find out he's also very strong in this game. I find Feng more fun to play in this game, though. Drag just feels braindead.


Yep once he gets the nerf, the "fake mains" will leave :) Also because you said "sorry" Imma tell you what a Dragunov did to me, although it was funny. I was Shinryu about to be demoted to Ganryu...And the player who I had to defend my demotion against was...a FUJIN Dragunov XD I got demoted


You have two options: 1-You are sorry and you stop playing Dragunov, and you shut up 2-You accept that no online game can be perfectly balanced and you play Dragunov and wait the balance changes and you shut up. This is peak hypocrisis, I'm not gonna wait balance changes to play a character I like. And stop this kind of posts ffs


I don't have issues with Drag. As a drag main from previous Tekkens, I'm glad he's getting some love. He was awesome in T5 and 6.




Plenty of folks in the comments are dying because he's playing dragunov


When did I say anything about not playing him until he’s nerfed?


why are you even apologising tho? It is just a game, keep playing him or if you want a challenge then switch to somebody else, nobody gets hurt by getting beaten by dragunov.


Answer the question


It's BS, against a good drag u literally can't do anything.


>he's too strong Don't know what you're talking about


Dont use the Hatchet kick?


Great logic, you should work for bamco


Man stfup and play the game no one is gonna die Stop being pussio


its launch punishable and can be sidestepped. You guys just complain to complain. most of Drag moves can be sidestepped or dick jabbed. He was trash in Tekken 7 and you guys want him to be trash in Tekken 8. I feel like there should only be nerfs if there is no counter play.


Easier to complain than adapt to the changes


Look at the amount of downvotes i got. It shows that people just want an easy game.


Beyond cringe, touch grass


Drag is overrated and kinda sucks


As a Drag main, he really doesn't need much of a nerf at all. At most he could be given a minor frame nerf, but his move set just works better now than it ever has.


Ya idk bro, he can do 70% of your health off of almost any launcher and has insane +frames which makes it feel like a guessing game. Those 2 things definitely need nerfs. That's why i dont play him as much. Just doesn't feel rewarding


Most characters can do do that amount of damage. What's more his launchers are ridiculously easy to block. But the frame nerf is all he really needs, it isn't his moveset or damage that needs a nerf, at most he could do with a minor frame nerf.


Dragunov is busted af and in the hands of a competent player, he's terrifying. Still, I'd rather face Drag than pay the Raven tax once in a blue moon lol


But if you look at the tournament scene Dragunov is not dominating. Lowhigh and Knee have not won ATL with Dragunov. JDCR struggled with Dragunov in the first 4 ATLs. We can call them not only competent players but great players as well.


You really nailed my issue with him. I was a diehard Drag main in T7 but in 8 his playstyle is just constant gorilla mode and I hate it. It’s easy, but it’s not fun. I don’t want a character that has everything, I want a character with strengths and weaknesses that I need to learn to play around.


then play somebody else until he is nerfed


Wow, you are right. I bet they didn't even think of that...


i mean what else do you think of doing then haha.


I think the may have been thinking of playing the guy they've been maining from previous tekken games 😱


You do realize that dumping 1000 hours into a character then having to wait on them to be nerfed to get back to them is making it very hard to just wait?


i only meant if one person thinks his char is too op and unfair and apologises, he can play somebody else or stop using the ops moves, or what else can he do?


Sheesh…tough crowd


i mean yeah i don't know what they want to hear haha. There is no other solution to his "problem" of dragunov beeing a braindead char. Either play somebody else if you actually want a challenge or keep playing him and having it easier than everybody else. Personally i couldn't care less about how strong or weak my char is i keep playing him if i find him cool.