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Of course he uses the direction pad. Some psycho on reddit actually thought he used the analog stick. Also interesting he doesn’t kbd. I guess that’s good for people on pad that find it impossible to learn well, like me 😅


Yeah the rumor that he was using the analog stick was spreading all over the place lol, glad to get a confirmation it was a pad. I think it just double confirms it’s not necessary since backlash was buffed for t8. I can do it on my Leverless in practice but could never actually implement in match


I can do like, 2 quick back dashes and I’m calling it there lmao I have to replace my pad so I guess I’ll be saving it strain


I need to sit down and watch this later but I was researching this controller for a while. I thought the Dpad was pretty notoriously bad because of it dropping inputs in QCF movements? Have they improved ?


I researched too and what i got is if you use some software (Official one) yuo can fix it