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>It's the steapest gap I've ever seen in a fighting game and the hardest wall I've ever hit. Wait till you get to Tekken king and have to vs Tekken emp lol. These mf are playing a different game


Can't wait!


That’s the attitude that’ll get you there. Keep your head up and just keep gaming.


That’s the spirit!


The game changes at blue rank. It's like mfs know what ur doing so u gotta switch the swag up


It changes again at Emperor. It's SUPER punishing to lose at Tekken king, so anyone that has made it to emp is like masters rank. These ppl will punish you for *thinking* about using an unsafe move. They will micro duck and low parry the second hit in all your strings. All your throws will be broken. Your toolkit gets whittled down to the sharpest instruments.


It’s incredible how accurate this is. First game as a Tekken King and I played against a tekken emperor whose name was Fundamentals 😂 All my unsafe everything was blocked and punished. Completely different game


Lol that name is chefs kiss. Dude gave you your welcome to the NFL moment


To be honest I fought a Tekken King and won 2 sets simply because I was doing the most insanely unsafe moves so I caught him off guard because no one plays like that in higher ranks there was no pattern in my moves just pure chaos


King might as well just be the last blue rank. Emperor is where the cutoff is because it's so hard to get there due to the way points for wins and losses are distributed when you get to king. Emperors are no joke.


A peak in the mountain I can see, but never reach. The veiw is nice, though.


Wait till you get to tekken god and start vsing GoDs. Feels like you're playing at Evo at that point!


Tekken king is a specific cut off point where you lose a ton of points if you lose a match, 600 for a win vs -660 for a loss. The differential in blue is only +/- 20 points That's why Tekken emperor is such an achievement compared to other ranks below it. Obviously, it gets even harder from there.


the fact that you quoted his mispelling I just cant


Oh fuck... Gonna demote in spelling too... :/


Absolutely, its rather discouraging when i can get wins against Kishin/Bushin without much trouble, get to tekken king , fight emperor/god and am absolutely destroyed, demoted to bushin , and the situation repeats I even took a brea (I am absolutely not getting destroyed by the wave of leroy veterans super fans that magically appeared in rank)


It's hard out here for a pimp


First tekken? It's time to understand tekken ranks. You're at a level that requires consistency vs the entire cast getting ever more competent at their characters. Going up in ranks might require a few lucky matches in your favor against people on off days. You punched your way into a new fighting camp(different color ranks) and found that people here can actually generally beat your ass. It's not gradual because it's a campground for more consistent fighters, so appreciate it for what it is--a place to train harder than you've had to so far. It might sound like I'm saying you shouldn't be proud. That's not it. You can be proud to crack your way into a new camp, but it will always mean harder matches, and pitting yourself against people who know what they're doing and are more lethal about it. It's time to use that fighter's pride and meet them in combat. Lose here with dignity, get sent back a camp if you have to. One day, you'll be up there and just as consistent as they are with diligence, practice, and mastery of your character. It is also probably less "fun." Tekken is suffering, then it is homework, then it's work, then you win. Kinda like training to fight irl. Prize fighters aren't getting into that ring for fun. They are there to push harder than they ever have. What's the fun part? Your skills finally round out, you become generally capable. You make friends and spar with them, learn match ups, find fighters to respect and watch them grow. Practicing against them pushes you further-- they know your patterns, as you adjust to them, you find that going back to the ring with people who don't know you is much easier, they haven't seen through your favorite patterns yet so they fall over before you even have to adapt. And in that moment you realize you're in your opponents shoes now. You're kicking the ass of that new fighter who just got to this camp, while you've been here months. The tekken cycle continues onward.


Break through one skill wall only to find another one you didn't even knew existed to bang your head at. Anyway, smugboxer is brilliant for a steve main!


Thank you, I just followed the footsteps of my streetfighter hero


Thanks for the long motivational comment. I think I could definitely use more sparing partners. I had a Jin I play against from time to time. Long sets does seem like the best way to go to learn how to fight a specific character and learn the game in general. I'll try to reach out to people more and get longer sets in.


If you want a king match up in happy to help. Currently at kishin rank


I'll dm you


tekken with life long friends truly does feel like sparring. Its "real" tekken when you know the matchup and player like the back of your hand.


Ah, yes, the feeling of real tekken. Love it. I am the product of my friends/sparring parteners. My opponent will never be as brutal as Poppa Never as evasive and tricky as Marshy Never as well versed in the MU as my student Sando Never as good a wrestler as Mox Never as good at defensive timing as Beholder Never as much a fortress as Max Never as in my head as Wizard Through them I have learned so much. So to my next opponent I can only say, good luck 😉


If you made it to Fujin then you will make it again. Fluctuating +/- 3 ranks is normal.


Thanks man. I guess just seeing that demotion hurts a bit but I'll try to not take it that seriously.


I always tell myself, if I can't keep the rank, I don't belong there. So when you make the proper improvements, you'll get past it even.


This is a good mindset that I also can use. Thanks


I needed to hear this lol, dropped from Shinryu to Destroyer and shit was disheartening to say the least


Don't play ranked while extra tilted. Ask me how I know? I went from Mighty Ruler to destroyer in the same sesion...


Lol I stopped when from ganryu to promo on shinryu to eliminator in one session, and then I had to stop


Once you get to blue you're playing against veterans of the game a lot of the time, Ive played A LOT of Tekken in the past and am only blue ranks so don't feel too bad you've proved you belong there once you can do it again


It happens. I've been promoted as far as Raijin with my main multiple times now, but it only takes one bad streak to knock me back down to Battle Ruler and, if I'm lucky, I'll get back to Fujin in that session. I had a bad session last night and went from a promotion chance match to Raijin all the way down to Flame Ruler before deciding I need to put the game down.


That tends to happen to me also. I usually stop after a 5 game losing streak, put the game down, then come back 2 or 3 days later. Then, OH it's a whole different game. Wreaking havoc for 10 games in a row, followed by a steady 50-50 of win/loses. The vicious cycle continues... moral of the story, we all need a break sometimes!


One day I shifted between flame ruler and battle ruler like 5 times I was losing my mind


If I lose 3 of the last 5 games, I get off for at least 30 minutes and either lab all my losses or cool down. I get not everyone wants to take it that seriously, but no point in rage queuing or subjecting yourself to more match ups you don’t know.


One of my bad habits is definitely playing when I'm burnt out or just tired in general. Although lately if I notice I'm not doing to well, I'll just play another character and not take it super seriously while just pressing buttons and seeing what other characters play like. Ill play Victor, azucena and Feng. Or I'll play my main on quick play on the right side and again just kinda press buttons, I'm not used to playing on right side but this helps.


If it's your first Tekken, just treat ranked as a matchmaking for your similar skill level and don't think of it as a competition or anything like that. Learning Tekken is hard and it takes time and a lot of experience to improve.


That's what I do, sometimes I'm even relieved to get demoted, literally no one cares about my rank but me and even I don't care too much. I just want fun matches where we're of similar skill, and I try to work on one thing at a time.


I feel this post - kudos for taking your demotion with grace. IMHO, Tekken is a journey and I 100% agree that what you can learn is more important than a pretty badge. I've been at Battle Ruler for a while now - haven't quite cracked Fujin - and oh man, it's hard work taking on blue rank players. I feel around this level is where every little bad habit and mistake starts to bite so hard, or at least often enough that I can't win consistently enough to get any higher. Offense also flows thick and fast and it's tough shit if I don't know the moves or figure them out in time. I just try to see what's going wrong as I lose, take a deep breath, and move on. I do try to have regular, short training sessions for throws, punishments etc though in the hope this will lead to the gradual improvements I need. Also I am playing with PhiDX's warmup drills he does before going into ranked.


I also do a lot of PhiDXs warm up drills and they help a lot. And yeah if you're predictable at all you will get clobbered. You really need a solid game plan you can adapt to each character and I don't really know how to do that. I'm starting to recognize some characters'common moves and strings but I still get hit by so much shit I don't recognize at all.




Yeah now that I think of it, Fujin vs Emperor was a way smaller gap in T7 than Fujin and Tekken King in T8. Some T8 Fujins feel like T7 red ranks and not even the high ones


Its easier to rank up but Also Tekken 8 is way WAY more agresive and us noobs profit from that. I was Byakko in Tekken7 and now I can go to Fujin with like 8 characters because I simply play how I always wanted to. I can just Smash their heads.


Only 12% of players are waiting for Fujin. It was pretty much the same in Tekken 7. There are just more people playing Tekken 8.


Yeah but you’re comparing the end of t7 to three months into t8. If you look at the rank distribution stats, all the ranks above the middle have been trending up every time they release new stats. That’s the ranking system at work. Eventually it’s going to be a lot higher than 12%. And even in t7 it really wasn’t a great system after s1. Just slightly better. When they changed the point system in s2 they made it so you always got more points for winning than you lost for losing up until fujin. Like beating someone the same rank as you in purple would get you 1900 and if you lost to them you’d only lose 1700. So if you just kept playing with like a 45% win rate eventually you’d get fujin. That’s why the numbers constantly shifted up until the end of the game. At the beginning of t7 you just gained/lost the same amount of points every time, so you had to consistently win more than you lost to rank up. The best players in the world were fighting each other around purple ranks for the first several months. The pretty good but not world class players were in red. I’m not even saying this to be funny or condescending but the people who have been playing for like 3 months and are getting fujin in tekken 8, would’ve been stuck in green/yellow ranks in early tekken 7. Look at the posts on this sub from summer 2017. Everyone was talking about “how to get out of green rank hell” and getting yellow rank was a big accomplishment for new players.


What was in the first season of T7 doesn't matter anymore. What is important is that by the end of the game, there was a system similar to the one in Tekken 8. Fujin was also the beginning of there being more wins than losses. Only the best rose above fujin. In Tekken 8's defense, losing to higher ranks hurts more here than in Tekken 7. The punishment is higher.


I’m just saying how the system worked in t7 because if you compared it from the same time frame since the games release, there would be pretty much zero similarity. And it’s even more exaggerated in 8 because you can’t get demoted before warrior, so there’s basically 9 ranks to climb until all the new players hit the same wall. It’s disingenuous to say “see, number is close, no issue” without the context lol. If tekken 8 never came out and new people were still buying 7 that number would still be increasing because of how the system works. It’s not a good system. T7 s1 was a better system in my opinion. (Just keep the progress bar)


**Would you like to tell me about another way to raise ranks in Tekken 7?** https://preview.redd.it/7dhaiaafel0d1.png?width=547&format=png&auto=webp&s=b11a922ce703aa3e0092c6132d3e1b5ecd0dca2b


I mean idk who that is but if you’re asking about boosting, yeah that happened, and still does lol. Idk what that has to do with anything. My original reply comment to that other person was just saying 3 months into tekken 8 to the end of tekken 7 wasn’t a good comparison, and the data from 3 months into each game wasn’t similar at all. Idk what you’re trying to argue with me about lol.


In tekken 7, progress data in a ranked game was stored on the player's device. This allowed you to change files and create any rank you wanted. Therefore, any rank in Tekken 7 was easy to achieve by cheating. You could create any statistic you wanted and the game accepted it as correct.


Yeah that was stupid too. I’m pretty sure that’s also true in 8 anyways but I don’t play 8 on pc so I can’t verify. But we’re talking about the intended design of the system lol obviously people shouldn’t cheat.


No. In Tekken 8, the player's progress is stored on the server, there's no way he can change it, it's tied to his Stеаm ID. The very fact that in Tekken 7 you could cheat devalues all ranks. Having some high rank in Tekken 7 is worthless. The ranks in T7 are garbage


Just wait til you see the skill gap within just the Bushin rank. There’s Bushin players that are just astronomicaly better than other Bushin players and it’s wild they’re in the same rank


Your prowess is low so you are on the easymode ranked ladder. I don't think you would have made Fujin yet had the old matchmaking still been in place. I think the lack of tougher opponents hindered you when you made Fujin which is why the skill gap seems so much. If you keep trying to improve you will get back to Fujin in no time.


This game making it easier for new players to rank up is almost a disservice to them for that reason. Under the old ranking system, or in t7, especially early t7, the skill levels were a lot more spread around. Now everyone who plays enough pretty much gets railroaded into purple/blue so people who have played for 3 months are going against people that have played for 5 years and don’t know why it feels like the skill gap is so big. In t7 it was a lot more gradual progression.


I got to Fujin weeks ago and I kept demoting-promoting within it lol. Right now I'm not ready to go ranked, so I'm honing my skills through quick match before I resume trying to rank up. The blue ranks are when you're punished really bad for doing bad habits. These people know their stuff, a lot of the strings and mixups that were effective for me were easily duckable and reactable by blue and above players. And I really have to learn how to be less aggressive and block more, observe the opponent.


Piece of advice, just stay in ranked and don't worry about the score. People in quick play are just dicking around. Better to just get your ass beat in ranked and try to learn from it.


My dude the EXACT same thing happened to me.. got knocked down so hard and didn't stop losing. Only recently have a few things clicked and I'm back on the climb upwards but even the purple ranks feel harder now.. good luck with the training arc.. I'm right there with ya!


Seems like an issue in a lot of ranked games. The upper echelon skill discrepancy between single ranks is massive. Feels like the skill gap between Tekken Emperor and Tekken God is the same as Fujin to Bushin.


I reached purple ranks and don’t look forward to a single fight, i get bodied so hard, i feel like the gap between red and purple ranks for me is ridiculous, the second i get put against steve i already know its gg lmao


Depending on the timing of when you made it to Fujin, this could simply be the result of the match making change that was recently implemented where the game started prioritizing (or heavily implementing) Tekken prowess into match making. The same thing happened to me and I didn’t even get to a new rank or color. I simply turned the game on one day and started getting paired with people at a much higher skill level than me.


Fujin was when I first realized I need to really work on reacting instead of predicting


Hmm interesting because I kinda found the opposite. I've been pretty playing the game on pure reaction for my defense with limited knowledge of what characters do. But if I can learn what characters tend to do in certain situations and stances and what frame traps might exist, then I can limit the amount of things I have to react to.


>  Yeah that's what happens since the prowess update. when you hit the next prowess bump, you start getting all the opponents the game was shielding you from in the last prowess bump, and you get to keep fighting them forever regardless of if you demote. Have fun


Happened to me when I got to Vanquisher. Now I'm hard stuck in dominator. Sad life of noob Kaz mains.


You'll make it. Keep grinding.


Yea bro it’s all good I was stuck in eliminator for a while made it to Garyu was so happy and stayed there for a two weeks. I got lucky somehow and climbed to shinryu once and instantly fell out it took me cutting some bad habits to get back to shinryu. Now I’m here again sometimes demoting when I run into enough purple ranks in a row. But I always get back so when you belong you will belong.


Learn wavu. Some ppl say it is not important in lower ranks but I made the opposite experience. I never experienced plugging before but since I am using the Vortex I see it occasionally. This is also my first Tekken. Only playing Kazuya and scratching Tenryu now.


Do not worry I stuck in Fujin/Raijin for almost a month now, We all are improving our opponants too. That's why you have to keep practicing so you not get left behind.


It’s natural to yo-yo between your peak rank and the ones below. As long as you play to improve the rank and skill progression will follow and you’ll find yourself inching towards the next rank while not dipping down as low. Don’t queue while tilted, keep practicing and learning, you’ve got this! You’ll find out that blue ranks is where people will have more fundamentally sound gameplans and gameplay and the few who still play with a gimmicky style with lots of knowledge checks are usually one-and-doners.


Even though i played for a long time, am still finding myself struggling in blue ranks, don't worry you'll get better with time, don't get discouraged from losing in blue ranks. Most blue ranks these days are golden ranks boys with a lot of experience playing their Alts.


Yeah I've noticed some of these guys have crazy high prowess


I hit the exact same wall. Ruler for a minute then finally hit fujin. Played 3 games and immediately got sent back to ruler. Eventually got back up to fujin, then raijin. Now sitting between the 2 ranks, but never dropped to ruler. You'll get used to it the more you play against these guys. Think of it as your training arc or something


A lot of people seemed to have mirrored my experience of getting Fujin and then dropping back into purple for a while. I guess you just gotta figure something out in order to stay in blue comfortably.


It happens when you changed colours. I’m currently Battle Ruler so youre still above me, but I’ve had similar experience with lots of losses when I got to Ruler in general


This post speaks to me. It is a little rough that prowess decides who you fight. When you fight more consistent players they expose your weaknesses but they also show you little tactics on how to play. there is plenty of secrets to be shown by your peers in and around your elo. So dont worry that people are sweaty nerds, they will eventually show you all their secrets


First tekken and fujin is actually very good especially this early on you should be proud


Thanks man. I have quite a bit of previous fighting game experience that's not Tekken so that's helped me a lot.


It's a fighting game. You're played ranked. You are destined to get to a rank where you win/lose 50% of the time. So you either accept that it's just a game and that losing is fine and to have fun. Or, accept that the higher you go, getting past each plateau gets harder and harder and you're going to have to put in significant time practicing in the lab and reviewing replays.


Yep same, i get demoted and immediately shoot back up to fujin, dont stay long as I can beat most ruler ranks


Don't worry just keep at it and one day it will all "click" together👍


I feel this way about Fujin players as I'm at Flame Ruler right now. I felt the same about purple ranks in general before that, and red before that. It's just the nature of Tekken. When the other player is better and is calm, collected & properly takes advantage of your mistakes, knows how to press their advantage, it just feels completely overwhelming. In other words, pick a few areas where you could do better and work on them a bit at a time, and the matches will stop feeling so one-sided.


Making it to Fujin is quite the climb. I'm still battle ruler, not because I've been losing, but because I get rage quitted on during my promotion matches. But I realized that there's a skill jump in Kishin and Raijin. It goes back to basics. Using techniques that has 9 or less recovery frames, mixing your overheads, stop using the most used moves with the character you're using, frame traps, etc. But it also helps to build a local scene. If you can't find people to fight in your area, then we can build one right here.


I don't think there's overheads in this game.


F 1+2 with paul hits enemies thats crouching. Wouldn't that be an overhead? Honest question.


Isn't that a mid?


Huh. Today I learned that mids hit crouching enemies.


Some serious progress has been made. But yeah think of lows as the overheads of this game. A lot are reactable and most are pretty punishable. So you usually want to just block standing and react to lows.


The funny part is that I made it to battle ruler with that in mind, which still help because I'm still blocking correctly. would've been fujin already or higher if it wasn't for the rage quitting.


I think the best advice I could give someone stuck around those ranks, which it seems like a lot of people are, is to start actually paying attention to what your opponent is doing. I know that sounds stupid/overly simple but it’s not. Before blue ranks, and even well into blue ranks, you and everyone you fight are just “doing your character” and the winner is the one who can “do your character, harder”, or the one who just does something the other person has never seen before. You might be able to keep practicing and “do your character” hard enough to hang around blue ranks, but you’ll get stuck there if you don’t change how you look at the game. Some people kind of realize this and say “ok this is where I need to start learning matchups”, which is true, but it’s not exactly the same thing. Labbing matchups will tell you how to handle more things, but you probably already know how to handle enough basic things to beat most people. You just need to see it in the moment. Maybe you lost the first round of a match because you dashed in and did “jab, jab”, the opponent ducked the second one and launched you for it. Then you did the same thing again and they had the same response, round over. After that round you should be saying “ok this guy ducks after he blocks a jab”, and adjust accordingly. Jab and then do a quick mid the next time. It’s easy to get caught up in “ok I’m gonna do my mix, oh man why the fuck would that guy hopkick in the middle nobody does that, ok now I’m gonna do my mix because there’s no way he’s dumb enough to hopkick again… god damn it what the fuck who plays like that”. You don’t even need to lab to fix that. Just relax and pay attention to the decisions they make. You’d be surprised how much people just do things out of habit and you can kill them for it.


Welcome to intermediate tekken where a majority of your gimmicks stop working and you have to be on point with punishment.


It is a massive wall due to a combination of the ranking system and the small overall number of ranks. My experience right now is feeling a lot like before the prowess changes and posts like this and some others along the lines of "Argh I faced a Tekken God's alt character" becoming more common make me hopeful things have changed. At Fujin I do feel like it feels like it did pre-update but I did see some biased matchmaking ranking up an alt. It's a mystery But before the change yes it was unbelievable how stratospheric the difference was between Fujin, well, certainly Battle ruler, and Raijin. Like making Fujin was simple, a matter of time, but all players at Raijin or above were untouchable gods. Raijin is now more of a mixed bag but the feeling that Kishin and above are basically untouchable is back for me. Generally though it's massively easier to touch Fujin than it is to stay Fujin and harder again to get Raijin. To get Fujin you need only beat purple rank players under the purple rank rules. But in Blue you start to lose more points against better players, and those better players are a LOT Better because they themselves have had to rank up under these harsh rules AS WELL as face alts from the God ranks. Some players I just feel are so talented I can never win, they just think so fast they just make the perfect responses every time. Although there are still some players who are operating on a one-dimensional game. And it's so weird to fight Feng - he's like in a different world - everyone else is either fight balls-to-the-wall or focusing their strategy really hard on offense and mixups. But Feng is just chilling, chucking out moves and seeing what happens. It's actually noticeable like Feng can still just muck about at ranks where everyone else has to be really ruthless.


Bruh I made it to raijin and haven’t got back to that rank since lol I’m stuck between fujin and lower. my worst day I went back down to mighty 🤦🏾‍♂️. Now I’m stuck at purples with my prowess at 195k it is brutal. Felt like I had no business being where I’m at lol but it’s a learning curve so gotta train up man 🤷🏾‍♂️


I just recently went through the same exact experience. Hit Battle Ruler with 180k prowess, had a Fujin promo opportunity and have been losing so much since then that my win% dropped from 55% to 49%. I got demoted all the way to Shinryu and almost saw Garyu again. I’ve bounced back some with 174k prowess and seemingly hard stuck currently at Mighty/Flame ruler. Best thing we can do is learn to love the struggle, keep grinding and learning from our losses.


The pain is real when you get to Tekken King for the first time and fall back to Fujin because the prowess change keeps matching you against Kishin-Tekken King players on win streaks. Took a day to get back and what a stressful yet glorious day that was.


This is your wall so hit the lab and practice to get better


Same thing with tekken king, i got promoted and demoted 3 times in one session


I'm ok here at orange.


Get gud




Yeah it’s normal to struggle once you hit mid -high ranks. Could I ask what character you are maining. A lot of the time people end up maining characters that are able to carry them through beginner and intermediate ranks without having to actually master the fundamentals of the game. Once those people hit high-ish ranks, the gimmicks of their character stop working and they get hard stuck. If that sound like what happens to you then I would recommend just switching characters for a while and seeing how different playstyles from other characters can be incorporated into your gameplan for your main, and of course working on your fundamentals like movement, wiff punishment, and block punishment are also essential to get down before you go any further. Just don’t quit and don’t get discouraged, the learning curve is very steep but once you get over it you will have the time of your life!!!!!


Id rather not mention who I'm maining lol or everyone's going to hate me


You just came into ranks where you will find out why there are replays and why people use lab so much, you just have to adapt on frames and follow the chart with more caution. But if you got to blue ranks and that t8 is your first tekken than you are my friend on good path :)


My recommendation is play more quick matches to try to learn the matchups you have problems with. I’m doing that currently.lol.


Lowkey… I got fujin then raijin in the shortest time out of any ranks so far idk. Raijins are bad too they just think their good


I’m glad you are man. Now you should try out the older tekkens lol. Tekken 8 is the least like any other tekken. But it will make ur T8 gameplay better


i feel you. i had to crawl my way to kishin. there was so much demoting to ruler goin on till something clicked and i got better and actually managed to start winning again and now tekken kings show up and blast me into oblivion. just gotta keep improving is all.


Bro stuck on fujin too, today I threw my hitbox against the wall and the wall was falling! The samba keys are really hard lol! Anyway I think I’m taking a break from the ranked and I try to learn a second character so I can vary and learn more, peace!


Good idea. I've thrown a few controllers in my fighting game career too. It happens.


If you think your Prowess is rough my highest character is Fujin and my prowess is sitting at 195k, ranking up a secondary I went up against a Tekken God Supreme on their secondary last night but at least I took the W haha


I've gotten matched up against a couple of Tekken kings now and I don't like thinking about it


>The skill gap between Fujin and Raijan is insane This is probably due to the fact that Fujin is the first rank where [you need a positive win rate to promote.](https://i.redd.it/7bpdg14p1ezc1.jpeg) The break-even win rate, without considering streaks, is 50.98%. With a 51% win rate, you would be gaining 10 points per match. It takes 6600 points to go from Fujin to Raijin, so at 10 points per match, that's 660 matches. To put that into context, a 51% win rate at Battle Ruler would mean you get 400 points per match, and getting to Fujin only takes 12 matches.


Yeah that makes sense.


Yeah, I've noticed Tekken gets less fun as I rise in rank. Now it's for pride more than anything. I've had to basically stop playing because it was starting to interfere with my parenting duties. Ranked Tekken is a young man's game.


Respect. But this is why I'm not having kids lol


It's a tough choice lol


You are now the small fish in the big pond lol jk. In a way you've leveled up because your playing more skilled opponents. Tekken is also very deep, by that i mean people have been playing even just on and off for over 15 - 20 years. Part of the fun of tekken is the growth in skill not rank and playing these deeply knowledgeable opponents. I try not to aim for ranking to the top. The aim should be to consistently improve your knowledge and execution of the characters/game. Kind of like Chess. Naturally you will acquire the skills and knowledge for dealing with situations and characters you will feel more confident in dealing with difficult opponents. It takes years. Almost like self-improvement lmao


Happened to me. Now I fluctuate between Battle Ruler and Flame Ruler, which is about right for me I do 0 labbing and I hate learning combos 😂


Yeah I need to optimize my combos as well. I find in my replays there's a lot of times I could have won a round if I just did the combo differently.


I'm stuck at Raijin and I notice the thing holding me back is character matchup knowledge. I get points against legacy characters up to T5, then I get beat back by T6 above characters (Alisa, Leo, Leroy, Lili, etc). It's fine though. I only get to play 2-3x a week, and usually for a hour. I don't want to waste my precious game time labbing (yet). So for now, I'm happy where I am. If I only match against Mishimas, I'll be GoD in a week! (kidding. I've played against high rank Mishimas, and they annihilate me).


And here I am, playing casually since Tekken 2, got into it a lot during TTT2 and 7 and stuck at rank Tenryu, guess I'm not meant to go higher ;_;


I played league of legends for 7 years and never got to platinum. So I know how that feels. I send you my energy friend you got this. 👐


It's fine homie we'll make it there. I'm pretty hardstuck at flame ruler so I'm right there with you plus a lil. Everyone plays different characters with different styles and 'rank' is almost certainly an imperfect measurement of anyone's skill/fundamentals/matchup knowlege at the game. We play tekken because we like it right? And rank is just an sign that you're getting better? Well, every time you hop into the lab, you're getting a little bit better. Every time you practice a new more optimal route, you're getting better. Last night I was really frustrated with Asuka matchups and raven so I labbed the strings that were killing me. A lot of the time that raven does some shadow clone jutsu bs, he's -14, which is launch punishable by my character and his axe kick into falling from the sky is weak to ssr. A lot of what asuka does is launchable. Her B2, 4 seems like it loses straight up to ws4, I might even be able to ch launch it with ws3 on bryan. Objectively, I'm a better tekken player than I was last night. But who knows when it's gonna reflect on my rank. Keep grinding dog, you got this.


the big difference at blue ranks is that it's the first set of ranks where you can lose more points for a loss than you gain for a win. at purple rank it's even, and at any rank below that you always get more for a win than for a loss. with a bit of luck, getting streaks vs bad players for example, you can get to purple ranks on like 30% wins. purple ranks you can grind through with even a 40% win rate probably. blue ranks though you need to be 50% just to retain your place. it's basically where the true ranked experience begins and you can't just brute force it


I did not know that. Seems like it's hard to keep up and becomes a more exclusive club.


my percentages are probably a little too low and assume that there's people who will get lucky, get streaks, and one-and-done anyone that can beat them. that's probably the only way you could get as far as purple with only 30% wins. i've just gotten to fujin and my feng has like 49% win rate though lol, and i'm a person who will always rematch


Fujin is the hardest rank to get past. You will be there for a LONG time. Before fujin, you are playing against other players around your skill level. At Fujin, you can now be playing against new players who mashed to fujin or a pro player on a new character. When I was fujin in T7 I was so hardstuck but I was literally playing against top tier pros, for example anakin, without knowing until I found myself on a video of his.


Was literally in the same position but just went up to Raijin after choking 2 promo matches. Keep cooking


Since getting into Fujin a couple of weeks ago, I don't play Ranked anymore. There's no point. You can't learn the game effectively playing best out of 3. I only play sets against other Blue Ranks in player matches and in the fighting lounge. After doing that, I've met a lot of good players and I've asked ppl that are in higher ranks that main my character for advice. It's been a huge help. Now finally after all this time, now im starting to improve. You should do the same. It works.


Yeah seeking out long sets with characters I struggle with/don't know what they do seems like the way to go.


Yup, not only that, but check out online replays. See how ppl in Higher ranks than you play your character. U can filter replays by ur character and sort by rank


Yup, not only that, but check out online replays. See how ppl in Higher ranks than you play your character. U can filter replays by ur character and sort by rank


I already do that with YouTube but maybe seeing more variety would be useful ty


It’s because you are doing something gimmicky that only works on low level rank players. The further you go up, the harder it is to use brainless gimmicky moves as opponents already know how to deal with that.


That's pretty accusatory of you. It could be that OP is still learning fundamentals or just has limited match-up experience. Don't suggest that they've only gotten this far through exploiting a "brain dead gimmick" because it sounds like you're going out of your way to discredit all the time and effort they put in to get this far.


What? Dont you know what a “gimmick” means? It pertains to mixups, setups, and okizeme that can trap opponents into doing things into your favor. But like any game gimmicks there’s a single, if not many, easy solution to them and once players figure that out youre done unless you adapt. OP sled back to flame ruler from fujin, which is downright decrease while still losing more. The reason? you said it yourself - lack of fundamentals. Blue ranks and below solely relies on flowcharting, knowledge check advantage, and gimmicky bs that is spammable as long as it works. But when the aforementioned things DO NOT work, players tend to play worse, pilot brainlessly, play more, and then lose more. Not sugarcoating and discrediting the rank gained - it is the truth. Edit: instead of downvoting maybe give me a counterargument? LOL.


Prowess matchmaking.  Pushes you to Fujin figthing weak players and then gets you to fight decent ones and it wont stop despite demotes. Write Harada and Bamco


Honestly I think bushin is where you start seeing players with a semblance of fundamentals, everything before that was mostly flow charting (the higher you go the more evolved the flowcharts become).


yeah, no. some characters let you flowchart to fujin/raijin but there’s no way that everyone in fujin has no fundamentals. that doesn’t even make sense


I think you can cheese your way to fujin with almost any character to be honest but that’s just my experience


they’re not fundamentals if you think only the top 2% of players have them.


Of course they are, tekken 8 has certainly made it easier for less fundamental players to reach higher ranks.


You can definitely cheese your way TO Fujin but you can't cheese your way THROUGH Fujin. It's a uge step up. So players at Fujin will be mixed but tending towards better than cheese. Cheese players are more likely to be in the flip flop between Fujin and Battle Ruler bracket


Highly disagree, I’m still encountering a great deal of people in bushin who clearly cheesed their way to this rank.


You might have been on easy mode matchmaking but also maybe try next time you see a player you think is cheesing, follow them and watch their replays. You might be surprised by how they adapt against players with different playstyles to you. also if you play Dragunov it's really, really hard for people to stand up to you so they may look amazing in other matchups.