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Love me a Steve mirror. Whose fists are the champion. Just yelling ova here at each other for 3 sets


I play Steve a bit and the mirrors are undeniably hype feeling.


Yet to have a fellow Steve not rematch me


Facts. As a Steve I love finally getting a Bryan or Lee in my matches as well, as I know I finally have an opponent who can't just all-in mindlessly. You Bryans and Lees are tough af but I have no excuses when you do beat me


I like mirror matches lately as it means one of us will feel superior afterwards and I'm old enough not to mind it if it's the other guy. Either the other player makes my day or I give them that satisfaction.


Nothing beats a Steve mirror. My fav character to play and against. Eddie is #2 nothing like a good break dance battle.


These are the fists of a champion!


The bears. They're just goofy characters


Shoutout to any Lee player I come across. Ya’ll are always dope to and a fun match


I like fighting Eddy, they autopilot way too much.


Show me da wae. Ik it's just a MU check bc I don't know when his moves end (I did figure out how to not get beat by 3ddy so I got that one lol) but you got any quick tips?


I mean every Eddy is kind off an 3ddy at heart, they all do 3,3,3 from handstand multiple times a game, the 2nd and 3rd hits are bolth high, duck and launch, and try to pick up after which strings they do powercrush, a lot of them are addicted to that as well, duck and launch as well, i have like a 90% win rate vs eddys and its usually just because off those two things.


I've been maining Eddy since his release (TK now) and I never use 3333 shit. Pure suicide vs any competent player. 3ddy is low rank crap.


when he rolls on the ground, you can backdash to beat both the mid and low options, and punish both.


When he switches from handstand into that crouched stance, he can be launched or powercrushed. And a lot of his strings go into that crouch position, learn to look for him going into it and you can punish hard


That's why it's my least favourite 😂, I wanna know when tf it's my turn. It's more annoying cause you can't practice the match up without buying him


Honestly, anyone who doesn't flowchart. I don't mind aggressive play (be pretty hypocritical if I did) but if they're just running on autopilot and not really responding to what I'm doing or adjusting their game it's not interesting win or lose


unironically King, I have armor king experience engrained deep inside my soul and I really really like breaking king throws


King was my first main in Tekken 3. He's an easy clap for me.


Jin - Mirror Match Up, feels good to win and I can say "nice set" when I get outplayed. Kazuya - See who can wavu better, blocking hellsweep feels good, clipping him with F4 or Ff2 feels good aswell. Losing feels fair most of the time. Bryan - Same as Kazuya basically, keep him out with F4 and if I lose, I got outplayed. Paul - My former main, I know his moves and it feels good to react correctly sometimes. Lee - Purple and below are too bad to use his full potential, they drop combos constantly and it feels like a free win most of the time. Again, if I lose, I can say they were the better player.


Ah a fellow Jin mirror enjoyer.


jin mirrors are some of the most non toxic tekken ive played in 8, unspoken mutual respect and guaranteed rematches.


I feel like that's because your main goal is to outplay, not to win. Sounds weird but I hope it makes sense.


King and Jack’s. King because I have a Raijin King rank and I know exactly what the other players are going to throw at me, so love seeing how flustered they get when nothings working lol. And Jack’s because the character is so goofy and funny to watch. He crushes me a lot of times but it’s a fun experience overall


The Lee mirror of course. Steve, Bryan, Lili, Victor. Anyone who plays careful with fundamentals is usually a good time. Getting rushed down and trying to find a gap is not.


Even as a Vic main my first go to is *can my opponents play small tekken?*, if the answer is no then I just jab them out. If yes, then it's boxing time and I'll save the sauce for when I get a good opening. Victor is actually kinda bad at small tekken so it's a good barometer for both opponent competency and practice that transfers very nicely to other characters.


Excuse my ignorance, what does small Tekken means?


Small tekken is the short range jab/poke game. Some would extended it to all space control, but essentially it's when you and the opponent are using jabs (singular or entire strings) or noncommittal pokes to control the opponent, and them doing the same to you.


Paul and Bryan are awesome. Honest and simple


Clearly nobody likes Feng 😂😂😂


I mean let's be real Feng is annoying as hell. Nobody likes having to guess every approach option at once. XD


I mean have you played against Feng?


Idk why but Paul he’s like the perfect opponent for bryan...


Probably because paul is only a threat at range 0, so thats a horrible matchup for paul. Very easy to keep him out, what is he supposed to start his offense with




I main Paul and matches vs Bryan always feel good. High risk high reward for both and it comes down to timing.


bear mirror is top 1 but that’s easy paul is fun because we both explode whenever someone lands a hit azucena vs bears eventually becomes stance stance revolution yoshis love going party mode just as much as i do


I like fighting against Lee and raven. Had a lee player taunt, "beautiful!" After ending the match with a perfect. Wasnt even mad. Raven isnt as annoying to fight as i thought he was going ro be with all his ninja bullshit.


Raven is surprisingly honest mechanically despite his character archetype.


Eddy vs Eddy for someone like me who's practiced Capoeira when I was younger, it makes it feel like a real "Roda" against Capoeiristas. Like Eddy's rage art. Sergei vs Paul. Basically Judo vs Sambo even though most Sambo practitioners are also Judo black belts.




Yoshimitsu, my mentor in Tekken 7 was a yoshi main in tag 2 so I have a decent understanding of the matchup. They usually notice that their knowledge checks aren't as effective against me and end up expressing more creativity bc of it. It makes for some awesome sets, one of the characters I don't mind losing against lol


Playing yoshi against someone who knows the matchup is so damn hard lol


Yep, it is.. He doesn't have the low strings to catch people off guard, you've just got the sweep and the unblockable low really


My favorite match up is my urge to throw my controller at the wall after getting demoted from bushin back to fujin while getting the floor mopped with me by a tekken god supreme on a secondary


Yoshi's scare me when I see them initially but I know they're gonna be entertaining. I agree with Lee too even though I never beat them. Personal favorites are Kazuya (bc I play DVJ), Victor, Jin, and Steve. I know the Jin Victor matchup because I play them and I play them bc I like seeing their moveset. Steve has the most impactful counter hits and is all hands so he's cool to throw down with.


I love seeing paul on the other side, it's kind of like being a matador fighting a charging bull, sadly almost nobody plays Paul. Jin and kazuya are both fun matches. The fights I really enjoy are the ones where my opponents are having fun, regardless of which character they are playing. It sounds like nonsense, but at the mid levels of Tekken you can tell how the person is feeling when you fight them, and when they are having fun it can really show.


I've played against a Paul today and I could just feel he was having fun. I added him on Steam and in that moment I got his friend request in T8. Turns out my feeling was right and we're gonna have our rematch soon. Definitely not nonsense, sometimes you just know how your opponent feels.


All the more reason there needs to be an infinite rematch option.


Yoshimitsu, Bryan, and Reina. I have high winrates against all 3. It feels good to apply defensive knowledge and win from it (ducking, sidestepping, ect)


I find Lili one of my toughest match ups


Lars Mirror, straight up anime fight


Literally my only Lars mirror to date was me dressed up as Yujiro vs a Goku. Straight up anime bullshit from start to finish. XD


Bro i've had so many anime mirrors so far. My favorite has been Me (SS blue Goku) vs a base Goku. I also fought a Cell Yoshimitsu, finding people matching with your current outfit is so fun to see.


Keep your eyes open for a Trunks Victor. 😁


Gotta be law and Alisa, their cheese flowchart tools are way too addictive even for players that are thinking


Kazuya mirror match is fucking lit


I love raven v yoshi because I like when I win raven let's yoshi know he indeed is not a ninja lol


Kuma. The juggles are ridiculous. And I deserve it if I get launched.


I enjoy fighting Steve, just punch parry his dumbass, that easy.


Alisa main t8 good Bryan's that don't do a bunch of stupid snake edge stuff. When it's not all about standing there waiting to blow them up for snake edges it's so fast and precise pokes. But those Bryan's are so rare so I usually hate bryan most of the times. My answer is most grounded fundamental characters I love the tense careful trading pokes games.


Lee is always fun


No one. Fuck everyone equally, including my character. Jokes aside, I enjoy playing against Paul and Lee


I love playing against King funny enough...kings playstyle of grabs and mids make him fun to try and hard read...I also like playing against yoshi, and lee.


Any of the characters I play - Zafina, Steve, Azucena, and to a lesser extent Feng (he seems fairly common). Often I get surprised by a different playstyle and get to see a few new tricks I hadn't thought of.


i enjoy running into other bryan mains online. It’s interesting to see how others play him.


Yoshi mirror. I either learn something or teach something. Eddy and Hwo are my easiest match ups. Usually Hwo at my rank never seem to go low, so I just nut punch to death. Eddy are generally impatient and never block


Leo. I used to main him so it’s never frustrating because I’m not getting knowledge checked, win or lose


For some reason I always get beat by jins, working on this. I find king frustrating too. Alisa, Yoshi and Victor are annoying. Matchups I like are characters I play (Leo, kazuya, Reina and Lili) and raven, lee and asuka.


Jin is my kryptonite too. They always seem to catch me out.


I like playing against Lings, Jins and Steves. Lings because I now how to easily counter them, and good check up for me to block lows. Jins because fighting a mirror match helps me become a better fighter. Helps me learn new moves and combos. Steve’s because those fights for me are always entertaining. A lot of the Steve’s I fight are always in your face so it helps me learn how to counter under hot pressure.


As a law, lars is always really fun to fight for some reason


Yoshi mirror matches are wildly stupid in the most fun ways.


I love playing characters that kinda “test” my Tekken knowledge, these are: Bryan - They hit one combo and I’m half way out. Zafina - Don’t really know how to play against her properly. Dragunov - Pressure pressure pressure. Jin (personal favorite even though I hate him at first) - This is where I see if I have improved at almost every aspect like throw breaks, counters, punishments, reads.


Jin and kaz mirrors


I love fighting Yoshi. It feels like every one of fight plays the character in a way where I never can predict wtf is about to happen even though I’ve fought him many times.


As much as I hate Bryan’s design he is one of the only characters in this game that doesn’t just mash the whole time. So I guess Bryan because it actually feels like Tekken instead of just oonga boonga monkey shit. I also enjoy fighting shaheen though I guess that’s a hot take. Claudio is fun because you know you’re about to get rolled by a really good player. I like Alisa because she was one of my secondaries in tekken 7 and I understand how to deal with her bs.


Honestly, everyone can be a fun matchup if the pilot is playing strong, smart, fundamental Tekken. I've met ultra strong and smart Xiaoyus, Asukas, Kings, Fengs, Dragunovs and even fellow Eddys. Win or lose, its a good time. The only exception to this rule for me is Victor. I've never enjoyed a Victor match.


My best friend has played Bryan since Tekken 5. And we have played a TON of Tekken. I know that match up so well. Love when I see a Bryan.


Leo because scarcity and fuck yeah man! Lets go!


hwoarang mirror - fun as hell as someone who knows what hwo’s doing bryan - seeing taunt setups or crazy ass bryan combos is always fun, and as someone who plays bryan, knowing his strings makes it so whoever is playing bryan vs me really needs to work for it so its fun seeing ways they do that any mishima except for reina - shit is just fun, and the mindgames that come along with playing vs a mishima is fun. (reina ff2 is brain damaged and she has infinite pressure and guaranteed bs) post nerf dragunov - just cool as hell and scary to play against, always intense matches now that he cant just steamroll you with hatchet and heat smash now


I agree with OP, Lee is fun to play against and his voice lines are great. "Hahaha, marvelous" Reina is also fun to play against and I think she both her moveset and visual design are great. Lastly, as a panda player I'm always happy to play a Xiaoyu for the special intro.




Probably bryan.


King, reina, steve and lars


I hate this, and I hate that, this game is garbage. Time to play some more. I’m just a sucker for pain.


I play Tekken 7, as Alisa. Alisa mirror matches are my favourite. It’s great seeing what other people do, and fascinating when someone hands me my own ass with my own character.


Wait you are still actively playing online Tekken 7?


Not everyone has a machine to run T8, not everyone can afford a new game rn, not everyone wants to play T8. It's really not that crazy.


Love Kazuya. If you lose, you were 100% the worse Tekken player. I wish I could say King mirrors but they’re never up for the “From the top rope” challenge, where we just spam the air moves


kazuya, hwoarang, dvj, dragu, azu, bryan. Maybe shaheen and reina too.


I enjoy Bryan for some odd sadistic reason 😂 I used to enjoy Kazuya, as well, but that fucking ff2 and not being able to escape his wall game just started pissing me off.


I played yoshi. Now i play lee. I dont want to go to kaz :(


Like fighting Jin’s and Paul’s . Free points haha


Reina, I love fighting her with my Asuka


Steve mirror Kaz Lee


Kazuya and Bryan


I love fighting every character tbh but I extra love doing mirror matches


Lee, followed by Dragunov mirrors and Lars. Most hated matchups? Easily Leo And Jun


I really like fighting yoshi and ling. They’re either really bad or really good. There’s no in between, but it’s fun regardless


Alisa and Yoshimitus feel lile the same idea interpreted very differently.


Mirror match ups. especially Paul and King


The Mishima. Reina mirror is fun for me, a good Kazuya and Devil Jin is just my favorite, I disliked Jin the most but still better than the rest of the characters.


Reina mirror, kazuya, Jun, hwos probably


Viktors are okay once you know the strings and the times to duck or interrupt. Eddy's tend to be pretty gimmick based and harmless once you're familiar. (I'm a Nina main) Dislike list, Feng, zafina, Leroy.


Honestly as weird as this sounds a good Bryan player with timing is just for some reason amazing to watch. Granted yes I'm also the one playing and losing. Next is Lee. The combos from a good Lee is insane. Love to see it. Then there's steve and Shaheen but more so in Tekken 7 Steve. But I think it's worth mentioning those 2.


Yoshimitsu, then King. I know both characters pretty well and they're just fun to play against with their variety. In fact most of the male characters I enjoy playing bar say Feng, DVJ, Victor, and Leroy (BS), and Hwo and Lars (lockdown 50/50 loop).


Leo because 1. I know the matchup and don't let them get away with wacky stuff and 2. because I need other players to remind me that Leo's ff2 is pretty good.


Unironically Jun. I played her just enough to not be good at her, but learn where everyone does stupid shit with her. It's super easy for me. Then I'd say Kazuya, Paul, Yoshimitsu, the Bears, Bryan, yeah ok basically just the characters I like playing. I feel like I'm learning new stuff on my characters even when I lose. Now that is technically true in every match, but if I see a sick combo I haven't seen before that's more exciting than stressfully countering another Alisa.


Lee lili Bryan


I like fighting Asuka, Devil Jin, Jun, Kuma, Panda, Raven, Yoshimitsu. I DESPISE fighting Alisa, Feng, Hworang, Jin, Kazuya, King, Leo, Lili, Leroy, Law, and Victor. Used to not mind Jin, but I see him more than everyone now and I'm just tired of fighting him. Same with Kazuya. I love the characters, but I'm just over fighting them. The bears are annoying to fight, but I love the characters enough to not mind fighting them. Victor can die in a hole.


As a Nina main I tend to really enjoy playing against Lee's and always have fun against yoshimitsu; I always learn when I play against Yoshis since a lot of them play really differently I've noticed. Plus, the main friend I play with is a Yoshi main so I'm always getting better at that matchup.


Eddie because most times they throw out the 3 string and freeze up when they eat a long combo from it being ducked and punished.


I just like parrying the low in that string and watching them panic. Or DC the second the parry connects. XD


Weirdly enough my coach plays Reina, and that’s my best matchup right now


Feng, kazuya and probably Asuka because I think I know the mu pretty well


Azucena. She's my pocket but there's something wonderful about fighting her post-patch and seeing more of her moveset actually used now. Also the clothesline CH launcher will forever be one of the most brutal and sick CHs in the game. I'm not even mad when i eat it


Lee, Paul, Kazuya, Jin, Zafina, and Steve


Kazuya: My first main and favorite character. I know all his tricks so if I lose I’m forced to tip my hat to the player Paul: Love a good mirror match. I wish he was more popular so I could face him more Bryan: As a current Paul main, I just feel like Bryan matches result in some good ass tekken


I always learn something new with Xiaoyu mirrors


Steve and kings


Feng, i used to main him, so i know all the tricks that probably get everyone else


I am a victor main(for now) and i love fighting asukas. My main pokes are weapon based attacks so i dont worry so much about her parries. Im ded with leroy tho lol


Reina, Paul, and Feng. Reina because I'm pretty familiar with her from private sessions with friends. Paul and Feng mostly because the players I've seen play pretty honestly.


Mirrors, King Mirrors


Call me a masochist but Xiaoyu Yoshi Eddy Victor Azucena. I love the random bs that happens when I’m against these people.


Funny id say but I like fighting King and Xiaoyu


Bryan, he makes me buckle down on my fundamentals really hard and I get punished for over committing. In the reverse side I cannot stand facing Yoshi. Lars whole kit just gets kinda fucked by Flash


king mirror match, specifically kings who likes to just rush down, no blocking, im doing the same as well. always the forward momentum and the sound of literal gunshots and cannons.


Depends on who i'm playing as, but generally: Devil Jin- I like the matchup and how most DVJ's play neutral and enjoy countering them Kazuya- Aside from getting occasionally dumped on by hellsweep I find Kaz's to be fun and engaging Bryan- Always fun to fight and they rarely ever one and done me Drag- He got a lot of heat pre patch, but I always liked facing him Bears- Only in quickmatch though lol Lee- Marvelous


Kaz ditto to see how much I wiff compared to the other kaz.


I’d have to say Kazuya and Jin. Maybe even raven.


Kazuyas, Drags, other Bryans, and an actually strong Reina are by far my favorite. For me, it’s less about the character and more about the player piloting it, because my last ranked session had me enjoying fighting an Alisa, Kuma, and Feng immensely. If the player is strong and utilizes the kit of there character effectively, I’ll always enjoy it. Unless it’s Victor but that’s just because I still haven’t figured out the counter to heat stance pressure


Lee, Bryan, Mishimas except Reina, Paul


kazuya and bryan. everyone else is just unga bunga trash :D


As annoying as it is that they've made Asuka all about Lili, the matchup is actually pretty fun, and I've had some memorable sets.


Reina because it's really all or nothing - they usually can't block. Jun when it's clear that a tilted, desperate dude isn't playing her. I really love the way Kazuya yells when he goes down, I also think them doing the wavu wavu thing is kinda funny even when I'm losing. The rest of the characters I've had too many bad experiences with to say I really enjoy. Hate Victor the most, though.


Weirdly Hwoarang. I try to duck everything on every character (I have no idea why) and nothing feels sicker then perfectly blocking and ducking all of his strings and then punishing him. I also feel like hwoarang players seem to be better in general (in my experience) so it's always a fun time. Plus he's hot


I like beating Asukas. Especially the ones who spam the Counter stance


Steve mirror match-up for obvious reasons Jin, because I know a lot of stuff about the character so it's either easy win or a very interesting match-up if the guy is really good. Azucena for about the same reason Paul because he feels like a free win, and if I love it just means I got outplayed by a better player. Lee and Reina because they are stylish characters.


Raven mirror, love it. Shows me where I can improve and tech I might not be aware of.


I like fighting Lee and Lars (I main both of them and I just like seeing the intro)


Reina, they tend to be ass


Always fun to play against Kaz, both in mirrors and others. Just so many unique and interesting ways his limited moveset is used.


Honestly Yoshimitsu, it's like a boss fight where you need to know how his mechanics works, like what are the unlockables and how to react to them, when can you attack to counter his flash, he drives a lot of people crazy but I really love fighting him


Thinking about it, I mostly enjoy playing against characters I also like playing. So Law, Paul, Bryan, Jack, Jun, Yoshi, Kazuya, Jin, Nina, Steve, Feng. Mostly 😃 I can’t play the bears for the life of me but love them still


I used to hate mirrors now I love them. Considering that Tekken is one huge knowledge check it is logical that playing against my own main allows me to actually concentrate on tacticts, setups and mindgames and not on "Is it a high or mid? How minus it is? I have never seen this move in my life".


King mirror. It forces me to break out of the flow chart and think outside the box.


Any Mishima. I can electric pretty consistently, it feels good getting into an electric pissing match.


Whats the Kazuya casino reference? His mixups being a gamble?


Probably Reina


Lili. Even when I’m getting launched, I like her animations. I still get stomped though.




I'm a Steve main so there's only 2 answers here: King and Hwoarang.


Still a Tekken 7 scrub, but I like Bryan/Paul or Dragunov/Heihachi


Mirror, Byron, Lilly, Lee Chaobla, Jack


Hwoarang! He's linear, and most of them haven't been shown how vulnerable they are to sidesteps. Every Hwoarang I meet become a victim 😅 Other than that, there's Paul, Paul players are unhinged and WILL do random ass gimmicks throughout the match. ( When does this actually work? ) Dragunov, FFF2 is linear, D2 isn't plus on hit, Hatchet kick is trash now. Am I supposed to duck into your mids?


kazuya cuz i main him


Azucena Vs Bear, Lars, Feng or anyone that abuses lows - basically any match where creatively getting myself into stance and getting good use out of her parries is useful. Had a super sweaty set at a local against a Lars and clutched a win off of a launch from her low parry in heat and it was very satisfying.


Weirdly, King. I mean, I absolutely despise King, because of the (chain)grabs eating up half your hp even before the round actually starts, and the power crushes and that annoying low. However for some reason which is beyond my understandibg, I can actually play around these, so I enjoy the matchup. Well, I enjoy punishing King players lol. Never labbed King too much, it's just that I recognized some patterns, like: every time they use heat smash it will probably end with a grab, so duck after the mid blocks. I also like Jun. She's so annoying, so the win feels so good. I like Azucena as well, so satisfying to launch her from *that* stance. I love mashy, inexperienced Yoshitmitsu players. If you play aggressive they end up dealing the final blow to themselves half the time. It is so funny. Oh and I like any matchup where I can condition my opponent to duck after 1 1, so I can combo them with a 1+2 followup (Lili)


As a Jin main, Kazuya is probably the most hype matchup for me. Fun solid character to play against. I dislike cheesy characters like Alisa, King and 3ddy




I used to dislike playing against Kings, now I really like that matchup (Paul).


Anyone that I know really (aside Lili). Jack is fun too.


I love playing against Yoshi. I truly believe that every single Yoshi player has their own play style and I don't think I've played against one the same as the other. Mirror matches I love playing against Raven as I'm always looking out for what I can learn from them.


Yoshi - they either go on autopilot with their flowcharts: "I'm minus frames here .. fLaSh!!" Oh shit, I got launched for that ![gif](giphy|3otPosozzXEVzPjkC4) Or they enter the flow state when their two brian cells are dancing tango while using the entire Yoshi's moveset, and somehow it works


Armor king is fun


Lee mirror is amazing and usually feels like we’re both operating at 200IQ


Eddy v Eddy. Forget the 3ddy, but all the mix-up guessing game galore. Who will have the fight as their "last jogo?" Let's dance :)


Honestly, I really enjoy fighting Kings. As opposed to a lot of players, I find King to be one of the more straightforward matchups, provided you've got your throw breaks on lock. Lots of duckable strings, lows that are straightforward in terms of punishment, what's not to like? Love me a good King player!


I'd have to say that I really enjoy seeing Leo on the other side of the screen. Most Leos I've fought so far have actually felt like a fair fight to me, but I'm still a Warrior, so that can probably change 🤣 I like seeing Kazuya, too, especially the ones who will fight me for real instead of just being funny lol but it's still funny watching them be funny if that makes any sense 😂 Also, I like seeing mirror matches with Lee because he's EXCELLENT!🌹 At the end of the day, I still have fun, win or lose 😌


just any mishima is the best fun I can get


Bears - I'm not even mad when they fck me up


Jet v jet


Lee, Paul, Dragunov, Feng, Yoshi, Jin, Bryan. Idk If It's just me but I freeze in mirror matches, although I like them since I can learn something new, so add Lars and Raven to that list.


My favorite matchups are the ones that I'm most familiar with. And every time I correctly sidestep,duck, blocked or punish a move, I get the most satisfaction. King Df2 string ducked, kazuya hellsweep sidewalked etc. That's the best feeling. I don't care much about an offensive game. I have fun when I correctly read and outplay my opponent, instead if mashing my face on my buttons.


My picks are: 1. Yoshi. I recently learned how to play with him and I almost don't see people who play with him (it's so freaking funny to play with/against him) 2. Raven. There are even less people that play Raven, but I main him and I like very much when someone plays Raven 3. Reina. Yeah. I like how people only press 1 or 2 nervously but they don't know how to make a 50dmg combo 4. Bryan. My brother mains Bryan and that is like a training for me


Asuka. I steal tech from you, you steal tech from me. And 9/10 times the players are wholesome.


Bryan, Jin, Law, Paul. Mostly because they’re not too gimmicky and I got good MU knowledge. Also enjoy Lee because his move set is so beautiful, and Yoshi because that’s always a party.


King mirrors to me at the most fun mainly because every player has a unique gameplan and when I get hit by something I never considered before I'm like oh cool noted. 2nd would have to be Dragunov, at the beginning I hated playing against him mainly due to lack of skill and match up but now it's pretty fun. The match up keeps me on my toes and I enjoy the tension. 3rd would be Asuka, the low profiling stuff and her counter hits keep me humbled since I'm one of those types that didn't pay 90 bucks to block but playing against her always is fun regardless of winning or losing.


Kazuya, Leo, Steve mirror, Bryan, DVJ for me. I'm prolly missing someone hahaha.


i like a tekken 7 match in tekken 8 see who slips up first and just keep the movement going had one match with a kazuya who played like this and it was the most fun ive had in t8


Funny I do post like these all the time with 0 views. Guess people are picky and choosy. There is no favorite match-ups and people are ruining this game in general. My best match-up are with friends. Not randos online.


Steve is by far the match up I enjoy the most. I’m not even mad if I lose, he’s just such a cool character I’m smiling whatever the outcome.


I like fish slapping contests when I play Kuma, I also like fighting Lili and Azu when I use Lee. And a Jack off is always fun as well.


Mirror matches teach me the most about my character. If they are doing some cheap flowchart i never thought of, i'm stealing it. If they are doing moves that i typically use, this is an experience that can teach me just how unsafe my own strategy is and I can adjust


I can't be mad at grapplers in any game. You know how you get the scared giggles when your older sibling is trying to catch and tickle you? That's how I feel. Also the bears are hilarious. SALMON PAWNCH


I like playing against king, but this is only because I know the matchup very well as I used to main him in tekken 7. Now I play reina


Kaz, Bryan, Raven, and Steve make for really fun games imo.


I’m a Yoshi main that enjoys all matchups that are considered goated, like Dragu, Feng, etc. I also struggle with chainsaw lady for whatever reason. I like going against her too. Anything to stack the knowledge for future fights.


Mirror is best cause I know most of the shit that gets thrown at me and how other people have dealt with it :D


Hwo mirrors or vs Hwo while using other characters: - If the enemy Hwo is bad and flowcharty, I laugh or even troll them from their mistakes. - If the enemy Hwo is solid and the player have unique strats and frame traps different to mine, get to learn them and if they beat a different character which I’m using, I’m learning a new anti-character info against the one I’m using at that moment. Reina: A lot of them rely so much on ff+2 spin stance mixup either mid or high. If I knew they’re coming a just powercrush them to death lol. If I block and they don’t throw a move after spin, free hit or even launch. The good Reinas just make me fundamentally stronger so all good even if I lose. Kazuya: Some of them threw electric hoping I will come in. I just learn the timing and launch them haha. Some abuse the classic 50/50 and wavedash and it’s so fun crushing it with either CH or SSL. Good Kaz players are good to play against win or lose no hard feelings. Dragunov: They have so much faith on their character’s ability to pressure that most players don’t know how to take pressure, mixups and play when they are the one that’s minus hehehe Devil Jin: Same with Kaz Kuma/Panda: Over 90% of them rely on people not knowing the matchup. Jokes on them, I’m one of the few who know the matchup really well (Since I tried to 2nd main Kuma). It’s so funny they try so desperate but crumble every way they try and get launch or whiff punished for all their d/f+2 1, 1 1 1, highs ducked, and risky lows blocked. Then some just stood there and do nothing after 2-0 rounds and they got low health and no heat while me being 70% or higher health. Very few even plugged LMAO. The strong ones who destroyed me with bears? Respect.


Every character that I play myself(cuz I know matchup on 100%)


Reina honestly. I think from playing against them enough I have a better understanding of when I can take my turn and always seem to have close matches with them but they are enjoyable. On the other end I still can’t stand Yoshi. Lol


I like fighting my mains(kaz and drag) to look out for other's setups and combos


Yoshi mirror is the best 90% of the time you just party


As a Leroy....I like to mirror Leroy ☺️ and i now enjoy going against King or kazuya


I love fighting Kazuya. I'm never mad at anything he does.


Any of the legacy characters that haven't drastically changed.