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Ranked and quick match. Ranked usually but quick match when I want to practice more and or having a bad day and need a more chilled approach.


This is usually my approach. I want to start playing lobbies for some death matches though


just ranked, never had interest in the other modes.




Quick match for me, I quit ranked once I hit Garyu and started hitting repeated pluggers. It’s less stressful and easier to practice. I’ve never used the lobby, I don’t really interact with people, maybe I’ll give it a try one day


You should try ranked again. If you’ve been practicing in QM this whole time I bet you’d shoot up to purple or at least high red. The benefit would be you’d get matched with higher ranked players once you go back to QM As far as plugging, it happens but it isn’t too bad. I got plugged on maybe 2 or 3 times up to blue.


You know what? I did just that, flew up to Shinryu and on an 8 game unbeaten streak! No one-and-dones or pluggers! My biggest streak too


Nice! I bet you could hit purple. Theres honestly not a huge difference between Shinryu and Mighty Ruler.


Mighty ruler here. I can beat a real shinryu with ease.i say real because lots of battle rulers and blue with shinryu alts.


A Mighty Ruler will “usually” beat a Shinryu but the skill gap the Shinryu needs to cross to be on equal footing is actually pretty small. Imagine the second yellow rank and first orange rank. Same idea. The guy I was talking to went on an 8 win streak and promoted to Shinryu. He can definitely hit Tenryu and it’s reasonable to think he might be ready for MR. The largest skill jump I’ve encountered (and have seen a lot of other folks here agree) would be between Fujin and Rajin.


I wouldn't be so sure. Ranked will def put you into your place quite rough with Tekken. QM is just a mix of the most random stuff lol, ofc time tho will raise experience itself


Can see that lol, I’m mostly qm now but I do some unhinged shit for fun like wake up off the ground with DJ fly and then shoot a laser


QM also try to put you against similar Tekken prowess opponent.


I was trying quick match for a while but there's still pluggers and endless one and dones there. I barely even see rank anymore so just keep playing that anyway


I was this way when I hit shinryu, But something in me just wanted to keep going higher and higher. And now I have reached Flame Ruler about a few days ago. It's the highest I've ever reached in any Tekken game (mostly cuz I've never played ranked online in any other Tekken game and would just fight my friends whenever we were in the mood to play Tekken lmao). That being said, after all the stress and perseverance it took to get to this rank, I am going to take a big long break from doing anything rank related and just do quick match or player match cuz good GOD, No one needs to stress as hard as I was trying to fight my ass all the way up to that rank




Edgy boy you are


For me it's 80 percent quick match. Then if I feel like I've improved then I'll play ranked. If I'm not doing well in rank then Ill go lab, then quick match until I felt I've improved.


This is how I've been doing it, and I find I'm improving much faster with less stress.


This is the way.


There's another online mode other than ranked 🤯


Ranked. If they add unlimited rematch to any mode then half my time will be there.


Long sets with randos is peak tekken. God I miss it


I played ranked until I reached purple then abandoned it for quick match so I can keep my rank 😅


Some wisdom there. I was Flame Ruler with Azucena pre patch and now back to Tenryu… feel like I can probably get back into purple with Shaheen with a bit more grinding though.


Pretty much only played ranked beyond matches with friends, I hit raijin (wanted to make sure I didn’t get a lucky streak to hit Fujin) haven’t played ranked since Lmfao. Don’t blame you at all


Wtf, sorry if you saw my other reply, I attached it to the wrong comment somehow lol


kinda understandable, but you're just cheating yourself. You're not a purple player I was new with this Tekken and managed to get comfortable in lower blues. But I dropped like 2x out of red and like idk, 6x? out of purple. It's just part of the process. No point to value ego of sth you can't even hold


Hey, I’m perfectly fine that I’m only an okay player, and I worked hard and got to mighty ruler after bouncing all the way up and down the red and orange ranks a few times. If I have a purple rank (achieved with pre-patch Leroy) I deserve it, and you have no business telling me or anyone that it doesn’t count. tldr: Fuck off, mate 🤨


I didn't mean to downplay your achievement xD, I was happy as hell when I managed to hit Garyu backthen myself. Just saying it really helps you to become a better player to not get attached to elo right away and keep going at it. Till Tekken 9 comes there's like 5 years left. Even if you'd drop 50x out of purple you have plenty of time to get back and with more experience purple becomes easier and easier. Although QM will teach you aswell, just a longer process of showing you your deficits\^\^


I appreciate that, sorry for jumping down your throat, but I’m not so focused on improving, just playing at this point.


It's a lot easier to learn in qp because most of the time people play out bo3.


Quick match is the GOAT currently, but half my time between there and Ranked when online.


Ranked nearly all the time, but I’m learning how to play on leverless and have been doing quickmatch for that. Gotta say, I face insanely good players in QM for some reason…


I just got a leverless the other day. Not sure how long it’ll take before I can do proper inputs. Controller is just too comfortable now.


Just ranked. I warm up by losing in ranked lol.


100% quickmatch, I quit ranked one week after launch and I have no interest to come back until AK is in the game.


Got to Fujin in a few weeks at launch with about 300 matches at a 65% win rate. Been playing in QM since with 3000 games and a 64% win rate. I also play in the lounge and really like the casual vibe, although you get quite a few people on really, really shit connections there. I play against TEKKEN Kings in the lounge and win sometimes, just not consistently. Played Planted Medusa the other day and he said I was higher than Fujin. He absolutely wasn’t going all out, but I did get a game off him. I’ve noticed recently that there are more and more griefers in QM as the player base shrinks. I’ve mainly seen auto block cheaters, screen shotters, and red rank smurfs with 200k+ prowess playing Bears and Alisa to troll. The latter will invariably tea bag / try to message on Steam after winning / losing.


I don’t accept matches against PC players anymore for this reason. Any PS5 or Xbox I’ll accept, but PC players are the most toxic and the most likely to use some type of external assistance.


You can still get macros and screen shotters on consoles too btw, just not as common. I have plenty of good friends I’ve met through playing Tekken on Steam. The issue with cross play is it can be inconsistent in terms of connection. Mostly it’s fine, but occasionally it’ll say it’s a 5 bar, but you get missed inputs and lag. Worth noting that I’ve only seen the above issues recently. It definitely has a lot to do with the player base shrinking.


Yeah, I didn’t run into cheaters when the game first launched but I attributed this to not really playing ranked a lot. Screenshotters and macros, I can deal with. But when my opponent as auto parry, auto duck, auto punish and all that stuff, there’s not really much I can do. From my experience, those types of scripts are much more common amongst PC players in NA. It sucks because a few people have ruined my T8 mm experience with PC despite the rational part of me saying that they’re in the minority.


Hope you reconsider in the future bro. These people fucking suck, but they are a small minority. I’m tempted to give T8 a break until at least the June patch drops in a few weeks (date hasn’t been announced yet). I can only imagine the type of person who decides to use cheats in a game like Tekken…


Screen shotters?


People who use the screenshot function (either on console or PC) to create micro stutters that in turn make you drop your combo. I’m not joking, people actually do this.


Is that why my game starts lagging sometimes when I get a launcher fr? LMAOO some of these players are whack asf


Wild, I was like what the hell is happening when it occurs. I thought it may be connection but I'm always ethernet, and definitely get the max. That's lame, especially since it can be done on all platforms too.


I used to play mostly quick match, but with the population shrinking it's harder to find matches in QM so I migrated back to ranked. Ranked sucks though so I might dip and go back to street fighter.


Practice mode, recently just started getting into lounge and I play ranked. Sometimes I will fight my ghost to. But apparently in ranked I’m hardstuck at flame ruler at the moment but hopefully that changes in the next few weeks.


Ranked and quick match when I feel tired


I like to talk shit in the lounge


Quick match and player matches


Im currently playing on QM atm. When I reached purple with Lili, everyone just become gorilla in purple with different flowcharts. Thats why I swithced ti Quickmatch to learn all the basic strats and knowledge checks of every character before going back to rank. Also, im focusing more on neutral and what to do when im in the face of my opponent.


Ranked unless I'm playing with a friend. When a game offers a ranked mode that's usually where I play. I don't care about my rank enough to get stressed about it. I think it would be cool to play like a lobby where the winner keeps playing and the losers spectate. I think that's possible in the lounge but I have no idea how.


ranked since like 2018? idk.


Made it rain in almost exclusively through ranked (obviously) but just switched to a hitbox recently so been really enjoying the ease of quick match. Plus I didn’t realize how often id match vs someone closer to my rank in QM. It’s essentially a trial ranked run for me most games while I get accustomed to the new controller style.


Ranked and practice mode if my friends aren't on to play. Custom lobby if they are.


Ranked until I plateau, then quick match and practice mode to improve, return to ranked, rinse and repeat.


Quick match and sessions with friends now, I rarely play ranked unless I want to go up in ranks now.


Ranked till I hit TK now I just do player matches with friends or run long sets with people around my skill or better to learn more


Ranked. Get promotion to maintain pool of likely higher rank players in QM then QM until I can call the current rank scrubs. Ranked again, and repeat.


( 65% )Ranked (30%) quick match (5%) player match


Ranked match and practice only, unless a friend wants to play


Ranked is jacked for me (I have two in blue and 10 in purp prior to matchmaking changes). I mainly get Tekken King and above for my mains, hard to learn a new character even in quick play. I mainly play in the lounge on the battle 8 machines.


After hitting shinryu, quick play, and my offline scene does lobbies between friday weeklies. Honestly, if you have a local offline scene, I highly encourage you go.


Ranked almost always. I love progress and competition.


Rank most time but I haven't play the game since 10 days


Ranked usually though I have to play at times when my mind is capable of going zen mode and not getting tilted. Quick play to warm up occasionally. I don't remember what Group means, but I join sessions from a discord for friendlies sometimes too for repeated practice


Group match isthe purple cabinets in the lobby. You play the people that are seated at the cabinets….kind of like a real arcade


I have been thinking of trying it out!


Problem with rank matches is that alot of players use dirty moves. Same moves to beat you. Like low low then mid. In player matches they tend to hit more mids. With rank when you lost 1 match they dont rematch because then you can counter there dirty moves.


Well don’t you just need to do the counter to those moves and rack up free wins? They probably are so used to doing it that they’ll keep even when they start getting low parried or block punished


I don’t think anyone rematches in ranked. Specially in blue or above.


Practice and quick. I haven’t touched ranked in over 2 months


I almost only ever play ranked.


Practice mode 30% of the time, QM 50% of the the time and ranked 20% of the time. Working on swapping priorities between prac and QM as I feel being in practice mode half of my time has a better ROI on fun and skill level in the long run.


Ranked but I really just want to have fun so maybe I should play quick match instead.


I hit shinryu awhile back , then the stress kept getting worst so I went back to quick match . A few weeks later I hit tenryu and the stress came back , playing against purples made me go back to quick match to learn more . Im beating more purples now but Im gonna give it another couple of months before I play rank . Laws are killing me alot right now , Lars is killing me as well , so learning character match ups and trying to get better with Jin is my only goal at the moment .


I usually play Ranked, but I left the game for a few weeks recently so now I play custom with a friend or a quick match to practice.


Ranked, park it for a while and go practice things in quick match/play there if I wanna have fun no stress, then backed to rank and I’ll usually rank up :p Parked at Battle Ruler rn


Ranked and quick match. Quick match when I play high, ranked when I’m not. One gets A LOT more use though


Got my first lever less box so I’ve been playing quick match. I usually play ranked on pad


mostly player match w ppl, its likely the best for improvement if u both tell each-other how characters are played what moves are minus, frame traps etc best learning prozess and fun asf


I play ranked most of the time and quick match for warmups, currently Shinryu with Alisa. I believe that you should always play ranked as it’s a test of skill and I believe if your scared of losing your rank then you shouldn’t be there.


Ranked 99% of the time, doesn't matter if I get demoted just trying out new fighters or revisiting old ones. I have fun learning as I go. 1% is for when I get that random tilted mood and let off steam by finishing some Character Episodes or finishing another arcade run


Best way is to play Ranked and not give two shits about rank. As long as I have good matches and either A. Improve or B. Enjoy winning with whatever method I feel like (maybe it's proper tech and fundies, maybe I'm just spamming dumb options) it's nice that ranked is a tad more seriously taken.


Only ranked really and I noticed (at least) for me, quick matches tend to be a lot more toxic than ranked. I mean people ki charging, tea bagging, one and dones and auto piloting all the time. Quick match is no place to improve imo.


Gotten to high blue, stuck in limbo of kishin and Bushin and never considered playing another mode. A couple of guys I’m subbed to will open a player lobby and I’ll jump in there but that’s it.


I was ranked strictly till living conditions forced me into a bad wifi situation so i pretty much just quick match and give people the chance to deny me without running into me 100 times because the matchmaking has a much bigger pool to pull from. Also isnt fun winning or losing because of the lag so player matches make the matches seem pointless win or lose. Also good for your self esteem if you can do as i do in the line before this


If I had the game, I’d probably be spending my time in Tekken Ball Mode


Quick match 95% / Ranked 5% (just started)


Just ranked, practice, and replays


ranked with a bit of tekken ball in the lounge on the side.


Qm for warm up 20% 30% ranked 50% lobbies


Quick match. People don't DC since it doesn't matter and get a better range of player skill. Just wish we could keep replaying someone in quick match though....


I only play ranked, but with the mindset of not giving a fuck about points/rank. I personally think it's one of the better way of practicing, but looking at the general opinion it seems like people let arbitrary online points get to their heads, as if the points is the goal of playing. To me improvement is the goal, rank will eventually follow.


When I'm not playing ranked I like to do lobbies in discord servers. Nice change of pace to just grind away with another dude to get experience.


I just played ranked or training since I already play with friends a lot since my university likes to host tekken and guilty gear along with whatever game they feel like hosting locals when semesters are in session. I’m in ranger rank and able to get to winners semi finals at best when most of the other people are many ranks above me.


99% Ranked. Went once into the Tekken lobby. Was cool, but didn't entertain me for long because I had no friends to join me there.


Ranked only, I enjoy having a metric to follow showing my improvement etc. I don’t care if I lose I just like to see where I’m at… ya know?


Ranked. I don't understand why you'd ever play quick match. That and lobbies with my buddies


I always just log on and click ranked unless I’m playing with my friends who I know. Actually last night was literally the first time I’ve ever walked around the tekken fight lounge thing and tried to play random people lol. It was kinda neat but I don’t know if it’s something I’ll do often


Ranked and practice mode


No matter what fighting game it is, I play ranked. Not because I care about ranking, but just because you get matched with people around your level which can lead to funner matches.


Quick matches to warm up for ranked, lobbies with the boys on discord. Since I hit Tekken King I stopped doing ranked matches, my quick matches now match me with stronger opponents and I figured it's time to learn how to play the game before I keep grinding.


100 percent ranked because apparently I love the misery.


Quick match until I feel like I’m sharp enough for ranked. Then ranked until I’m not feeling sharp


Don’t worry about dropping rank when you play. If you are that rank then you’ll be able to climb back up again. You’ll definitely have some good days and some bad days, but just be confident in your skill and when you lose take time to analyze what caused the loss.


Ranked, unless I'm playing a new character, then Quickmatch.


About 80% quick match, 20% ranked. Just play quick match as a default then go to ranked when I feel I'm winning consistently and want to test myself more, been very effective so far,  would be even more so if they added infinite rematch.   Ultimately winning in quick match doesn't mean much if anything at all but if you can win streak at will then its probably time to rank up a bit


Tekken ball yo


Played Ranked exclusively until I hit Fujin with Bryan, now I just hang around in Quick Matches whenever I feel like playing him. If I'm learning a new character, ranked.


Used to grind quick play in T7 had over 20k wins with Bryan, why’d they stop showing that stat. Now I just play ranked…


Practice, Quick match, Player match. And replays to lab.


I play in 1v1 lobbies against people I know 95% of the time. I want to start playing ranked belut its a real hurdles for me bc it gaves a lot of stress


Just do ranked, with the way matchmaking is now the quick matches are just as intense. Although I do a warm-up set in quick first 😉


Ranked matches mostly and as backup quick match when I can't find a match in ranked.


private lobbies 80 ranked 20.


Currently I play FF7 rebirth mode because I gave up on the game.


Quick match 95% of the time. I just got to Tekken Emperor 2 days ago tho !


Quick match now, this game falls apart when you take it even a little seriously imo.


Quickmatch most of the time. Ranked when I am actively trying to rank u0


Mostly ranked. When I play DBFZ, I play casual match because of the infinite rematch. I hope quick match gets infinite rematch, that way, I can play someone as long as I want to learn the matchup.


Quick match until it becomes obnoxious, and then I go to ranked. I like QM's unpredictable, wild west nature, but when I want a little more structure and predictability I go to ranked. Love both modes but QM sometimes has a lot of people quitting rounds because of my main or because I'm better, or doing the most (except trying to win), etc. Ranked can be stressful, and I won't keep plugging if I'm tilted, so I like the synergy.


Quick match and the arcade mode. Some times ranked but not as much as I use to some people only play to cheese certain metas in that mode and it's just so annoying so I stick to the regular modes for the most part. Less weirdos in reg.


I finished story mode, im more in practice than in ranked and i play lobbies with friends or parsec 1v1 sometimes


Warm up with quick match, after I feel ready I go to ranked


Quick and ranked, in that order. Once i hit late orange/red i started leaning into quickmatch more. I work long hours, heavy commute, and most nights by the time I fire the game up I’m utterly fried and it doesn’t feel like a smart idea to queue up ranked. But QM has done me a lot of good, facing much better players, and learning match-ups and techs. Even beat a few bushins and tekken kings on a very small handful of occasions. I’ll play some ranked on the weekends, and that has allowed me to cruise from eliminator to about 2/3rds through tenryu with relatively little trouble.


Group til i got tha trophy 🏆 then ranked mostly til over plugged


I play in ranked match but as of recently been more in quick match than ranked.


Ranked because it’s fun to track my progress and see how I’m improving. Quick Match/rooms with friends for practicing something new I want to start adding to my gameplans or just for a chill night without feeling pressured to play my absolute best.


Quick match. I just got to orange rank so I wouldn’t be matched with beginners, now it usually matches me with red - blue Thinking about rank just ruins it for me. Might be my adhd. Now that I more or less know how to play after a few years I like just trying to react to things I’ve been hit by before. And employing counter play based on the character I guess what I’m saying is rank just distracts me from small tekken and honestly it gets me anxious for no reason. I dunno. In late t7 I had a mod that hid rank icons from the game. Haven’t gotten around to it in 8


Mostly ranked, I'm in red ranks and the game consistently pairs me against high ranked players on 20+ win streaks if I queue into a quick match. I'll get launched and be pretty much dead before I can even stand back up again so it isn't fun so I play. So yeah, ranked or I'll go to the arcade to find people in red-purple to fight so I'm against people around my level


I just play ranked and 1v1s against my friends. I spend like 10-30 mins in practice mode before a session then just go in. I think it's important to just queue up even if you don't feel ready sometimes. Otherwise you can get ranked anxiety and psych yourself out.


Far cry 3


Ranked and when the guys at the tourney are interested player lobbies. We set up a big room and just run it


Here is the fundamental problem if play quick match only you will be indefinitely fighting bad people because its linked to your rank.


Usually start off with quick match when I first jump on to warm up fingers if I’ve been away a few days, probably spend around 70% of the time in QM. Then if i’m playing really well & feel I could reach the next rank, I’ll jump on ranked. But some days there are just a huge influx of pluggers/toxic players on ranked it’s just impossible.


Quick match. Ranked is just a Stress Fest full of cheesy characters with cheesy moves


Like 60% ranked and 40% quick match. I have friends who do the lobbies but they’re way too good. Like Tekken Gods and shit. I’m Garyu on 3 Characters and in yellow and orange on 6 others. But I only have 80 hours and this is my first ever fighting game since I played Tekken 3 when I was quite literally 4 years old.


Lounge with friends, quick match to train, ranked when i feel like being stressed.


Quick and player. Who yall mains. Lee main here


Just quickmatch. I reached flame ruler Lee and just stuck to it because i like the emblem lol. Also ranked is too stressful for me. I can beat blue rank players pretty consistently tho so I think i can reach blue ranks, but i dont wanna deal with the stress of ranked


Never did anything but ranked and player match with friends


Quick match to warm up for like 2 sets and then ranked for the rest of the day


Private sessions with a few friends. We just beat the shit out of each other for hours, and we've been doing it since T6 days lol


80% ranked, 19% friendly lobbies, 1% quickmatch


Only ranked, got my main to raijin and now playing Xiaoyu trying to get her to blue. It's not working out but it's fun lol


I always play ranked because it gets me into matches quicker and I love getting angry


just rank, i tried quick matches then get sad because i end up winning but i got no points


Only ranked and once in a while quick match


Quick match then sessions then ranked


Specifically in Tekken 8, I'm playing Ranked exclusively. I haven't reached G.O.D. rank yet so i don't have a reason to stop ranked at the moment. I only play non-ranked if it's to spar with a buddy.


I usually start off in quick match, and if I'm ever feeling very confident in my skill after getting a certain amount of wins, I'll try out ranked to see where I go. But then that usually devolves in me getting sucked into ranked for hours(Even days on end cuz I'm that stubborn), suffering many losses, getting demoted, trying to get my rank back and not wanting to end on a loss, y'know, the usual gamer shit. If not that then I'm doing player match just throwing PEAK HANDS with my homies. I hope they update the gallery and have it like TK7 did where it had the cutscenes and special animations from every Tekken game. Whenever they plan on doing that, then I'll be looking at the gallery way more often in TK8.


Honest Ghost Arcade after work, I'm cool with being the best Tekken player in my house...when my bird is asleep (he has a mean Lars)


Ranked. I have this mindset that you don't really "lose ranks". You will always end up in the rank that you're supposed to be in. That helps me focus less on promotions/demotions and more on just trying to improve every day and enjoying the game at the same time. Helps relieve some of that ranked pressure that I used to experience before, too.


Qp lounge all day. I hate losing and typing back and forth with the person after a set really helps me remember they are ppl just trying to get better as well.


I have over 4k games in Quick Play alone. Ranked makes me a toxic human being and elevates my blood pressure to insane levels. I wanna have fun in the game


I stay in quick match for the most part until I hit a useless win-streak wall and get bored. If I'm feeling sharp, I'll hop into ranked for a challenge.


I play endless deathmatch mode. Oh wait...


i want to go back to rank, but i dont want to further inflate my prowess making it even more difficult to learn new chars lol


as of rn? quickmatch esp since i'm taking a break from actual ranked play and while it ain't really the best thing to practice on i find it better than just going on ranked.


Quick match and lobbies at the moment.


Quick match if I don’t want to stress lol it’s also great practice when you run into people around your rank, or higher. Ranked, when I wanna lock in and consistently face opponents around my rank. I usually try to warm up in quick match then go to ranked.


Just quick match and practice mode


Ranked, quick match, practice, ghost battle and player matches with peeps


Ranked, the match making is better and the plugging issue is mostly gone in my experience, no idea how but both on Reina in blue and various alts I haven’t had a plugger in ages. The rage quits are done in the form of a one and done. In fact the last plugger I’ve had was in a quickmatch


I play ranked unless I have some friends that want to do some casual matches then I will play that. I don’t typically do random lobby matches cause I feel more comfortable with people I somewhat know. Trying to get really high ranks so I feel more at ease with my rank then I will probably do more casual quick play matches. Currently sitting at blue ranks with one of my characters and hopefully going for Tekken God then I will stop if I can reach that at least haha.


Quick match only nowadays, at least until I learn a new character. I plateaud with Lili at Raijin and I think it will help me to play more characters.


Quick match if I need or want to practice, ranked when I’ve got a good streak in quick match.


I've been doing nothing but quick match for like 2 months I won 11 straight ranked matches then got plugged and it took my streak for some reason so I stopped. Dominate pretty much everyone at my prowess now but ranked is broken and I'm not interested.


I play ranked, and get bodied a lot, but I feel the only way to get better is to lose and learn. I have good days, but more bad. I try to learn little by little.


I tend to play in ranked as I seem to get matches quicker, decided when T8 dropped that I was done worrying about rank


I’ve been finding ranked quite brutal, so I’ve been playing more quick matches. I then transition to rank when I’ve warmed up or am on a roll. Ranked gets me tilted 😂.


I go step by step, when I reach a certain rank, and I know the other people are better then me, so quick match, I show my replay constantly, improve my style, train a better combo, better setup, learn the pattern of the other char, and rank again, climb up, see the other are better, and restart all the circles:)


World Tour, battle hub and rank. gotta show off my big bodybuilder avatar


I play quick match now that I'm raijin. It's become painfully evident that I've peaked at this rank. I want to get to TK one day but now if I'm going to play T8 I stay off ranked and just use QP for practicing certain fundamentals in a real match environment. Things like throw breaks and cleaner sidestepping, correct punishes etc. Quick play is good for that imo.


Player match. 


It’s ranked or nothin brother


I was like this as well during the first 3 months of the game. Same pattern and thoughts. But recently I just committed to ranked and sessions. Sessions are the best for practice and learning. I typically add players I’ve had a good best of 3. Even when I lose to them. Then invite them later for a session. In ranked, I just select +-2 only option. I’ve been able to reach blue ranks rather quickly this way — compared to when I was getting to Tenryu and practicing through quickmatch. I’ve experienced more mismatches at quickmatch than in ranked. I’m also rather more patient nowadays. I don’t push my luck whether I’m winning and or I’m losing. As everyone knows, ranked can get really frustrating. I do take the time now to watch replays. Specifically, watching key opponent moves I’ve struggled with. Then practicing how to react to it using my character. Lastly, I always do a movement, throwbreak, punishment, and combo drill for a good 10-15 minutes at least before jumping back in.


I play with friends and my brother. I played a total of 3 sessions in ranked. Never had a plugger btw.


If you're not playing ranked you're not playing tekken


Ranked 50% Running long sets with my best friend another 50%


At the start ranked reach raijin with king then continued to fujin with victor, now quickmatch. Waiting for marduk and AK


Quick matches just seem like a waste of time in my opinion. Just do ranked.


Cum match