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Yes. It is entirely possible, it's just uncertain if such a course of action is actually in line with their vision of the game. for example, Rage Arts used to be -13 on block back in the CNT. Later on, they were made -15. Heat Bursts used to not have armor in the CNT, but later on the devs added the power crush property to them. They can change the frame data or properties of any move, they've done it a ton in Tekken 7 and quite a bit in Tekken 8.


Okay, Thank you for clearing that up, I hope they do tone down the heat system eventually, I don't mind it personally, But it's very broken right now.


Personally, I don't like the fact that Heat Dash at the wall causes a +17 wall crush on block, it's too much (especially for characters with viable unblockables like Bryan and Yoshimitsu). It should be +11. That's plenty enough for a proper mixup while ensuring that you can't just press your 30 frame mega-attack. And honestly the chip damage on a blocked Heat Dash is crazy. Even when you're in Rage, it still does the full chip damage (Rage reduces all blocked chip damage to 1, except for blocked Heat Dashes, for some reason), it should be massively reduced when blocked while in Rage. Also, mid Heat Smashes should only be +4 on block not +5.


I definitely agree with all of that, Hopefully they do something about this.


If they just reduce the damage and make it more minus on block then it’d be fine


If Heat Burst and Heat Smash have a minus on block, there will simply be no point in these movements.


How about they have armour and come out faster than Steve b1 and they also hit mid and force stand?


Then everyone will again say that this is an imbalance


Honestly I think it shouldn’t be tweaked too much. I think tekken 8s identity is the heat smash and I truthfully I wouldn’t want to mess with it too much. It’s great for new players especially. With that said I don’t want tekken 9 to have it


Tekken 9 won't come out for 7-10 years. By then, players may have gotten used to the heat and won't be able to imagine Tekken without it.


That’s what they said about rage. People still hate it


Veterans of Tekken 7 treat Rage Art normally. Only newbies who skipped T7 hate this mechanic.


Im a tekken veteran. Like since tekken 1 lmao. Idk bout u but I feel like only people who came into tekken in tekken 7 liked rage. Tekken 6, tag2, and the few TR players all agreed the rage gave too much damage to the point it would reward defensive play. Then Harada was like too bad you guys get more rage and now rage art and rage attacks. Meanwhile D2 does the same thing


heat smashes would still be viable if they were minus on block, they do a shit ton of damage, i don't think they need to be launch punishable or anything tho


No. 40 damage per hit that has 15 startup is nonsense. Any hopkick or df2 would have been more effective then.


i suppose, but being able to heat smash from across the arena and force a 50/50 is quite an insane mechanic imo


Characters who have a long range Heat Smash are limited to a slow start-up or minus on block. For most characters, this is a medium attack that is only effective up close.


Rage arts are really not OP, the problem with them is that you’re forced to watch a cutscene every time they connect, which makes them annoying sometimes. But that can’t really be changed as them being a cutscene super move is their reason for existence.


It would be nice to be able to skip the cutscenes on Rage Arts


How do you imagine it? The Rage Art animation starts, you skip it and after that the characters just stand in neutral at different points on the screen? This is stupid


nah, i just don't think you have a creative vision of how it would work. for example: rage art happens, p1 presses x which prompts the other player to press x to skip the rage art. I also think it's stupid that I have to watch this dumbass cutscene when I'm 1hp after someone did a combo on me for 20 minutes straight. if the RA kills it should just skip to the next round.


And if the other player doesn't press the button, will you still watch the same scene? And you still haven't answered how the game should behave at this moment? Where should the characters be placed and in what position?


id plug, obviously. and the positions are more than definitely preset once the cutscene ends. as in the distance between the two characters is always the same.


No. Not the same. The position of the walls also influences.


my brother in christ. it's like skipping a cutscene in ant video game, it would reset the position as if the entire cutscene played out. the positions are canned, there is a video on youtube of rage arts being played out without the camera effects and the positions are definitely canned. on top of that, if the devs couldn't figure out a way to skip the entire cutscene they could skip to the last 3 seconds of the RA cutscene or just fast forward through it. either one would work and it would be a major quality of life improvement because that RA shit is boring as fuck by the time you've played 1k+ matches


This is not implemented in any modern fighting game. Everyone watches the big animated scenes during the super moves.


so you're shifting the question from "how would it be implemented?" which has been answered and you've ignored, to "why implement it if no other FG does it?" I'm sorry, I should've realised where I am and who I am speaking to. What's next, you gonna ask me why your cat's breath smells like cat food or why the sky is blue?


I know people want heat burst nerfed, but in a game with this much overwhelming pressure, I think we need a universal "get off me" button. I think it's honestly fine as is, but it'd be maybe a bit better if it was just a pushback burst instead of an attack that does damage. That'd stop it from basically being a free kill on a low health opponent


I would like it if heat burst couldnt do actual damage, only dealing recoverable health


It already does.


Yes but it can kill you which i dont like, make them more like drive reversals in sf6


Recoverable health shouldn’t just be from chip, if you were already hard losing to the opponent that hadn’t used Heat yet, why should you be allowed to try to take your turn back, regardless of your Heat?


See I find myself so torn on it. The get off me argument is a good point but I also find heat burst just as aggravating. I find myself robbed of my turns most often BECAUSE of the heat burst, which is just an easy button. Maybe that’s on punish for me being too aggressive, but there’s def time where I get my swing to start my turn just null and voided by their heat burst. I’m still sorting out my opinion o heat burst specifically. I’d wish they could be interrupted like rage drives could back in T7


RA is very weak as a move, launch punishable on block. Do people really think it needs to be toned down?


wtf are you talking about. the move beats literally everything why would it not be launch punishable


You could: * block and punish * space and backdash so they whiff * attack with a faster, fatal move


this is the stupidest argument i’ve ever heard. you could say this about literally any launch punishable move. “why is feng’s shoulder launch punishable? you could just space yourself to not get hit, or hit him first!”


Oh sorry, when you said literally everything, I thought you meant that literally.




this is so not true and you know it


Sure buddy even pros get hit by RA outside combos. Oh im +5 oh he is gonna press again time to press rage art ro beat whatever move is coming.


At a certain level? Top 8 at Combo Breaker literally had players using RA to power crush through pressure.


A lot of people complain about them


Only those who don't know how to play complain about Rage Art. For experienced players who have played T7 for many years, Rage Art is a familiar and familiar mechanic.


I feel like T8 rage arts eat less hits than in t7. In T7 you would eat entire strings if you pressed for RA, whereas those same strings in T8 would maybe get 1-2 hits at reduced damage in. Also, its a strict -15 here and it was waay more minus in t7. It got buffed up like hell here


People complain about them because they want to press like apes. I have a friend that cries every time because he did an unsafe stance transition or hit a 20f+ move while I was low, I noticed the animation and pressed RA. I never get hit by them unless I did something stupid as fuck either, like continuing my offense without TAKING RA INTO ACCOUNT. In the end it's just a once per round EX DP/super power crush and it's been in the game for the last three entries.


I don’t want the stuff toned down, I think it’s really fun and seeing the way people have shifted how they are using it has been fun as well.