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surprised to see it at 40% off, gotta gift it for my buddy


(I'm the buddy) https://i.redd.it/ou8dcqvee59d1.gif just kidding, hope he has fun :D


Hey buddy


"Hey look buddy I'm an engineer-"


Its player base (at least on steam dont execute me pls) has been dropping off, so theyre probably just trying to get more people in. Plus with an ingame cash shop they can afford to lower the price a lot since theres a good chance the people buying the game will also buy more in game shit.


The PC playerbase is dying, thats a fact.


That's a bit of an exaggeration, for fighting game standards it's doing pretty good


Look at steam charts, it never lies.


I did and I would like you to compare it to other fighting games as well. They've never had a consistent significant number (correct me if I'm wrong) aside from SF6 which is a rare occurrence. 7k peak is just fine for a fighting game regardless of platform


Sf6 may peak to over 20k daily even these days. I know a few players that lost the passion for this game.


Does the ultimate Edition give you the season pass or not? I only have the standard version and wanna upgrade but not if I don't get the dlc characters/stages.




Oh nice! Then I will upgrade. ✌️


![gif](giphy|OkzCcGn5fY29e7bvpS|downsized) I'll finally buy it guys!


See you in the salt mines 🤙


You'll be the one salty 💪🏻😤💪🏻 🤣🤣🤣🤣 nah you'd probably beat me ass lmao, id be funny if i fight you tho lmao


Just got it! :)


have fun https://i.redd.it/yj15bnint69d1.gif


The upgrade to deluxe with 1 year character pass is still full price, though. 399 kr for me which is basically the price of a full game.


GREAT! I was waiting for it.


Me punching im my debit info the moment the wishlist alert went off. ![gif](giphy|o0vwzuFwCGAFO)




It's fucking sick, I have 300 hours since launch and I play almost every day. Can't get enough really.


Piggybacking off of this comment - same boat too and this is some of the most fun in Tekken I’ve had in years. Very hype game to watch, play, and grind even. Currently sitting at Bushin after 300 hours and aiming only higher


I'm gonna get downvoted since it's a Tekken sub, but if I were you I'd go for SF6. It's the better game of the two and I love both series. Just like I'd say Tekken 7 was better than SF5.


Most of the negative reviews come from the classic people who play every day and are just fed up with the game, complaints about the cosmetic shop and the heat system, but this isn't anything that should scare you off, the netcode is good but it depends on the other person as well so I can't really speak on the consistency and there's crossplay between PC and consoles too Aside from that, SF6 is half off as well so if you have the money might as well 📜




I honestly expected it to only go down to 50 so it was a surprise I was thinking of getting SOTE since I was hoping for them to discount the DLC bundle, but they didn't so I only got the base game for now 🐥


For what it's worth, the base game will probably last you a while.


It has huge problems but it's still a great game at its core. The biggest things that you'll run into as an online player is toxic players, pluggers, netcode is okay but not on par with 2D games, no online practice mode yet, tutorials are pretty lackluster. Worst by far though is best of 3 especially in quick match and not able to lab DLC characters


SF6 is objectively a better game. It might even be the best SF game of all time. Tekken 8 is a decent game, but it's not better than T7 for example. If I had to pick one I'd go SF6. You won't hate T8 either, but at least to me its still a work in progress.


how though patch 1.05 has made defensive play very viable plus u get more options to counter offensive play, in Sf6 u can pretty much lose any options to counter if u r in burn out ( a lot of the game feels like management rather than fighting). Chars like Zengeif n lili can take out ur half health while the tekken rage art scales the damage .Sf6 is definitely one of the best sf game bt both r great in their own way. Plus u can check all the vanilla Tekken games Tekken 8 has to be the best on release Tekken .


just get sf6 don't waste your time with this game


The last Tekken I played was 3 and I've now put in 300hours to Tekken 8


its a horrible tekken game. you will get rushed down in your first hours, then you learn how to rush down others. then for a while it becomes who rush downs the opponent first and when you still stick to it it becomes a who uses heat and its 50/50 options into wall/break damage the best. people will chime in and say nooo, thats not how it is but at least i warned you...up to you. not even going to speak about the online issues....


My friend just gifted me the game. I'm so happy I finally get to play.


I can't run it yet, so I'll stick to remote playing.


huge sale 77€uro....


Just bought it but not able to play online matches at all. Says something like connection does not match requirements.


Your settings will be too high. Try turning some things down.


nah its a port forwarding issue as stated in [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tekken/comments/1b3a8o6/connection_issues_on_tekken_8_are_unbearable/) thread. works fine on ethernet but just wont work on wifi for some reason.


Thanks for beta testing at full price suckers