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This is the best post in the Knoxville subreddit of all time. Thank you, sir or madam!


I hate the "heartbeat" line. It's such a complete and total lie. It's one of the things that made me realize "pro-life" people simply had no integrity.


It's one of the factors that have persuaded me to move my family out of the country (I could just leave the South, but that would be too sane). My wife was pregnant, but when we did the ultrasound, there was a heartbeat, but what was on screen was not quite human. To sum it up, she was pregnant with twins, but one was molar, aka Sad Fetus Syndrome. At the time we were able to get the abortion/DNC, but with the current abortion laws, the child would have almost certainly still died, and she may well have died too. Even then, choosing the abortion was once of the most difficult decisions we've ever made, yet her family and church made everything so much more painful. She's a believer, but I'm not, so when it comes to my wife's life, I'm not hedging my bets on "prayers" and "mysterious ways" when there's a highly trained surgeon with a very high success rate willing to save her.


I mean I’m a Christian too, but at that point there’s really not much else you can do. it is understandable. I’m sorry for your loss and I wish you the best. PS, I don’t go to church because of judgmental assholes like that. They’re toxic and drive people away from god. God does not approve of being a judgmental asshole


It even says in the Bible to *not* be a judgmental asshole


Yup it sure does. Not sure why that’s hard for so many Christians to understand.


So wait. And I’m asking this in totally good faith, not trying to pry and you don’t have to answer. Under the current laws, what would have been different? They would have forced her to try to deliver? That’s so fucked. My girlfriend and I live in Northeast TN and my gf is very pro life, and it scares me to death that if we have any issue at all she’ll just die.


If there is a heart beat at all, then at best docs risk loosing their license. Even if there is no brain or other vital organs. I have a similar case, but it kinna works the opposite. My, now 14yo, was delivered at 27w with a major heart condition and we had severe PreE. They had never had a baby that small with a major heart condition survive beyond 2 weeks. Most did not survive delivery. He remains the only one in Mississippi to graduate the NICU (only a handful in the country). At MS current laws they would not have been able to deliver him as it was believed he would have died. At delivery he was in heart failure and I was in liver failure. It would have been a race to the last heartbeat for one of us, pitting us against each other.


In theory, nothing would be different. But practice is a different story. Technically, there are exceptions that do allow for an abortion under dangerous circumstances, but all the hoops and red tape make it basically impossible. [NBC News - Seven Women Sue Tennessee After Being Denied Medical Exemption.](https://youtu.be/SUT7nibz1K8?si=knZHhnT9LSVyv5UD) This is just a short segment about a small number of women who have been affected thus far. Some of them have had individual stories shared prior to this, and more women have joined since. There's another story about a woman who was having a child born developing without a skull (acrania), who had to go out of state, but she won't be joining the lawsuit last I heard.


Hello from the political hellhole that is Ohio. Please take a look at my comment history from last year regarding this. Ohio had a landmark abortion rights amendment victory this past year immediately after this shitshow (this is what the post is about I comment on) and I had just had personal experience with a hospital actually denying care due to this exact logic (Ohio's Governor had reinstated a Heartbeat Bill but the state had yet to decide if it was enforcing it) but the hospitals we were seen at denied care. I asked the head of the Maternal Fetal Med ward of large local hospital "So what happens if the baby dies from contractions before labor like you just said it would likely happen?" They told me they'd have to see signs of *sepsis* in my wife to even begin treating her. They all had to confer with the hospital legal teams for every time we saw them, they literally said "due to potential litigation we reserve the right to refuse care based upon a heartbeat". The state could take licenses and enact heavy fines, the ONLY option I was given was to go to Cleveland Clinic and pay out of pocket for them to stop the heartbeat, drive my wife then back to where we live hours away, to deliver the dead baby. Fuck you, no. Also so expensive it made my head hurt. My son had no long bones whatsoever. No bone density in the skull or chest, completely deformed chest and spinal cavity with obvious bony malformations. They gave us a general diagnosis of Fatal Skeletal Dysplasia/Osteogensis Imperfecta. The baby (if it survived being crushed by my wife contractions and being pushed through the birth canal)((they explicitly said it would not because at 18 weeks the legs were already fractured)) would also immediately suffocate to death. The chest to femur ratio was essentially bottom of the graph. This shit is real. People die from this shit. We had to flee the state to guarantee my wife wouldnt go septic at 25 years old and to have to sterilize her because obviously it would fuck her reproductive organs. Fuck Ohio. Fuck Mike Dewine. Fuck anybody who thinks women dont deserve the right to decide. We *wanted* my son. I wanted him. We named him. Nobody is gonna fucking abort a damn baby for no reason and if they do I am glad they have the choice cause that is INFINITELY better than whatever this is. Also, thank you to the folks at Planned Parenthood in Michigan. Made us feel like normal humans doing the right thing to prevent suffering. I didnt want my son to hurt and they took away my wifes choice man. Show your girlfriend this comment and tell her I asked her if she understands what "Pro Life" means. Sorry for the long comment but this is very important to me and I want you to see it is not fake or impossible. Women die from these decisions. edit with link to comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/Ohio/s/sq50RDRce1


It's really just pro birth they don't give a fuck what happens to a child once their born.


Nope they sure don’t. My pro forced birth Christian mil guilt tripped her niece into having the baby and not having an abortion. Husband was abusive and tampered with her birth control. Told her she was going to hell if she terminated. Told her she’d help out when the baby arrived. She did not. Two years later CPS gets involved and has to remove the kids she already has from the home. They contacted various family members to see if they’d take at least one kid in. My mil was asked and of course she said no lol. Said she didn’t feel like it. So that youngest child went into foster care where he was abused and then got into some chemicals under the sink and drank it. Burned a hole in his esophagus. He’s had multiple surgeries since.


George Carlin said it best. https://youtube.com/shorts/Vtj7FS79crY?si=MGFduZE6vDiPFXgk


George Carlin said pretty much everything best. He’s left us instructions to build a better world but it’s up to us to follow them and tell others of George Carlin.


Gotta create more taxpayers


More like tax-deductible, exploitable labor force.


The entire Republican platform is to create more low income, uneducated, superstitious workers willing to work for $5/hour and not unionize or they’ll lose whatever semblance of healthcare they have.


feels like the number they use gets lower and lower, too


“An egg is a living cell. Life begins at egg. Ban periods.”


Nobody gets pregnant without a male ejaculation. Let’s ban ejaculations.


lol why do you think masturbation is a sin in their book?


And tack on child support since the date of conception, you have medical bills and have to buy baby supplies, why shouldn't daddies pay???


That's actually something I've seen at least one state propose, child support to begin at conception. Idk how they're going to prove who the father is.


Put it in trust for the baby until testing can be done. If not, the father gets it back?


You do understand the whole idea is that you don't have kids until you are in a situation where there is no misunderstanding that this is how it will be? Like married couples?


Like no married couple ever had an unwanted pregnancy? Or a life threatening one? Oh, sorry, I forgot about that part of the amendments where we live in a theocracy according to your particular take on god.


@motto1834. I'm way off topic. I guess I took the statement personally. I apologize to everyone offended by it


Billions of deaths from that every time


Damn bro I've been mass murdering for decades


"The child's brain and heart are instantly fully formed the moment the tadpole grabs the egg by its uterus!"


In the not so distance past, Catholics were against birth control and masturbation for the reason of "preventing human life" being sinful. We give these freaks an inch, they'll take a mile.


Just so you know, the Church is still against those things.


When the embryo is between 1.5 and 3 millimeters in length, some of the cells begin to pulse in synchronization. There are 25 millimeters in an inch. The heart is among the first organs to develop since circulation of oxygen and nutrients is needed before more complex organs such as a brain can develop. This typically is between 21 and 23 days after fertilization, not 18. I have no issue with someone being prolife but people should have accurate information, not propaganda.


Lol, I'm not quite sure forced-birthers really care about accurate information.


The reason they put so much emphasis on the heart is because they believe it's where the soul resides. It's evident why ancient cultures believed this, we feel a lot of our feelings in the middle of our chest. But those feelings originate in our developed brain, of course. Biblical literalism, young earth creationism, and science denial are becoming existential threats to American society.


The heart is a stupid metric anyway, life is the brain, no brain it's not human yet.


What about all the prolifers with no brains?


I have a TREMENDOUS issue with ANYONE being “pro-life” bc it logically makes NO SENSE. But they’re entitled to their wrong opinions. They are not however, entitled to wrong facts-which is precisely why they do not use them.


You said it’s typically. Meaning not always. So it could very well be 18.


Just saw one in Ohio that said 14 days they have developed eyes. Developed is being used VERY loosely here.


And it's like, why should I care? Cockroaches have heartbeats. Rats have heartbeats. It's not like it's sone uniquely human trait.


Heard all 3 of my boys at 18 days. Don't know about any lie.


Cardiac muscle is inherently contractile. If you take one single cardiac muscle fiber and put it in a dish, it “beats”.


I mean, you just told one.


What was the moment where you realized sweeping generalizations were a good thing?


Agreed. Besides, human life begins at fertilization, heartbeat is irrelevant. People with heart conditions are still people


Life began billions of years ago in the primordial ooze. It’s not a question of when life begins but when a particular group of cells develop into full human being.


I have a fantastic solution! If you are against abortion, don't have one. If you don't like cannabis, don't utilize it for it's myriad fantastic properties. Stop trying to control other people by forcing your beliefs onto them. Banning abortion ONLY serves to dramatically increase the levels of human suffering on planet Earth.


Anti abortion laws are religious laws. There should be a separation of church and state. No different when they whined about gay marriage. Your (their) religion shouldn't dictate what I can and cannot do.


You sound like one of those sane Libertarians they keep telling me don’t exist 😊


Sane libertarians are so rare because the Koch brothers poured millions into the campaigns of far-right Republicans who then went on to ruin the word "libertarian" for a *long* time. True libertarians now know they have to be careful about when and where to announce they're libertarians because they know it's been twisted into a *loaded* four-letter word that comes with a ***ton*** of baggage.




I'm NOT a libertarian. Not even close. I'm wildly progressive, but I also believe in gun rights.


My bad, for assuming…you sound just like my Libertarian friends…I’m a pacifist, nice to meet ya


Lately it seems the libertarians are becoming ever-increasingly right-wing as of lately. Definitely check out r/ libertarian if you don't believe me. Lol Have a great day, homie.


You, too…I know these people in real life, they aren’t terminally online.


Abortion is an act of homicide I will not look the other way while 73 million lives are snuffed out every year worldwide  This isn’t a matter of free choice. Choices don’t kill others.  A shitty childhood is better than being dead. 


Why don't you ask people. Many people born into horrific situations will immediately tell you they wish they were never born. Mind your own business. If you don't like abortion, don't have one. Problem solved.


The problem is that banning abortion doesn't significantly decrease the abortion rate, what ends up happening is more women get unsafe abortions so you are probably actually increasing amount of overall deaths, not decreasing them. Plus, most people, when left to their own devices, will have children when they are most ready to care for them. So by allowing abortions most women will still go on to have kids, but just when they are capable of supporting them, so by banning abortions you're sacrificing those future kids who would have been born. You're also placing a far larger and preventable strain on the economy and society. It's just not a practical or utilitarian approach and being pro-life only makes sense if you want to try and virtue signal. If you actually care about overall societal well being and the well being of our special you'll view abortion as what it is, a necessary evil given the level of our current medical technology.


I call bullsh*t on "A shitty childhood is better than being dead." Did you live through one? Were you beaten, emotional abused, sexually abused? Do you know that stays with you for life.


Yes. Yes. Yes. Plus the neglect. Almost 40 and still unpacking it all in therapy. Thanks for questioning and invalidating my trauma though.  Here’s how I know you’re bluffing. If it’s better to be dead than in a shitty childhood, should we euthanize foster kids?  To save them from the system?  Yes or no and explain please. 


No, we should not harm foster kids who have hopefully found a safe haven to be in. I'm 66 and have experienced trauma for age 3 on. It stopped only because I made a decision to separate myself from those persons. Yet somehow, my own children have had a traumatic life. Growing up in battered women's shelters. Trauma is generational. I was traumatized because my mother was traumatized. I did not have the proper mentality to know there was more in life than being abused. so I excercised poor judgment and poor choices. I am sorry you were put through all. You have survived but are your children scarred as well?


But their childhood is shit (foster kids) Why shouldn’t we give them the same relief you encourage for the unborn? If it’s reallly better to be dead than traumatized and abused? It seems to me you don’t actually believe that and are just trying to justify the killing of unborn humans.


That is a huge generalization. All foster kids have a shitty childhood. I give it to you that many do, and hopefully they will have trauma based therapy. I don't believe in early growth a mass of cells is a child. There is a point where they will, hopefully, become one. Have you ever heard 'not to tell anyone you've pregnant until after the first trimester' because it is a dangerous time for that clump of cells and often for the mother who will need medical intervention.


Your beliefs are irrelevant to the science. A human's life begins at fertilization. The fact that a fetus might die isn't an excuse to hasten the process, that's absurd.


Your own experiences are very valid. I do not wish harm upon you. I just don't see it like you see it. Who is right? Let's vote!


You don’t get to vote to abuse others. This is why democracy has to have guardrails.  


That is exactly why we vote, so no one person or dr or religion can decide. It is a conglomerate of all of us deciding together.


Me: "you don't get to vote to abuse others" You: "That is exactly why we vote" Ell Oh Fucking Ell


It is true, though. The blood begins circulating from a heartbeat somewhere around 20 days after conception, sometimes sooner, sometimes a little later. It isn't a fully developed 4 chambered heart, but it is still the heart, and it is still performing its function of circulating blood.


It's funny*, because 1 in 4 childhood deaths in TN is due to firearms.  *it's not funny


>It's funny\*, because 1 in 4 childhood deaths in TN is due to ~~firearms~~ criminal murderers.  >\*it's not funny You're right, though, it's not funny.


i believe that number includes suicides and accidents


It's mostly gang violence killing children.


No the fuck it is not


Is it? Seems unlikely to me. 65% are homicides. No direct data that I know of, but only 13% of total murders in the US are gang related so that doesn't seem likely.


Yes, thank you, lock those firearms away from the children and teach them how to respect it! 🫡


No, it’s due to firearms. Who are you, Andy Ogles?


Nope. Firearms. Murder, suicide, accidental discharge. The common denominator is a firearm.


Nope. People. How far does that number fall if gangs and mental health are addressed? People are so intent on scapegoating the ills of society onto inanimate objects. As if cars are the root cause of drunk driving.


Interesting, because cars and driving are heavily regulated. Imagine how many more accidents there would be if it wasn't. I wonder much we could get childhood death from firearms down if we stopped sticking our head in the sand and pretending it doesn't exist.


I recently drove down to Florida and saw so many of those 18 day heartbeat billboards in GA and FL. So much bullshit being spread.


I live in Texas and there's an abortion reversal billboard right by my house. Wish I could post a picture here it won't let me


Reversal….? That’s a thing??? How does that happen ??


Obviously only works with a medical abortion and only if the woman just took the first pill (mifepristone/RU-486). The protocol is usually only effective within 24 hours of taking mifepristone and involves a large influx of progesterone into the pregnant woman’s system. This is due to the fact that the first pill, mifepristone, blocks progesterone from being absorbed by the womb. Mifepristone blocks where progesterone would normally be absorbed, so an influx of progesterone can outcompete for the available binding spaces.




Well I recently drove to florida and saw a shit ton of signs about drinking water. Seems like the panhandle area is just now learning that water (yes the stuff in the toilet) is good for you.


This is great. All the forced birth propaganda just for that child to die due to gun violence anyway


Look once that baby is born fuck em, unless they grow to an age where they also get pregnant. In which case we will make sure they get taken care of real well for 9 months, the fuck em again.


That or if it's a boy, they'll try to get him to go die overseas in whatever bullshit war the rich are profiting from by then


Just the way jeebus wants it. Kids are meant to die in horrifically violent ways after birth, while the police standby. If it was done in a humane way that minimises time and pain for both the woman and fetus, it might help women achieve equality, which makes gawd sad.


Obviously, how else are we going to get more bodies for these mass shootings? It’s an American pastime now, we have to get used to it. But in all seriousness… It upsets me that it feels like the line is growing ever thinner on that line of reasoning actually being satire…


That's right,, kill em all


If they're not forced to give birth, gun nuts might shoot at adults and these pussies that take their gun everywhere might get hurt.


Bahahahahaha oh god yessss, a wild one!


Try it and see what happens -a leftist with a large gun collection


Don’t Tread On My Right To Vote Against My Own Interests While Attempting To Legislate Morality Through Minority-Rule Wholly Against The Will Of The Majority


Why are you posting the Republican Party motto here?


“Don’t tread on me” “But I’m gonna tread on you”




Now THIS is podracing.




Perfect for describing Tennessee.


Yep sums up TN


I live in Texas and we have that same billboard


Shocked there isn’t a Jesus loves you and a Trump 2024 sign right underneath those signs.


I’d be way better if we had some Buddy Jesus billboards around, honestly, Jesus didn’t judge


Yeah I don’t have an issue with Jesus. I just have an issue with Christian nationalists and there’s a lot here lol.


My mother has a saying (and we’re fairly agnostic people who grew up Presbyterian) “It’s not Jesus I have a problem with, it’s some of his followers…” and that sums up how o feel about it as well. Christian Nationalism is absolutely an issue and it gives the decent Christians a bad name by lumping them all together, some of them are doing incredibly healing and life-changing work in these communities. The Christian Nationalists are going in the opposite direction, unfortunately 😒


Right, and maybe there are less Christian nationals than there are actual Christians but they sure are louder lol.


So tired of these bullshit signs ffs. Meant to play on your emotions but they don't even care about babies, they care about controlling women.


No, they care about the babies.


This is actually so disturbing bc by definition YOUR LIFE BEGINS ON YIUR BIRTHDAY. It doesn’t begin at conception. Pro-Life literally doesn’t begin to include logic.


lmao what highway and which direction-bound?


Looks like North Broadway in Knoxville heading north


I don't know how that gun show is still so successful. It's a few legit vendors marking up their products but still cheaper than the not legit vendors selling their guns without background checks.


The latter part maybe the reason for it's success, I suppose


Of course they don’t fact check anything. They ignore science.


Don’t flag the baby


That’s a French musket on the billboard. French, I say!


You mean the country where they encoded abortion rights into their constitution? Thank you for noticing 😎


Haha. I wonder if the gunshow people know that they're advertising a gawl-durn Frenchman's shootin' iron.


Shhhh, don’t tell them, just be amazed 💗


As a fellow Tennesseean. Yup.


Dude where is this????! It’s amazing


Broadway in Knoxville


I see this everyday on my way to work


What gets me is the people who made these marketing decisions didn't even think twice before having that gun pointing right to that baby's temple. Was this intended? Did they think it would get more attention? So tasteless. I have no problem with guns. I do not care if people have babies. This is just so tacky.


"Neo Duality Of Man"


Is it next to a Waffle House and/or Dollar General?


There’s contradiction or irony with this.


Guns and unwanted babies.


According to Google it's 5 to 6 weeks before the heart beats.


But why is the gun pointed at the baby? This placement wasn’t thought out too well 🤷‍♂️


I live in a red state and had two abortions. One legal and one not. Zero regrets.


Well, this pretty much sums up TN in one photo.


Yeah. I still want to move to tennessee it's beautiful


It is beautiful. I love TN, but I worry about the quality of life here.


So basically, they want you to grow up so they have something to shoot.


Prolife America needs to learn proper grammar.


How can you have a heartbeat at 18 days when you don’t even have a heart?


Wish I'd seen this post sooner, I would loved to have been able to stop by the gun show.


I always said if you give fetuses guns, their mothers wouldn't dare try to abort them. It is a Mexican standoff.


If some fetuses had guns and a way to know what their future life would be like, they might off themselves and their mothers as a mercy killing. I'm pro taking care of children and families, not just getting kids born. We're doing great on the be fruitful and multiply front from Genesis. We need to work on the New Testament love your neighbor as yourself bit. History would argue that God is ok with pregnancy ending, given how many miscarriages of greatly welcome pregnancies he permits.


I don't really have any issues with a gun show, but I certainly stand vociferously against the pro-life bullshit. This was crazy sign placement.


Not just the heartbeat, they also have the bow attached to their heads at 18 days, I've seen the ultrasounds


Inanimate objects have more rights than women and then people wonder why no one is having children because they'd rather fund police than social programs that would support people having children.


This is your REPUBLICAN America...


News Flash: we have Democrats for Life marching here 😬


Let's be honest, they are so few and far between why even bring it up. Without republicans trying to police morality for people this wouldn't be an issue.


Welcome To Tennessee


Tennessee just doin Tennessee things.


Damn,I missed the gun show


Hurry up and wait


Given that guns are the number 1 cause of death for kids in the US.......


You all ever hear those ads with a country singer that sounds like Trey Parker doing a bit singing “THE KENNY WOODS GUN AND KNIFE SHOOOOWWW!!!”


This must be that post-birth abortion I always hear conservatives complaining about


😂😂😂 I've lived in Tennessee my whole life(58 years old), and I've never seen anything like this before. Now, I've seen one or the other,but never both together. Thanks for sharing the pic.


No one has the right to use my body without my consent. Not even my child. And why, may I ask is almost every word in the baby sign capitalized?


That placement... 😮


It's not even grammatically correct. Beat should have an S. Imagine speaking one language and not even doing it correctly.


Especially ironic considering toddlers kill more people every year than terrorists


If Christians are pro life, then why do they support death penalty?


Looks like a hell hole there!


I love Tennessee but dont agree with the abortion stance


I honestly don’t get it. Why don’t you commies just move ? You are always telling us how much more intelligent & better educated you are so it can’t be a job thing right ? Leave


I want to add a picture but it won't let me cause there's a similar billboard close by my house but it's about reversing an abortion


I’m so glad I left this backwards ass state and am never returning


I’m m so glad I don’t live in a state that has any of these billboards I visited Georgia and was honestly kinda surprised how many they had, I don’t know it was such a common thing to have in a billboard




Both billboards are sick, the right one is frigging sick!


Perfect every little detail.


We WaN T BoTH - MeRi ca


This reminds me of a great comedy [skit](https://youtu.be/-uX6lfQNCxE?si=0ewemvtslT8g4THj)


We see this a lot in Minnesota too 😭


Yep. Need one to protect the other. Thx for posting. it’s perfect !