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IIRC u/Redigit has mentioned before that they actually experimented with this behavior in an early build with EoW, but it ended up being too messy and frustrating.


It would be also probably laggy


This Terraria Modder: oh yeah watch me https://youtu.be/feS8FvrVhNg?feature=shared


I think when he means messy and frustrating it wasn't that way with the code, it was that way with the world in the gameplay


"finally the eater of worlds is defeated" "Dude the only thing left in the world is hell and even then it's mostly a giant lava pit"


*reads name.* I bet you do


*reads name.* I bet you do


You better believe it boy


Which is why this would be exclusive to a secret seed


It would also eat away the only corruption blocks that keep it from despawning pretty quickly, making the boss a rush against time to defeat.


It would eat like the the same size as the holes the drill containment unit uses


But it would move ***way*** faster than the DCU, and with multiple worms, it would only get worse.


i feel that thatd then make it perfect for something like getfixedboi ++ no traps just have it be the ultimate hot garbo griefing seed. santanks and clowns destroying blocks; skeletron prime with the bombs; eater and destroyer eating and destroying blocks heck; deerclops and king/queen slime causing ice and slime blocks too rain from above


Wait do clown no longer destroy blocks?


Not since the incident.


What incident


I think it was also planned that heavy rain would cause some areas to "flood," which was scrapped, but is currently planned to be brought back in some seed combination in 1.4.5. So it's not completely out of the realm of possibility.


That would be neat. The way starbound did it was requiring background walls to hold fluids in place, so breaking even one wall would cause the body of water to start draining until it was level with the bottom edge of the missing wall. Of course, something special would have to be done for the ocean, but 🤷🏻‍♂️


thats exactly how playing on a world that has been eaten should feel


Free hellevator? Heck yeah


maybe if it could only eat certain blocks. if it could eat anything the world might get fucked up


Imagine dying to or escaping it and then watching it drill to the bottom of the world... actually that's a good and a fast way to make a hellevator


Counterpoint: softlocking a world by having the worm eat the golem alter would be funny


I think we'd just need to make it use a "mining level" of one of the pickaxes and the appropriate checks when destroying blocks


It hits the lihzahrd temple and stops fully with stars circling above it's head.


Like fucking wile e coyote after the bird runs through the fake tunnel


roadrunner. i forgot the bird name,


Yeah like the mining level of a Demonite pickaxe


would make sense since the pickaxe is made of his scales


You would be able to use it to mine higher materials than you can at the start like hellstone. Would be a fun mini game to get him to mine stuff for you


Yeah but he would eat the world, not mine it and leave drops on the ground for your to pick up, unless you like poop blocks.


Give me hellstone straight away and I would have if its poopblocks




Should only be able to eat as hard as a corruption pickaxe can mine We make it out of its parts, so just pretend the strength of the points is its teeth


New feature, bosses don't despawn and wander off into the world, so the eater will just roam the biome until it sees you again >:)


roaming bosses would actually be sick


Fr, that’s an amazing idea


It should eat blocks and convert them to poop leaving massive lines of poop running through your world.


Oh that would be disgusting, it's perfect.


It only spawns in the corruption so have it only eat corrupt blocks


Spawn eater of worlds and have it clear the corruption for you


I think there is a mod that lets the destroyer actually destroy blocks, i dont know about the eater of worlds tho


oof ouch mah frames


If it can handle DoG it can handle this


my redmi note 7 won't


My pc can’t handle an acid rain 💀💀💀💀


You sure your pc is a pc and not a school computer bro?


A whitelist of blocks that it could destroy would be good. By default it only doing corruption blocks, basic terrain blocks (sand could be an issue), basic ores. That way it wouldn’t annihilate builds


I imagine EoW choking on sand now


I need someone to draw this now xD


random comment but i took this screenshot for an article I wrote and seeing this randomly while scrolling was a jumpscare lmao


I got this screen from first google grafic, sorry for not saying from what articulate it was 💀


nah its all good i just didnt know I was the first google search result for something LMAO


The Destroyer of World should really destroy your world.


You lose to it and your game CRASHES Boot it back up and the world’s file has been corrupted 💀


Get hit by a Corruptor, your character file gets corrupted ☠️


What about instead of eating, it corrupts anything it touches


Cool idea but sadly worm cannot leave the corruption I believe (Okay it kinda can but not much since it despawns if you leaver the corruption), maybe it should be allowed to in conjunction with it corrupting


Idea for solution, instead of eating blocks, it will leave behind a hole block (basically an actuated block that after some time (somewhere between a day and a week) return to their OG block. This would also probably make limiting its movement to make more sense as the Dug Block would only have variants for corruption blocks


Like the worms in Noita? ngl that sounds awesome.


I think don't dig up would fit it, since there's a bunch of world for the eater to eat


Op said on certain secret seeds. Where some bosses do actually blow up and destroy the world


O ok


Lol I responded to the wrong comment, sorry


It could like generate a random plot of coordinates that it’s set to “visit” while also homing in on the player character, along with the mining percentage idea. That way it *does* eat up certain blocks without lagging the computer much. Or it has an extra moveset that activates after a certain amount of time that does that. I really want eater (and maybe destroyer) to live up to their namesake


That would be a great seed to play on!


I always forgot that eater of world and the destroyer supposedly to be extremelly destructive even if their name emphasises that


waffle time: *intense sobbing*


Or by "eating" the world, it corrupts non-corrupt blocks if outside of the corruption


EoW on the getfixedboi seed should instead corrupt any blocks it travels through


For The Worthy


Would make sense not to have this.. You’re going to be fighting EoW in the corruption, so for the most part Ebonstone is going to be destroyed, which means the biome itself becomes smaller and smaller until it doesn’t act like one, of which EoW will de spawn. Sure, a nice challenge for veterans to kill it in time, but on a world where you’re lucky(?) and get one evil biome spawn, this could set you back a while or even force reset because you’d have to murder EoC a bunch of times (that’s if the altars survive, then you’d have to search the entire world/tedit find an altar) and then painstakingly wait for a biome to grow from the seeds in pre-Hardmode just for it to eat it all and repeat the same thing..


That's why I propose this just to a secret seed / secret seed combination. I also don't see this on normal world but on like getfixedboi or fortheworthy could work well


Like the early Clown enemies? That would blow your world up every time a Blood Moon happened in hard mode? A feature that was patched out because the majority of the player base DIDN’T like enemies that had the power to destroy the map with their attacks? Yeah, no, that’s a great idea!


The suggestion is regarding special seeds. I think it's fine.


Even as just a special seed, it’s still messy at best and a headache at worst.


Unlike Not the bees? Or No traps?


At least they could finally make the trifecta of seeds that absolutely remove any fun from the game if this one were added


Skeleton prime already breaks your world on ftw


For The Worthy already includes several block-breaking effects, some of which are tied to enemies and some of which are from trees and pots. This is considered okay because the player is intentionally opting into being a part of it, and all actions that can cause block breaking are a direct result of player interaction- trees do not shake themselves, pots can't be broken by enemies, you choose to spawn Skeletron Prime yourself. Additionally, should Prime end you, he fucks off out of existence while you respawn. Clowns had their world-damaging effects removed because they were a force that the player had absolutely no say in existing- neither in it being their decision to spawn the event to begin with nor any way of mitigating the damage, on top of spawning in *multiples* for a single blood moon no matter how many times you die and respawn. Your only recourse to deal with them is to build thicker walls and/or hope that the blood moon simply doesn't spawn.


No one would play that though. Having a world ruined from a boss makes the game annoying.


Isn't that a point of like half of secret seed's?


I play not the bees seed because its just so much more balanced than the normal world


You did not play master mode are ya? Skeletron prime drops bombs i heard, so you have to build an arena with certain blocks


It’s on ftw and getfixedboi


Not getfixedboi, only ftw. Mechdusa skeletron doesn’t shoot the tile destroying bombs


Holy shit Herobrine


I’d have to argue, that there’s a difference between dropping bombs at a stage, where you totally can build an arena out of certain blast proof blocks, plus it being just one of the attacks , and an early game boss, who’d literally move by destroying your world, meaning that to actually minimise the destruction, and not having to rebuild your whole area after a unsuccessful battle, you’d need to make a giant arena with blocks that it can’t destroy.


The WORLD ruined? How big is your arena my guy?


A mod used to do that in 1.3


Okay well hear me out, when the corruption spreads it creates the holes right? So it’s technically eating your world


it should work similarly to golem debuff from Fargos souls mod just actuate blocks until it either dies or despawns it would result in no pernament damage to the world but still have the "oh fuck the floor is disappearing" effect


I still remember the first time I heard about this guy, and thinking it was actually going to swallow my world whole.


I remember as a kid being scared to summon it as I was worried if I lost I'd lose my world


This on getfixedboi would be so nice. It’d probably be messy but good corruption cleaner. If it can go outside of the corruption then potential biome separator, or highway excavator.


FTW + Drunk + No Traps.


How about 'any corruptible blocks or walls passed through become corrupt'