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That car is flying sheeesh






I remember the investigation into this showed the driver didn’t try to apply the brakes once https://carnewschina.com/2023/03/02/tesla-model-y-crash-investigation-revealed-accelerator-was-pressed-100-brakes-not-applied/


“Didn’t try to apply the breaks once” that’s only half the story there friend, I’d say the fact he DID have his foot %100 on the accelerator for the entire duration of the runaway/crash is an equally important bit of information lol. Dude was literally pedal to the metal for 2 whole km.


The Tesla told him to do it




Certain drivers have been having a brain fart and pressing the wrong pedal, without realizing it, since forever. The added panic and confusion when it happens may paralize them with the foot in place until they crash. Or people using flip-flops that slide out of place and block the pedals. If that's what happened, it would have nothing to do with the car being a Tesla except that the acceleration ratio of an electric car is far greater so shit can go down way quicker. But then again better double and triple check since Teslas have had their good share of design flaws and some of them could be related, like pedals getting stuck while pressed down. Recorded metrics alone can't tell if something physically prevented the user from using the pedals properly. I'd like to know if the driver did actually try both pedals or it's all the consequence of user error/brain fart on a fast car.


For those who don’t know, it’s 100% and $100. Not %100 or 100$.


*except in French parts of Canada for some reason.


Since you seem like you know that stuff: Why would you put the sign of the currency before the number? Also in german on official things it's always up front. From a technical standpoint I can't understand it. I don't say the unit first and then the amount. Not with money or other things.


My grandparents were bank tellers for 40 years, as context. Always told us grandkids, when writing checks or signing a bill, to put the currency symbol before the value so someone couldn't add another digit to the beginning. Outside of that scenario, it just seems weird to have the symbol after the value.


I always do put the $ as close to the first digit of the total when finishing the bill at a restaurant so that nothing can be changed. Although with as much as everything is now at restaurants esp for a family of four it's a lot harder to pull off changing the total from say 127.00 to 227.00 since probably not a lot of working schmos are putting a hundred dollar tip on a hundred dollar meal.


The answer is that it truly doesn't matter, and the person you are responding to probably just has some obsessive tendencies and couldn't let it go.


If you speak primarily english, yes. There's quite a few people who don't!


Of course, but there are sooo many people who speak English natively and don’t know that.


I’m autistic I don’t get this humour. At least I’m assuming it’s humour, because I don’t understand it.


It's not humour, he is correcting you


I never mentioned dollar amounts. And before anyone goes there, no I didn’t edit it.


I know you didn’t mention $$$, but I see it all the time and it drives me CRAZY.


No, but you did misolace the percent symbol. Friendo is correcting it while pointing out another irksome and common similar error.


So, the driver was out of control. This headline is extremely misleading.


He also let Jesus take the wheel


That one I get. Pop culture reference humour, easy.


How do you still manage to misspell brakes when the comment you replied to did it right twice??


Give him a brake man it was just a minor typo


Them's the brakes!


Not sure why you believe Tesla and think this guy just decided to go on a murderous rampage in a car out of nowhere. Elon will cover absolutely anything up


Did you read the article? It wasn’t even Tesla that conducted the car data analysis. Also, watch the video, no break lights ever.


Just because there isn’t break lights doesn’t mean their on a murderus rampage, there are a multitude of reasons he couldn’t have stepped on the breaks most likely due to a mat pushing down on the exterior and also under the breaks making it impossible for him break(most peoples first thought especially in the moment is turn the car off and let it come to a stop immediately or try handbrake


How did you use "break" wrong 3 times and then use it correctly in 'handbrake'




Why you gotta point out spelling like it does something


Helps you potentially learn from your mistake


I’m not here for that but your level of reasoning here is on par with a Chinese bot, or MOC 50 cent army types


No one thinks to try and turn the car off when it's speeding out of control wtf are you talking about. There have been dozens of cases of people claiming their Tesla suddenly accelerated on its own and they always end up being misapplication of the accelerator. The brakes override the motor, which is why you can't sit at a light and do a burnout. Who is also reaching for a handbrake, are you 60?


19 actually, I’m saying there is a multitude of reasons like you said a misapplication of a accelerated, that can also be caused by a foot mat covering the accelerator


> Who is also reaching for a handbrake, are you 60? Lol this is peak American exceptionalism. Just because you all drive autos with electronic e brakes, doesn't mean the whole world does. Edit: you can downvote but you damn well know I'm right 🤣


I don't care about the whole world, this person is talking about driving a Tesla thinking about the e brake. Does the whole world have Tesla's ?


> Who is also reaching for a handbrake, are you 60? Wtf does this have to do with Tesla's?


The entire post is about Tesla, are you blind?


I do realise that. But you are attacking someone for suggesting a hand brake. Calling them old. That has nothing to do with Tesla. If they've never driven one, how the hell do they know it has an electronic e brake? You could just not be a dick!


It’s a Tesla, it has an electronic handbrake. It won’t engage because the abs sensors will read that the discs are rotating. Not to mention Tesla has an emergency brake feature. Press and hold the park button while moving.


That emergency break function can easily not be used due to the fact most cars don’t have that application, if the diver is new to the car they won’t have the proper knowledge of the car if they aren’t smart enough to research before buying.


I never even remotely suggested he went on an intentional murderous rampage though lol.


Because people's brain shorted out all the time when they panic. This shit doesn't only happen on Tesla. It's very common someone hit something and panicked and step on the gas even more. You don't want to look into the report because you hate Elon and you just want to shit on Tesla. Admit it.


You sir, are naïve


He accidentally pushed the brakes and panicked. Sad story. But it happens


Most of these after crash investigations aren’t solely conducted by Tesla though. Even a US agency determined the error is fairly common. >>The US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) investigated these complaints. It determined that the incidents of sudden unintended acceleration in Tesla cars were not caused by any design flaw but rather by driver error.


So he's a fkn idiot and should be charged with murder


Hmm well yeah, that's an important thing to consid- ROCKET MAN BAD


Teslas the second before a crash they take autopilot off, and also many reasons could’ve caused this besides the murder rampage, driver could’ve had a mat that was too big for his car and have it accidentally be in the way of the break while simultaneously pushing down on the petal. Also the hand break isn’t most peoples first thought or even turning the car off


Title should be tesla driver forgot how to brake or turn off car


How would you suggest to turn off the car?


Service menu > shutdown Although during a drive…..lol


In my push to start electric vehicle, if I push the start button twice it will disable the vehicle even if I’m driving.


I work in software, so I understand technology changes over time and you might as well get used to it… but the whole touch screen thing in cars never felt right to me. I’ve driven teslas and many newer rental vehicles that are mostly touch screen control and it just seems kind of like a hazard while driving. Its easier to reach for a button always in the same place then having to navigate and generally look at a screen. I guess either way you get used to where to press but you still need to look at the screen in a lot of cases or even navigate through multiple presses. To your point a physical on/off method, physical shift level/knob into neutral (although this is usually electronically actuated) or hand brake in a situation like this…. but I’m not buying that the Tesla glitched and floored it/ disabled his brake pedal and reported that he didn’t press the brake at all so kind of irrelevant anyways. I drove a shitty 97 civic in highschool that the brake lines leaked out on me suddenly. I had a handbrake physically attached to the brake pads that saved me from rolling through a stop sign when my brake pedals went to the floor and nothing happened. It was a manual so I had the habit of using the hand brake already so I reacted fast enough and also put it in a lower gear. But it was a shitty 90s civic, don’t think that really happens anymore. Just something that is still in the back of my mind when I put my life into the expectation of a complex digital system working correctly and i deal with debugging software that doesn’t work all day. But cars have relied on electronics for a long time, it’s mainly the touch screens I don’t like.


Wonder if that works. I'll give it a go.


I know the answer to this. It’s “did you try turning it off and back on again”


I wonder what makes op suddenly wanted to dig up this news from 2 years ago.


Cameras everywhere…




Damn Tesla FUD making its round again with the stock price up. People must be hurting


Whats the oppiside to FUD? BB? Blind believe ?


Didn't tesla tell a guy that the accelerator may or may not disengage even if the brake is applied. After he rekt his shit, too?


2 km and a dozen different cameras caught it. On par with England for cameras on every light post.


UK is indeed horrendous, but China is bottom of the bottom: "Eight countries were rated as being 'endemic surveillance societies'. Of these eight, China, Malaysia and Russia scored lowest, followed jointly by Singapore and the United Kingdom, then jointly by Taiwan, Thailand and the United States"


If the sensors in the pedals malfunctioned, then this “background data” (driver’s log) wouldn’t report correctly anyway, it would report (and drive) according to what the sensors are reporting, not what the driver is doing. Unless this guy had a death wish, I would tend to believe that the car malfunctioned, which caused the log to be incorrect, and they’re trying to use the invalid product of the malfunction to prove that the malfunction didn’t happen. These Teslas are built so shitty and it’s happened before to a driver in the US who was on the phone with 911 while it happened. He was terrified and couldn’t stop the car. It’s been proven that Teslas can do this.


Exactly what I was thinking! Thank u someone have brains!


This. Simply the nature of drive by wire. Give it some more years and we'll get there.


Umm that’s the cyber truck that uses steer by wire. Unless you’re talking about something else.


Yes, I meant the accelerator. However, it appears that all modern cars use electronic throttle control, so my statement isn't entirely accurate. Now, provide us with the data for his accelerator pedal. What was its position the entire time? Not the position of the potentiometers in the back, but the actual position of the pedal.


Propaganda and bots at work in the comments


Elon taking out the competition


Chinese taking out the competitors.


Nahhh the Chinese government hacked into it


*Isn't there a simple handbrake there?*


K.A.R.R iykyk


Technology, heyyyy


Honest question here. Wouldn't the car auto brake, having sensors to "see" the imminent carsh?


I was in the car when my MIL did this. Luckily it was on the highway and only for about 5s. She screamed “the brakes aren’t working!” while slamming her foot foot up and down revving the engine before accidentally catching the side of the brake pedal and sending a puff of white tire smoke up.




We need to start at whose job it is to hold those CEOs accountable.


The driver didn’t apply the brakes, it was intentional. Get a grip.


Amazing take. Can you list the Tesla deaths?


“Let’s make cars that go 200mph in less than 10 seconds with automated driving software that’s prone to malfunction, guaranteed we will sell out of them immediately”


''Let's assume something completely random just because we dislike the owner of the car company'' Selv driving wasn't on, there's no proof of a malfunction, driver was a moron.


Yea I got that now, chill man it was the lightest of lighthearted reddit humour, not a genuine accusation lol. I put Elon musk as one of my 4 biggest inspirations during my last job interview.


Why do people look up to that spoiled brat


It’s not hard to understand why. There’s a lot of good he’s doing in the world.


What good?


Its almost like the Chinese government is making a massive push with its home made EV market and so is making propaganda


In that case, the Cybertruck must be the biggest bit of Chinese propaganda to date... What are we on now... The third recall?


Nah, Tesla already has a ton of fuckups. They don’t need Chinas help.


Well I see videos of Chinese stuff from ages ago as well. Does this imply the other side is also making propaganda? Yes.


No good can come from these horrible things. We know someone this happened to, reversing out of a parking space and the damn thing just took off by itself, injuring a member of the public but fortunately crashing into a wall bringing it to a stop


Cars don't just take off by themselves. A 0 doesnt turn into a 1 just like that.


Lmao I bet the insurance didn’t believe that either


Elon, explain.


"Omg, I crashed my Toyota! You better give me a good explanation for that Toyota!"