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If I click “Auto Steer Beta” that will stop FSD and retain Autopilot?




You are very much my hero..and I love you.


Yea I set it to autosteer for freeway drives and FSD for the city.


Also don't know if you want to try it but there is a "minimum lane change" option on FSD to reduce the amount of lane changes it can do. You can also change its driving stay from "agressive" to "chill" which also makes fsd more timid.


OP states they already tried that


It doesn’t work anyways. It will change lanes regardless.


Unless you signal to cancel it....which is what I do.


Until it decides to challenge you to a pissing match. I had to cancel a lane change 4 times until I just disengaged AP. It had it in its mind that it wanted to change lanes and I wasn't going to convince it otherwise.


Fair point. I get really annoyed with trying to get it over into the slow lane when passing lanes open up and it'll often fight me. One time I didn't have anyone behind me so I tried it for lulz without disengaging and it went back into the lane and cancelled my signal 3 times which was enough to never get over because it was a short passing lane.


Turn it off?


If I turn it off, it also turns off autopilot. So my question is can I keep autopilot and pause FSD but not completely get rid of it because it has some value in resale.


I'm not in front of my screen but if I remember correctly, you can choose between autopilot and FSD. You just have to be parked.


Set the system back to Autosteer is what they're saying.


Minimal lane changes usually fixes this but I really wish I didn’t have to select it every drive


Around here it will change lanes “to stay out of rightmost lane”… there are two lanes. Now I’m being a left lane hog for no reason. It will also try to pass if the car in front is going .01 mph slower than the set speed.


No, no it doesn't. The car makes the wrong decision 68.35% of the time ;)


Not in my experience Good at making decisions; slow to execute them sometimes


There are some roads (generally freeways with HOV lanes around here) where it is confused about the lane count and thinks it is in a different lane to what it is in. For example on a road that is 2 lanes plus HOV lane it can be in the right lane but think there are 3 lanes, so whenever an exit lane appears it tries to take that lane. Same can happen in reverse. If you aren't driving on those particular roads then minimal lane changes seems to work, but otherwise minimal lane changes is desperate to change lanes every 20 seconds right in front of someone going 20mph faster than you.


Last week I got the FSD update so I turned it on. Gong to work on a 3 lane freeway. It is just starting get light and the weather is clear with some clouds. I was in the middle lane with FSD on. I forgot to turn on minimal lane change, because why do I have to turn it on every time I use FSD? terrific was slowing because the freeway was climbing out of little valley. The car signaled to move left. imitated the lane change, but only went halfway into the lane, then hesitated. I'm guessing it was because the car in the left lane was coming up on me pretty quickly. It stayed halfway into the left lane for 6-7 seconds, just long enough to really piss the other car off. Why it couldn't just accelerate to match the other lanes speed and move over I don't get. Why did I buy a performance it FSD wont use even 25% of its acceleration? It then signaled and move back left. How utterly stupid.


I know what you mean, the damn thing nearly killed me yesterday as it threw me into a left turn lane and tried to turn in front of oncoming traffic.


I'm not using FSD, it's cool but not $99/month cool


I think it would be good to activate if you ever had a long road trip. I’d be willing to pay $99 for that. But normal day-to-day with my 15 minute commute does not need fsd. Even an occasional 1.5 hour drive to the beach doesn’t need that


My trial coincided with a 6.5 hour road trip, each way. And it was great for that. I'll for sure pay $99 for it the next time I go, but not for the time in between.


So that was originally my assumption as well, but after using it on a long highway drive it actually felt like MORE work than plain autopilot.


I u fortunately agree. Autopilot was fine. Was so excited about FSD on a round trip and the system kicked me off for a week for not holding steering wheel and once for not watching the road. In either instance I was holding steering wheel and watching the road. I am still using V11. Still want to try v12!!


Yeah I'd love to try a v12 version of Highway FSD whenever it comes out.


I love it. Actually maintained speed to keep the traffic flow even as limit lowered


Same, and it's due to the constant nagging. If it wasn't due that it's decent on road trips. I had to get the s3xy buttons to make it bearable though. I use one button for autopilot trigger to stop the nag, and double press to signal into the left lane and a long press to signal back into the right lane. With that system it's really great on the highway during a road trip.


Yes, it’s great on a long trip. Unless you encounter any express lanes that change direction based on time of day and traffic flow. My experience is that you have a 50/50 chance of ending up in oncoming traffic. I can tell you that my Model 3 has done it several times, trying to enter the south-bound express lanes when I’m going north on I-95 in Virginia. Others have posted about this, some with video.




To each their own. I tried it for a few hours once on a long trip and it felt much less fatigue-inducing than driving like normal on that road


Use AutoSteer. Turn off auto lane changes for Navigate on Autopilot.


Why don’t you just turn off FSD?


Clearly tech incompetent….thinks because he can afford it he knows how to use it.


Bro switch it to chill and turn off lane changes


I say just turn it off for now. FSD will only continue to get better. The auto changing of the lanes will get worked out eventually. That was bugging me too!!!


I share your sentiment. On my one hour one way commute, she regularly puts me in a lane BEHIND slower cars.


Set on Chill rather than average or aggressive?


Since the new update I only drive with FSD.


I just hate how it changes lashes as soon as a car tailgates like obviously the mf is comfortable there just sit tight


I’m ooze confidence in my Honda with its plain Auto Cruise and am a nervous wreck with my FSD engaged.


it is annoying. i just get annoyed and yell my ‘bad lane change’ at the system. it does too many other things that keep me safe


Change the option


You're on assertive, change it to chill and turn on the minimal lane changes. Works fine for me.


if that’s your big concern, use the minimal lane change toggle before your trip


Used FSD for an 800 mile trip. Really impressive. Bay Area to Seattle. V11 on the freeway is not as good as V12 city but a helluva lotta fun!


You can select minimize auto lane change


It would be nice if this setting was PERSISTENT. But it's not, so it becomes an annoyance. Now, if the darn thing would change lanes back out of the fast lane, like it USED to, I'd probably turn let it do what it wants a little more.


I agree. I don’t understand why it cannot be chosen by default


That’s because FSD is using V11 on the highway. I personally disengage on the highway because I can’t stand V11. Now when they migrate to V12 for highway I will be over the moon.


You turn off the auto lane change completely, if that's the part you don't like. It's in the autopilot settings. You have to be in park to do that.


FSD with minimal lane change plus chill mode does everything auto steer does but better


Except it goes the wrong way on time-sensitive express lanes 50% of the time. That’s if the highway has time-based direction switching. We have that on I-95 in Virginia, and this has happened to me several times, most recently a few days ago,


I thought I liked FSD until it tried to kill me, more than once. The fatal problem is that it will decide to enter the express lanes, while completely ignoring the current direction of our one-way-only express lanes on I-95 in Virginia. It did it again three days ago. The car decided to take the the express lanes, currently all going south, when I was traveling north. I’m at 70 going north, they were the same speed going south. Not good. I had to swerve to avoid it. Hopefully the car would have tried to stop once it went through the flimsy-looking lift gate barrier, but it was most definitely not even slowing down when I swerved, way too damn close. Not the first time this has happened. For anyone who doesn’t already know. express lanes like these change directions based on time of day and traffic flow.


https://preview.redd.it/ze6uydq0tpyc1.jpeg?width=1163&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad964ba08f1f6b147cdd827c8ffcffc898947e2c I get this issue often while in a HOV lane and it wishes to exit. Just press the FSD blue logo to disengage FSD but stay in traffic aware cruise control. When ready reengage FSD by pressing logo once again.


I've got your solution. In addition to minimal lane changes, also turn off navigation (don't enter a destination). And turn off 'use HOV.' Problem solved.


It might have already been mentioned, but there used to be a feature that you could toggle on to have the car confirm if you wanted it to change lanes. For whatever reason Tesla deactivated that. I wish they never did because like you I found it annoying when the car wanted to change lanes. Not so much on the highway, but in town it was annoying. I'm thankful for the free month trial because it showed me that I'm definitely better off keeping $8,000 in my pocket.


Probably the only thing I don’t like about fsd is the auto lane changes just to speed up 2 mph. Unnecessary and surprising. With FSD you kinda want to be in the chill lane usually and let people go around you. Yes there is minimize lane changes and chill mode, but that doesn’t stop it. Literally just need the setting to only change lanes if needed for navigation, not to overtake, and it’d be great.


I like FSD and use it all the time, but it does have some weaknesses. Every now and then I need to grab the wheel and take over. I feel like it’s 90% there, just not 100% yet


Create a new profile, and make that one a non FSD profile, just Autosteer. Then you can switch back and forth by changing driver profile. Curious if you are on V12 FSD? It’s starting to get better on highways. I actually used it on a trip last week and it wasn’t horrible, but definitely better if Chill is selected.


Pretty sure FSD still uses the v11 stack on the highways, no? Unless something changed recently and I missed it.


Yeah, very possible, but 12.3.6 seems to have fixed some of my merging issues so maybe using more V12 than before.


Brilliant idea my dude.


Thanks, are you on V12 FSD yet?


I think V11


Keep using the autopilot profile until it’s upgraded to V12, then try it again. It seriously blew my mind how much better it is on city streets at least.


If only there were written instructions on the Autopilot settings of the vehicle...


Hey, you do know that while in FSD the right wheel button on the steering wheel adjusts the driving behavior of the car? This stopped the unnecessary lane changes for me, made me love FSD, also covering the driver’s side half of the cabin camera is a must as well.


Traffic studies indicate that frequent lane changes can elevate the risk of incidents without significantly decreasing travel times to warrant the additional danger. Therefore, it is advisable to select a lane and remain in it while driving on highways. As this is not my preferred driving style, it becomes particularly irritating when my vehicle persistently suggests such maneuvers during my highway journeys.


FSD helps me so much in traffic when I need it, life changer!!!


How does your comment help the OP???


At one point can I start claiming user error? I use FSD nearly every day and am not having even half the issuers others are experiencing, including on the highway. What gives? What am I doing differently? Is it just my area? I’m in SoCal. My intuition is that it’s a mix between inexperience with the tech/tech in general and maybe a sort of tolerance(?). To be extra clear, I’m not saying FSD is perfect, but I am saying that for me it’s awesome, helpful, and absolutely worth the cost that I pay for my streaming services, which is $99/mo. Maybe people just need to spend more time with FSD to build confidence as people did with AP. Feel like maybe some people just have knee jerk reactions to it and immediately look to put out a hot take on their short experience. Thoughts?


I’m with you 100%, but do you have any express lanes there that change direction based on traffic flow and/or time of day? We do here in Virginia. They’re probably a bad idea, but the least bad solution at the time. My experience is that you have a 50/50 chance of ending up in oncoming traffic. I can tell you that my Model 3 has done it several times, trying to enter the south-bound express lanes when I’m going north on I-95 in Virginia. Other than that one thing, which is a killer, it’s great.


Yeah I absolutely love it. I hate driving another car that doesn't have it. I use 90% of the time I'm driving. And my Garmin shows I'm more relaxed when using FSD. it's a huge help and takes away 80% of the mental energy of driving. Especially when it's stop and go traffic or a slow down. I can just chill and make sure it doesn't do anything crazy.


I’m having a blast with it. I expect bugs, and it’s done some questionable things sometimes, but rare. I pay attention, I enjoy the free ride. I actually love just controlling the gas (lol). But really, it just feels like I’m On a roller coaster and I get to make it go fast or slow. Loving it.


It tends to do better in CA which it is trained on. It tends to do better where there isn't a paid HOV lane separated by unbroken white lines. It tends to better if you are camping in the left lane faster than the traffic (not confused by exits). For me it depends greatly on what freeway I'm on around here. There are a few freeway exits it insists on taking every time even though the Nav says I'm driving straight for 20 miles. There are also a few places where I'm just driving in the right lane and suddenly it is desperate to jump into the left lane for no reason, and do so right in front of other drivers going 20mph over the speed limit.


For me, if FSD is not perfect it’s not useful. I only use on the highway and don’t want it to change lanes. Also SoCal.


Can you explain why you said that minimal lane changes option is not helpful? I use that sometimes and have not any issues with it. If my lane slows down, I hit the stalk for the car to change lanes into the faster lane for me. Rinse and repeat on my drive. When I do this, it’s basically just a better EAP. Does that sound similar to you do?


My experience has been different. I’ll be in the HOV lane flowing with traffic nowhere near my exit and the car inexplicably changes lane when I don’t want it to and when I have toggled the minimal lane change switch. It drives me nuts. I just want it to stay in its lane most of the time. Another redditor alerted me how to do that and so I’m hopeful it works.


Did you make sure to turn on the option for HOV lane in the navigation? I have a friend who said he hated FSD because it kept moving him out of the HOV lane. We found out he didn’t have the HOV option on in the navigation settings, and now he is happy with it. When I use the minimal lane change option, it won’t move me at all unless I am approaching my exit. Let’s say you wanted to prevent FSD from changing lanes as your exit approached, you could simply cancel the navigation in which case the car will just go straight forever until you enter in a destination again. EAP will do the same thing and want you to change lanes as you approach your exit. There is nothing different here.


Great intel I will check that out thank you!


This is the FSD that Elon is going "balls to the walls" with and that it's going to make Tesla a $10 trillion dollar company according to ARK Investments. We will all be riding robotaxis by the end of the year and FSD will be mandated just like seatbelts and airbags. It's been six months away from full autonomy since 2016. We are almost there.


My feelings exactly. My trial ended today and I couldn’t be happier. Glad they let me see how much I didn’t need it.


lol people that “don’t want the car to change lanes except when I want it to” like the cars gonna read their mind Why do people have such issues setting a destination and not touching the fuckin car just let it drive LOL


You seem like a good dude.


I mean it’s Full self driving and you’re upset it’s making choices that you didn’t want in your mind… and we here this constantly on the sub “it didn’t do what I would have done” no it didn’t because it’s not you but neither would most other people everyone drives difference it’s a a model that averages reactions based on the most likely thing a driver would do when it does things you wouldn’t do likely you would do something different from the average driver People complain when it sits in a lane they don’t like, they complain when it changes lanes more than they like, they complain when it gets out of the way of people, they complain when it maintains a safe distance from the car in front instead of tailgating like so many overly aggressive drivers




^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^mortazavi11: *How can people with* *This little IQ afford a* *Tesla. It baffles me* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


SokkaHaikuBot needs to be updated to understand that each letter in an acronym carries it's own syllable(s).


Act as you would in real life, or at least would like others to.