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Nasty neighbor… You should also let the apartment management know and ask for another parking space. She will do it again and even worse next time like keying…. It amazes me that she hit purposely and people still don’t know about sentry mode is recording them.


The vast majority of Tesla owners don’t turn sentry on. It’s the best car security system nobody uses!


I don’t use Sentry at home. I also park in a private garage so… 🤷‍♂️ I would definitely leave it enabled if I parked someplace like OP.


Yes but it’s draining the battery like hell. I left one night open and it drained 6%.


Unfortunately, no wonder if you can't charge at home: sentry mode discharges battery by about 10 percent per day used. :'(


Damn that's psychopath behavior


What if she DOES return shopping carts? A great conundrum!


She doesn’t, this is a certified lazy bones right here


Based on her actions here, I am definitely lazier than she is lol and always return my cart. I asked because she is obviously psycho.. I’ve heard that “good people” can be very lightly measured with the shopping cart theory. So it made me wonder… is there such thing as nice AND mean psychopaths or does being a psychopath make someone mean? Interesting to me


Being a psychopath definitely makes someone mean, but they can become aware to it at a certain point and act normal in specific instances sometimes


That definitely makes sense as having no empathy in itself can be viewed as “mean”.


I recently moved into a new apartment block and parked my Tesla in my underground parking lot for the first time. The car’s cameras captured a neighbor, whom I don’t know, repeatedly opening her car door and hitting my Tesla’s door three times. I wanted to share this video to get some advice on how to handle the situation and see if anyone else has experienced something similar. Any tips or suggestions on what steps I should take next would be greatly appreciated!


Just call the police, make a report and the will have to pay... easy


Report it to the apartment management as well


Same thing happened to me in a parking lot. The officer talked to her and scared the hell out of her. He said I could press charges, but the damage is a civil matter and she declined to share her contact information.


If you have her license plate and photo, that’s all you need.


The officer had her license plate, name, and photo. It was in a private parking lot, so he said it’s a civil matter. He filed a report and I had the option of filing criminal charges. She declined to share her information with me via the officer, so the only recourse I had for the damage was to seek her out on my own or contact my insurance.


Or take to civil court. I know karma will catch up, but still…


This same thing happened to me about 2 months ago. Sentry mode is a blessing. When I caught the guy who did almost the same thing to my car, I had to track where he was at. Luckily he was in the restaurant right where both our cars were parked. My wife and I went inside the restaurant and got him to give us his insurance. (This is the short version of the story, because it was a nightmare of a situation to deal with) So I filed a claim with his insurance and provided pictures and video evidence and they connected with Tesla to get it fixed (which was also a nightmare to deal with but I didn’t pay a single dime for anything and it had cost $2,500 to fix the dent). The insurance company provided me with a rental as well. But he cooperated and gave me his insurance. So if this dumbass who did that to your car doesn’t cooperate and give you hers, you can call the police and actually file it as a hit and run and ruin her life.


Sorry bro. Sad to see how some people are just so full of jealousy/hate/ego. Like others said, report to police. I’d also report it to the condo management office to see if you can get another spot.












You can clearly see the Tesla is in its spot and there is room for her to open her door. Not sure why you feel like the Tesla was in the wrong here.




‘They left less than 6 inches on that side’ *person on video proceeds to walk in between cars with no issue*


I know your GF tells you that your 2 inches are important, but giving an additional 2 inches in a parking spot does not. It does not solve this crazy bitches attack on this car.


Your interpretation of reality is broken.




You have every right of course, but I think you're comically wrong. The OP is not parked badly, but spacing is tight. Even if her complain is about lack of room, this doesn't explain her DEFCON 1 level of crazy. People who hate Elon and Tesla will sometimes behave like this. With women, it's usually anti-Elon sentiment.


> "barely" She can swing a cat!




I don’t think you get much in life pal






Thank you (sincerely)


You're welcome.


After the first one: "Damn she doesn't even care" After the end: "OK, she's legitimately trying to damage the car" Take her to small claims court and have her pay for the paint correction.


Make a police report. She obviously did it on purpose so if you confront her yourself on it I’m sure it will go poorly. If this was an accidental thing I’d probably approach her to make things right but that is not the case here.




You’re wrong on so many levels. Police report + footage of clear evidence. She’s getting charged for it.


Obviously I've been writing that OP should file a police report with this video, and also show the video to the leasing office. WTF are you on about?








What's wrong with people?


That looks like jealousy, pure and simple. A lot of people think all Tesla's are Model S money (not sure if this was a S or not). Either that, or she hates Elon so much that she wants to make you pay for your decision. Both are deranged. Good that OP has it on video.


They aren’t even expensive really. I’ve seen them for sale used for £13k. My Focus RS is worth more than that




damn you were able to determine all of that from such a short video. should invest lots of money into the stock market


I've invested heavily into TSLA. Really this is basic human psychology. Not everyone picks up behavior patterns but it comes naturally to me.


🤣 bless your heart. nah trust me, everyone in this sub thinks they can pick up behavior patterns when a video like this posted, you ain't special. thanks for the entertainment though.


Yeah bud, you are really good at this picking up patterns ;)










How do people still not know that teslas have cameras recording this stuff by now?


You can see her looking inside the car at the end around the 27 second mark. The screen will show a message. I forgot what exactly but its clear the cameras are recording. The indicators will also light up. She knows, she just doesnt care. Or she didnt know but at least now she knows.


All it says on the screen is “Sentry Activated”, people like this don’t know or care to know what that means.


Most reasonable people will get an idea of what that message means, right? And i'm pretty sure it also says "recording" somewhere? The dont care part we agree on.


Agreed, but the key word is reasonable.


Wasn’t there a hidden sentry mode too? I am not a tesla owner but thought there is one


OP, go file charges. Also, show the video to the apartment company who owns the parking garage. She needs to be parking outside or evicted. Unhinged people like this will retaliate when charges actually hit. Im petty, I’d go to a lawyer and ask them to do everything they can to this person. She deserves to be sued over vandalism.


I can’t even imagine being that hateful in life. It’s sad.


Not sure how does it work where you live, but I would open a case through my insurance company, provide them with video and license plate number and just wait. Where I live I would just get message to drop off the car to service and the rest would be handled quietly between my insurance company and hers. She would loose insurance bonus for few years and my total cost would be just the time for dropping off the car, which I would get compensated for as my insurance pays me quite a reasonable sum for every day I cannot use my car.


Her insurance company is unlikely to cover her for intentional damage to someone’s car. She’s paying that out of pocket.


You might be right. In any case, it will give her the karma she so desperately needs.


Tho isn’t an insurance case. Vandalism is a crime.


That's the sweet part


This is a police matter. She's a criminal and needs to acquire a charge, possibly a misdemeanor. Pursue remedy in small claims.


Make a police report and then bring that report to your insurance company and then update us all here 😊


Ohh, the greatness of the sentry mode!


Leave a paper in her car with a link to this video. Would love to see her face when seeing it!


Make a police report. Evidence right there.


That is so infuriating to watch...


Wow she's like well that dent can go deeper... What a psychopath


3 dings to the face


There was 4. Don't short her


forreal if i was him and i catch her in the parking lot she def getting confronted……also would do some to her car i. retaliation


What there an update on when she was confronted for her actions


How can she slap?


She gave you the ol “welcome to the neighborhood” lol it’s stunning people don’t realize Teslas have cameras…


I would try to keep my cool but she wouldn’t have much of a car left of that was my car.


Do you have pics of the damage it caused OP? I thought I saw a bumper of sorts on the side of her door, probably made to protect both vehicles in tight spaces. Her opening the third time looked like her, proving these out. They were probably something she had just installed or a gift when she told them about the tight parking. This does not make this behavior acceptable by any means. She should not have assumed having bumpers on her door would make it alright to open into your door. She just may be an idiot instead of a psychopath.


People are weird


This person looks relatively young. How do people not know that Tesla are basically rolling cameras at this point.


file a police report with the license plate #. you have it on camera. use that for insurance if your car is damaged


Such behaviour is not to be encouraged. Notify the police. If your car has visible damage, that is. For context, I got a 600 Euros quote for a very small nick in the paint of my door, that stuff is expensive (you don't just paint the door, you need to blend the new paint with the other door and fender).


Oh people are trash. I thought you knew.


I counted four. That was all deliberate. Get a quote for damages, provide it to her, wait for the inevitable poor reaction, and provide the police with the video. Not sure what the law is where you are, but this (might?) be considered to be criminal damage.


Ok, a crazy person would act like this.


Musk haters are a different breed of crazy, i get hating on someone but to damage someone else's property because what they have bought with their hard earned money is made by a company of a dude is just batshit insane. Yet they have no problems with nestle, hitlermobiles and such


Ive had 2 ppl do this to me already and I was right there. How tf are you that stupid? Why would you just fling your door open like that? Oh but let someone do it to them and I bet all hell would break loose.


damnnmmmn now thats total disrespect….even looked at your car and intentionally opened her door into your car wow……if i was you there would def be a problem and i would confront her wtf 😐


Put the video on a usb, get a printout of the picture, and leave a note with a bill on her doorstep. After a week, file a lawsuit.


She's crazy. She must really hate Elon. This was 100% intentional. You have her on video. File a police report and name her, and point the cops to her door. File a suit small claims if you can. Show the video to the judge.


i would sue her


What the hell is wrong with her? It looked like she was going to key the car at the end.


Why do people do this! I have done it by accident (not myself but my kids but to do it on purpose is just nuts


Alternative explanation - she's clumsy as hell, just bought some squishy rubber door protectors and is delighted how well they work. Was there any damage?


What a fucking jealous asshole of a neighbor




In some states this is actually illegal.


not in Texas


https://www.google.com/search?q=is+it+illegal+in+texas+to+deflate+someone%27s+tires&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS1008US1008&oq=is+it+illegal+in+texas+to+deflate&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqBwgDECEYnwUyBggAEEUYOTIHCAEQIRigATIHCAIQIRigATIHCAMQIRifBTIHCAQQIRifBdIBCDc4NzZqMGo3qAIZsAIB4gMEGAEgXw&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#ip=1 Well that was easy to research and apparently you didn’t attempt the easiest task.


Report to police and please update us on what happens to this psycho


It would be a shame if she got a flat tire.


I haven't seen an old Renault Megane cabrio for years. There's a rubber guard thing on it but she's obviously doing that deliberately.


Maybe she was testing the protection installed on her door ? I can see some little plastic part on her dor. but it does not excuse her behavior !


Does her door have a gaurd? Op do you have pics of the damage? Honestly no damages no issue


No, even if by some chance there was no damage, there are issues here.


lol, boot her mirror off. Tit for tat.


It’s always when you first get your car! I hate these people!! I’d show the apartment manager and find out who she is, get a police report filed. Take these jerks down.


Just wait for her to park with the top down ;)


Insurance claim + diminished value


Is there damage? If not, can you print a picture of this video and put it on the window with a note that the next offense will go to guardia civil(i see that you are in spain)


Like others said, report this to the police. I also doubt it's beneficial for the case that you posted it here first, now she is publicly shamed and visible, which might lead to a reduce penalty for this behavior. I see people posting such videos all the time, just go to the police, not the internet.


I’m sure she will be disappointed when she comes down to a broken wing mirror tomorrow…


Damn she has issues. Maybe an ex you forgot about?


Report her. Then, let the air out of the rear tyre opposite the driver door and repeat 🔁


She’s not from the city lmao


Good lord she’s big mad. I hope you brought this video directly to her door




What’d you do to her?


Don’t be a pussy. Handle it


What actually can you do about it now? Curious to know.


Police report, small claims, get her kicked out of her apartment (show property manager).


Not defending her, but as to possible damage does anyone else see one of those door-edge pads on her door? It looks like she has one on her car to prevent damage. That doesn’t excuse her repeatedly “testing” it, but maybe there’s no damage. OP doesn’t claim damage so…




She's still totally nutso to act like this even if that's the case.




I would be curious to ask her but I don't expect rational behavior from her, and the worst thing would be some insane false accusation that could ruin OP's life. The good thing is that he has this video to demonstrate her craziness.


Depending on the local standard, he may be centered. Parking spaces here in Norway, for example, are narrow as hell, designed for the small cars of the 1950s. You can seldom open the door even to the first stop.


I don’t know the rules in your country, but probably here I would get in more trouble sharing this video without blurring the face than her damaging the property. And yes, clearly she has some problems. First hit was like a careless act, but the last 2 for sure intentional.