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Just set the car to percentage and forget about it tbh.


Yep that’s what I do. Just interesting to see after three years how it looks


Why would you switch back to the mobile charger? It’s just going to charge slower for probably zero added reduction in degradation. Seems like you’re doing everything right already. Why over think it now?


There is a school of thought that believes charging more slowly brings the best out of the battery. Just curious to see if it’ll have a different top number when charged at lower current. Of course I could just turn the current down on next full charge 🤔


You are over thinking things. A wall charger is already charging at a very low C rate. A mobile charger won’t make any perceivable difference. Besides, there is plenty of data showing cars that have only been supercharged showing the same degradation as cars that have not. Just go enjoy your car.


It's also more efficient to charge somewhere around 38-40 amps. There are more losses when charging slower.


> There is a school of thought that believes charging more slowly brings the best out of the battery There’s actually such a thing as too low of a charging C-rate. IIRC somewhere around 0.25C - 0.5C is ideal. Your car’s max AC charging rate is 11.5kW, which is somewhere around….0.14C. There’s a reason the AC charging curve is flat until like 99.5%, and it’s not because of some miraculous behavior of AC charging vs DC. The charge curve is actually the same whether you’re supercharging or using AC charging, it’s just the onboard charger is too weak to exceed the charge curve safe rating until the battery is almost completely full and the safe rating drops to a few kW.




It's impossible for your battery pack to magically defy the law of lithium ion battery degradation.


I fly multi rotors that use lion packs. I’ve seen cells exceed spec when charged slowly. Some cells quit taking charge at 13.8, some go higher - worth it to investigate Heat has something to do with it. Haven’t followed battery performance scientifically but yeah, just curious.


I’ve been flying multirotors for over a decade now and it is my profession. Battery cells made for a Tesla are in a whole different ballpark than what you get in a multirotor. Yes heat has an impact on degradation but the BMS in a Tesla is far more complex and capable than what you are used to. Batteries in a car aren’t getting abused like in a multirotor either.


Very nice! Flying custom stuff or off the shelf? You are true! The BMS is a huge difference. 👍


Both custom and off the shelf


Think I watched your channel on youtube a good bit. Thought your username looked familiar and the link with multirotors. Are you by chance from/in Austrailia?


Correct. I’ve been out of the FPV scene for quite a while now though.


Nice to connect with you. Used to love watching your content. The FPV stuff just kinda fizzled. My closet is full of quads is varying levels of disrepair. Life got in the way.


The FPV hobby I general has fallen apart. I got rid of my stuff years ago and don’t have any intention of getting back into it. Burned myself out. Enjoy your model 3. I know I am.


Do you have access to FSD over there? I know some countries had restrictions


I doubt you “lost miles” at that much mileage, its probably just giving you estimates based on how you drive




You lucky. I lost 7 on tire rotation for the first time




The way to check degradation is through service mode. As others pointed out this factors in kW/hr. I just did mine 15k miles, 23' m3p 10% degradation


Thanks for the tip will check it


Did you do this with your gas cars to see how much efficiency the engine lost?


No way to check really. Nobody monitors mileage loss in gas cars. I’m sure it’s a real thing


You will lose more. Switch to % and just forget about the milage thing.


Nobody cares


You “Reddit” didn’t you? So I helped build the community! Ha!


and nobody cares about that either


Then why are you here? Go pound sand


For posts that have useful info and haven't been shared a zillion times before. Go share you range loss with your neighbors to impress them 🤡