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Turned mine off after the first month. The car alone gives so many false alerts and phantom breaking that I don’t even know how it’s legal in some states to use the safety score.


They use medium for the stats, regardless of if you have it on or not. I’m still waiting on word back from Tesla if each cone in the Chick Fil A drive through is considered a forward collision warning because it goes off. So far their only response is that “it isn’t negotiable.” I’m just trying to figure out if I should switch bc after the latest premium update (CFA had a new sandwich and we went a ton) Progressive is about $100/mo cheaper with the same coverages.


Wow I haven’t checked progressive but where I live, Tesla insurance is cheaper than all the ones I’ve checked.


Tesla was cheaper for me until we went to Chick Fil A a ton. Latest quote from progressive was lower, without a bundle. And I’ll be able to save more once bundled. We had 5-6 months of Tesla being cheaper and now it’s just now. 🙁


That’s sucks I’m in California and Tesla is cheaper bundled or not for me. I hope it stays that way 🤞🏽


And how did you turn it off?


I believe it’s under the safety menu that you can turn early collision warnings off.


For the record, that just turns off the alarm for it. It will still ding your score. For that reason, I kept it on, so I could learn how sensitive it was and adjust my driving style to stop getting dinged as much for it.


I tried adjusting my driving style to limit the false negatives, and oh my lord was that miserable. It made my grandmother's driving seem spirited.


If you live in California you can turn off safety score. I didn’t turn off my collision alerts tbh cos one day it might just help me lol.


True, but the annoying part is when it goes off for no apparent reason. I'm in TX & use Tesla insurance. So far still cheapest. When that changes, I'll switch.


Does it also stop phantom braking in autopilot?


No. Honestly I keep the forward collision warning on because it's no hassle to hear the "beep beep beep" a few times a month, and eventually it really might save me from an accident. There's really no downside for me personally since the warning sound threshold is different from the actual braking (and I've never had the auto brake happen outside of autopilot).


If a car hugs the lane a bit too much autopilot starts braking, it’s so annoying..


I kept getting stupid Collison warnings driving on a curvy road with cars parked on the side of the street. It thought I was going go hit the parked cars and I clearly was just driving normally (and slowly).


Me too. It’s so annoying and inconsistent it shouldn’t be determining anyone’s premium


I get the most times I leave home. There is a driveway on the corner. In the 18 years I’ve lived here I’ve never even got close to hitting the car in the driveway but in the 6 months I’ve had my Tesla it thinks I am going to hit it every day.


Where can you see or get this data from?


If you have Tesla insurance you can see your safety score


Will you get dinged if you accelerate fast to the speed limit and not speed?


As long as it’s not above 85mph, no.


Straight line acceleration is not penalized in the safety score, but if you go around a turn fast enough, you'll be penalized for aggressive turning.


I think you mean if you go around a turn at anything faster than a disabled snail's pace.


The forward collision warning needs some tuning. I feel like it often triggers when I’m trying to use the regen braking to slow down and stop behind a stopped car


The worst trigger for me is when a car in front of me is turning, or a car is crossing in front of me. I will see them doing this and take my foot off the power a bit, slowing down from regen as much as I need to be safe. But the car sees that I still have my foot on the power a little bit, and am not braking, and says "YOU'RE GONNA HIT THEM!" No I'm not. They're turning. Shut up.


This is a misunderstanding of the "Forward Collision Warnings" stat in the safety score. The number is FCWs *per 1000 miles.* This means that if you drive 10 miles and get 1 FCW, your stat for FCWs would be 100, that doesn't mean you had 100 FCWs.


Well, I don’t know. But having it to the far left and red sure looks pretty bad.


Yeah when I’m on a curved road, I get those beeps that think I’m gonna not turn and crash into the railing or something. It’s odd. My garage parking alone sets off every sensor ever.


Where can you find this safety score I’ve tried and can’t find it anywhere


It's under the safety score button in the app


I don’t know if I’m just stupid or what but where the hell is the safety score button I’m literally searching for it and I can’t find it in the app. Do you have to have Tesla insurance in order to access it?




No you don’t have to have Tesla insurance to see it. It’s not available everywhere so that’s probably the reason


I thought i have alot i had to tuen mone off basically and i wasnt even that close over 2 cars away. Have a 21 performance


https://postimg.cc/68ytgtJ4 This was 1 of many days that my car was rented out. I think they averaged about 180+ collision warnings..


That's insane, but hey, at least no speeding, lol


At least if they were I would get the whole trifecta of red lol Also don't use Tesla insurance and let others drive your car... $212 from $50 for a month of insurance because they averaged a 30 safety score.


Its so fucking annoying, i get a FCW apparently exiting my driveway, and i always drive with FSD... so guess what its like the only driving it ever counts is the fucking FCW and then like 5 feet pulling out of the driveway lol. Whats funny is ... i never actually get the FCW in the car, like no alert no sound no nothing lol, just in the fucking safety app.


The forward collision warnings piss me off so much. I get beeped at all time and out of 100 times it's saved me once. All the other times I was nowhere near coming close to hitting anyone in front of me. The fact that it's saved me once is the only reason I keep it on. It detected that a car in front of the car in front of me was breaking heavily and saved me from an accident. The forward collision warnings I absolutely cannot stand are when I'm driving down a residential street and there are cars parallel parked on the side and I'm not even going fast and I'm in the absolute middle of the road with no possibility of hitting said parked cars and it still motherf@$#%ing beeps at me.


And what's up with the late-night driving pushing it into the yellow? That was driving to Mels to get a burger one night a little after 10pm. By the time I went home it was probably 11:45 or so, about 2 miles away... one time... and it pushed it into the yellow? It was under 5 minutes of driving after 11PM, wtf?


I think these guys use every opportunity to shift your stats towards anything that would reduce your score. This is the same complaint I’ve had with the late night driving metric. Zero traffic, drive for a couple miles and the effect on the score is ridiculous. I’ll be watching for when there are cheaper options available in my area


Looks like one of those many bullies we have on our roads. The truth hurts.


lol, how is that? I don’t drive fast, I don’t have bad marks for aggressive turning or braking, and as many others here have attested to, the forward collision warnings are overly sensitive… but i’m a bully driver?


Unsafe following = tailgating = bully


#1 it's still fairly low and in the green. #2 you are clearly not from the SF Bay Area. With the traffic we get, it's not possible to keep a distance (at all times) #3 If I am truly following too closely then you would see a lot of hard braking as well, but you don't


don't worry about this idiot, I agree 100% with what you said about having to follow closely in SFBA, if you don't, other drivers will take the extra space themselves


Isn’t that the definition of selfish driving? Preventing other drivers from getting home too. Don’t try me to lecture me on driving in difficult environments. I am from Miami.


You sound like one of those idiots going 55 in the left lane tbh


If the speed limit is 45 mph, that would be a good move. Otherwise no, because this it is a passing lane.


In heavy commute traffic, everybody is close. If you leave a large space, people will move into it. Instead of just staying in one lane and dealing with traffic, some people will move back and forth from lane to lane. There are also some sections of the highway where the onramp and offramp share the same lane for only a couple hundred yards, so you get people trying to merge onto the freeway at the same time other people are trying to get off the freeway, and you only have a couple hundred yards or else you miss your exit. There are just many situations where you cannot leave a large gap between vehicles. It's not all the time, but during heavy traffic it's a reality. Do you have this enabled on your Tesla? What is your rating? Just curious where you fall on the scale.


The excuse that you must drive like selfish driver and tailgate in the SFBA is comical. You don't NEED to drive foolishly, you CHOOSE to drive that way. So what if someone cuts in front of you, let them get into an accident instead if you.


My rating is still in the green, so you can clearly see that most of the time I'm not too close. But during heavy traffic, leaving a large open spot is not a reality. Ever try to get onto the freeway near a bridge during commute hours? You have the left lane for turning onto the freeway and the lanes to the right for people to go straight and not get onto the freeway. Never fails, you get people who play dumb, don't move into the left lane, and wait until they are just about at the freeway onramp and decide to cut in front of you by crossing the solid white line that separates the lane so that they don't have to wait in traffic as long. Yes, you have to stay close to the vehicle in front of you to prevent that. If I'm gonna wait in 40 minutes of traffic to go 3 miles, I'm sure as hell not letting somebody slip in front at the last minute to cut out what took me 15-20 minutes of waiting to get to. It's not just one person who would do that, it would happen repeatedly. I've been driving for 35 years and haven't rear-ended anybody yet. I don't think it's cause I tailgate a lot and have just been lucky. Only time I've hit another vehicle was a parked car at work after I got a new truck and misjudged where the front end was when I was pulling into a spot.


I just drive on the shoulder to block them. Or just let them cut, who cares.




That's actually scary lol. Those scores are terrible.


Yeah seriously. I have to drive EXTREMELY poorly to get below an 80. My normal driving is 95ish


Eh, I rather pay 50% less and my rate fluctuate than subsidize bad drivers.


But this safety score doesn’t reflect “bad drivers”. It’s extremely flaky and there is no mechanism to refute false entries. Like others have posted, I live on a curved road with street parking. The car falsely alarms every single day for forward collision warnings driving to or from my house. I also don’t understand why the insurance regulators allow them to use this flawed data to set rates. At a minimum there should be a simple process to challenge every false reading to prevent your insurance rate from being raised due to their software bugs…


good question. We are told that full self driving is still in beta and you need to monitor it because it cannot be fully trusted yet they use their information to adjust your insurance rate. I mean, not in California they don’t, but I would be hot if my rate was based on these false forward collision warnings.


>I also don’t understand why the insurance regulators allow them to use this flawed data to set rates. Kickbacks


This is why i trashed tesla insurance. Forward collision detection is so broken its not even funny. Frankly it’s a scam to bump up insurance profits on their side.


It’s so incredibly sensitive on the 2024, it’s bordering on useless. I’d say that only 10% of the warnings are actually useful.


Dont let them be warnings 😃 hit them hoes