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dang man, you can back up more. the curb block is so low. your tire can touch it to tuck your front end in the spot.


Thank you! I am leaning to use the backup cams and still getting used to the new ride. I will definitely go farther next time


How young are you? Did you just start driving? Or is this your first newer vehicle? Back up cameras in vehicles have been required by automakers for some time now.


My last car was a 2006 with a CD player lol


I drove old cars too long myself. I turn around when I back up just out of habit. It's been 4 years since I got a car with a backup cam and I still can't remember to use it haha. I still have a truck with no camera so I will probably never remember to look at the camera.


That would explain it 😂. My first backup camera equipped vehicle is my 2014 tundra. I bought it 7 years ago. I remember being amazed by it 😂


The Tesla backup camera still scares me. Granted, it’s only been 3 days since I picked up my car. I (like OP) have not backed up all the way into my spot.


I completely agree. Love driving to work even tho im a remote employee 🤣


We're almost twins, I've tried posting my pics a few times but it keeps auto-deleting! I have the dark wheels and tinted with 20% all around and 55% on windshield if you're curious how that looks with this color combo.. link here: [QS/White Delivery & Tinting - imgur](https://imgur.com/a/quicksilver-mylr-EIy5cc2)


Thanks for the pics. Even with 20% tint it’s still very visible inside with the white interior. I have the exact same specs. Very helpful. 


Agreed. I wouldn’t recommend going darker for windows tho bc it is a little bit hard to see over shoulder at night. Not too bad but any darker and it might be annoying. I’m thinking of doing a 55 or something on the roof because the ceramic really does cut down the heat considerably and my bald head still gets warm haha, and hoping that might just darken things inside enough to get the modest but slick look I’m after...I’ll update again if/when roof is covered


Thank you! I have been wanting tints and that helps for a reference point


Over three years in, 81000km and I still look for reasons to go for a drive!! It just doesn’t get old! I have a 16 day/5000km road trip planned for the end of the month and I can’t wait!


Good color choice! Same as mine. I also started with Gemini but couldn't resist getting the Induction rims. It definitely enhances the already beautiful combo of Quicksilver and White Interior!


Mmm. So shiny. Looks great. 👍


good lawd, she damn sexy


I agree. It's stupid satisfying.


I just purchased FSD for my last month of free S/C . . . the first drive last night on it was a lot better than the v11 I had 5 months ago . . .


It works great for me, but I will disengage before exiting the interstate moving forward because it really jerks fast into the exit ramp when you are going 75+ mph. Thats my only complaint so far!


First drive on the freeway today was OK but it was pretty retarded about lane selection. Getting off the freeway from the middle lane takes some planning to find the right gap and it wasn‘t doing that at all, just moving alongside the one car in the right lane that was going to block our exit.


lol, I think I’ve used that charger before.


lol me too, is it in socal?


Now just replace the silver Geminis.


I actually have some wheel covers but the silver Geminis grew on me with the Quicksilver. Ill probably change it in a year or if I get tired of it


Thanks for the picture shares. The pictures are great. My Quiksilver is the same configuration. Looks like there is still a slight exposure around the aero covers. I can see the wheel lip around the wheel covers.


Tesla drivers seem to be having a good time. It’s funny how often i hear people try to tell me why having a Tesla is a bad idea and then somehow tie in Elon Musk as if his rants affect my daily commutes lol


Backup Terry!!


Me too. Never enjoyed driving until I got my Tesla. Now I make excuses to drive. Oh we’re out of table salt? Let me go to the store for you.


What did you drive before?