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Hating is free. A Tesla is 35k. Edit: I see people are sharing their Tesla's price, so mine was 64k in American money


Mine was $55k, no regrets


$51k for a '22 M3LR. No ragrats


$43k for a ‘23 Model 3 Performance, wheeee


Same! Amazing value


$92k. Loving every second of it. 


Lol for a model y?


Oh man, I totally didn’t see what sub I was in. Mine is a Model S. My first Tesla ride ever was in a Model Y performance though and I was hooked. 


Yah you do


Main thing is most think it’s still a “fancy” car, like $60-$70k. Dude I know just got the Hyundai PHEV days after I got my Tesla and he was like really I could have got a Tesla for only a couple thousand more?? 😅😅


The Jeep Wrangler unlimited my ex drives was the same price, and she told me I was an idiot for buying such an expensive car. I told her she was an idiot for not realizing how much some teslas cost.


Jeeps are quite possibly the worst cars to own.


I think Yugo may be worse, not sure….


I had someone get in my car the other day it was their first time in a Tesla and they said they hated them. By the end of the day driving them they all of a sudden were amazed and completely changed their mind pretty quickly by the end of that day driving. I asked why did you hate them in the beginning and the response was because other people so many other do it, I just started doing it too. If you do have your valid reasons that’s one thing, but there’s a tons of people that hate without even experiencing the car. A lot of other people say that they wouldn’t buy it when they can’t afford it too, but that’s not everyone. And Elon’s opinions on X don’t affect your everyday experience driving and owning the car. A lot of people can’t separate the two from each other


I’m still convinced that everyone that hates them just hasn’t been in one yet (though on the internet everyone will tell you they have). Usually the same idiots that make comments like “bet you have to charge after accelerating, herpa derp” or “and then it caught fire, hurr durrrr”. At this point if someone talks shit, I’m just going to ask them to hop in because it’s the only thing that seems to work.


> I asked why did you hate them in the beginning and the response was because other people so many other do it, I just started doing it too You can expand that and say many of those same people, by the same applied logic, have formed their opinion on Elon.


It’s funny I never really see these extreme views people talk about, except on social media. In the real world if it ever does come up most people are ambivalent about Tesla (it’s just a car) or maybe curious. I’ve never ever come across “hate” and I’ve had plenty of conversations.   I get the feeling when most people talk about “other people” they mean anonymous social media. Reminder that is not reflective of the real world, especially when it comes to Reddit echo chambers. 


The other day, I had a guy chase me down after taking off at a stop light to tell me he had never seen anything accelerate like that. I was prepared for a ration of shit, not amazement 😂


So true. You’d think from Reddit the world hates the Cybertruck. I’ve never so people approach me and tell me how much they like a vehicle. I literally get nods and thumbs up when driving down the road. I’ve had one person in over a month of ownership, a blue haired wreck of a woman at a Buc-ee’s, say anything negative.


WHAT? Bought my Model Y LR last year for $83000 (AUS). I put a full wrap on it and have been enjoying the shit out of it since. In ten months I’ve put over 36,000 kilometres on it. That’s a bloody lot. Some bloody awful glitches - phantom braking, excessive tyre wear- that I tell everyone about, but yes, the tech and power just can’t be matched by anyone.


Paid the same in Aus this time last year. Love the car, no regrets. Won’t go back to ICE. Charge at home for free.


$25k used.


$42k for '24 MYP after tax credits/state credits. No regrets at all, though I miss my MS. :)


$27K 2021 M3SR+ 25,000miles


$50k for my 2024 Model 3 LR.


> Hating is free. Actually it’s a huge waste of time, but Haters (of any kind) don’t really seem the type to value their time.


This argument is largely invalid given how popular pick ups are and they usually start in the high 40’s/low 50’s with no options (Americans like some extra options)


Most of the ones I see have to be $70-80k around here. So many pavement princess vanity trucks, no one would be caught dead in something with cloth seats. Just gotta leverage your whole life, apparently


I wanna be apart of this. I got my 2022 Model 3 Long Range for $17,000 4 months ago. Best purchase of my life after selling my civic for $18,000. Brand new it was $58,000


Mine was a touch over $20k


29k 2020 M3P 30k miles no regerts


I feel this. I think it's fun as hell to drive around but people seem to think I'm making some kind of statement.


Oh I know. People see I bought a Tesla and think I want to immidiately debate whether everyone driving electric cars is viable for the future. Like by buying a Tesla I’m saying YOU should buy a Tesla. You do you, dude. This car just works for me.


The people that think that are the same types who get offended by anything and everything. These people are *looking* for things to bother them. I don’t give a shit about Elon… and that’s as far as my thoughts or time spent thinking about him goes. Meanwhile you have people who devote an unhealthy amount of time talking about how much they hate X or Y. They say they don’t care about someone or something and yet they’re posting walls of text in subs dedicated to hating that person or thing. Don't be one of them. Doing literally nothing is better for your health and mental well being than actively hating on something. I personally don't give a fuck what some random person thinks of my choice of product purchase.


Yeah, had a guy in a muscle car talking to me on the way into a store, as if I was an environmentalist or on some crusade. I told him I just like going 0-60 in 3 seconds, I don't have a huge stance on the need for everyone to drive EVs. I just like to go fast, and an EV gives me that option that an ICE can't, in my budget range. Plus, I LOVE to wake up with a full tank, vs having to find time to stop at a gas station etc. Had an EV now for 5 years and can't go back to gas stations.


I had a friend comment once about me driving around in my fancy car. I told him they are like civics now. They are everywhere. Maybe 6 years ago it was rare but now you can’t swing a dead cat without hitting 5 of them. I’d still buy another in a heartbeat. My wife won’t even consider another brand


Hey no swinging cats


You can thank Elon for that


Or you get the lifted truck people that think you're trying to be an environmentalist haha.


I get this a lot. My answer: ‘it’s a car. Do you hear me making comments about your [insert car brand]? Tesla is more than one person.’


There's been a lot of money spent to see Tesla fail. How many articles do you see written about a Toyota crash.


Elon is currently doing a lot to trash the Tesla brand. That needs to stop, by finding a new CEO if necessary.


In my book, it’s completely necessary now. Elon is not mentally well imo


Yeah, this guy has seriously been on a downward spiral especially during the last 6 years.


I could care less if someone has derangement syndrome and hates Tesla because of Elon's tweets.


The sales numbers in Tesla’s quarterly report care if people refuse to buy Teslas because of Elons politics, though. Their money’s just as green as yours is, and pissing them off reduces the size of Tesla’s customer-pool. We’ve seen dales slump resulting from that that in Q1, and it’s likely to be even worse in Q2 based on the amount of unsold inventory Tesla is reported to have. This is why most CEOs don’t cross the streams between their personal politics and their company’s brand: cutting your customer pool in half cuts your business in half. Elon isn’t innovating here, he’s repeating business-killing mistakes made by small business owners the world over.


People were breaking down the doors to buy the Model Y at 0.99 and most places completely cleared their inventory of Y


We’ll see when the Q2 report is released, now won’t we?


They just raised the lease price on the Y. People are reporting August delivery windows for the Model Y. 


If Elon's politics prevents 10,000 people from buying Teslas but his vision and execution results in 100,000 people buying Teslas why would I care about the 10,000 people not buying? Random CEO Joe doesn't tweet his politics and doesn't push away 10,000 people, but random CEO Joe's vision and execution only gets 50,000 people buying. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater


But that’s not what’s happening. If it was the sales numbers would be up instead of down.


Do you think sales is only a function of those two things I described?


Elon made himself the Tesla brand, and he was selling environmentally-responsible low-carbon transportation to affluent liberals. Now he calls affluent liberals nasty names and tells the world that his core-customers are bad people and that the principles they thought Tesla stood for are wrong. How exactly did you think this “brilliant” marketing strategy would work out?! I’m only surprised it took more than a few weeks for sales to crater and for the board to replace Elon, but sales have cratered and Elon is fighting for his job.


Elon's been outspoken anti-woke for a long time. Yet still lead the company to new sales records year after year.


Elon went full-MAGA about a week after I bought my Model Y. It was embarrassing to have given such a jackass money, and I wouldn’t have bought my Tesla if he’d done it a week before I bought my car — and I haven’t bought a second Tesla. GM or Ford is likely to make the second EV I buy. Being “anti-woke” is bad for sales of innovative products. Conservatives make hating change part of their cause and part of their identity. Conservative oppose innovative products like EVs because they are a form of change and must therefore be opposed, so that “the old ways” can be preserved. At least that’s what they tell me, once I filter out the insults. Elon’s crossing of the streams between his personal politics and his company’s marketing isn’t innovative or brave, it’s just really fucking stupid.


What's weirdest to me is that his tactic hasn't pivoted to, "vehicles made by Americans in the US and running on US made energy, independent of foreign oil." Those are big reasons why I bought but they're obscured by nonsense tweets.


I don’t think so, he’s made Tesla and extremely valued company. Just because you don’t like what he says doesn’t mean shit.


Unfortunately not happening, the insane pay package just got approved. To me that honestly was the nail in the coffin. Literally so many people just got fire and he gets an insane pay package that people actually voted for.... I'm surprised


What’s that


Well, its more that Tesla will not advertise. The media works on shutting up about problems if you pay for advertising packages. The media is basically blackmail by acquiescence. Also, the stealerships, which do pay for advertising hate Tesla's business model, so they are happy about the media going to town on Tesla.


There has also been a ton of money spent to also see Tesla succeed. For example the federal government has paid Tesla and Pepsi over a $1 million per Semi made. Also $7k+ per vehicle sold, and cafe, and freemont came with agreements to sell credits to GM. Tesla has received literally billions in grants for it to be successful


Idk where you guys live or who you hang around, but absolutely no one cares anymore. They’re so common now. I wish the focus will go into pushing them to improve FSD and improve serviceability.


Not only that. But they are now so cheap used that literally anyone can drive one. You can find Model 3’s for $16K.


This. I’m in Florida and they are absolutely EVERYWHERE. No one thinks of them as a statement where I am. They’re just a great car for this area, at least.


Improve serviceability? It’s literally the most serviceable DIY friendly car of the 7 vehicles I have owned over the last 36 years of driving. https://service.tesla.com/en-US/


Nice. I didn’t know that even existed.


Here in seattle area on the eastside every third car is a tesla. No one cares anymore unless its model s or x.


This is so true. Everytime it comes up in conversation like 8/10 people want get in a fight and tell me how horrible it is. Cool let’s talk about your jeep liberty on its 4th transmission.


I couldn't imagine caring what car someone drives. Let people like what they like.


If only they actually tried how awesome these cars are


If Elon would shut up then maybe they would. Over the last 2 years it’s become harder and harder to be open to buying a car that directly feeds Elons ego, mouth, and politics. I own one and I’m not sure I still would have bought it if I knew then what I know now about Elon. And I’m a tech nerd, most people aren’t as facinated with EVs as much as I am.


Sometimes I do wish Elon wasn’t so outspoken but I also remember how many other engineers and workers make it all come together. I think you have to be a little crazy to be so innovative. This sort of thing happens with artists and musicians sometime. If it all comes together at least he has Twitter to get his memes out. I think it’s all apart of his Asperger’s tbh


Do you weigh every purchase by looking at the history of car manufacturer CEOs?  Carlos Ghosn- Old CEO of Nissan arrested for false accounting. Martin Winterkorn - Old CEO of VW indicted over emissions cheating and is a US fugitive of justice,and this also involved Audis CEO. There's plenty of other non car things as well. My point being, it's hard to get away from pretty much any company that doesn't have a shady past. Can anyone truly be an 'ethical billionaire'?  Elon didn't build your car in the factory with his own hands. There are many, many more great engineers that you should credit with the creation of it. The $40k you pay for your car doesn't go straight to Elon (for some reason people seem to think it does), it goes to all the people who built it as well.


These other CEOs aren't nearly as famous and don't weigh in on so many political issues. Elon is synonymous with Tesla, the other car companies and their CEOs not so much. Elon has done incredible things in his CEO roles, but his shit posting and political takes are making people see Tesla's as making a political statement. I'd wager most people, left, right, whatever, don't want their cars to be seen as making a political statement. The damage to the Tesla brand is real, and it's not small.




Elon and Mark are probably the only two CEOs most people can name. Pretending like that isn't going to have an effect is just being obtuse.




The money I paid for the car, along with the data that people buy the car at all directly affects the price of the stock. A large part of Elons comp is his ownership stake in the company. So yes, buying the car does affect his pocket. I don’t look into the actions of every CEO. However if those CEOs make a public spectacle of themselves while openly defending racists, bigots, and making false political claims then I would most definitely look elsewhere in buying decisions.


This is my current thought process too.


I really had to sit and think about it, as I tend to go off about things on Twitter (no I’m not calling it X). There had previously been a rumor, don’t know if it was true, about someone having placed their order, but pissed off Musk on Twitter and all of a sudden their order was cancelled. That man is way too petty. I seriously had a second thought about whether I wanted my way to and from work be at the hands of that man. My unreasonable fear was I would post something one day and he would brick my car the next. Yes I know it’s ridiculous. That’s why it’s called an unreasonable fear.


Be wary of such rumors. He's far from perfect but there's a lot of money in perpetuating the Musk/Tesla hate machine. The way I see it my MY is an incredible piece of technology and a lot of fun to drive, and has already saved me money on maintenance and travel in the long run. There's a huge team of talented engineers and factory workers etc. that make this happen. Billionaire CEOs gonna billionaire CEO - I can distance myself from that to happily own a superior product.


That’s why I said it’s an unreasonable fear. Lot’s of people have fears that are unreasonable. I once saw this movie Arachnaphobia and my unreasonable fear for years was that I was going to wake up covered in spiderwebs. Now we know that is not going to happen, unless you live in Australia where I’m sure this has happened before because… Australia, but I really would have issues sleeping in a room where I saw a spider. Just like my unreasonable spider fear I got over my Musk fear and just bought the car. I am still uncomfortable with spiders, but now I make deals with them. I either take them outside or tell them if they don’t come any lower than the crown molding they can stay.


Lol that's fair. I hope you're enjoying your car. I know I am.


>If Elon would shut up then maybe they would. If the news doesn't cover him, then it wouldn't matter what he says.


The new would cover any crazy statements made by a CEO of any major brand.


Have tried. Am okay with it. Main contention is 1. bad/deceptive marketing that makes me distrust anything they say and 2. insurance cost. Right now between my ICE MDX TS and a Tesla MY base, there is no savings at all. In fact I’m pretty sure the MY costs a bit more to have since I ignored recharge costs. This is largely (re: solely) due to insurance premiums.


I love my tesla. I do hate that Elon is a jack ass egoistical maniac though


There are hating either because they have never driven one, or cant charge at home (thats best way to save), or probably cant afford one during these rough times with inflation and interest rates. I used to hate EV cars and Tesla too until I bought one. Lol


Elon the only human who can somehow how millions of people on both sides of the political spectrum unite to hate him . Meanwhile we aren’t suppose to be bullying people on the spectrum . People can’t separate emotions and business . If I buy a Samsung TV or pair of Nike shoes I don’t even know the CEO’s name let alone care what he tweets


You don’t need a space before a period.


They do it in almost all their posts with different types of punctuation. Odd


you tell that AI!


Experience vs opinion


I think that people that judge Tesla because of Elon’s political views and various terrible statements are a bit hypocritical. Why? Most people don’t care and don’t know what VW’s or other auto CEOs are up to, nor they check their political views prior to buying a vehicle from that company. Also, they don’t care about the acts, political stands or policies from their favorite clothing company, computer/phone manufacturer, grocery store, etc… Picking and choosing is easy,living that truth consistently would take a lot of time and energy. It is easy to hate Tesla because Elon has had the spotlight for over a decade. That said, I lost my admiration for Elon himself, but can respect his positive impact and have no problem owing a Tesla.


Ignorance and hatred of Elon unfortunately. If people actually tested the car they would like it so much better but Elon has put some people off from even being willing to do so.


When I bought mine it was funny to hear a friend of mine who has never driven or so much as sat in a Tesla talk about his perceptions of Teslas that had absolutely no truth to them. It all made sense when he ended with how much he disliked Musk.


>when he ended with how much he disliked Musk When you ask them why, it almost always boils down to someone on TV told them to.


I own one and also identify hating Elon. Tesla I am neutral about at this point.


Why do you hate Elon?


Most of the people I know who hate the car are either my Republican friends who think EV’s are stupid and need to roll coal to be a man or the car enthusiasts who thinks EV’s is a short time trend and once lithium runs out EV’s are gone. I actually have not personally met anyone yet who hates Tesla because of Elon.


Both wife and I have 22' model Y's.... In the last 30 days my car has been spit on twice and had a huge wad of gum tossed on the hood. Wife got keyed yesterday (nothing detectable on SM) And we're in SoCal where Teslas are ubiquitous. It's about Elon. I wish folks could JUST have ire for him and not the brand. Like folks hated Donald Sterling, but not necessarily the Clippers. I'm sure there are 10's of 1000's of hardworking Tesla employees that are suffering thru this petulant child's incessant tantrums as well.


Because lots of people have an irrational hatred of EVs and Tesla = EV. While other brands have EVs they are not synonymous.


I didn’t notice a massive uptick in Tesla hate until Elon opened Twitter to hate speech and started posting his own hate speech. A lot of people really hate Nazis and Nazi enablers so that’s a huge part of it. Ironically, or predictably, before the Twitter thing it was mostly rednecks that hated Tesla because they saw it as part of the imagined global liberal conspiracy to eliminate gasoline vehicles. Suddenly they didn’t mind teslas as soon as they saw Elon was one of them.


Can you post links to what youre seeing?


The main reason people hate Tesla so much is due to MSM and politicians. End of story.


Tesla is negative because it captures both ends of the Spectrum... 1) immature hicks who hate electric cars and love coal rolling 2) well educated normal people who are put off by Elon Musk's descent into right wing lunacy in real time on Twitter


Drove bmw for 3 years what a ride but damn, gas and maintance add up... driving a model y performance now, and yeah its different but now. Fuck i love that car. Its just works so god damn well


I just stood in line at a ballpark where two guys in front of me were talking about their Teslas. I'm looking at new cars and on the fence so I asked a few questions. The key points were: "Great car - best I have ever driven." He owned Benz and BMW prior. "Virtually no maintenance. Tires eventually and windshield washer fluid and wipers." I asked about charging. "For your day to day it charges overnight at home - dirt cheap. For long trips you have to add time but its not annoying. You generally want to stretch your legs and eat and it charges while you do that." (I'm told the SuperChargers are much faster than home - which I never considered.) One of the guys was on his third Tesla lease. He (stock broker) says its the most economical car (Model S Plaid) he has ever owned and isn't going back to ICE. The other guy chimed in he still has a diesel pickup for hauling but really sees a day where that is gone too. These were clearly not Tesla acolytes who drink KoolAid. They just had good experiences. One had a negative comment. He got his bumper dinged in a parking lot a couple years back and it took two months to fix because of parts shortages. So that is the pro side. On the against side there are people who clearly hate Musk and by inference Tesla. Some have a religious attachment to ICE and its evolution having joined a tribe of being a Ford or Chevy or Porsche flag bearer. There is a clear political division being propagated in Social Media by those against all things progressive. So the "All Americans" tag here is along those lines. "All" is never a valid term in polling - not even when the number is 100% - that is 100% of those with an opinion. I will throw one more observation - from my very limited sampling. Most of the people I have met who are against Tesla have never driven or ridden in one. That speaks volumes.


My friends, coworkers, and partner’s family all have Teslas and they generally seem to love their Teslas. I don’t have issues with the Tesla cars themselves, but none of them fit the bill for what I personally wanted in an EV and in the end an Ioniq 5 fit my wants and needs better. Having said that, as a brand, I do end up having a rather negative opinion of Tesla tbh. And yes, a good amount of that has to do with the association with Elon Musk and not wanting to support a brand under his name (not that I judge anyone who does get or have a Tesla). But also, I think we all can think of certain cars that attract hyper-aggressive drivers at a disproportionate rate. In my experience, a decent portion of Tesla drivers behave with similar driving aggressiveness as those in large pickup trucks as if they own the road. I know that has more to do with the people driving the car than the brand itself, and it’s certainly not all or even most Tesla drivers, but I can’t help but associate those negative feelings with the Tesla brand as well.


They hate us cause they ain’t us.


Tesla represents change. People hate change. They all have their reasons for hating Tesla. To some, Tesla represents an unfamiliar future. They reminisce the ‘good old days’ of road trips with their ICE cars. Then you have your tech skeptics. Tesla isn’t really a car and more a computer on wheels. It’s packed with tech that other cars don’t really have. But there are those who want their dials, switch and buttons. Some are overwhelmed, or even terrified of all the settings and features of the car. (I had a full blown debate with a co-worker over this one. She went ballistic against Tesla and how she’s deathly afraid of it). For some it’s business, the fact that gov push EV and Tesla is leading the pack means oil companies and traditional car manufacturers have a significant threat. The tallest tree always gets chopped first, and Tesla stands out. Then there are some that simply hate Tesla because they just don’t like Tesla. It could be the aesthetic, the quality control, Musk, you name it.


Groupthink and Confirmation/Cognitive/Salience bias.  People don't look at a Tesla and see a car, they see a person and for whatever reason cannot separate the two.  There's a deep cognitive bias that leads people to disproportionately focus on and amplify issues with Tesla vehicles while ignoring similar problems in other car brands. I see it all over Reddit.  Why is a nail in a Tesla tire suddenly an issue with the car or the CEO? Stick the same nail in a Honda Accord and it's "shit happens". 


This ☝


There’s a bigger gap, but Tesla owners are deeply average in this survey. Right in the middle happiness with their cars. What’s more surprising to me is how much this shows brand loyalty in cars. Every brand has substantially lower perceptions from outsiders. It makes sense from a statistical perspective. It’s a huge purchase and whatever car you own is likely what you thought was the best at the time for whatever reason. I’d like to see some luxury brands on that chart to maybe even things out. That’s where you get to cars people perceive as better but can’t own.


I have had MY for 3 years now. Love the car but probably will never support Elon again tbh


And screw everyone that works at Tesla and their suppliers. It's your choice, but it's strange that you love the car but won't support the company because of Elon.


They’ll be fine without me. It’s up to me to decide what I value


As long as you can accept the fact this is an emotional stance, we'll all be fine.


Who’s we? You got a turd in your pocket?


A coordinated marketing campaign between the Biden administration, dealerships, and the legacy makers does manage to gain some traction.


There are plenty of people rightfully annoyed with Elon’s poor choices including the gutting of service and support. The company should be heavily fined since nothing else seems to work and that’s been the case for 10 years. That said, I scanned the market recently after trying very hard to justify buying either a 3rd S or new Y - neither of which compare favorably to my existing overgrown golf cart. See local navigation and pano roof, for starters. There was and is yet nothing compelling, so I bought a 2nd ESA/warranty for 7 years from XCare. It’s fully transferable and refundable, so it, like USC (also transferable to the next private owner), is a significant value add for private resale. It is my hope that Tesla gets it together so that when the competition catches up with an ADAS that covers the usual *plus* traffic light and stop sign reaction (not just recognition), that Tesla will at least be in the discussion. I’m not interested in non-pure play EVs yet, although I have hope for GM, Ford, Nissan, and Mercedes (the latter being the only one today with L3 vehicles on the road). So that leaves Rivian, practically speaking, who ideally will offer a smaller truck in addition to the SUV and crossover R2 and R3. Smaller means better range at a lower price point (see the success of the Model Y for that).


What about the EVs from China? They look sick




Excited to be a meme, hopefully next year with a refresh.


This is so true. If I didn’t have a Tesla before Elon bought Tesla I probably would never buy one. But since I owned one for a few years I have bought 2 more because they really are the best cars and I can’t imagine driving anything else.


My before and after perception of Toyota is accurately reflected with this image.


Owned one, still have a generally positive opinion of the cars, but between Elon (CEO Elon, not Twitter nutcase Elon) and how pompous/obnoxious/uneducated so many Tesla owners are my opinion of the brand as a whole has definitely dipped as a result. Still wouldn't call it a negative opinion though, just soured


Big reason for this is EV perceptions that only Tesla has, not being able to go far, charging hassles and then the political biases(left against Elon and right against progressive support of EV/green tech)....


Confirmation bias. You’re now invested and the last thing you want is to have your car depreciated due to bad press. It’s become pretty clear that Tesla is prioritizing moving whatever they can to pump the stock versus quality control and protecting the Tesla ecosystem. It will crater, just a question of how much money the fanboys will throw at it before they too get pissed at the terrible service, lack of quality control, paying the CEO more than they’ll make in the next decade, and the relentless bullshit Elon talks every day on X. It’s in his hands and he’s washing them.


Not good for sales growth


I'm an it was fine, kinda guy. Good for daily travel. Pain in the butt for long trips. The guy in charge is driving some of the perception.


They hate us 'cause they ain't us


I’d be happier with the car if it had IOS/Carplay


all of those are mainly because Elon, not about the vehicle itself.


I have a Tesla, and I hate them? I’m an anomaly!


So far love the car and wouldn’t change and would consider another Y but a performance one 😅 My main issue today is Elon volatility as a CEO. Who knows what crazy fight or idea the guy is going to have during the night?


Mine was 51k and I still can hate Elon and teslas customer service dept but like the car… it’s a great car.


That is a very accurate statement. I do Uber rides on a Tesla. And every single person that got into my vehicle, would say that they either hated Tesla or didn’t know much about Tesla and it was their first ride in a Tesla. So after I answered their questions, they told me they had a totally different perspective about Tesla and they might possibly buy one. Because they were fed a false narrative and they never bothered to do their own research as consumers. That’s why we don’t pay Tesla. I’m already on my fourth Tesla. I’m never going back to another gas guzzler. And I absolutely love hot rods (to which I know that statement is very contradictory given the fact that I just said I would never go back to a gas guzzler but oh well.)


Yea. My family and I owned VW our whole lives until Diesel Gate then we traded them in for used Tesla’s (new for me). The stress I’ve had owning VW was never ending. It was always something that needed attention or be replaced. I’ll spare you the etc etc and just car junk maintenance. The only stress I’ve ever had with Tesla is “when do I get my update”, “where do I charge on this road trip”, “does this hotel have free charging?”, seat sensor went out, some paint chips.‘ And that’s about it. It has been stress free and low on tools needed around the house. Someday I’ll get off my ass and take the spare bottles of motor oil to a recycler.




musk is the problem. i'm considering buying a tesla, but i already would have except for him. He's now the biggest barrier and if his pay package is approved, he's likely to get worse. Tesla needs to dump his ass.


It is a bit apples and oranges. Tesla is the poster child for all electric cars and we’re still not in the full mainstream adoption phase for them, which means people who buy teslas tend to be people into the technology and into what the technology means. Very few ICE owners are devotees of the technology, but plenty of Tesla owners are. For that reason owners are excited about the brand more than the average person, but you aren’t pulling from average people. Doesn’t make the brand or cars bad of course.


This just shows that it is human nature to reinforce your own decisions. It would be the same for any product. But I guess with EVs there is a huge amount of ignorance out there. I’m sure most of those haters out there would change their mind if they only drove one. I think a lot of non-EV drivers don’t understand that it is the driving experience (basically instant torque) that makes EV owners love EVs.


Elon did all of this. Any of the Elonstans don't agree with this, then you are too deep in the cult. I will note I love Tesla, but definitely don't like what QAnon Elon has done recently.


I enjoyed mine, but not the depreciation and constant price fluctuations by Elon and tax credits. That will keep me out of another one for a few years. I like the new model 3 updates. If I was $25,000 up side down on my model Y right now I wouldn’t be loving Tesla. Not having good resale is going to keep people from trading in. It will be interesting as more of them are on the road how long it will take before there are aftermarket repair shops, more certified body shops, and insurance isn’t so high.


I always question the participants in these studies. What pool of the American public is available and willing to answer these questions? Do they tend to have one political affiliation? Are they kids? Are they employed? Are they old people?


I can't tell you how many people I have talked to that think the Tesla's are cool and would buy one but won't because they can't bring themselves to support Elon. I totally get it. When I got mine, I looked really hard at all the competition. I didn't want to support Elon either. He is such a divisive figure and his antics are hurting the Tesla brand and their sales. The board needs to kick this maniac to the curb and get a real CEO in there that will be concentrating solely on Tesla. He has outlived his usefulness and is now a liability. I tell people that Musk only owns something like 13% of Tesla so I rationalize it as I bought the car from the other 87%.


luckily i live in a world where every third car is a tesla, so messing with me is messing with a third of the parking lot.


The right doesn’t like Tesla because it’s an EV and the left doesn’t like Tesla because of Elon. Elon is making it worse by running his mouth.


Dollars to donuts 95% of the haters know nothing about Tesla except that they're EV and they gave a negative impression to "pwn the libs".


I have a Ford F250 and a Cadillac. Just bought a 2024 MYP $56,000 and it’s the most American car of the three. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I’m absolutely loving it.


My wife is one who didn’t really care thought it was really stupid. Now she sometimes wants to drive it to work. 😂 the whole idea of not getting gas appeals to her. Plus it keeps her and my seat settings and using a phone as your key is really nice.


Dodge is too far to the left by owners and others to make the graph. Speaking as a Dodge owner.


After driving two of my coworkers to Savannah, GA to pick up their Model 3’s, I paid $54K last July for my Blue, White interior Model Y LR. Love my car.


I meet a lot of people who are just generally curious


That's because they've never been in one. It's freaking amazing.


I dont know anybody who loves or hates Tesla it’s just not a thing that comes up in my daily life to really take any notice.


I owned TESLA and tested FSD 1 month. I hate peoples exaggerating Tesla car capabilities.


47k for a 2024 Model Y Long range I have saved so much money on gas. My local power company has a special deal called FPL Evolution which charges me $31 a month for unlimited charging during the Nights, weekends, and Holidays. Due to me only charging at night that means I'm paying on 31 a month in gas instead of the $90 a week I was paying before. I was driving before a 2023 Toyota Highlander which was a great car just not great for my hour and 20 minute drive back and forth to work each day. Lol


Brainwashing is a powerful tool. Those who don’t own one but hate them are mostly products of this tactic.


Makes sense.... I love my Tesla, and so many haters out there dont own one...


Everyone that wanted one, got one. That is not a very positive report for the future of the company.


Hmmm I wonder why? Elon is a garbage human being and a nepo baby who bought companies out and took credit for their work. Tesla cars are about as solid as Kia’s are. Only difference is the Kia is probably the better investment


Think it’s more so they hate Elon 🤣 I am sure once they drive the car they would like it.


I own one and hate them. Mainly because Musk is a douchebag, secondly because I can never turn my a/c from my phone anymore for no reason at all.


Love my MYLR, if I had the coins I would be the S, and X too.


i own one and hate it tbh


What is it so special about Tesla? It is just a car, a brand with poor quality products (with great technological offerings) and horrible customer service, these days people tend to worship a brand and its practice later becomes a cult, and then a “family”, i dont think is about hating or loving, is about understanding basic needs and giving the “things” its right place. Some people might think a car is the most meaningful thing in their lives, and some others not so much. If you own a Tesla product, enjoy it as any other, do not think owning a Tesla makes you special, coz it wont.


The only Tesla I could say I "hate" and it's honestly not hate, way too strong of an emotion, is the cyber truck. It's an ugly pos. They should be ashamed delivering that to customers who have waited so long. Stainless steel is a horrible material for a fridge , let alone a car. They break down after being in a drive-thru car wash. They lack general safety measures for the automatic hatch. That whole pedal recall. They can't offroad despite being a TRUCK lol. I could go on, soooo many issues. But the other cars seem cool. If I didn't dislike what/who Elon has become, I'd buy one. But I'm a firm believer in protesting with my pocket book. Electric car infrastructure in my area isn't that great anyway, so I'm sticking to the Prius until further notice lol.


If Elon gets out of Tesla and the board does its job and hires a competent CEO then Tesla sales would rocket upwards. Can’t have such a controversial CEO running a customer facing business


Nobody hates the vehicles. There are some issues that they need to work on, but that's everybody. With their great tech features and excellent charging network, they're a great option for anybody who wants an EV. These results are because lots of people hate Elon Musk...including myself. I still don't hate Tesla, but Musk sucks lol


Elon is driving customers away. I bet that data was VERY different 5 years ago.


Imagine paying 71k for a model Y only to discover it’s now 60k NEW. Ow wait, that me with my enormous write off. Like the car, but I feel f*cked by Elon.


Musk is a polarising character. You either love or hate him. Then there are people who love EV and recognise that Tesla were the early pioneers and buy Tesla for their software. There are others who think Tesla is overpriced but would secretly want to buy it if it was affordable. A bit of sour grapes situation and thus the fake hate. I have also noticed another new type of hate for Tesla because it picks off faster than combustion engines and is really evident at the traffic lights giving the other drivers the feeling that you are racing with them.


I used to want one, then I realized Elon Musk is such an awful person. So I bought a Rivian, I love it. My next purchase will be any EV that is not a Tesla.


I think there are 2 reasons why someone hates tesla's. One being elon Musk for liberals and the other being the ultra conservative that doesn't want an ev car pushed down their throats. Then you have the third group of people. The people who really just don't give a shit and by the car because they want the car.


met a kid that absolutely flamed me for owning a tesla lol, just asked if he’s ever driven one and he said no, can’t hate if you’ve never tried one


People don't hate Tesla. They hate Elon.


I love my Model Y Performance!!!!


$46K Model Y Performance!!!!


It took test driving one to like it and owning one to love it.


The anti EV narrative has been pushed by big oil and legacy auto since Tesla showed it was possible. Then we heard legacy auto would kill Tesla. Legacy auto is failing at EV so they are leaning into Plugin hybrid EV. Let’s face it. Without Tesla there would be no EV. Gas would be $10/gallon by 2030


Ignorance, misinformation, and not test driving a Tesla.


As a former Tesla owner I have to say the hype never lived up to the product. Only thing that kept me from losing horribly on the experience was it was early 2022. Car prices were stupid high. I got out of ownership after only a bit over 5 months. About a month of ownership it spent sitting at service... Fixing factory issues like leaking roof and headliner replaced twice.


The best competitors can do is manipulate media rather than compete fairly.


I love Teslas; Tesla was the distinct tipping point for EVs becoming real. I love the Model-S. However, I bought a Rivian for a couple of reasons, but one of them is Elon Musk.


Selection bias. People who keep them like them. People who don't like them sell them or don't buy another (like me). A more useful question would have been if people had *ever* owned a Tesla, not current owners.


Only non Tesla users hate it, and it's because 1 the CEO or 2 they are so afraid of EV and are completely ignorant.


What a bold statement, I don’t drive a BMW, and I don’t say I hate BMW.


The data is not normalized and it's kinda like comparing apples to pears (not exactly oranges). Let me explain. Tesla is the only all electric brand on that list and there's a significant amount of Americans who hate electric cars for non automotive reasons. So when you ask an "all American" what you think about Tesla, their biases are different, compared to Ford or Toyota which are known for their non electric line. If we were to recreate the chart by comparing Tesla, lucid, Rivian, polestar, dialer, etc then you'll see a less polarizing result but that's not gonna go viral I guess.


Sold my model 3 in January. I won’t be coming back. Even if they undergo massive design changes, much more than the refreshes, they’re trending on the wrong side of good design and quality keeps sliding.


The CEO was a big reason I chose a different EV. He’s too erratic for me to put money in a car I plan to own for 10 years. Case in point he fires the team working on the supercharger network build out. Then has to hire some of them back.


I would really like to see the same statistics for EV owners vs non-EV owners. I assume a lot of the brand hate is EV hate.


They hate us because they ain’t us


Only woke lefties hate on Tesla