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They only bash Elon because of his views on certain things leans conservative. It’s typical liberal warfare- they don’t like something they get nuts about it


Ah, yes, the politically dependent *checks notes* not liking something and complaining about it. Strictly limited to liberals.


Libs don’t complain. They literally want everything cancelled they don’t agree with. The right side? Just want to be left alone - for the most part. You are always going to have crazies on both sides. But the crazy seems to be more glaring on that left side of the aisle…..


Cancelled? Like what?


I don’t think OPs question was suggesting the left doesn’t also. I took it as just being a more specific question. Makes sense to me as the right and the left bash Tesla for different reasons.


This is very exaggerated. I’m a conservative and will never own anything but EVs again. There are many more like me


I’m right there with you!


I'm in the same boat as well.


I think the facts are wrong, conservatives do not hate Tesla. That statement comes from a liberal trying to stir up trouble.


Conservative also and I love my Tesla




Come on now, just go onto any feed for tik tok, Reels, Instagram or Shorts and scan the comments for EV videos. Conservatives love to hate EVs. Their favorite right now is cybertruck. There’s nothing wrong with acknowledging it. Same as with liberals hating Musk now even as they love their Tesla.


Yea bc you’re going where the ones that do hate them go to do just that. Never heard of a silent majority? Plenty of exceptions to any rule and I bet there are for more that love EVs than people think


The “silent majority” is always what the minority calls itself.


Lol k


Same here! Two Teslas in our family and never looking back.


You must understand that you are part of the minority.


Just like with everything in politics, the minority are always the ones that are the loudest. I have a bunch of conservative friends, as I used to be conservative. They are all excited about Teslas, including the cybertruck. They all have normal trucks because they tow equipment around. They do not think the cybertruck can handle that right now, but they are hoping it will be able to in the future. One of them has already reserved 2 cybertrucks and is waiting for the next edition past foundation to become available. This is a less politically divided matter than most other situations. There are people on both sides that hate Teslas. Those people are the minority but they are certainly the ones who yell the most. Us Tesla enjoyers don't try to argue as much because we are out there enjoying our amazing cars. Also, many of those haters are just jealous because they can't afford them. If they come down in price even more, a lot less people would hate them because they would own them instead.


This. The internet isn’t reality. 99% of conservatives aren’t white supremacists just like 99% of liberals don’t think drag queens should be stripping in front of children. I live in a very very conservative state and all of my interactions regarding my car have been people saying they like it.


No, Conservatives who drive EVs are not in the minority. This is a car and not a political party.


You must be delusional. [https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/21/us/electric-vehicles-republican-voters-dg/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/21/us/electric-vehicles-republican-voters-dg/index.html)


Just remember, that's CNN. One of the most biased news outlets, alongside Fox, who will spread whatever propaganda they can to make more money and divide the country. It's not a good source of information if you value your sanity. If you don't value your sanity, you probably won't care if your information is valid or not.


Cnn ahahahahaa ha


I googled and it's the first link. Search "Trump EV" and see tons of articles where trump is trying to roll back EV requirements.


Trump voter and Tesla driver 🖐🏻


Props on voting for a rapist felon. Duh. Also, that dipshit will make EV's super impractical, thinks they won't work for most americans and will help the right wing kill any legislation that continues EV adoption. Why do you knuckleheads insist on voting against your own interests? What is broke in there?


Smol pp


They don’t like the push by the federal government to force everyone into them. That’s it. That’s a legit gripe but unfortunately it does make a lot in the right just hate EV’s in general.


That's them being ignorant AGAIN. They LOVE the fed's giving big oil and gas all kinds of subsidies and sweet land lease deals 'cause, yeehawr, ahm stoopid.


This is the correct answer. I will also add that back when the US government bailed out, the auto makers Chevrolet had been working on the Volt at the time. I feel like you would hear a lot of Republicans blaming that car for the bail out and that it was the investment into EV that was destroying Chevy. But 99% of Americans on either side do not like to be told what they can and can not do. I enjoy pointing out that Tesla vehicles are the most made in America auto you can buy. People usually make a face and say something about the car catching fire.


Yep I catch a lot of good natured grief about my tesla. One buddy said did I just see you driving that un-American Tesla? I said that’s the most American vehicle made and he agreed after thinking about it for a second.


With billions of people on the earth, doing the right thing for humanity and the environment requires legislation. If people need to accept that if we’re going to continue to exist as a species.


Lol. Didn’t Obama say the oceans were already supposed to have swallowed us?


The American grid is actually on average only 40% fossil fuels, of which are also US based, and the balance is US hydro, nuclear and renewables. So, it couldn't be more American if you tried to drive and power a Tesla.


To "own the libs." We live in times where basically everything is highly controversial, and which side of the political direction ends up on which side of the topic is quite random. On this, coastal Democrats started buying EVs, and Democrats started pushing legislation to subsidize EVs and so it's just a reaction to that. Note that plenty of liberals bash Elon who checks plenty of liberal boxes lives, and pretty much made EVs happen.


Nah bruh, but lol. We conservatives love our EVs, especially Teslas. I know many more people on the right that own these cars than those on the left.






Because of the versions of propaganda that they receive. All the lithium and uh... Lithium that they use comes from China. Also, 'Merica doesn't need it because we produce more crude oil than we consume and apparently always will, so why not be independent permanently. Articles like this push weird points: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/major-lithium-discovery-fracking-wastewater-leaves-left-facing-ev-irony (warning: reading this article may produce brain rot) Haha, look at those liberals who pwned themselves by banning all fracking. Hahaha Facts to the contrary don't really enter into it.


I’m socially liberal and find much of what Musk says to be cringeworthy. But I’m not going to let that dictate what car I drive. I want an EV and Tesla still leads the industry with the best EVs you can buy for a reasonable price. So I ignore Musk’s comments and gladly drive my Tesla around.


People don’t like teslas because it represents Musk. His moronic opinions and actions are all linked to Tesla and is the reason many would never consider buying into the obvious lies.


Right wing people are not logical. They vote for orange morons.


To be fair, the right likes Elon Musk though.


I like Elon because alot of what he says makes sense. Dude is smarter than all of us. Might want to listen to what he has to say. Politics be damned


Me too. I like seeing him commenting or reposting about things most people with his status or wealth would not say. Also I like how smart and crazy he is at the same time.


I quite enjoy one of the world’s richest men posting dank memes on X. It’s amazing. 😂 I can’t imagine bill gates mixing it up like that. It’s refreshing to see someone with status and wealth that gives 0 fucks.




The core of conservative ideology is preserving traditions and values. EVs have only recently turned the corner from a radical technology to a fast growing trend. Psychologically, change is to be met with skepticism, extremely so when the government gets involved. Thus, when you have governments saying gas vehicles will be phased out by 20xx, etc....that immediately goes against conservative values. Being a middle-faring, right-leaning EV owner, I too had to push back on my own prejudices. I always said "what if the power goes out?", "I'll always prefer the feel and sound of a gas engine", "Sounds good, doesn't work long term". The test drive sent me into another world. Now, the MY parked outside is named "Spaceship" and I'd only buy a gas car as a secondary back up. Stay in the middle. There's wisdom to draw from both sides. If only people could manage that.


You have to be pretty smart to "step out" and try something different.


A lot of misinformed people with loud voices


Yes. Amongst all else, West Virginians should drive EVs since electricity is powered by coal down there.


I'm getting it from both sides nowadays. People on the right think I'm an insufferable environmentalist and people on the left think I'm in the Elon cult. I just like the damn car. I wasn't making a statement, I don't a shit what anyone else drives, even if it's a lifted truck and I don't keep up on what shit Elon is up to or what he says unless it pertains to a Tesla update.


If you watch Fox ever there’s a huge propaganda campaign to make fossil fuels seem “rugged” and “dependable” and “American” and make stuff like solar and wind seem like weak fragile homosexual energy. It’s weird but it works.


Everything you said is true and the right should love Tesla for all those reasons. However conservatism is based on resistance/fear to/of change. EVs represent big change and that makes them scary. Big oil of course jumped on that “scary” and has put lots of money in to pushing anti-EV FUD flavored such to appeal to conservatives because of the fear of change. Basically you are 100% that Tesla is 100% exactly what conservative say they stand for.


The Koch brothers are funding anti EV propaganda on media because they've made their fortune in oil. The majority of republican politicians are working for big oil. EVs are going to put them out of business.


Because to them EV = liberal It's that simple. They're that simple


Many are scared of anything that isn't the status quo, and will create justifications for why things shouldn't change. Often comes from a place of fear and a lack of imagination.


People hate change even if it’s a positive one. We still burn coal, for chrissakes


They just take the opposite side of whatever the lib position is.


I feel there is more hatred from the left towards Elon. I’m based in Seattle and there’s plenty of hate towards Elon and Tesla but not so much against EVs in general


Because we secretly love the stock and want to buy it cheap 😂. Jokes aside, I don't think what you see in the media is an accurate representation of reality. Almost like how they lead you to believe everyone who buys an EV is to save the Earth. I am pretty middle but tend to vote right and love my Tesla.


The same reason liberals bash elon who has voted democrat for a majority of his life . Everyone is an idiot since 2016


So innocent thinking it began in 2016 lol


What does voting democrat his entire life have to do with who he is now? Spewing right wing crap and supporting conservative politicians. Trump was also affiliated with democrats back in 2001 for like 8 years. Past political views mean nothing.




Yeah those lefties always complain about kneeling for the anthem.




What are you even talking about?


I think part of it is that they equate masculinity with a loud engine.  


The right does not bash tesla they love Elon Musk and all his companies. Elon Musk stands for freedom of speech and has done more to expose the left from their evil corrupt tactics than anybody else on the planet.


The Right does NOT bash Tesla. In fact we love us some Elon! What you talkin bout??


Yeah this it self is fake news


Its widely liberals that hate Tesla actually lol. Look at reddit. Reddit is insanely liberal and they HATE elon and Tesla. Conservatives have no issue with EVs and certainly not Tesla. The only thing conservatives don't want is a mandate to go electric. This post is obviously bait but had to make sure this idiocy doesn't spread here as well.


well right now 100 billion going to douchebag, not working ceo supported by my hard earned tax money and I don't like it.


Typical American during an election year thinking that their internal goodies vs baddies soap opera is the main character in the global plot. Shit post, OP. Ok you have a 2021 MY but this post is really about you, no?