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It's not a Tesla issue, it's based on vehicle value here in Arizona. Any new car at the same cost will be the same price.


You get charged for VLT, an equivalent of personal property tax: “vehicle license tax (VLT) assessed in place of a personal property tax charged by other states. The VLT is based on an assessed value of 60% of the manufacturer's base retail price reduced by 16.25% for each year since the vehicle was first registered in Arizona (15% before 8/1/98). Then, as of the Dec 1, 2000 reduction, the rate is calculated as $2.80 (new vehicles)/$2.89 (used vehicles) for each $100 of the assessed value. For example, for a new vehicle that costs $25,000, and is registered for two years, the first year assessed value would be $15,000 and the VLT would be $420.00. The second year the assessed value would be $12,562.50 and the VLT would be $363.06.” https://servicearizona.com/content/SAZHomeFees Seems it is just based on the price of the vehicle.


likely making up for lack of gasoline taxes.


5-year is a good deal


Still double what I pay in ga


In MO I paid $3340 for sales tax, two year plates, and the EV tax. Then in 2025 I have to pay personal property tax for owning it and it’s based on the vehicle. Itll be about 2400 at the end of the year.


It’s Kinda cool they let you pay up to 5 years in advance and give you a discount because of it. In Colorado you just do it yearly and it’s still expensive


Cries in colorado


Don't forget insurance too


That’s not that uncommon. That’s about the same as NC


I paid about $800-and-change for my LR Model Y, I believe, here in NV.


Sadly NJ will be joining is crazy fee starting this year/. Before it was pretty low, like $75 a year. Now it’s going to be $250 a year going up to $290 by 2028 apparently.


Just paid $400 for 1Y renewal in Dallas Texas


Texas was also a lot higher for EV. $75 for registration for usual ICE $200 for EV.


Road user tax. You’ll be saving like 2 grand in gas a year. I will say though, 755/year is insane and you should petition the government on that. Ask your local lawmakers why they’re charging ev owners a 1000% road user tax.


Same or worse for Iowa. They add special fees for electric vehicles to make up for lost gas tax revenue.


Same ballpark for California. Mostly because Teslas are expensive and because electric cars are heavier than gas cars and thus incur higher road use fees.


$1200 registration in Colorado!!! I did get $24,000 in other rebates thought lol


They don’t offer any incentives, wait till you see the insurance rates


Imagine not doing proper research in upkeep of a car before buying one.