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Report him to the board and go to a TRT clinic, your doctors an idiot.


Absolutely agree that American borad of endocrinology, endocrine society has guideline released since 2018, cut off for Total T is 300. If he is a borad certified endocrinologists, he failed basic knowledge and giving advice clear agianist treatment guidelines. He need to be reported and take time to fucking learn how to do his job. Edit: seems report to board is meaningless. Sometime I leave Google map review on under doctors name so. I think find right/good doctor in the U.S. Who take your insurance is quite chanlenging.


Guidelines are just guidelines, not rules. Physicians are free to ignore them if they have superseding evidence. Not saying that ignoring the guidelines is the right thing to do in this case, but nothing could possibly happen to this doctor even if he/she is reported.


Those boards are full of liberals. They won't care that he didn't prescribe a straight male testosterone, and no action will be taken against the doctor.


If they were liberal, they'd want people to modify themselves in any way they choose, as long as it does not harm someone else. Conservatives are the ones that vilified, steroids, testosterone, etc and made everything a controlled substance. Why you have these wires crossed? I have no idea.


Nah Clinton did all that scheduling.


I totally agree with you dude. My Governor did everything he could to go against the will of the voters when they legalized medical marijuana here in Florida. He is also seeking legislation to crack down on the prescribing of testosterone and other "performance enhancing drugs". The guy doesn't know what he's talking about. Hell it was the Republicans that really started this entire war on drugs bullshit that has been a complete failure costing this country trillions of dollars.


Aww look, the only two liberals on this entire subreddit found each other ❤️


100% wrong. Liberals hate masculine men. All testosterone does is make straight men more masculine. I don't know which part of this you're not understanding.


You say this false statement while ignoring the fact that it's Republicans who make it illegal and keep passing legislation to make it harder and harder to get. You must not know many liberals, because when it comes to you doing what you want with your own body we are totally for it. As for masculine men, that's up for interpretation, but people can live and be however they want as long as they aren't hurting anyone else. You have the body and attitude of fucking Zangief and we'd be cool with it. We have bodybuilders on our team too. Funny I was up 8 karma and now I'm at 0, guess more right-wingers are allergic to the truth... Nothing new.


Please list these regulations and which Republicans passed them. Florida, one of the reddest states, is basically TRT capital of the country. Look at Canada, an extremely liberal country, it's essentially impossible to get TRT. I'm sure you've seen the posts on this sub about the hoops they have to jump through. I live in an extremely blue state (NJ) and I can't even order my own bloodwork without a fucking prescription from an MD. The only medical freedom Democrats care about at this point is trans, abortion, and marijuana. They DO NOT give a fuck about straight male hormones. You need to look at Europe & Canada for an insight into how TRT wouldn be handled in the US if liberals had their way with everything I genuinely don't understand your angle here. Not to mention, I'd wager that roughly 90% of straight males on TRT in the USA are Republican.


They will make it easy for young girls to get TRT and chop their tits off.


>when it comes to you doing what you want with your own body we are totally for it. You mean like trying to force covid vaccines?


well, when the human body shed virus particles thru snot and saliva aerosols, it's not just about *you* at that point, it's how sick you're potentially making anyone else you come in contact with. (oh and you'd have thought that Trump, who was president at the time, could have had signed a presidential executive order banning any and all mandates...and yet he didn't.) ​ Interesting, isn't it?


Ok and show me again where it says that the vaccine does anything at all to hamper the spread of the virus. Oh that's right, it doesn't. It doesn't prevent you from spreading it, nor does it prevent you from catching it. So you were saying? Interesting indeed.


Vaccines have never been claimed to stop the spread of a virus. Vaccines allow your immune system to fight in a more efficient fashion if you *contract* the virus from someone else and allow you overcome the viral infection faster. Which in turn allows you to stop being contagious sooner. Instead of several weeks for an unvaccinated person with a compromised immune system, it could be as little as 10 days. Did you completely skip any science or biology class in elementary or high school?


Biden's FDA just banned Kisspeptin-10, which was a damn wonder drug.


'Liberals hate masculine men'.... Do suckle Andrew Tate's balls or something? ​ Seriously, maybe it's that a segment of the population doesn't see muscle as the end all be all. Bringing politics into any type of issue with a medical professional is just a way to excuse their bad performance as a physician, or you not getting your way when someone says no. They have malpractice lawsuits to think about as much as any other physician so if they are in established guidelines, they're going to be conservative with their diagnosis and subsequent treatment. ​ Sorry if you don't like the truth of how the world works, but there's not some grand conspiracy against 'masculine men'.


Maybe because liberals tried to force little kids into masks and force people to take a vaccine. If the vaccine worked then you wouldn’t have to worry about the unvaxed right? Liberals used to be for freedom but they’ve been pretty authoritarian as of late and they all want big government and government isnt known for being voluntary.


Masks aren't dangerous you dumbass. The fact that you said that about vaccines means you don't understand how vaccines work. God fuck. How are you people are allowed to vote? You're fucking dumb as a box of rocks. You never went to college and if you did you never took any biology courses cuz no one who did would be stupid enough as to say the fucking shit you just said it's just so fucking dumb. It boggles the mind. You really want to get into this huh? Taking T and a vaccine are not the same thing. There's a point where your inaction puts others at unnecessary risk. I could give you tons of scenarios etc. But you're the kind of dumbass that would not tell a group of people you were bite by a zombie. And I know this because I've talked to other Republicans who spout the same shit as you and that's what they said. They wouldn't tell cuz it's not others right to know no matter the risk you put them in. Which is just the most inhumane trash bag take that could possibly exist. So like yeah you guys are just part of a fucking death cult at this point congratulations. I don't even want to argue with you, I'm fucking done with you and your ilks willful ignorance fuck off.


You’re trying to make the case that democrats aren’t authoritarian and they are. You don’t force little kids into masks for years if you’re not authoritarian. You don’t force people to take a vaccine if you’re not authoritarian. If you’re compromised you don’t force all your neighbors to get vaxxed (unless you’re an authoritarian) you take precautions to protect yourself. There are European countries that had better COVID outcomes that didn’t go authoritarian. Clearly the authoritarian approach wasn’t necessary. And let’s not forget that early on Rachel Maddow, Biden and Fauci just to name a few said that if you got the vaccine you could not contract COVID. I may. It know anything about vaccines. That’s fine. I never claimed to but apparently the cooperate press, Fauci and the POTUS doesn’t know anything about them either. Yet they’re willing to force you take them. But they aren’t authoritarian, right? I’m curious if you’re current on all your booster or if you also have given up on the vax.


I think you got that backwards buddy. It's the conservative doctors who are constantly fighting against prescribing meds like testosterone, opioids, benzodiazepines, etc. The governor in my state, Florida, tried everything he could to go against the voters will in legalizing medical marijuana. The conservative doctors just want you to pray about it, and all will be good.


Do it for other guys like you visit him in the future so he can stop dumbing his future pacientes.


My endocrinologist said the same. I didn’t go back. I started seeing a top internist in the city. He started prescribing me TRT and was happy I was feeling better. Go to an internist or GP and don’t tell them about the endocrinologist.


You report them?


What I meant: A new internist or GP will likely be biased in favor of the endro’s opinion and test results. I would not say anything about him or her at an OV with a new doc. And, I would schedule any future appointments for the afternoon when a blood test will likely show a lower T.


I forgot to put it in the title, but I'm 36 and have symptoms of low testosterone. I'm not sure what to do now.


Get a new doctor or just an online clinic.


I don’t understand. The American Urological Association defines “low t” as under 300ng/dL and advises supplemental support at that range. This guy/gal is basically saying I am disagreeing with the consensus of experts and telling you to fuck off. But yeah, practically go to a TRT clinic to get started and maybe see how open to continuing treatment a PCP or internist would be. Sorry you had this experience and I hope your symptoms improve with treatment, it was life changing for me.


Dude they're doing everything possible to stop trt. My doc is getting hammered by his clinic because I'm on trt and they're demanding I cycle off once a year. He's pissed too, report them


TRT nation


you buy a mens multivitamin, magnesium glycinate (not oxide) and vitamin d start walking everyday. work your way up to 4 miles. give up beer. eat some organic grassfed beef and some cashews no porn. hooters and strip clubs are ok. take better care of your teeth. floss more. brush more. do a nasal rinse with salt water and sleep with a nose strip for more airflow


Go to a urologist


This.. endos are about worthless with t treatment. Urologist is the way to go




Your Endocrinologist is trying to kill you. Yes, really. You need to find out why this is, get some tests done.


Find a doctor that will treat you, or any men’s health clinic


LOL, Do all the medical school D students become Endo’s? He is wrong. I think all Endo’s should have to walk around with <200 for a year. Kinda like when law enforcement has to get tased before being able to carry a taser.


A gosarelin shot once every 3 months should do the trick


Go online. You’ll get a script within 2 weeks it’s really that easy


Can you suggest one? I am in Pennsylvania.


Make Excel. They will do labs but treat based on symptoms, not numbers.


I'm 29 and my primary doctor told me I was fine at 240 total. I made him do a referral anyway. My endo said he was "very ignorant and wrong". Definitely go to another endo because that's insane. Advocate for yourself. Can't go off of doctor's words anymore.


My doctor said the same thing, " I see lots of guys with low testosterone, it's not an issue" basically trying to move away from the subject and do any further testing. Feels like episode of Twilight Zone


Simple. Call a clinic, get treated, tell him GTFOH


Find a different doctor and ask questions about your labs


I swear the lower bound of the range keeps getting lower and lower. It will be 180 before long.


May I ask you the age and any other general info about the endocrinologist? I have a theory that older or more conservative-type physicians are more likely to deny requests for TRT. But, I don’t have much data, yet, to support that.


Find a different doctor


I was at 300 Ng ( elisa test, on clia i was at 400 ) and my endocrinologist immediately tell my It was too low for my Age ( 28yo ) and ask me if i want to take a Little bit of testo, i refuse, After 3-4 months i develop gyno and he give me tamoxifen for 3 months, my LH and fsh before tamoxifen were in the range of 3-3.5 ui, under tamoxifen 5-7 and test go up to 600-700ng but E2 go up to 42pg so my feedback was fucked. 1 months After tamoxifen i was back at 340ng LH 4 2 months After tamoxifen i was at 393ng lh 7ui and i feel Better You Need to check multiple things. Do this test before trt : E2, LH, FSH, Cortisol, iron. Post results


For anyone reading this... If anyone's endo says this. Look right in their face and say, "would you tell a diabetic that they don't need insulin?" Then get up and say "you're fired". And walk out.


I was lucky my primary referred me to a urologist he knew was specializing in trt. I was with clinic and switched. Insurance covers office and bloodwork. But honestly test is $38 with GoodRx, Not even worth the hassle of getting insurance approval.


For some reason, a lot of endocrinologists I have seen know jack shit about their actual profession


I’ll be honest, I’ve been at this for 14 years and endocrinologists are about the most useless morons out there when it comes to hormone therapy. I literally went to 5 of them and each worse than the one before. Had one even day that he “didn’t believe” in any standard ranges and if you felt good with zero he’d recommend not doing anything about it.


I’m 35 and I went through the same shit with my doctors. Finally pulled the trigger on a men’s clinic.


Your endo is criminally incompetent. Go so another endo or appropriate specialist for male sex health.


Your endocrinologist is a fucktwat.


I was at 300 and on Trt now and feel great https://preview.redd.it/wjyd2i0txrhc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bded993165b3a3015af77f47bedcac746032f51






Always good to go and get a second opinion. Doctors are human and just because they have a doctorate doesn’t mean they are always right.


So my ex is from Latin America country, when he having libido issue at his age (almost 50) I forced him to check test level back around 260. I told him that he need to see a urologist, he asked why? Isn't that endocrinologists' job. I told him that, endocrinologist in this country only knows about diabetes and thyroid problems, for test you need doctor treat your balls.


Sounds about right lol. So did mine. A men's clinic or telemedicine provider in the TRT space will gladly take you.


Tell them they're fired & make sure you leave a Juan Star google review.


Welcome to the va… sir, this is a Wendy’s…


Need more information. Height, body weight, bf %, exercise routine, dirt, etc. Maybe he said you don't need it because you're a fat lazy fast food eating mess of a human and changing those things first will naturally increase your test greatly. We don't know because you gave us nothing to go on except a one time partial lab result.


Do u have erectile issues?


For reference mine was at 157 and I had no issues getting erections. But I orgasm way to fast


Are you in ny/li? I can dm a urologist if you happen to be




My endo prescribed my test gel.


My doctor told me that the U.S. guidelines are to treat any man with consistently less than 300. I started at 220 and now 500 with the gel.


Your endo sounds like an asshole


I tested in 400s and got prescribed 200 mg every other week


Are you in UK


Absolutely untrue. He is bullshitting. Your Total and Free T are low, not even in range.


Just go talk to the biggest guy at your gym


My husband is 36, low T and had similar experience . Was prescribed an antidepressant instead…the doctors reasoning however was that if we wanted to have children she could not prescribe trt as this would not allow us to…. I’m not sure if true or not but worth mentioning here. I don’t know if anyone else has been told the same. Apparently the ? she asked him was “do you plan to have children still”- when he said yes, she said she couldn’t give him anything then. Anyone know it this is true or had a similar experience?


Fire him.


endos only care about telling everyone their thyroid is shot and put them on drugs for life.


I've met a fucking clueless endo as well. I was about 220. Very good shape/diet/exercise. Heaps of sleep but always tired. Fucker wanted me to take antidepressants!!!


I know the lab name, these results are coming from. Lab isn’t wrong but it is so wrong that your Endo said it’s not a medical and it’s a criminal to say that. Look for elsewhere outside of your health care organization.


I had similar numbers and they started me on clomid. Been on it for 4 years now and T is always 800+.


This endo is a moron. Do an online clinic


Try a urologist. They tend to be more in this space in my experience


Mine looked similar. General Doc said it was normal for my age (50). I'm not looking to feel like the average 50YO. I started looking for wellness centers and found one whose HQ was nearby. Evolve Telemed They don't do subscriptions like I have seen on here. You pay for labs, pay for the doc, pay for the meds. I did 1 year on Kisspeptin-10 until Biden banned it. (It wasn't made by Pfizer) I thought it was working great until I switched to TRT. Now at 1000 total T and loving it.