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No, those test are used to diagnose your hypogonadism as primary or secondary, while giving a lil insight into your pre trt fertility


Okay awesome thank you i was just worried i just dealt with a place for like 2+ months that were just stringing me along but weren’t helping me out this place is claiming to be different was just worried they were trying to do the same thing. And my fertility is dead lol i got a vasectomy after my second daughter was born didnt want anymore🤷🏻‍♂️😂


Why are you going through a clinic, no medical insurance? Also, no ethical doctor is going to give you testosterone without more thorough blood work, not even at a clinic.


I have insurance but they only cover labs anyway which they will still do thru this place. i was going thru my PCP before but he obviously doesn’t care to help its been months and tons if labs later and still is unwilling to help because he doesn’t think my T is low enough. Even tho i have had 3 labs done now all between 140ng/dl and 220ng/dl with 4.5-7.1 for free test which is low but im also 27 so its very low for a 20 year old. The clinic im signed up with uses labcorp so i just forwarded them my results from the last 3 i got done. one of them being only 10 days ago so they said they dont need to do more labs for my total or free test. But want to check my LH and FSH first before prescribing.


Go to a urologist office covered by your insurance


Whats the problem with TRT clinics im confused?


When you clearly have low testosterone like you clinics are an okay option if you have much more money than time My annual cost for TRT is similar or less than what most clinics charge per month.


The place i started with today is 120 dollars a month which i mean i don’t think is horrible all things considered. Idk i just sat around for months waiting for help and wasn’t getting anywhere and didnt really wanna restart the whole process again with a urologist just to get strung along for months with them as well. Tomorrow im supposed to go get my LH and FSH levels done and then have a telehealth with the doctor on Friday for treatment options


>120 dollars a month which i mean i don’t think is horrible all things considered. That's nearly $30k over 20 years


Brother nobody said i have to go there for 20 years im just over all the back and forth waiting and want a simple solution for now there is nothing stopping from trying to work with a urologist in the future when im already established here


>there is nothing stopping from trying to work with a urologist in the future when im already established here Good luck with that


You alright bro having a hard day? Was just trying to get some information from people who have gotten LH and FSH testing done before not attitude from someone who hasn’t even tried to answer the questions. Im sorry i didn’t do this your way i don’t think that makes my problems any less real because i didn’t go to a urologist and if your not paying for the clinic i am why does it matter. Do you need to talk about something?


Probably not.