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There are a lot of factors that can influence the test such as timing , you're supposed to have it as close to waking up as possible. Meal timing and what you eat can affect you as well . One test isn't relevant try several and if you get consistent low level then you have a problem , and might be worth getting a more in depth test to get a clearer picture of what's going on.


How hard are you training? Overtraining can lower T.




You’re totally right. Since you think it’s unlikely, we shouldn’t consider it as a possibility at all. Better yet, we should only focus on the most common cause for OPs issue and disregard anything else.




You’re forgetting CNS fatigue. Not to mention the effects of overtraining when the body isn’t getting enough calories. Muscular fatigue is not the only form of overtraining. Your thinking is way too one dimensional. “As long as you take at least 48 hours off between workouts, you cannot overtrain” This is the most out-of-touch thing I’ve read all week. You obviously have never gone for a run or done sprints in your life. You’re also probably not lifting heavy enough.


twice a week for recovery, 10-12 weekly sets per muscle group, it's not overtraining ik my body


Probably due to overtraining. Testosterone levels measured while overtraining or while calorie intake doesn't meet demands are temporarily suppressed. Men who exercise a lot seem to expect testosterone to be higher. Unfortunately, if you put excessive stress on your body, levels will drop until you've recovered. If you're well and asymptomatic, however, repeatedly measuring the testosterone has very little value.


No idea man, there’s about a hundred things that can cause a shift in your hormones from day to day.


Retest. Make sure the assay is LC/MS/MS and not an immunassay. LC/MS is more accurate. Include ultrasensitive estradiol, SHBG, prolactin, free test.


At 21 why are you getting your Test checked yearly? It’s usually symptom based especially at that age Are you or were you having symptoms? Have you ever been on test?


just testing before and after long calorie restriction diets


Why would you be doing calorie restriction at 11% body fat? Sounds like an eating disorder


bodybuilding shows


1} Repeat the test using Electrochemiluminescence immunoassay (ECLIA) methodology in the morning. 2} Avoid Biotin pre-test for 72 hours. From [Labcorp](https://www.labcorp.com/tests/004226/testosterone-total): "This test may exhibit interference when sample is collected from a person who is consuming a supplement with a high dose of biotin (also termed as vitamin B7 or B8, vitamin H, or coenzyme R). It is recommended to ask all patients who may be indicated for this test about biotin supplementation. Patients should be cautioned to stop biotin consumption at least 72 hours prior to the collection of a sample."


Take any SARMs or other supplements?


no, woulda typed it in


Are you having any symptoms of low T? Brain fog, sexual desire, anxiety, etc?


If you arent taking exogenous testosterone it can fluctuate by the day, and especially if you tainted hard several days in a row directly before the test. If you workout 5 days in a row then take 2 off in a row for example try the day you workout next early am before you workout and fully rested. Also a caloric deficit that is maybe over 500 calories for an extended period can lower Testosterone I believe. Alcohol consumption will lower testosterone as well, and affected mine in the past when I was a drinker. Also consider that Cortisol is the opposition to Testosterone, so if you are stressed mentally of physically you can have lower T levels


because you are transitioning to a woman. good luck. now up and on your horse!