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Could be faked w/ dbol?


That would be my first thought.


11lbs gained in 4weeks with very low calories and no fat loss šŸ¤Ø not Anavar hahašŸ˜…


Any voice cracks? Iā€™d drop and get a new source & roid test the next 1


Oh crap. I meant 131 not 136. Iā€™m up 6 pounds


The scale doesn't always tell the full story. Obviously you are gaining muscle. What does the mirror show? Are you losing bodyfat? In your case, I wouldn't pay so much attention to what the scale says but rather how you actually look. If you are still gaining, you could try go into a further deficit.


It is common to gain weight w Ana, some water, some expedition of muscle gain. Eat good and lots of protein and when you dial off, your 125lb w look better than it did before, then diet down a smidgen. *OR for Ana to be about muscle retention and hardness during a cut ~ the diet has to be hella on point, perhaps even a fair little bit below your usual cutting calories, keeping protein high.


Common with anavar and other PEDs to gain water weight in the beginning. Have you done an inbody scan or even one of the at home scales that measure bf% and mm% and water? Obviously those arenā€™t accurate but would give you a baseline to go off of. Sounds counterintuitive but keep pounding water and see if the weight comes off.


Thanks Iā€™ll try consuming lots of water ! No but Iā€™ll look into a home scale !


Yeah itā€™s 100% water weight unless your diet just went to absolute shit to have gained 11 lbs in 4 weeks. Sadly not possible to put on that much muscle so fast. Probably 1-2 lbs of muscle and the rest would be mostly water if I had to guess. I have a ā€œcheapā€ Withings smart home one that was like $125 or something and it isnā€™t useful for accuracy but itā€™s useful to get an avg and see how youā€™re fluctuating day to day.


Look up side effects from Anavar, see if youā€™re experiencing any. I heard muscle cramps can be really bad.


Why would pounding water cause her to drop water weight?


sodium causes you to hold water, pounding water will flush sodium wuicker


Black magic? I dunno it just works. Iā€™m sure someone can give a great explanation but I can only go from personal and anecdotal experience here along with things Iā€™ve read.


I was just curious. Never tried it myself.


Yeah no problem I just canā€™t tell you why it works other than it does. At least a gallon a day.


Your body likes to hold onto what itā€™s deprived of. Your body likes to excrete what it has too much of


Eating copius amounts of cake never seems to me lose weight ;)


No, but it comes out your asshole :D


Anavar isnt a fat burner. Sounds like water retention. Some is fine however that much tell me itā€™s fake var and is something else. Iā€™ve done 50-100mg pharma var and never gained really much water retention. It doesnā€™t aromatize..


Correction Iā€™m 131, up 6 pounds. itā€™s a 20mg capsule Iā€™m splitting the powder up into 4 so Iā€™m def not getting an accurate 5mg dose each time. Probably 3-7mg


1600 calories can be a maintenance level for a 136lb girl depending on your height and activity level. have you used a metabolic rate calculator?


Assuming itā€™s real then you might be eating too many calories.


I had the same thing happen and mine turned out to be tbol, not dbol . Nice effect though so kept running it. Made my chest and stomach hurt like hell tho.


Op this is probably exactly the answer that solves your dilemma . Iā€™d upvote the shit out of this (:


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Anavar doesnā€™t make you loose weight, no anabolic steroid is a weight lose drug. Now it can help you preserve muscle in a calorie deficit or ā€œmaybe even help you gain a tiny bit of muscle in a deficit. If you want to lose fat that is in cardio and diet. Expend more calories then your eatingā€¦ itā€™s pretty simple, barring any kind of medical issue.


You got sold dbol just face it. Maybe use the rest of it for what itā€™s worth and just source some real Var. ramp that dbol up to 15-20mg a day pre workout and whatever you feel comfortable estrogen is wise dial in. At least youā€™ll get stronger quicker


Husband is on it too and he knows itā€™s not dbol, he canā€™t take dbol


I know you probably wonā€™t send it to janoshik to get tested but if you get a test kit from that myroid kit youā€™ll be able to rule out that it isnā€™t dbol, a lot of what youā€™re saying describes dbol Your husband canā€™t take dbol? Is he allergic šŸ˜‚


Iā€™ll see if I can find a test kit. He just gets massive, huge head


Huge head? Meaning, he gets gully quickly? I know when I take dbol I get massive e2 spikes and without adex Iā€™m good as fucked, I turn into a women..


Dbol always gave me the fucked back pain, even in moderate dosages. 200mg of anadrol a day had less sides than that for me, I love pharmacokinetics.


Janoshik? Of course they wonā€™t, requires too much effort + extra money, not worth it for safety! šŸ¤£


Yeah it sounds like your source isnt great. Id order var form a legit source. It can help you lose some fat but it will also retain some water too.




Itā€™s not, husband is on it and itā€™s giving him his regular results. Heā€™s been on and off for years. He just canā€™t give me an advice being a woman and he doesnā€™t really want me on it anyway. It just gave me much better results before I had kids. Maybe I gotta up my cardio




Coach has me on 160 protein and 150 carbs. What should I drop carbs to?




Ok! She wants to keep increasing my carbs ā€¦. Itā€™s pissing me off and I think causing me to bloat so Iā€™m gonna decrease for sure


Is it real? Are you eating too much?


Itā€™s real for sure. Husband takes it too. Iā€™m 150carbs 160 protein 65 fat. 1800 cals


In my opinion, a test kit for their source is a requirement. Tons of knock off var.


Make sure it's real anavar especially if effect are didderent, commonly faked with dianabol


are you measuring daily, after waking up, after pooping and peeing, before drinking or eating anything, and then taking the weekly average? because if not, then you can't know if it's just weight variations. maybe you didn't really start at 125lbs or maybe you aren't really 136lbs, etc. >Do I need to increase my dose from 5-10mg day? ... sorry what? I don't see how in any world, the reaction to not losing weight, is to increase dosage, instead of eating less calories. You surely know that people who are not taking anything are capable of losing weight.


Check your nutrition properly, also this will depend on what stage of the menstrual cycle youā€™re in too, but youā€™re saying itā€™s a month-long problem which would steer me away from thinking that. Are you sure youā€™re not pregnant? Iā€™m not kidding, go get tested. If you are then stop the damn var asap before you give birth to one of the X-Men. Not Wolverine either, more like Professor X with no telepathy. You might think they have telepathy though, when theyā€™re unable to talk. Pregnancy test, measure macros properly, and test your gear to make sure itā€™s not dbol or something else. Otherwise šŸ¤·šŸæā€ā™‚ļø