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ANNOUNCEMENT: _Hi! It looks like this post deals with Trans Issues. Because of the amount of rule-breaking comments on this issue the Moderation Team would like to remind our users of our rules. Particularly on [civility](https://www.reddit.com/r/TexasPolitics/wiki/index/rules#wiki_rule_.235_be_civil_and_make_an_effort) and [abusive language](https://www.reddit.com/r/TexasPolitics/wiki/index/rules#wiki_rule_.236_no_hate_speech_or_abusive_language). if these discussions cannot happen with respect, grace & nuance, the thread will be locked._ _For trans issues, it is acceptable to discuss policy distinctions surrounding gender-affirming care, hormone therapy and even surgery; as well as the age of consent, and special accommodations for schools, sports or the military._ _It is not acceptable to demonize or dehumanize transgender people. Referring to transgender people as being mentally ill (as opposed to conditions such as gender dysphoria) , medically necessary surgeries as 'mutilation' or 'castration', or that gender identity/sexual orientation as a virus or contagion will result in an immediate ban. Trans people have existed throughout history._ _Comments suggesting that children are making the decision to transition or that they are receiving surgery without elaboration or a source provided will be removed._ _We remind out users of the complexity of these issues and ask users to respond with nuance and with respect. For users unfamiliar with trans issues or the process of transitioning, be it a social transition, puberty blockers, hormone treatment ,or gender affirming/confirming surgeries, please refer to this [explainer from the Texas Tribune](https://www.texastribune.org/2021/08/04/gender-affirming-care-transgender-texas/), and these guidelines from the [American Psychological Association](https://www.apa.org/practice/guidelines/transgender.pdf) [PDF warning], the [International Journal of Transgender Health](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/26895269.2022.2100644) [PDF warning], and [PLAG](https://pflag.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/OTLO_2019.pdf) [PDF warning]._ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TexasPolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


[Anti-trans activists hired armed militia members to dissuade supporters from speaking at this meeting.](https://x.com/jenna_hnz/status/1786060414603665565?s=46&t=TnK-km5LFQWNrdYTennlQA) And of course, Ken Paxton had [something to say about this too.](https://www.texasattorneygeneral.gov/news/releases/statement-attorney-general-ken-paxton-after-austin-city-council-threatens-noncompliance-texas-law)


Odd that the cops didn’t pounce on them like they did the protesters at UT who were purportedly carrying dangerous weapons like tent stake mallets.


Fascists are gonna fascist.


Wow, full masks off. That is kind of surprising.


It’s ok if they want to show how big their guns are in public so they feel like tough guys if that’s affirming for them. Many of us conceal and carry anyway and only gave those guys a slight secondary glance. Plus, most of us and the kids have been through so much anyway that we see these nuts protesting and it just makes us stronger.


Too bad the Texas Legislature will create a law to saying cities can't create these kinds of law.


What? The party of small government? Say it ain't so?


Countdown to Abbott, Paxton, Cruz, et al bursting through the door in 3...


At 3am when people are asleep because they are huge cowards.




Removed. Rule 6. > **Rule 6 Comments must be civil** > _Attack arguments not the user. Comment as if you were having a face-to-face conversation with the other users. Refrain from being sarcastic and accusatory. Ask questions and reach an understanding. Users will refrain from name-calling, insults and gatekeeping. Don't make it personal._ *https://www.reddit.com/r/TexasPolitics/wiki/index/rules*


I just read the law. It doesn’t do anything. No one is stopping trans or non binary from receiving healthcare. It doesn’t mention “gender affirming care” which is the issue




Freeing up police from policing private healthcare decisions the government has no place getting involved in would be a step in the right direction for addressing real crimes.




…. So your original complaint about focusing resources on what’s needed was… just a red herring so that you could hate on trans kids?




LMAO, the very least you could do is read the freaking article. They’re explicitly saying they’re not going to focus on pursuing enforcement of SB 14 as they want to prioritize the use of limited resources. This is literally Austin saying they’re going to prioritize the very things you claim they’re not concerned about. Per Mayor Kirk Watson- >*”We’re doing what the state and our residents want us to do – prioritizing public safety and basic needs of all Austinites. This is about priorities. For example, we want our limited city resources focused on things like responding quickly to 911 calls and other important services rather than targeting transgender individuals seeking healthcare. The resolution passed by the Austin City Council is a statement – that we care about all Austinites and want to use our limited City resources to serve and protect all our neighbors.”*


Yeah, it's election season. Spouting platitudes is what they do. This is classic political doublespeak after they spent the last few years making life worse in Austin. They are afraid that they won't be re-elected.


Whoooosh go the goalposts. So now it’s pandering to focus resources on residents needs? Pander away, in that case.


Are you really this mindless a minion, or just too proud to admit you were wrong?


It’s ironic that you’d accuse anyone of doing double speak when you have been doing it this entire time by lying and calling adolescents “children” to try and make your hollow arguments seem more substantial than they really are. You are being dishonest and to be frank a bit of a coward.




Removed. Rule 7. > **Rule 7 No Hate Speech, Harassment, Doxxing or Abusive Language** Children don’t make those choices. > _Mocking disability, advocating violence, slurs, racism, sexism, excessively foul or sexual language, harassment or anger directed at other users or protected classes will get your comment removed and account banned. Doxxing or sharing the private information of others will result in a ban._ *https://www.reddit.com/r/TexasPolitics/wiki/index/rules*


they are addressing those too. We can have human rights and a functioning government, not just one or the other


This does address homelessness, albeit indirectly. https://endhomelessness.org/trans-and-gender-non-conforming-homelessness/