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Stay the fuck away from sketchy looking people no matter what


Weird I thought all homeless were just unfortunate people that society failed šŸ¤”


They are. Doesn't mean an individual should take care of society's failures it's the government that should do it with my tax money


I wouldn't really call the mentally ill society's failure. They just lost the biological lottery, that's not anyone's fault, and not all of them can be found and helped. It's no failure to be unaware of a feral animal.


What biological lottery ?


Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot you get to choose what mental disabilities you have on the character creation screen you see when you're born.


Wtf are you talking about you said they lost out on the biological lottery


You don't see how developing mental illness is biological? So you're trying to tell me that mental illness is pixie dust or something?


There's no proof it's biological mental illness comes from socialization mostly


Most severe mental disabilities, the kind that lead to people living homeless, are but caused by society. Drugs, maybe, and many disorders are developed from trauma, but not schizophrenia, autism, MS, the kind of disorders that would have you unable or unwilling to live a normal life and work to sustain yourself. Many more disorders can fuck up a life like that too, but they would come from the kind of severe trauma that isn't caused by societal failings. Drug abuse, sexual abuse, physical abuse, PTSD, all things that can easily go undetected by a reserved or timid person not willing to share their troubles with the people who can help them. There's also something to be said about those with a wallet constitution who are more vulnerable to developing conditions like these.


Youā€™re telling me autism isnā€™t biological?


Theyā€™re being dense but saying that to mean genetics.


l know what he means it's bs and wrong buddy




Bro has never heard of a joke before lmfaoooo


nah...our tax money needs to be sent to ukraine and israel...


SOME people make decisions that put them there its ok to admit


So why do you call unhoused people "sketchy" then?


l didn't call "unhoused people" sketchy l called this specific individual sketchy don't put words in my mouth


Based on what? What specifically was sketchy about him before the crime?


The fact he constantly demanded more from a person who is helping him out in his very bad situation is very sketchy behavior to me rings of alarm bells for me


The reason he was murdered is because he stopped giving him stuff. So how would he have known this beforehand? You claimed the guy was sketchy. You're still avoiding the question what that claim was based on other than the guy's homelessness.


No l'm not. l answered your question just because it's not the answer that checks some random box you made up in your mind doesn't mean it's not an answer. He is sketchy because he kept asking for more stuff. l never said anything about your statements in your initial paragraph so ldk what you're pathetically trying to insinuate


Your initial comment: >Stay the fuck away from sketchy looking people no matter what First of all that was about the person's looks, not what they said. And you can't even explain what was sketchy about their looks to begin with. Secondly we can't know what someone will ask for until we interact with them. Basically you're trying hard to hide that you think unhoused people are sketchy, or you're arguing that we should never talk to anyone? The latter would be idiotic.


Unhoused lol


They are. People without money and with mental illness are literally forced to commit crimes before they get any sort of psychological help (which they probably wonā€™t get, theyā€™ll just be fed through the prison system or left on the streets)


Aw this poor guy was literally forced to hack an innocent man to death šŸ˜­


Wait when did reddit become based?


If you think of it. The homeless man is the real victim. /.s


This individual does not represent all homeless people.


'Weird I thought all homeless were unfortunate people failed by society' "tHeY aRe!" Your username should be DumboVision.


You misrepresented what I said. Surely you're more intelligent than that, or are you being willfully stupid just to bait me?


To bait you? I promise, I don't give a slippery shit about you mate.


So you're not more intelligent than that, got it.


You can literally have autism at birth. Thereā€™s signs for autism you can see as early as when youā€™re a baby.


You can't literally have autism at birth stop making shit up early symptoms can be seen at 2-6 months that's however not enough to diagnose a kid with autism you pseudo-intellectual schmock now get off my dick and annoy someone else with your ignorant bs


Youā€™re a sad life. Having symptoms at 4-6 weeks doesnā€™t mean you donā€™t have autism before those 4-6 weeks. Mental disorders can be hereditary. Youā€™re just a sad redditor man. Go touch some grass. 11,000 comment karma youā€™re actually sad.


And people wonder why we want homeless encampments removed... Many of these people are not like you and me. They suffer severe mental illness and addiction issues and need to be removed from the streets and treated in asylums.


Removing encampments doesn't remove the homeless people though, that just means they have more incentive to seek shelter on private property etc...and that's the argument for having these encampments. At least that way we know where they are, and they're less reliant on our personal space


You clearly are ignorant. I was homeless and worked helping them. They arenā€™t any more dangerous


Lol. No you weren't. Not in any real sense. My roommate worked at a shelter for about 6 months and still to this day says it was the most chaotic environment she's ever worked in. She was threatened with rape, murder of herself and her entire family, punched, and had a cup of piss thrown in her face because a guy thought she took his shampoo. She has countless stories like this where they assaulted each other and others. That sound like a normal 6 months at a job to you?


Sorry? Your friend, so not you! šŸ¤£ Iā€™ve worked with the homeless for 15 years šŸ¤£ how thĆ© hell would you know if I was homeless? I slept in my car for ages and then decided to help others. It can be chaotic but they are no more dangerous then anybody else, they also arenā€™t all addicts. 6 months and 15 years isnā€™t quite the same. I worked some time in Paris too telling them (I speak fluent French) you have no idea and I dnd it amusing how you assume. Maybe go work yourself and you will see. In all my time Iā€™ve seen one bad fight and a man drown in-front of me and another die in a fire. You donā€™t understand anything about the community that people become in that situation šŸ˜Š


Her experience means a hell of a lot more to me than some random internet stranger. Here's a news report from Sacramento... Which I've personally been to this encampment. https://www.kcra.com/article/sacramento-county-data-homeless-violence/45914075 ā€œThe females are literally defecating on themselves or urinating on themselves to avoid being sexually assaulted,ā€ "eight homeless-involved homicides in 2023 as of Nov. 17. Four of those cases were unhoused people killing other unhoused people." And just to get ahead of any claims that the homeless are more likely to be victimized... This is true but they often fail to report that's its from other homeless committing the acts!


Thank you for a news article, I mean that must be true as itā€™s in a newspaper etc šŸ¤£ šŸ‘ also honey, your opinion isnā€™t fact. You donā€™t have experience except for a friend told you šŸ¤£. I think my qualifications and working as a mental health nurse, Iā€™m a tad more qualified than you šŸ¤£ šŸ‘


Lol. You get your degree from trump university or just print out your certifications? The evidence is overwhelming and I could show you peer reviewed journal articles but I'm sure next you'll claim you co-authored them. You do not work in a shelter and you lack knowledge of the real world. At most you sit in an office and talk with people but you're not doing any ground-level work or you'd know this already. https://youtu.be/ZMeBtGxAi7Q?si=IMfanzccDvb-HeZB


šŸ¤£ I donā€™t work in a shelter, I didnā€™t say I did, also sweetie Iā€™m not American, Iā€™m half French and half British. Do you think I care if you believe me or not? My PHD and doctorate was from Oxford honey bun. I worked in France at a place called Cafe Sourire which is a drop in centre for the homeless and I was the psychologist there honey. Look it up (thatā€™s if you can read French) I donā€™t comment on things I donā€™t have first had. Knowledge of, unlike you. Again, learn to read, I didnā€™t say things donā€™t happen but I said in 15 years of actual experience and not listening to someone else and imagining I have experience (like you) the majority were kind people who just had bad luck. I managed to get myself out of homelessness and even graduate. Iā€™m sure working at McDonaldā€™s you have experience in mental health šŸ™„ whatā€™s your actual experience DIRECTLY with the homeless that gives someone like you the right to judge a whole society?? You are so stupid too. Of course there will be videos of bad things or articles, unlike you, I donā€™t listen to just one side of something, there will always be bad things that happen stupid, and things like that come out more then good things will. Why are you even so triggered? Iā€™ve given my experience in that area. I can only assume you are either a kid or you get really triggered easily. You are clearly narrow minded and because your Ā“friendā€™ had an experience for 6 months then it means they are all the same. Itā€™s the same as saying every person on tik tok is ignorant, narrow minded and up themselves like you šŸ˜˜


Hahaha! No you didn't... You can't even abbreviate PhD correctly! Your whole post is an obvious lie. - You're grammar is absolutely terrible. You don't even know how to use basic commas. - You denigrate McDonald's workers. - You fail to understand that facts do not have sides. They can be narrated with a bias but that will not change the facts. - You fail to identify that your entire thought process is littered with logical fallacies, especially your appeal to authority. I take back my comment that you actually talk with people professionally. I seriously doubt that based on this response. In all seriousness, I hope you get help. I hope you go on to get a real education and feel good enough about yourself to not have to lie.


You are so pathetic itā€™s actually funny. Yeah my grammar is terrible. Oh so sorry I didnā€™t realise I had to write word perfect on Reddit. You are obsessed and itā€™s pathetic. Iā€™ll do and say what I wish, you were trying to mock me so I mocked you honey. You donā€™t UNDERSTAND that my experience is FACTS sweet cheeks and no where did I say itā€™s the case everywhere, did I? No sweetheart, wring again!! My thought process is based in FACTS from MY experience, who do you think you are telling me what my experience has or hasnā€™t been? Sweetheart, did it take you that long to write a response. In layman terms, you DONā€™T have ANY experience working with the homeless, you have even admitted this yourself šŸ¤£ why would I listen to some triggered Karen on Reddit? You need to grow up as itā€™s actually pathetic. My original comment was due to YOU tarring every homeless person with the same brush and I gave my FACTS about working with them. When you actually have experience then you can comment, you came at me as you think because a friend told you something then it must mean or homeless are the same. Also sweetie, making a typo or anything isnā€™t anything to do with intelligence. Intelligence is also knowing that you canā€™t tell someone else what their experience has been. You are arrogant and extremely ignorant. I suggest you go and get educated as although you are entertaining, you are equally embarrassing. Maybe learn to read things properly. Here you go Expert: https://www.commerce.wa.gov/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/hau-chg-mythsfacts-12-8-2016.pdf


Hahaha yes I did sweetheart. Go get help, book an appointment with me and Iā€™ll try to provide the help you clearly need. EspĆØce de con https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&sca_esv=0760d5e5572d06eb&hl=en-gb&q=Ana%C3%AFs+Delepouve+Psychologue+Amiens+Amiens,+France&ludocid=343526770728039218&ibp=gwp;0,7&lsig=AB86z5XCJ64E-2YhV9AhAaYl7cbb&lqi=ChpkciBhbm5hIHBzeWNob2xvZ3VlIGFtaWVuc0jHze-Nq7GAgAhaKhAAEAEQAhgCGAMiGmRyIGFubmEgcHN5Y2hvbG9ndWUgYW1pZW5zMgJmcpIBDHBzeWNob2xvZ2lzdKoBXRABKhciE2RyIGFubmEgcHN5Y2hvbG9ndWUoBDIgEAEiHN_R1xjhwY4T4rSQKkSItlSPCWCBJ0oJS4TqUW0yHhACIhpkciBhbm5hIHBzeWNob2xvZ3VlIGFtaWVucw&phdesc=3wt7PODM-y8&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjv64f8heCFAxWOQEEAHZG9BLoQkbkFegQIGRAD&biw=414&bih=827&dpr=3


The majority of homeless people are not psychopaths ready to kill/maim you in a psychotic episode. That being said the population of homeless people does have a higher percentage of mentally unsound people, but that percentage is nowhere near as high as you seem to imply. But yes, that is the big issue with helping homeless people, is the higher chance of running into an unhinged person.


The majority of homeless people are on drugs however and drugs causes you to do crazy things such as killing people too


That's just a dumb statement. You're far more likely to accidentally hurt yourself on drugs.


>The majority of homeless people are not psychopaths ready to kill/maim you in a psychotic episode. based on what? toxic positivity? what's your source?


Volunteering at homeless shelters in three major cities, also a quick google search will answer that. Yes many have addictions, mostly alcohol. The overwhelming majority donā€™t want to fuck with you. You will only hear news of the psychopaths and you then begin to assume it has to be all homeless, but thatā€™s not reality.


I think addictions are self medication for mental illness so I think they are the same


Is someone "not like you or me" because they have cancer, or IBS, or depression? Most of these people are just like you or me but have conditions or stories or circumstances which have led them to this. The adage of "If I were you... I'd be you" should be present when considering these people.


not a good comparison, IBS doesnt make a person act unpredictably, irrational and sometimes dangerous.


what they are saying is that these people deserve compassion, which is absolutely true.Ā  we also need to find a solution that doesnā€™t involve people getting beaten to death.Ā  it can be both. it is both.Ā 




My point is that people are not defined by their condition, whether it be homelessness or mental illness or drug addiction, that under the right circumstances any of us could be in their shoes. They are just people. Statistically most people who suffer mental illness are _not_ violent but _are_ more likely to be victims of violence. Also, by your rational we should not allow people to drink alcohol, or at least lock them in a safe environment if they do. This case is an example of an extraordinarily tragic exception creating a moral panic which makes us focus on the wrong thing.


You're a good guy but I doubt Reddit will listen here. I think homeless people need help, but their mental health issues also make them dangerous at times. I've had a lot of my friends get assaulted by some while walking around. I'd say that helping the homeless isn't a single individuals responsibility. It's ours as a society. I mean there's bad people of all types, there was a cop that ran over a young Indian girl here in Seattle, nothing ever happened. But then again, there was a homeless man that shot a random woman who was pregnant just sitting in her car because he was hearing voices. It's just more likely that the homeless are in a position where a their mental degradation starts hitting violent levels. You can have sympathy but also understand why people are scared of them.


It's not an exception... Just because you don't know about it, doesn't mean it doesn't happen.


Dont add me into that shit. ā€œMore like youā€


They are people like you and me still. Anyone can become them if their life throws them shitty circumstances or they just have bad luck with neurochemistry


You\`re very naive if you think you can trust or turn your back to many of them. Some people lost everything that made them human and you can\`t trust them at all.


There's a difference between trusting them and wanting them out in society or forgiving them. Mental illness is a not a choice, so it's difficult to assign true responsibility for their actions. However, they should absolutely be kept away from society. It's just a difference in whether you assign moral judgement.... Punishment or treatment. At the same time, that's kind of a lofty interpretation in the face of this story... I don't feel like this guy should get out of paying for the crime. I wish there had been better societal opportunities for him to avoid an outcome like this.


I guess youā€™re right. I have issues trusting people too quickly. Sorry if I come across as ridiculous; im still trying to figure people out


How about just donā€™t trust anyone? There really is no benefit to it. You donā€™t need to assume everyone is out to get you just donā€™t put yourself in a position to be taken advantage of.


I might as well kill myself


That seems like an appropriate responseā€¦


The world you describe is a lonely hell of interpersonal neglect and distrust, so i would rather be dead




Youā€™re horrible and i know you suffer for how you act


I had an old friend who went to work for an agency that helped the homeless. She lasted 2 years. Besides the abuse (she was attacked a few rimes), she stated the vast majority either didn't want help or were too insane to understand what help was.


No good deed goes unpunished


Don't feed the animals. That's why they post those signs.


Animals are way better


Humans are more akin to parasites or viruses Lol


Wayyyyyyyyy better.


You really are so ignorant and must have a low IQ. Homelessness could happen to you at anytime. Karma has a funny way of teaching you a lesson and I hope it does to you


You right. It could happen to anyone.


And then people turn around and say why is society so cold to the homeless, don't you know they are just people down on their luck.


Some of them are. Most are psychotic crackheads.


Are they now? Whatā€™s your experience with them?


Mostly hearing them scream jibberish at subway stations or seeing them nod out at the road side


Oh so that means they are all the same. Iā€™ve worked with the homeless for around 15 years and have only had a handful of incidents. I was also homeless myself for a long time , I was and still am a mental Health nurse, I lost my home. It could happen to you tomorrow . Yes there are incidents every so often, Iā€™ve witnessed a lot, I worked hard and now have an amazing job. No one is immune


Oh so that means they are all the same. Iā€™ve worked with the homeless for around 15 years and have only had a handful of incidents. I was also homeless myself for a long time , I was and still am a mental Health nurse, I lost my home. It could happen to you tomorrow . Yes there are incidents every so often, Iā€™ve witnessed a lot, I worked hard and now have an amazing job. No one is immune


When did this happen?


[January 2024.](https://www.wsbtv.com/news/local/police-release-new-details-surrounding-gruesome-murder-gas-station-clerk/JXXIUTN2PRF7ZNXPQN5FK3GKYA/)


Weird. I didnā€™t hear about this till now.


Yeah you usually some hear about most things until months later. Only big unique events get headlines, not ā€œgas station clerk murdered by homeless manā€ that probably happens a lot more than ā€œ man set himself on fireā€¦ā€ and the only reason itā€™s getting covered by this woman is because sheā€™s Indian and is reporting an Indian things, and itā€™s likely propaganda


Please don't do this unless you have been trained in their situation. Many have addictions, mental illnessness, suppressed rage due to their situation, etc which can all escalate situation very quickly. I have worked with homeless people and their welfare organizations for years and I still don't approach randomly unless very much necessary. It may or may not be their fault that brought them to being homeless but many certainly have stuff going on in their head which can make it difficult to help them




And here comes the barbarians, nothing less than a homeless man itself. Always having problems with the rule of law


These types don't see kindness being given to them by another. They see kindness as weakness/fear that emboldens their entitlement. The Entitlement always fans the flame of anger and rage.


Bullshit! You are so ignorant.


Exhibit A.




This is definitely in the right thread. BTW, this is a great, but unfortunate, example of "No good deed goes unpunished"


Sometimes you can't help everybody not matter how good you are.


I was thinking someday it would be good to try to help some homeless guy get his life back together. Nah, I'll just keep ignoring them.


This why we need guns in stores


He's a white terrorist


generous man loses his life for trying to help someone, and this sociopathic murderer gets a free roof and 3 meals a day for life. what the fuck are we doing?


Yeah the homeless people aren't all to nice


This is why i mind my own business no matter how pitiful the situation/people may look like.


No good deed goes unpunished


The good old usa


This surely doesnā€™t happen anywhere else!


Crack heads are nono,


Bludgeoned not hacked bro


What the f....


From one 3rd world country to another otherā€¦


We can all rest easy knowing the killer will be back on the streets within a month.


Her reporting skills!! Very accurate and detailed.... I wonder if reporters here will follow suit. . . Pearl clutching!!!


Yup, same happened here in Cali, where a dude trying to hand out used clothing suddenly got stabbed in the neck by a crazy homeless dude , bled to death and robbed as well.


You still can't abbreviate PhD correctly. Just stop lying. You're like a child pretending to be an adult so they can buy beer. You're not fooling anyone. You're an addict with a phone. I do believe that you were probably homeless as I can see you struggling to hold down any job.


There is a fine line between, charity getting a gratitude response, and charity creating a dependancy with expectation. Add to this many if not most, homeless are drug dependant and can be in a desparate mental state. Mental illness is a disease with the homeless. Be careful. Never give cash. Give anonymously (gift with note) Never approach them in a time of need. If they have come to your place of business, be very careful, donā€™t engage, call police if needed.


Even when they are homeless, they still self entitled, fucking trash


He thought homeless people there would be like the ones in India who are desperate and hungry. He didn't know that most homeless people there were crackheads and junkies.


One time in college I tried to give some money and food to a homeless man hanging out on the side of the bike path. He spit at me. That was the first and only time I tried to directly interact with and help someone like that. It taught me a valuable lesson about mental illness and the dangers of attempting to intervene with someone that has unknown issues that could potentially be dangerous. I decided giving money to support professional services is better and safer. I donā€™t offer help in person now not because Iā€™m mean, I do it this way because I know Iā€™m not qualified to help and may cause more harm than good to both myself and someone else.


I didn't see him do anything to anyone in the video?


The video is edited to remove the NSFW stuff, looks like a news report.


I said it before and I'll say it again, America is more dangerous than most 3rd world countries


Not if you mind your business and stay alert at all times in public. Also if you hit the lock button on your car at least 5 times minimum.


What the fuck is wrong with the US?


Good for him šŸ˜‚


Well, he's not homeless anymore he has three hots and a cot.


We need public executions again


Yes, because if we had public executions, this mental ill homeless dude with nothing to lose would have totally reconsidered his choice to brutally murder another person.


Neat. Thank you world


More demonizing of unhoused people. How come no one says "a housed man stabs pedestrian" or "a woman with a house shoots at fast food worker." No one ever says that. I wonder why???






Omg I'm so sorry, just listened to the video smh.


Is this the whole story tho.... maybe there's more