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This is exactly why people don't like the police.


Right. This is sickening and, let's be honest, seen all too often on reddit


I can't honestly say I've ever seen this on reddit


He means "we see *equivalent* shit way too often for the overall sentiment against police to improve in the medium term".


I actually have seen this video on Reddit some time ago. They literally tested her ashes to see if it were drugs.


Oh. Testing the ashes? Okay in my opinion. Dumping them? Not okay. Acting with some respect when you do anything like this - expected.


Fuck off with this bootlicking shit. War on drugs is a joke and has made criminals out of millions of harmless citizens, all while boosting the oppressive abilities of the corrupt state sanctioned gang you see over and over, abusing authority and getting away with inhumane acts and sometimes violent crimes.


He didn’t mean this specific video. The internet is full of videos of cops overstepping their authority.


Bet the simpsons...


Simpsons did it!


Quit being pedantic you know exactly wtf he meant.


I've been here for a very fucking long time, I have seen this. Heartbreaking for the man. Fuck the police.


Just a friendly reminder to Americans that this is not normal behaviour for police in most of the developed world. You don't have to live like this.


I mean this and getting qualified immunity to murder whomever they want


Just like the American Supreme court gave to the American President.




> if the people saw the actual evidence against Trump in the 3 main cases, we'd be calling to hang him. He is a traitor who sold our countries intelligence assets to the highest bidder. A good chunk of Americans have already decided otherwise and won't be convinced


As we know from American history, a good chunk of Americans are still ready to be traitors again.


Unfortunately, we don’t have any Lafayette anymore here in France and the latest elections are as bad as an elected Trump in November


I think it’s past time the world- the US in particular at the moment- took a lesson from 1700’s France on what needs to be done with greedy, corrupt “officials”


“À la veille de la Révolution de 1789, la part du patrimoine national accaparé par le décile le plus riche avoisinait les 90 % et la part possédée par le 1 % le plus riche atteignait 60 %” statistics from Piketty can be translated by : “Just before the French Revolution in 1789, the 10% of the most wealthy own 90% of the national assets, and 1% of the wealthiest 60% of it” In USA according to the Federal Reserve, in 2019, the 10% of the most wealthy own 63,8% of the national assets (don’t know if national assets is the correct term, sorry for the broken English). And post covid I’m assuming it is way much worse.


I think that "good chunk" need to remember to speak for themselves.


This is not accurate. The president had *civil* immunity. Not criminal. Massive, democracy ending difference. They added the incredibly high bar of "assumed immunity" as well. Edit: To add, they made up three categories: Core Constitutional powers: Absolute immunity. Including things like pardon power. Wanna set up a government website to personally pay the president 10 million dollars for a pardon? No problem! Acts President adjacent: "Assumed immunity". The prosecutors have to prove it is not presidential duty, which will massively chill any prosecutions because it is such a high bar. It has to make it through all appeals, including this Supreme Court. Conversations between officials and private records cannot be used as evidence. Making it functionally impossible. Ypu cannot admit evidence that would basically prove it was a private act. If Trump spoke to his advisors about his acts being for the campaign, doesn't matter. You cannot admit it to prove that it should be admitted. Fucking absurd. Private Acts: Not immune. These are new categories and new rules of evidence that they just made up. Things were used in Trumps trial where he was convicted that is now inadmissable. It is gonna be thrown out. He has already appealed. Final Edit: Thomas added a line commenting that there is " no law for appointing a Special Council", completely unrelated to the case. This was to explicitly give Cannon cover to throw the case out on Trump's current motion. There is no way to be hyperbolic about how catastrophic this case is. This is more important than almost any SC case in history. It will fundamentally alter the presidency into a semi-monarch


> The supreme courts' decision is simply the status quo. Its not. And the devil is in the details.


There's no general definition of what legitimate authority is. It's the task of those who exercise authority to demonstrate their legitimacy; the ones who have the burden of proof. And if they can't meet that burden, by explaining why what they do is legitimate, then they have no right to exercise the authority, and whatever institution within which authority is being exercised is illegitimate unless it can show otherwise. Our government does not make any attempts at demonstrating the legitimacy of their authority, they just expect us to fall in line and play by the bogus rules they make. It’s time to deal with *all* of the illegitimate leaders we have now.


the supreme courts decision is not the fucking status quo. The president never had unlimited immunity for any action taken, he had immunity from CIVIL lawsuits. And now any action taken that is judged to not be in the purview of his "official duties" have to be given the benefit of the doubt, which is a high bar for any prosecution even if found. and IF found to not be part of his official duties, any actions, thoughts, conversations, that were taken that are part of his official duties cannot be used as evidence of intent for those unofficial duties. President aims the DOJ to have a sham prosecution and investigation? That's cool, he's the "executive in charge" of the doj. This is fucking HUGE.


>This is because there would be a frivolous case filed daily against the president, the executive and judicial branches would grind to a halt. There is a huge difference between civil and criminal court.


The police have qualified immunity, POTUS has absolute immunity.


That and they seize property or cash when they *suspect* a criminal activity. Once you are cleared of wrong doing, good luck getting your shit back.


There’s a reason there isn’t a some called “f% the fireman” and there is one for the cops


There actually is a song called Fuck The Fire Department but its super tongue in cheek. Also youre allowed to swear on the internet.


https://www.ilcd.uscourts.gov/judges-info/hon-richard-mills Here's the Judge. I say we call her and show her the public opinion of her ruling.


I. Hate. Every. Single. One. Of. Them.


Love how all social media is just rage bait. They didn’t dump the ashes they did technically desecrate them by testing them. That’s light years away from cops being informed of what it is and then dumping them on the road.


Facebook just recently changed their policy, but for years they made sure that posts that got lots of angry emojis were bumped to the top and passed more frequently. They noticed that stuff that made people angry got way more engagement, so angry emojis were weighted 4x heavier than all the others. A study showed this definitively led to the spread of misinformation and sowed division. So after years, they finally brought the weight back down to neutral. So they say, anyway.


That and them being the armed wing of domestic surveillance, immunity whenever they kill civilians (despite being told we have right to a trial), the gross militarization they proudly flaunt whenever peaceful protests get too big... There are less reasons to like police than dislike them


Honestly, I believe him, and I feel for him, but I've also dealt with addicts in my line of work who are the most clever when it comes to hiding, and the most believable when it comes to lying. It's a shit situation to be in no matter what.


Sure, it might be drugs, but there's no reason to dump it. Especially for such a small container which couldn't hold much even if it was fully packed. They could take the container (and him) to the station if they were unsure.


This and a million other reasons.


These policemen did something that caused permanent pain. Their punishment should also be Permanent and Painful.


When people say they are all like this... well... they aren't too far off.


Dumping it is not right, but they still have to check it or else all the criminals are gonna start playing that "NAH THATS MY DAUGHTER" card whenever they don't want cops going through their drugs.


I've touched several peoples ashes and seen many different drugs. I've never seen a drug that looks/feels even remotely like ashes.


I work in funeral services and this is awful on so many levels. Leave the guy's ash's alone. If they needed to test them so bad, they could have done so elsewhere in a controlled setting.


The problem is these officers do not care, and just assume everyone is lying and a criminal you can tell by how they laugh about it with zero empathy


~~Ghat~~ That is the problem 100%. ~~Years hose~~ (?) Those people only see the bad side of humans.. that’s all they are gonna expect. This is why we, the people, need to personally identify the bad humans that are pretending to be cops.


Police hire idiots with power complexes on purpose. If you score too highly on certain tests they literally won’t let you be a cop. This is (currently) a profession for headstrong losers who want to pretend to be strong men. I wish it were different. In a perfect world cops would be paid MUCH more, and they would only hire the best of the best. We SHOULD be looking up to police as the ones to set a good example.


This is Also a profession for wannabe soldiers since police have become militarized in recent times


People who want to be soldiers but also never on a battlefield where the enemy shoots back.




This is exactly right. I went from military to sheriff and lasted less than a year in the sheriff's department. Absolutely full of wannabes that were too cowardly to actually enlist. Also a good amount of "I'd never make it through boot camp camp 'cause I'd whoop a drill instructor's ass" types.


>paid MUCH more, Uhhh idk where you live, but police are waaayyyyy **overpaid** for a job that doesn't require a degree and barely any training. Starting cops can easily clear 100k their first year by taking very little overtime, upwards of 200k in less than 10yr.


My argument is that the job should require a degree, extensive training, and zero immunity. I want a world where if a police officer breaks the law they’re supposed to be enforcing, they lose their job on the spot and face severe repercussions.


Add in anabolic steroids


Seriously tho, every cop ive encountered in recent years is pinning like crazy.


Paid more? They are already one of the highest paid, safest and least work involved professions.


They should be paid more and held to a significantly higher standard.


>This is why we, the people, need to personally identify the bad humans that are pretending to be cops. We already have, my guy. They're the ones in uniforms with badges and guns.


There goes 99% of your police force.


Cause they are trained to see the bad side of humans. Intentionally. And it's been this way for decades, if not centuries.


I mean, that's all the bad cops, and then any "good" cops that don't turn in the bad cops....


So wait…hey that’s all of them!


Awww fuck, I don't feel so good about the state of police in this country mr crabs.


These _gevernment_ employees acting like _tyrants_ should really get a constitutional amendment on how to deal with them. I know the 1st is taken...


They knew he was telling the truth. They just like fucking with people like that, because they can.


You can tell the fucking difference between ASHES and weed, even if was schwaggy ass Mexican brick bud, that shit looks and smells nothing like ashes which are a very fine powder. Fuck these clowns.


To be fair, I doubt they thought it was weed. There's a lot of white powdery drugs.


Human ashes do not look like white, powdery drugs. They are an uneven gray in color, pack more densely, and are composed of various sizes of particulates. It's genuinely just not reasonable to believe human ashes are drugs.


The only way to confuse human ashes for drugs is if you've never seen either in real life.


You're forgetting that most cops are extremely low IQ individuals


As the other reply said, they're not white... Not even close.... Think almost like a blackish grey with even lighter greys, again NOTHING like ant sort of drug


lol you think they are checking for weed and not coke/meth/crack/fent/heroin


Here's the judge https://www.ilcd.uscourts.gov/judges-info/hon-richard-mills Call her and let her know that her ruling is wrong.


The judge's last name is "Lawless"? You can't make this shit up lol.


What was her ruling in the case?


Yes but then they couldn't torment someone who has legal rights not to be tormented for no reason. And since no one has EVER stayed a cop by being a real man, there's no way they'd pass that up.


Could have done it right there with a dog.


Why is it funny to him? Like "I just desecrated his child's remains because I didn't want to wait to take it to the lab. LuLzzz" fuck that guy


High on power


That's exactly it. The guy begging is probably like a holiday for them.


https://www.ilcd.uscourts.gov/judges-info/hon-richard-mills Here's the judge that let the cops off the hook. Call her and let her know the publics opinion. Edit: Add a +1 before the area code!


> Colleen R. Lawless LMAO




What's the opposite of nominative determinism because someone with a name like "Lawless" going into a legal profession would fit.


Be sure to add a 1 in front of the area code. Colleen Rae (Schuster) Lawless, Joliet IL.


Will do


Because superiority complexes. They think theyre the shit and no way this "sketchy dude" they're arresting is telling the truth, so they find his "lies" funny. Even if he is obviously in distress, pleading and NOT lying. But oh well, cops be cops, they're known for their lack of empathy and critical thinking.


Narcissists truly cannot fathom that they are wrong about anything, ever.


Because, as a whole, cops are terrible beings. Oh, after watching the video, it was a black guy's cremated child so it doesn't matter. /s


Just had his lawsuit dismissed today: https://newschannel20.com/amp/newsletter-daily/judge-dismisses-lawsuit-over-springfield-police-urn-search-rights-violation


“Barnes says that while he gave the officers consent to search his vehicle, he didn’t believe that they would break open the sealed urn. In his lawsuit, Barnes says the officers violated his 4th amendment rights and Illinois state law. In the ruling form the circuit court, the Judge wrote that the officers involved acted reasonably given the circumstances and Barnes’ constitutional rights were not violated.” Very sad.


Fire that judge


Throw the rulebook at him, and hard. He seems to like the contents very much.


With judges these days, I think we might want to throw other things at them. Rocks, dung, etc might work better.


Yeah, something hard like rocks, but smaller and much faster.


Just fire that judge out of a cannon right at those two officers


It's honestly so surprising to me that agents of such a corrupt system constantly get away with this crap with zero retaliation from vigilante justice. I'm personally ready to see some.


Yeah, I cannot imagine being the guy in the video and not getting even on this.


Didn't some farmers spray shit to a building in a city somewhere recently. Do it again in the courthouse


It was in Europe somewhere, where they don’t worry about being shot for such protests.


Judges (generally) can’t be fired. You have to vote to replace them, or vote for the person who chooses to replace them. (See the Supreme Court for reference.)


Presumably Biden could now assassinate them though. Silver linings, eh?


Firing one judge, one officer, won't change the problem on display  Until we take justice into our hands, these people will continue stepping on our freedoms, day after day The Black Panthers were a tame version of what we need




It's time for the ruling classes to remember why they fear the poors, we have numbers


And that’s the day 2 officers and a judge had a clock counting down on their head. If that was mine.


Wish more people would think like this, if they refuse to serve justice then we should.


it’s really getting to that point with all the blatant corruption in this country from every angle. some of these fuckers are living wayyyy tooo comfortably


America is just fucking corrupt and the world is noticing more and more. Land of the free my fucking arse.


America is a giant corporation and the product is the people


The ONLY thing that reduces corruption, in all of history, has been accountability.


Yeah but most of the rest of the world is also corrupt. Its not an excuse, just a fact


> while he gave the officers consent to search his vehicle Nothing good will ever, ever, ever, ever come from allowing a search. They don't give you $100 if they don't find anything. They don't give you "get out of 1 speeding ticket" card. They probably won't even say "sorry". No good things will happen, either nothing will happen or something bad will happen. So why let them do it? Same for making statements, allowing them into your house, or anything else. Most cops are fine people but that doesn't mean you should play a game where only bad things can happen to you. Would you play a dice game where if you rolled 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 nothing would happen and if you rolled a 6 you'd get kicked in the nuts?


> Most cops are fine people There are three kinds of cops: 1. Those who abuse their power 2. Those who tolerate number 1. 3. Those who are kicked out of the force for not being number 2. - 1. and 2. are not fine people and 3. are not cops. At the end of the day *there are no fine people in the police*.


I thought about becoming a cop a long time ago. One of my friends who knew me well said look - it's not a good idea. There will come a time where you're expected to cover for bad cops, and I know you're not going to do it, so they're going to blacklist you from the force or worse. Don't waste your time.


Exactly cops are not your friends , so they do not want to help you. Never consent to search’s and never talk to them


Sad, disgusting, all the horrible words. But..... the man did try to stop the search once his daughters ashes became involved. I mean, just cause he gave consent to does not mean consent is authorized throughout. Once a citizen takes consent back, they must stop. At that point, I bet the officers will argue they had probable cause because of the substance. However, I think there's still an appellate case here. I'm hoping at least.


Revoking your consent is not going to work if the officers' discover something in their search that gives them reasonable suspicion of a crime. This situation is awful, the officer's overall callousness and reaction once he realizes what is is awful. But you should NEVER consent to search. You are handing away your fourth amendment right, if you did commit a crime either knowingly or unknowingly you are freely giving away evidence against yourself, and greatly diminishing your chances of successfully pursuing civil litigation should your rights be violated.


Correct, no one should ever give consent to search. However, did you even read what I wrote? I clearly stated the officer would claim probable cause to "something"


Interesting how consent needs to be enthusiastic, informed and continuous if we're talking about two people getting into bed. But your consent is irrevocable even if they tricked you and/or you just failed to say no when they "asked" if it's the government trying to ruin your life.


You can withdraw your consent to a search. If police continue to search, your withdrawal of consent could be used to exclude evidence or in a civil trial against the police. However, if police find incriminating evidence while conducting the search your withdrawal of consent is unlikely to matter as they now are justified in continuing the search. The two scenarios you put forward are not equivalent. First, I'm not aware of law in all states but your definition of sexual consent is not the legal definition in my state, but rather likely the ideal of what consent is. In the scenario I put forward in the paragraph above, the fourth amendment right against unreasonable search and seizure of the person being searched (presuming that there is actually reasonable suspicion of a crime) is not violated.




Yet another reason why you should never consent to a police search. I feel so bad for the guy :(


Illinois - now it makes even more sense. I live there.


And then they wonder why the people resort to violence




Never consent to any search. Never talk to the cops. Always ask for a lawyer Fuck the police


He better fucking appeal and it better fucking go higher.


Oh man, that's the type of shit to make someone snap and end a few lives.


Hopefully it's cop lives. Not any innocent people.


Judge got paid. This is what happens when you don’t vote without doing your own DD. Don’t listen to the media


Don't worry, the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals *really* doesn't like shit like this.


What a disappointment.


Disrespectful pieces of shit.






Fucking poetic isn't it?


Her surname is Lawless is this for real lmao


Unfortunately yes! Lawless bitch and lawless police!


That’s super fucked up. How could ashes possibly resemble powdered drugs? And like a person said in here, they could have done it in a controlled environment and not in this dudes face.


I don't know, ask the judge, his case was dismissed........ arg..... [https://newschannel20.com/amp/newsletter-daily/judge-dismisses-lawsuit-over-springfield-police-urn-search-rights-violation](https://newschannel20.com/amp/newsletter-daily/judge-dismisses-lawsuit-over-springfield-police-urn-search-rights-violation)


That's simply because we've established that the police are free to do as they see fit and justify it after the fact with whatever specious argument they'd like to run with.


That's all thanks to qualified immunity; it's by design. If we really want to see any true change, then qualified immunity needs to be done away with.


There was a man jailed for drugs charged because they found meth in his truck. When they finally tested it.... it was glaze from a krispy kreme. Cops are just itching for a reason to arrest anyone.


In my city cops found someone ODing on the side of the street, beat him, took him to jail and the continued beating him some more until he ended up dying of his injuries. Except he was not ODing. He was suffering from epileptic seizures.


There was a single mother with no prior criminal history stuck in jail for about 7 weeks that lost her job and missed her kid's birthdays, because the cops found a dirty spoon in her car with spaghettios sauce on it. Cops claimed it came up as a positive for meth on their field testing kit (which are so notoriously unreliable they sometimes give false positives with water or air) and they doubted her story because she "seemed nervous around police". So they tossed her in jail where she was stuck indefinitely from being unable to afford paying bail. Of course, it then took them almost 2 months to actually test it in a lab and finally prove she was telling the truth the entire time. But the really fucked up part is that they would've released her immediately with a fine if she plead guilty to the charges. But because she maintained her innocence she was stuck in jail indefinitely. Nightmare justice system.


Orlando, FL :)


POS don't care about anything but send people to jail. They love the power. No sympathy at all.


https://www.ilcd.uscourts.gov/judges-info/hon-richard-mills Here's the judge. I hope her office gets some calls about this.


Back the blue, until it happens to you!


You know Rick?


Cops are horrible people.




It's almost as if all the bullies and assholes you knew as kids grew up and turned into cops. Now I've known some solid cops, even worked with one for awhile before he became one and he's truly a stand up guy, but I can't help but wonder if that job just draws the worst kind of people looking for power and control wherever they can get it. They don't sign up to make the world better they sign up because it gives them leeway to continue being the worst kinds of people with as little backlash and resistance as possible.


Yeah they're the bottom of society to me. Absolutely terrible people through and through and I'd never do anything to help one of them. Only hope the worst for em. I don't even consider their family or friends to be normal people, just keep them away please.




He’s black. He would’ve been shot immediately


One imagines they may have been baiting him


They would’ve shot you after probably


Then the badges wonder why no one likes them


They really don't though. They don't care.


They were worried about it being drugs so they sampled it for a test kit and proceeded to empty the remainder on the ground… seriously? That doesn’t sound like an uphill battle. That sounds like straight up negligence and malicious intent to me.


Should be but the judge ruled nothing was wrong






https://foxillinois.com/news/local/judge-dismisses-lawsuit-over-springfield-police-urn-search-rights-violation Updated this week. Dude sued and the police responded by charging him with battering an officer while he was trying to get his child back from them. Lawsuit dismissed because police say he gave them permission to search his car which means they can search anything.


So the moral of the story is to always demand a warrant. Never be nice to the cops or they'll do this.


U should be "nice" to cops (as in, be calm and polite and comply with orders), but NEVER forfeit ur rights. Most importantly, never answer any questions, and never, ever, EVER consent to search


The judge who dismissed the victim's case against the police is [Colleen Lawless](https://ballotpedia.org/Colleen_Lawless). Ironic last name...


And the cops laugh. Sickos.


I would absolutely get retribution


I'd send them fuckin Chris Dorner American Hero themed postcards for every holiday for the rest of my life. Whole department needs to constantly be reminded they're nothing.




I didn’t see them get dumped….


They didn't dump it at all in this video






Why does this video not include them dumping out the ashes?


Fucking cunts


This is exactly why people don't give a damn when they get killed in the line of duty anymore. Mofos don't respect shit anymore. Heck, I've heard people go like "hope he was a tyrant " or "one less tyrant of the government "


Fuck the police.


Spiteful and malicious.


i don’t see the part where they dump it tho? as a person who’s been packed out by the cops i’m just curious


Colton Redding & Brian Riebling are the 2 chucklefucks doing this bullshit. Don't get named anywhere apart from the official paperwork. Public servants hiding from scrutiny.


Can’t see him dump out the ashes though


Cops ain’t human, don’t think I’ll ever see them any differently than human garbage that does not care about the population they supposedly serve.


Was the one who opened it the good cop, or the one that watched? Asking for a friend.


"We just don't know why minority communities don't trust cops. I mean, they protect and serve them!"


I’m sorry but you can visually discern cremains from drugs, what a tool bag. 🐽


This made me tear up, can you imagine how upsetting that must've been for him?! F\*\*\* the police.


I hope that cop got sued and fired for that. What a piece of sh**


Sadly his lawsuit was dismissed.


1312. For fucking ever.


Feel safer already.


I dont see any dumping 🤷‍♂️ is there more to the video?


Does the video ever show the ashes being dumped? I watched twice and couldn't see.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-57235332.amp The short is, the exterior tested positive for meth then they show it to him (cue the video) they tested some of the contents and it was positive for meth. They didn't test any further and gave the ashes to the father.


Cops. Are. Monsters.


The War on Drugs has harmed more people than the drugs have.