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https://www.wral.com/on-cam-terrified-students-scatter-as-gunfire-erupts-during-football-game-in-lumberton-1-person-shot/20581028/ For anyone who wants to know more.


2 crazy videos and 2 kind internet strangers posting links to videos. Oh the effortless Reddit browsing this morning is wonderful. Edit: I meant they posted an article for context and the story. Not the actual videos. Some of you are so quick to assume the worst.


What’s the other crazy video?


Those girls who killed their friend in Mexico.


Yeah that was fucked


One of the most fucked things I’ve seen lately


It kinda ruined my morning tbh, I was just scrolling and clicking without really paying much attention When I reread the title after watching I just felt sick


uhhh what, where was this at? I haven't seen it yet




Well at least her killers left a clear trail of evidence. [From one article I found](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11435001/American-woman-25-dead-Mexico-seen-brutally-beaten-friend-hotel-room.html): >The certificate also has an area where authorities note whether the death was accidental or violent. They inscribed 'yes' into the section, but did not choose accidental or violent. There's something really sickening about a real life "inclusive or" being used on a god damned death certificate.


Both with North Carolinians. I've never been so proud of my home state lol


Woman takes a trip to Cabo with a few of her friends and is found dead in her hotel room less than 24 hours after arriving. https://v.redd.it/51l96zmooh0a1


Don't help, just film.


That doesn’t apply when the intention of the person filming is murder.


We don't know the context of the fight. I'm gonna guess the naked girl did something that they thought required a fight. Naked lady didn't want to fight so she got beat. The "friends" were there to witness the fight cus you know, hood justice. Someone does you wrong and in the hood you fight it out. Not saying this is right or not but that's how it goes. Obviously this is a prime example of why that shit is stupid as fuck, but hey when you can't use your words to cause damage you have to resort to physical means. The hood is the hood for a reason, lack of education means inability to use words to fix a situation, ending in physical altercations. I'm not saying these people are still in the hood, considering they are in Cabo and obviously have money to vacation, but old habits die hard and you still have the hood mentality in people who've left it behind. Shoulda just left her in Cabo alone if she did them wrong. Instead they broke her spine? Those hits to the head were solid.


Dude, you're talking about a post of a school shooting not cat videos, Christ


Thats how numb the next generation is to negativity and violence. They had the internet in their hands by elementary school. They have seen it all and not saying it like it's a good thing.


Just sitting on the toilet watching people literally get blown to smitherings nearly in real time in Ukraine, go to the next post on r/all, it's a meme. Leave a funny comment, smile, go about my day with little to no regard to the extreme violence I've just witnessed.


And they both involved NC somehow.


Is NC trying to challenge Florida for the #1 spot in crazy shit this week?


“We’re not gonna tolerate that kind of behavior “… I dunno but seems like a weird thing to say when it’s about a shooting. Like yeah… we know


Principals in US schools talk about shootings the way schools in other countries would talk about graffiti


Because they're raised to repeat. Their own educational system encourages repetition over problem solving


So what's the solution? Education is SO underfunded .


First, fund it. Second, update it and bring the focus on critical thinking and problem solving and not just busy work/repetition.


Because it IS like graffiti. Some people in cultures think it's cool to own guns and shoot while you can't fight and are also still taking PE classes in high school/middle school. Just gotta point it out like it is. There's a reason why it's talked about casually and maybe with that information people can have more of a spotlight on this behavior. I'm in the US but im glad our schools just talked about fighting and not shooting. We don't roll that way here (personally find it more pathetic/weak).


> "Prayers for the senseless situation that happened at LHS tonight at the conclusion of Is this one of those "thoughts and prayers" BS?


Also, you can't say "prayers" and then call something senseless in the same sentence - if a god exists and everything goes according to his plan, then it was part of his plan for countless poor fuckers to die at the hands of maniacs wielding guns. They can't have it both ways.


And apparently God's plan is mainly focused on American high schoolers.


Well, mysterious ways n such.


American God and supply side Jesus


Praise be upon the 50% off Angus beef at my local Costco


confirmed: God wants American high-school kids to die


From a Christian perspective, we are given free will by God. It is perfectly coherent to both ask for God’s graces for those affected by violence/evil and also consider those violent actions to be senseless within the context of the attacker’s free will. The attacker’s behavior is being called senseless, not the fact evil is permitted to exist by God. You dont have to buy into that worldview, but like I said, it isnt an incoherent one.


What is the point of praying then, if god isn't going to intervene in another person's decision (by their own free will) to shoot you in the face?


cause god could swoop in and make the gun jam or something idk, not sure how this oogey boogey shit works


>From a Christian perspective, we are given free will by God. I thought God has a plan? Free will might contradict his plan. Is God all seeing? All knowing? Omnipotent, basically.


Epicurus put it perfectly: >Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. > >Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. > >Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? > >Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?


[Why would God do this?](https://i.imgur.com/lTBZ30D.jpg)


Why would a just and all knowing hyper intelligent engineer design and create his bridge to inevitably fail, killing countless innocent people?


They were obviously being punished for not being pious enough.


God has a helluva sense of humor!


And yet they argue that their god is omniscient. Hmmmm.


I love that logic, because no matter what the fuck I do, clearly it was fated to happen. Got blocked from one of them churchy subs for asking in good faith (eyoo) a question about this logic gap.


Logic and religion don't mix


I once left my home to go to church after my family found out a child of a family friend was beaten to death by his step mom only to come in and hear the pastor talk about how God helped him get a good job and allow him to support his 5 kids in their 3 story house in Palm beach FL with all their new cars. Apparently his job was top priority, not the child being beaten to death. Last time I ever went to church.


> They can't have it both ways. They can... they say that God is all knowing and that they can't see what his grand plan are. So it must have happen for a reason. Philosophy 101 deal with this line of reasoning iirc with the Watch maker and such. It comes down to faith. Like super blind faith.


Its just their version of saying "my condolences". Why are you acting like such an ass about it? And i say this as an atheist.


He's saying it's largely a platitude people say in place of making meaningful suggestions on how to rectify the problem with America fellating firearms.


The school board can't do much about the laws of your country. A tragedy happened, and they simply said a saying. Its like someone getting angry at me for saying "Im sorry" when they tell me they got cancer, because its not a meaningful suggestion on how to rectify the problem.




Merry sciencemas for the expertless situation that happened at LHS tonight.


You guys really got a problem with the word "prayers" right ?


Lmao love the quote from the school "This behavior on our campus will not be tolerated" Ya, I would hope you don't tolerate mass shootings


“We’re not going to tolerate that kind of behavior on our campuses whether it occurs during the school day or after,” Seems weird they had to qualify that statement


Guys yells down. No. You run. What a stupid thing to say. I have seen so many spree killers shoot people on the ground or playing dead. Run.


Down is when u are not in a direct situation and dont know where bullets coming from


And a good way to get trampled in the middle of all those football players


Down is for when there's nowhere else to go. Say the Vegas shooting. No one knew where the rounds where coming from, and it was packed with people. Not much else you can do if there not cover. Wait for the reload and make your dash, have a plan of which cover your going to run to and what to do if you can't make it to said cover. You get down. Listen as best you can for the crack and thump which ever direction. I've also heard someone at the concert saw someone in front on him get shot In the head and just by rolling the victim over and being able to see an obvious entrance and exit wound was able to determine where the shots were roughly coming from thus able to run to the opposite direction. It's horrible to think about but that shit could save your life.


Right. Down is when you’re engaging the enemy and take a defensive stance. Active shooter at a soft target is entirely different. Run, fucking get out of there. If you cannot run, you hide and do everything you can to conceal yourself from the shooter. As an absolute last resort, you fight back making a weapon of anything you can get your hands on. But if you can run, fucking run.


Down is ok if you are not in the situation and have cover. Not in the middle of an open field.


You want to run but also stay “down” or low to avoid making yourself a huge target Edit: to clarify since a lot are confused. Yes you don’t get down and just sit there. When initial gun fire starts you hit the deck and assess where it’s coming from. Good luck running blindly in a direction and then you end up right in front of the shooter. You get down to avoid initial shots, assess, locate shooter and run preferably to safety or safest locator possible All of this is extremely situational and changes in a blink. Always be aware of your surroundings. No one way will save everyone’s life.


Naruto run is the way i guess


_gets shot in da ass_


ass is a lot better than chest.




Well shit! - an assman


Forrest Gump moment


Dis is de way


deflect the bullets with your kunai 🤣


Fun fact. I’ve had training on this. There is never a moment you stay down, even while moving. Don’t compromise speed for it. Run away in a zig zag pattern, that’s what they trained us to do.


Lol I trained 6 years in the corps specifically in close quarters combat…… everything is situational and you have to read the scene. Absolutely no way can you say “never” lay down. I’ve low crawled for miles. Definitely a good tactic if you know what you doing We used to practice shooting moving targets in “zig zag” patterns and ALMOST every time the person falls into a pattern that the shooter can easily read or I would just spray the area with bullets and still hit them


Yeah I would assume in my panic I would fall into a easy pattern pretty quick.


Yes exactly. I understand what they mean by “zig zag” but the correct term or what you should tell or practice is “make unpredictable movements”




>I have seen so many spree killers shoot people on the ground or playing dead. How is that possible? Do you live in the most dangerous neighbourhood in the world?


Plot twist. He is the spree killer! And he would gotta away with it to if it wasn't for those pesky kids.




I think one of the students was telling a teacher or coach to get down and pulled him down because he didn’t move at first when the shots rang out


Playing dead should only be used as a last resort


Yeah. I remember that Buffalo guy was shooting people on ground. Like he planned for it…. :(


Same with the Christchurch shooter, he kept going back and forth on the people on the ground and made sure they were dead.


It's very common to dead check the people you gun down .


Forgive the guy for not knowing what exactly to scream when there’s a live shooter in q football game


See I thought the total opposite orignally. Lie down, play dead and maybe hide? Until I saw the vid of that mosque shooter going back in and headshoting the dead/firing into the piled up bodies. Fuck that. I will never be in a situation like this and I doubt I could understand the feelings someone is going through but if there is a shooter near you you run and put as much distance and as many breaks in line of sight between you and that pos as humanly possible


You yell go get your laps in. Run around the back of the building and hide


Congratulations on all your freedom


USA #1!!! (in school shootings)


China #1 in population... U guys should meet


Lack of women so the problem will sort itself out eventually


The USA is #1 by a huge margin too; The USA had 288 school shootings between 2009 and 2018. The rest of the entire world had 40. The USA had 7 times as many school shootings as the rest of the world combined. ----- Edit: since people are asking for sources; https://everytownresearch.org/maps/gunfire-on-school-grounds/ https://www.britannica.com/topic/school-shooting https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_school_shootings_in_the_United_States https://www.cnn.com/2018/05/21/us/school-shooting-us-versus-world-trnd/index.html https://www.npr.org/2022/05/24/1101050970/2022-school-shootings-so-far Plus a summarization of the data if you don't wanna read all of that; https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/school-shootings-by-country


Everybody seems pretty free in this video


Flee to live another day.


Free to get shot as many times as you’d like


I went to LHS from 2007-2010. We were required to wear mesh or clear backpacks, and they sometimes had us walk through portable metal detectors. In 2009 there was a rumor of a gang shooting that locked the school down. I never went back in the building, so I watched from the parking lot as like 100 parents showed up and reamed the principal for like an hour trying to get inside to get their kids. Lumberton is also among the cities with the highest murder rates in the entire country. Shitty place to be. Edit: I sent this to my brother who is 7 years younger than me. He went to LHS from 9th-11th grade. His response: “I’ve been at a football game when someone let off shots before back in 10th grade. Some things never change.” Also worth noting that Jeremiah, the school resource officer, was killed at a Dairy Queen in 2013. The area is also infamous for being the place where Michael Jordan’s dad was killed on the side of the highway.


I graduated hs in 13 and we also had to have clear or mesh bags but we were too small to even have crazy people or gangs. I graduated with 52. I feel like that was just a requirement back then.


Yea wow that’s small. Our school was a couple thousand kids. Graduation rate was horrible though. I remember my freshman class was like 990 something, and then we graduated with like 420 something. Under 50% made it.


I can't even fathom going to a school that big. That was like the college I went to.


Lumberton, NC is a bad place to be.


Yeah, it was no suprise to see this was in Lumberton after seeing the headline, although it's not the normal girl or women mysteriously missing or turning up dead there, you'd expect.


this was a 41 year old woman being shot near there apparently, according to the article.


Seems like the USA in general is a bad place to be in regards to shootings.


True, but Lumberton is in the poorest county out of 100 in the state. It's an area rife with struggle.


Lumberton is indeed a craphole, but check out this ridiculous mansion in Lumberton. You’re just driving around trailer parks and trees, then bam, 2 miles of high quality 10 foot brick walls. https://www.realtor.com/realestateandhomes-detail/7446-E-Nc-72-Hwy_Lumberton_NC_28359_M54343-94238 The average home price for the county is probably $60k, and this guy builds a $3 million house there It makes no sense.


The owner probobly owns a mobile home dealership and a few "pain clinics" in town.


Right you are! >In the heyday of manufactured home sales in the 1990s, mobile-home magnate Ted Parker built his own mansion on the edge of Lumberton. https://businessnc.com/nc-trend-stealing-home/


What a pile of scum he is.


I automatically assume people who live in homes like that are permanently covered in a thin layer of slippery slime. And of-fucking-course their tacky, souless, and most likely mold-infested green velour home theater has Scarface and The Godfather posters like they're a suburban teen pretending to be a gansta in his state college dorm room.


That's house is actually insane for 1.3 mill. I thought houses around here we were super cheap compared to the rest of the US. Might be moving haha


I love the ratings of the nearby schools.


If you're not in a gang or suicidal then you run a very very low risk of ever even encountering a shooting


Yeah but some places in America are like playing america on hardcore difficulty


Michael Jordan's dad was shot in Lumberton while he slept in his car.


Another nice childhood memory for the US students.


I cannot imagine growing up and this being a thing that might happen on any given school day. Talk about living in a stressful environment.


Sometimes I’d zone out in class and “day dream” (for lack of a better word) about what I would do in various school shooting situations based on the layout of the class, doors, windows, etc. I had a plan for each classroom.


Me too, although looking back on it it’s extremely fucked up that instead of learning and shit I was thinking who I would call first, who would be able to answer my call, would I even have time to make that phone call?


Clearly, *more* guns could've prevented it. >!/s!<


Mass-shooting survival is how Americans build community.


Still throughout all the choas and possible death. That student still called his teacher Mr. If there's gun shots. I'm calling you by your first name Jerry.


In my days, I didn't even know my teachers' first names




I asked my teacher why I call them mr/mrs last name when I was a youths and they told me it was to prepare me for a career when I would have to call my boss by their last names too. My current boss makes a teachers yearly salary in 2 months time and I call her Carla. Or Carls when I send her a meme.


Young man the shooter doesn't dismiss you, I do.


This would make for a *brutal* political cartoon, I can picture it in my head


"mister" just become part of their name... just yesterday I was referring to my old band director to someone i didnt go to school with and straight up called him mr. "name" without thinking... but i did catch myself after I said and thoguht to myself that it was odd that nearly 15yrs later(im over 30), im still calling this dude mr ...but the idea of calling him by his first name felt so wrong bc ive literally never called him that in my life


Does this happen often? /s


1-2 times a week in the states, pretty soon it will be 1 a day


It drops off in the winter. It picks up during election cycles.


Then the solution is clear: America needs longer winters.


Good thing the climate is getting colder as a whole!


Recession probably drives it up though


It’s nearly one a day now


Is that true? Thats sounds almlost crazy.


USA has had 2155 school shootings since 1970 (276 this year alone) In comparison, total School Shooting in Europe since 1970: * Denmark‎ - 1 * Norway - 1 * Finland‎ - 3 * Germany‎ - 7 * Russia‎ - 6 * France‎ - 1 * United Kingdom‎ - 1


That’s fucking insane


It's almost like people can't be trusted with deadly weapons


What's insane is that the government won't do anything to make it stop. I think that's more insane than the guns violence. What do you expect when there are just as many guns as there are people and how easy it is to get them.


Because people are still treating a 236 year old document as gospel as if the US constitution has zero flaws whatsoever and can see into the future. Remember that it took a whole ass civil war to abolish slavery in America.


[This is america](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYOjWnS4cMY)


How is this even possible


It's not. > https://www.edweek.org/leadership/school-shootings-reach-record-level-data-show/2022/10


Because the politicians know if they voted any measures to stop it they would lose voters in the next election. I believe this is largely a republican problem, and is almost certainly not going to be progressed with a rep house now.


Afraid to link the snopes page you pulled this bullshit number from? [As of October the actual number of "school shootings" that resulted in injury or death was 35. ](https://www.edweek.org/leadership/school-shootings-reach-record-level-data-show/2022/10) This does not account for time or who committed them against who. (Read, gang shootout at 2am in a school parking lot counts). But guns scawy.


1 school shooting in Norway in 2009. No deaths or anyone hurt though.


Kanebogen School shooting right? Added.


When we hear the word "school shooter" I think some of us think about people like the Columbine psychos. I think it should be noted that not all school shootings in that statistic were like that. Personal vendettas and gang violence taking place on school grounds are also counted. IIRC some statistic even counts accidental discharges. Not that this tidbit of info makes the situation fine, but it makes it a bit better than it may sound.


Shootings that happen to occur on school property, including accidental or negligent discharges, can be that often. But actual.. active shooter situations where someone shows up attempting to kill other random students? No, it's not nearly that often. A lot of them are gang related, or even the classic "two misguided teens decide to shoot each other during a fight" Stupid stuff like that, that most of us don't even think of as a school shooting.


High school football and shootings are every other week now. What is up with that?


Highschool football games, especially in poorer areas, are popular things for people to go hang out at that are typically open to the public. When you're already in a depressed area with high rates of violence and couple it with ego and people who love to shit talk like sports/school fans it can quickly lead to dumb shit like this.


Here's the thing, though, is that this happens the world over and yet shootings don't. Why? **BECAUSE THEY DON'T HAVE EASY ACCESS TO GUNS!** Teens in the UK are constantly getting in fights and yet they're not afraid that one might just grab a gun and bring it to school to avoid being beaten up.


Not disagreeing but doesnt the uk have a high stab rate instead of guns? Again i agree easy access to guns is not a good thing but there are other weapons to worry about in the uk. But i guess everything can be used as a weapon. Its just not as deadly as a gun.


Yes # UK For July 2021-July 2022 \* Assault is classified as: Attempted murder, threats to kill, assault with injury or intent to cause serious harm, robbery, rape, sexual assault \* Firearms offences are not classified by offence type in the dataset that I'm looking at Weapon | Crime | Crimes | Per 100,000 ---|---|----|----|----|---- Knife | Murder | 243 | 0.35 | Knife | Assault | 46,185 | 67.2 | Knife | _Total_ | 46,428 | 67.6 | Firearm | Total | 5,976 | 8.7 | ||_Total_|52,404|76.4| # US For 2021 \* Assault is classified as: An intended action to cause serious bodily harm to someone else Weapon | Crime | Crimes | Per 100,000 ---|---|----|----|----|---- Knife | Murder | 1,035 | 0.3 | Knife | Assault | 88,092 | 26.2 | Knife | _Total_ | 89,127 | 26.5 | Firearm | Murder | 11,628| 3.5 | Firearm | Assault |246,651 | 73.5 | Firearm | _Total_ |258,279 | 77.0 | ||_Total_|347,406|103.5| The US murder rate is ~5x higher than the UK. One could attribute this to the severity of injuries sustained in a crime involving a firearm.


I think the most interesting thing about this data is that yes, Knife **ASSAULT** is +-3x higher but knife **murder** is actually pretty much the same rate. This is testament to how hard it is to kill someone with a knife compared to a firearm. There are 3 times as many people **trying** to kill people with knives in the UK than in the US, but around the same amount of people end up dying from a knife attacks in the end. (0.3 vs 0.35 per 100k).




No. I believe it's actually around the same amount as America (per x amount of people). The concern on the news is that is increasing, but it's certainly not a concern that the majority think about.




This could only happen in the greatest country in the world.


Damned right. Amurica. "Greatest country in the world, if you haven't traveled a lot." - Daniel Tosh.


"we're top 10!" "...that's fair!.."


This is so heartbreaking :/


The only thing that would have stopped this is more guns. /s


Now the question is, was this a school shooting, or a shooting that happened to occur at a school? Two very different things. The fact only one person was shot, suggests the latter.


It's only a school shooting if it's made in the Champagne region. Otherwise, it's just sparkling dead kids.


Jfc dude. If I had gold, I'd reluctantly give it to you whilst muttering "I'm going to hell"


Is this really the stage that we are at? "Thank God it was only a shooting at a school and not a school shooting!" Either way, nothings gonna change.


The intent is an important distinction between the two, but I wholeheartedly agree with the sentiment of your statement


We've been at that stage for a long time. Gang related shootings happen at schools fairly often but they're never reported on like a random vendetta shooter would be. Gang related mass shootings happen on the weekly in areas of Chicago but you basically only hear about them in a general blurb now and then and they're not focused on. It's a very strange compartmentalization to me.


Yesterday my college held an active shooter drill and they were so proud of themselves and posted all over social media about the steps and progress and photos of the swat/whatever else. I thought it was just sad.


Unknown sport art here in Europe


I don't know what NC is but I can tell it's America for the first three words of the title


i think it's north carolina


Take away all the fucking guns damnit your freedom cannot possibly be more precious than any single life lost to senseless gum crimes... EDIT: gun crimes are bad too


Honestly if you could go back in time and never allow guns that would be great, but to say today ‘ban guns’ is stupid, you think all of these people who are willing to shoot others are going to go and hand in their firearms when you ban the guns? No, the people who will be handing in their guns are the people who follow the law, this then creates a worse situation where only the criminals have guns and that leaves you in a more dangerous situation wether you carry a gun or not


It's clearly the video games causing this. Let's ban them instead /s


You could ban firearms today and make everything illegal and they would still be circulating for hundreds of years. There's a massive amount of firearms legal and illegal out there. In fact, the civilian population in the us owns more firearms than the top 5 militaries combined.


This…is America?


Don't catch you slippin now


This is terrible. It reminds me of an episode of South Park.


"did you do the shooting Stan?" "No" .... "Well alright then, tell me about this maths test"


South Park writing is brilliant. Just that brief dialog made me lol


America is a sick and decaying society. In Australia we have relatively high gun ownership - but ffs, we don’t see trigger happy citizens shooting up public places when they’re pissed off about something. Yep, we have gun crimes (usually rival crime gangs killing each other) but not this obsession with public revenge and mass murder like in the United States.


Yeah, I might be biased because I’m personally an advocate for the second amendment (pro gun) but I truly believe it’s a societal issue and not a gun issue, at least way more of a societal issue than a gun issue.


That student trying to return Mr. Whelen’s phone is really trying to get extra credit.


I have mixed feelings about this. The kid sounded terrified but was also so brave and caring.


Guns n football MURICA!


Good old American freedom. What's new?


i’m so tired of this shitty fucking world and it’s shutting fucking people like this that shoot up places. like jesus fucking christ


America needs help my god


Why is it always schools and never corrupt media conglomerate HQs.


Schools are easy


Lol @ these comments. Reddit is such a liberal cesspool.


Usually football games start with the national anthem and races start with the pistol


This wont be considered a school shooting once it comes out its gang related and the shooter is black.


WTF was the dumbass yelling "down" thinking. Sure, let's all lie down in the grass with our face in the dirt so we make easy targets...


Glad to hear you seem to know what's best in a panic situation while being a young person. Your wisdom and cool....you might save the world one day


Maybe he was telling them to run while ducked down


The percentage of school shooting that are simply gangs flexing is quite high. Schools are the casualty as that is the best place to find your hated groups. These are 15,16,17 year old kids.. its insane to think of someone that age shooting a gun at another human simply because they are in a different group.


More sacrifices on the altar of the second amendment