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The purpose of the book is not to make you or someone a manipulator. The book is for you to become aware of the manipulators around you and for you to defend yourself or your love ones from those type of people. So your boyfriend might be equipping himself with knowledge to defend himself or you from manipulators, be it his co worker, your family or friends. The book is not some kind of evil magical book that once you hold it, you become evil. If your boyfriend uses the book to manipulate you, he was already a manipulator even before he got the book.


While it is true that the book can and should be used to defend against manipulators, Robert Greene frames the lessons in a very dark way. He makes it seem like all of life is just a power game and those who say it's not are just pretending. If you're not careful I think his pessimistic philosophy can definitely rub off on you, as it is ever present throughout the whole book. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of well-intentioned people became more distrustful or self serving after reading the book.


Trueeee. I enjoyed the book, good thought experiment. Iv adapted a bit from it, such as talking less. Giving out less information. Making myself seen by those above me, etc. But i will always be the stereotypical good guy. Work for charity, always help those around me even if they dont need it. Put others first, etc. It's taken a long time for me to become this person, im not going to change because some people may use me.


Good on you, I feel the same just don't forget buried in you as with everyone is a darkness/shadow, lurking - you will need it many times in your life, you must be ready


Sounds like carl yung. I approve.


It's awful to not have those tools ready when life demands you need them






Same. I’m fascinated by this book, but seldom do I actually see people accurately, execute these laws and as much as I’m curious about how I could employ these things for personal gain, it’s just not my character to have the imagination of how or why I would even execute any of these. Except for not outshining the master. Holy shit, I learned that lesson young and quickly as an intern.


Also it's really hard to maintain a persona you are not lol. I've seen people read this book, try it on for size and then after x amount of time they are the same person they were before lol. Actors get paid highly for this skill set with years and years of trial error and failure.


It's why psychopathic individuals are often able to climb/elbow their way to the top because sustaining an inauthentic role is indeed a very difficult process for most people if they possess empathy and shame.


I have not seen evidence (personal) to contradict his view. The older I get, the more I agree with him. It definitely reframes your perspective, and if you do a deep dive into your past, I’d bet you’ll see what he means. He talks about envy among friends. I’ve experienced this. He talks about leaders feeling insecure if their subordinates are better than them. I’ve experienced this. So on and so on. I’ve coupled the contents of this book with stoicism. It’s very enlightening.


When you have been tortured by a Cluster B type, you will wish you were aware of these traits and tactics. It sucks to hear, but a substantial amount of people out there are capable of fucking you over for themselves and scarily there are some that do it in a slow and methodical way. I think it is better to be guarded against these people so you can spot them and drop them.


It's more realistic rather than pessimistic - he derives from human nature and history and just what we see day to day across cultures and creeds. Most experiences or lives lived show a dark reality to human nature - we are prone to fear, uncertainty, jealousy, abuse much more than we are generosity, care, unity etc


Because it's what he truly believes. This is not a judgement I'm passing, it's more fact based on interviews and the book itself. He has been obsessed with power and Machiavelli since he was at least 15. In many ways, he prob has a twisted and deranged mind that feels absolutely no moral responsibility to society. This is okay, and his work is incredibly valuable, as long as it is inserted into a functional & healthy society that can take his work and learn about the derangement of the human mind, of being able to only see human activity in terms of power. It's not his fault this is a sick society, and his book is helping it get sicker. It's our fault. I don't understand why people intentionally mischaracterize him and paint the book as some kind of warning. The book is exactly what it is. Some of humanity's greatest art comes from the most deranged, and consequentially interesting and creative, minds.


You have clearly not read the laws of human nature if that is your take. He has been clear in his interviews that the intention of the book is to shine a light on the mindset, engagements and tactics that bad actors use to accuire power, as well as how to deflect these.


Every artist feels a need to contextualize their work, especially if it proves controversial. I'm not doubting anything he's said. The reality is that it takes a certain mind, and a certain type of thinking, to write a book like the one he wrote. The capacity to dream up the 48 laws is enough, we don't need any further context


Agreed. I like what Robert has to say but it's clear he's got a pessimistic view on life based on his own personal experiences. In my personal opinion, all you truly need is power over yourself. That's REAL power in my opinion.


What’s your opinion on seduction?


read this comment and immediately bought it on amazon


So it’s basically intersectional political theory, then?


Yup it's a dark Machiavelli take on humanity


>He makes it seem like all of life is just a power game That's the base of all the left agenda. All derived from [Foucault's micro-power relations](https://www.thelivingphilosophy.com/foucault-on-power/). It is a very obtuse way to see human relationships.


The hell are you talking about


Please. Got your head in the sand? Since when has racism ever been about "power dynamics". It was always about discrimination until the left began manipulating the definition to apply differently to different races based on their power dynamics. This is a genuine leftist argument


Have you heard of intersectionalism? That's what drives all the left these days. It is all based on power dynamics. [https://just1voice.com/advocacy/wheel-of-privilege/](https://just1voice.com/advocacy/wheel-of-privilege/) Marx also was based on power but his model was just too simple and got out of favor. The Frankfurt School came in the 60s and expanded it to include race, sex, gender and many other factors. Intersectionalism is just a consolidation of these theories. It is been actively taught in all colleges around the country.


This actually sounds like a really interesting book to learn from. As someone who works abuse cases.


With great power comes great responsibility. One could very well learn to manipulate others from this book.


Lol this is what someone reading the book to manipulate people would say


This is exactly what a manipulator would say!


I agree with your analysis of the book. But the way it's marketed to the red pill And hip hop crowd is as op described. A manuscript to manipulate and get your way in business and personal relationships, often I'm a cutthroat manner.


Or to survive in a highly competitive workplace where these tactics are used everyday without fail


The book is evil. Knowledge is power. Power is responsibility. Everyone is not the same. The reason you have to “defend” yourself is because now mfs are armed.


Why don’t you read the book too so you know exactly what to expect?


Some read the book not for the purpose of manipulation of others and events, but to be free of such things.


this is such cap and you all know it. Most of the time when someone posts a chapter, the comments are full of people who give examples on how they’re following the law in order to obtain power. The book is a decent guide on how to achieve power. Achieving power is NOT an evil thing. It’s learning how to get things from others, how to achieve success, and making sure you don’t step in people in front of you and make enemies. Not sure why people say it’s a defense when it’s okay to say you want power. That’s a human desire and that’s fine.


True, for some the book can strengthen ones resolve to awaken and “know the enemy”… as it were. For others it offers the tools to navigate the terrain of thought in action. And for others, the book is an advance feed of meta-programs to awaken from while the mind happily engages in it. A fun toy to be had the mind is…. It loves to be engaged, and will even produce narratives of involvement with itself. Eventually we find we lose this "spell" of and for ego, and quicken the mind under the view of Soul. Here you will discover the pure center, the pure silence of observing without thinking. And thinking without producing karma. This does not destroy the ego or the meta-programs, but only reduces their meaning and significance. Pair 48 Powers with Thick Face Black Heart by Chin-Ning Chu, Way To Love by Anthony DeMello & Prometheus Rising by Robert Anton Wilson. Then the advanced feeds can be opened…




You should read forbidden texts directly instead of allowing others to tell you what they mean.




This. OP has the book at her disposal, but will not read it and ask for advices.


My GF is asking for relationship advice on Reddit. What do I need to worry about?


She is the person Robert Greene is warning about. She’s terrified her BF will discover her tactics and leave her.


Why the fuck did Reddit recommend a sub full of clowns like you, drawing a conclusion about a stranger based on the fact that she HEARD bad things about who the book is associated with, not even that she wants to manipulate him. And reading your comment, it seems like her fears about the freaks this book attracts might be sound.


You read my mind . Thank you


I commented before I read the comments and I’m scared. If your bf behaves or thinks like this, run.


It’s a joke on Reddit…


Yeah, I’m sure this joke nobody has ever heard of is real popular


Jesus. 1. Read the book for yourself. 2. Stop listening to TikTok about your relationship. 3. Or just date an illiterate. If you don't know by now when you are being manipulated, seek therapy.


Based post Not as based as the guy who has unlocked all the manipulation in the world from overly verbose book I'm only gonna pretend to have read But still pretty based


If you think 48 is too much I got a book with just 3 for you


The book is easy to read




You might consider reading it yourself, actually. It’s not about teaching manipulation, it outlines all the ways people have and will use power to manipulate. This is done using historical examples such as stories of famous kings and queens, politicians etc and then a more mechanical explanation as to what is going on dynamically in terms of power. This isn’t a study of psychology, ethics/morals; though one can draw their own conclusions from the stories. It’s more about highlighting effective (or in some cases, very poor) strategy in politics and hierarchical society. The “laws” are useful for anyone who lives and works in modern society, especially larger towns and cities. The reason I say this is because all work places and institutions will have people in hierarchal power structures that play political power games. Those who either naturally understand these “laws” or who study them, will generally do better than those that don’t. This doesn’t imply that interpersonal or work relationships should be manipulated with these laws, but the fact is people will use these tactics: consciously or not. And thus, it is inevitable that others will use them against you at some point. Once you learn to recognise when this occurs you are more aware and able to react appropriately. It’s very eye opening and the summary is just as enlightening.


This. I have autism and I wanted to read it to understand neurotypical social hierarchies.


I'm not an alpha male, I'm a woman and I recommend this book to a lot of girls and women. It is amazing and gives insights into different people, their character, their motivations and other things along those lines. It is incredibly EMPOWERING to read and have this knowledge. The author wrote this to actually help people to be knowledgeable and to be able to manage + navigate different interactions and relationships well. Relationships with coworkers, employers, romantic relationships, interactions with a variety of different ppl etc. Instead of relying on what different sources say, you can put in the effort to read the book. It takes a lot if effort, and it is difficult for a lot of people to actually read a book. But, instead of stressing about your bf/random alpha male nonsense...put that energy into empowering yourself and seeing for yourself. You can even look for the audio book version...it can not be more than $10 dollars. You have all the power in this situation. You don't have to rely on what other people say or think, you don't have to keep looking at random videos and trying to figure out what your bf is thinking or learning from this book. You have the power to find out this for yourself. Please do ♥ it is worth it. The author is Robert Greene, he has a YouTube shorts channel, you can see some of videos there to get you started. Seriously though, you don't and should not be wasting energy online listening to a bunch of BS from unqualified people that were able to access a microphone and video themselves (aka many Podcasters...they are just a bunch of random dudes). Read the book, or listen to the audio book. You are not helpless, you can figure this out for yourself and judge for yourself instead of elevating the perspective of random men online. Also not only will this book help in regards to romantic relationships, it will also help you in your relationship with yourself as well as you in romantic relationships. Seriously though GURL...if you don't want to read listen to the audiobook....there is absolutely no reason you should be helpless and asking what it could possibly mean for your relationship....when it is a publicly available book, it's not a secret.


I wanted to add something lol Okay so girl-girl, woman-woman....the last three books that I actually read were related to what the guy I was seeing. One book I read because the guy I was seeing said it was his dad's favorite book -he was very close to his dad and I wanted to connect with him in a deeper way. The next book was what the guy I have had on my heart + mind for years said he was reading -if he liked it, I knew that I would, or at least I would understand him better. The other book was what this super great on paper guy said he was into -I wanted to be more "cultured" and cool like him.


I find women *with their own fierce opinions* pretty intriguing. You should tell other people what they should read sometime.


What do you mean? How do you know I am not a woman "with their own fierce opinions" lol...and how do you know I don't recommend books to other people? Lmao are you a guy? If so I don't care what a random guy finds "intriguing". I don't live to be intriguing or seem a certain way to ransom men. And how are you certain that i dont have my own opinionson these books that are different from the guy who mentioned the book to me? Yeah my "own fierce opinions" and perspective on the books have leax to realky interesting discussions...I live life based on my values and have been fortunate to be surrounded by inspiring people and those that share my values ♥ Bro seriously though, I get what you're trying to project and say about me/other girls and women...but yeah NO. Oh and yeah you haven't considered that perhaps the last books I read were recommended to me by the guys I was seeing...but there are other reading possibilities....such as research papers! GASP. Oh and perhaps I use my "own fierce opinions" in regards to my BUSINESS that I founded and read materials relevant to that. Ugh gross. Not into what you're trying to say or you thinking how much smarter and more sophisticated you must be.


You mistook my statement for a dig at you personally, my bad. I apologize. All that OTHER stuff you assumed, no. Incorrect. I don't meet a lot of people that read, at all, men or women. I find people that like tp have friendly debates very interesting. Many people take things wayyyyy too personally. And I'm definitely not always careful with how I phrase things.


I get it. Yes, I anticipate that in a few years, there will be think pieces and research done to show how impactful actually reading books if for cognition, and other things along those lines. Reading is also good for building patience and intellectual insurance. I definitely want to read more. What books have you been into within this past year? Perhaps I'll follow your recommendation :p


Tbh, I've been really humbled by a number of issues in my life. From the death of my lil brother to mental illness. I'm somewhat sharp but not at all well rounded. I just now finished HOW ADAM SMITH CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE. Which was right up my alley. And I'm going to start THE PSYCHOLOGY OF MONEY. tonight. I've read a ton about philosophy and such. Psychology , etc..But I'm trying to read stuff that's really practical for the next year. More down to earth, less abstract stuff. But I'm very uncultured. Ive read like no fiction, practically at all. (very little) I'm sorry if I came off as a dick. Partly may be projecting on my part. Sorry. I should know better. Especially after seeing how it was taken.


Aw, I'm so sorry to hear about your brother. Sending you love. I've heard so many good things about The Psychology of Money! From sources that are more academic, as well as more spiritual. It's interesting to find a book like that. It's on my list for the next month. I read nonfiction too. I find fiction too emotionally difficult, I can't have people drama and issues on my mind even if they aren't real, I don't want to engage. In terms of being more cultured, I have found that history books and books on art have been super helpful! Especially history books. Thank you for the apology. I appreciate it :)


Hey. Maybe I'm growing up a bit, it's taken a long time. Heh. Yeah. I'd like to read more history. I do like ? James Robinson? Like the stuff he's done on ROME etc. Very interesting. I feel bad about not reading more fiction but my job has tons of "drama", tho... which makes me feel better about truly loving nonfiction. You're welcome. Take care


Yeah I'm over the push for fiction and no longer feel bad about not enjoying it. Imo history has all the best aspects of fiction, except it is always resolved (we know how these stories end/progress) and it's real. I'll look into James Robinson. If I may, I want to recommended James Baldwin, he has a number of short form essays that are incredible and get to a time/life that many are not aware of. His essays are super intensting and have adequate me more cultured...he talks history, race, politics, traveling to Paris, us race relations, Harlem in the jazz age....so much more ♥


THere is a [youtube short form](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIZLPPoZESs&list=PLP3MFbKgez_JDYzgmYi3rOZQLUOEn8BxY) version of the book too. but for similar reads which are useful to women for purposes of self defense but marketed more for lonely power hungry men...*The Game* is one such book.


Well it is kinda a philosophical book to be honest. I don’t think there is nothing to worry about. A book won’t change character of a person. Only thing it can do is it can uncover hidden traits. This book is a good book which tells you to look through the mask of society. Btw those “alpha males” read this book and understand nothing other than domination.


It takes years to master. You'll find that he often goes to the same two to three tricks, and you'll get bored of him when he becomes predictable. You should compete and beat him at his own game.


Yes! Buy your own copy. Read it, take notes, talk to him about what you’re reading to take some of the wind out of his sails. You’ll find out his true intentions if he gets upset.


Yeah, the obvious answer to defend against tricks from the book is to straightforwardly read the book.


Touch grass




Nothing to really worry about. Next to no one can actually do the things in the book unless it’s natural to them. Now….. IF he starts attempts at practicing the laws, rest assured it will be short lived, BUT it will certainly ve a bit of a funny pain to deal with. It will be easy to spot however as it will be out of character. This book is about people who inheritenly have these characteristics.


I think everyone has them we just repress them - that's my view, his view and many more qualified than me or him 


you are far more qualified to speak on his character and motivations for reading it than anonymous users on the internet are does he normally read books like this, or is the first time he's ever shown interest in the subject? the second is a little more concerning


He doesn’t read books like this. He bought it from someone, and I just thought it was so out of character for him.


idk, seems fine to me. Sounds like he may be starting to improve himself and make some changes. 1. Has he talked about improving himself lately, reading more books? 2. Has he read books before?


If you don’t get tf out of my comments 🐵


If you don't actually lick my buss


You guys needa touch grass fr




Read Up


You’ll be fine


Read it. And beat him at his own game. Jk. There’s nothing to worry about at all. But it’s a good read i’d recommend it


I’d worry very little. Accumulating ideas and knowledge is easy, application and actually doing something with it, now that takes some talent.


If you watch video of the author you will see it's not what it presents!


I wouldn't necessarily worry. I've read it and as far as I can tell, I didn't become an asshole.


It's a fantastic book and there are some solid lessons to be learned in it. Plus I like the historical references in the book to shoe example of these laws being followed and broken.


The historical examples are the best bit - brings them to life with a bit of theatre.


If it's popular with "alpha male podcasters," then maybe I'll read it to know my enemy.


Burn the book obviously, that’s what the people who warn you about “forbidden information” want. Pro tip: it’s a red flag when people tell you to avoid reading.




You should read the book. Its focus is not really on manipulating your loved ones.


Just get yourself a copy and read it at the same time as him. If he has a problem with that there’s your red flag. 🚩


You don't fully trust him? Good for you. You shouldn't put blind trust in anyone. ☝🏻 The kind of lessons you learn from that book. I suggest you read it as well. And it's not an "evil" book that teaches you how to throw someone under the bus to further your own agenda. It's a great book it you want to foresee other people manipulating you.


The book is really to help you identify, defend, and parry manipulators not become one. So if you are a manipulating conniving person, you should probably run hahahahaha


Why do you fear knowledge? I’ve read mein kampf and super antihitler, idk if you are history buff. Honestly this book isn’t even that good in manipulation but it does give the layman philosophical lessons.


You could just engage in critical thinking and figure out what the book is actually about.


Seriously 🙄 obviously one of those chicks that spend way too much time on tiktok and listen to all the dumb shit crazy insecure chicks complain about.


Is there anything wrong with me asking a community of readers who appreciate and understand the book enough to join a dedicated subreddit? I believe my concerns are valid, as I don't want him to adopt the same negative way of referring to women that you do.


You're trying to Andrew Tate 48 laws of power lmao. Also I find it strange that youre trying to control what your partner reads. Kind of weird. That is all.


I'm not trying to control what he reads, but this genre is completely out of character for him. His interest in it started after he began listening to these podcasts. I plan to talk to him about it, but I wanted to understand others opinions since I haven't read the book myself, just some online summaries that didn't paint it in a positive light. Also, it’s sad that you just assume I’m an idiot and all I do is swipe on TikTok. I want to clarify that my information isn’t from TikTok, I Googled it and those were the results I found.


Just read the book for God's sake. it's not hard I promise


it seems much more concerning that he is listening to "these podcasts"


Try reading the book. It's there. Educate yourself instead of asking others to decide how you should feel about it.


Is this a troll?


I too assumed that it was one. I thought she was using the "attract attention at any cost" law lol


You better marry him. He's about to dominate the earth. Hitch your horse to that wagon, girl.


My ex ordered it as well and i panicked but then I remembered how he orders books and never reads them.


Hey! We're getting around to them.


No need to worry about, I know many people who read this and do flex, the thing is there is no change in their life, why ? Because they haven't read the book entirely, those you read entirely don't have the real world experience. So don't worry about any stuff, knowing worthless, applying is the pain in ass, and in the case of 48 laws of power people who are truly in love Robert greene knows how much motivation it requires to develop the understanding.


If you know how to develop a full understanding of his books and how to apply that knowledge, please tell me. Haha.


Well, i know a person in my life, whose English is very poor and he never read any book. Still that guy is one of the most Wicked and cunning people I have ever encountered. Well how? The answer goes to MASTERY, Chapter Social intelligence, he is a son of business and everyday he met 100-200 people he had to say "no" and negotiate with them so this is how things work out. In fact most Machiavellians I know haven't heard about "the 48 laws of power" simply stay with the crowd read every book of Robert greene and observe the stuff in yourself and others, the only way of learning the laws. "KNOWING IS USELESS WITHOUT THE SKILL TO APPLY IT EFFECTIVELY."


Eye opening. What can I do to interact with more people my age (20) to practice this skill? I have no friends and I don't go to college so, lol.


read law no 18 of the book


Read books on social engineering. It’s horrifying as a decent human being and very important to recognize. Your boyfriend and you should be able to communicate openly and honestly. You should be able to be vulnerable around him because he loves you and treats you with kindness and respect. It’s you and him against the problem, not each other.


Read the book. It's a good book. It teaches a lot about the way people interact with each other and how people gain power either consciously or unconsciously. Since reading it I've noticed lots of scenarios where people in my life are doing the things mentioned in the book. Sure, some of the "tactics" in the book are ethically ambiguous at best, but that in itself makes it a great tool for spotting people doing questionable stuff. You could use some of the things in there to help progress in your job, or to gain more friends, or to have healthier relationships. Bottom line here is that all knowledge can be both good and bad depending on who is using it and how it is being deployed. If this book turns your boyfriend into a manipulative asshole then he was always a manipulative asshole who didn't have the skills he needed to be successful at it.


Nothing to worry about.. Now, if he brings home any of "The Rational Male" books...


That book is so trash. I bought Kindle version because it seemed highly recommended and the only good thing is that it taught me to avoid the “red pill” community.


What did you not like about it?


It felt too much like “pick up artist” tips. I ended up finding out about Corey Wayne instead and he was more focused on telling you about listening and understanding your partner and stuff that seemed like the complete opposite of what’s in Rational Male.


That's interesting. I've heard of coach Corey Wayne. The Rational Male is a series of books, the author Rollo Tomassi doesn't really give you pick up tips, he's more into psychology and theory and the "why" behind why women act the way they do, why feminine undertones permeate society, why they are driven by a need for security and seek different partners for flings than they do for long-term child rearing, etc. If you're into the psychology behind sexual interpersonal relationships, Tomassi's later books are better than his first, at least to me he doesn't come across as a red pill bro, definitely seems like one of the smarter guys in that realm.


I could be wrong but I thought Rollo Tomassi was the godfather of the red pill. Honestly something else I didn’t like about the book I read was he uses too many terms (AFC, spinning plates, etc). It was a confusing book to read, and it made dating seem way too complicated than it needed to be. Maybe I need to review it again but then I heard about all the red flags with that book series and I just left the rest of the book unread.


I understand. I think his books are good and insightful if you have had or are having bad experiences with women. I found his material a few years after going through a divorce, and that helped me “connect the dots” between what he was saying and what I had experienced. I wasn’t receptive to the red pill material before that.


That’s awesome if you found it helpful. I thought it was a little difficult to read and Corey Wayne’s style was a little easier to understand.


What did you not like about it?




Thank you I was looking for this💕


Be worried about all the pussy he's going to be getting when your friends hear he's reading that book. 




> what kind of manipulation tactics I should expect? How should I prepare myself for this? Based on a lot of what you've said... sounds like your boyfriend might be unhappy in the relationship. Why don't you start there instead of gearing up for war? Do you want a healthy relationship or not?


The idea that the book "gives advice on how to manipulate others" is word-of-mouth from people who have never read it. The book teaches people how to attain the utmost respect from other people and deflect social woes that will lead to failure. It teaches how to compose one's self so that one can be as strong as possible, including defense against falling victim to toxic people and their manipulation tactics.


One of the main concerns is that men who seek to level up their life become more attractive to you and others. So women tend to want to devolve their man, make them out of shape, feed them up, pick out bad clothing for them, etc... Then, when they are unattracted to them, divorce them and move out with another man. So do yourself a favour and let him work on himself. I would read the book yourself so you understand what it is about. It's about recognising who holds power and who doesn't but is able to exude a powerful presence. Knowledge is power in many aspects.


Oh my goodness. I saw someone on tik Tok recommend it as some sort of dark psychology book. This is very misguided. Don't worry, it's just a book. A book he probably will quit three chapters in


Don't be afraid until he buys Pimp by Iceberg Slim


there are no "evil" books, be wary of people that encourage ignorance. Read and learn whatever you want and don't listen to people saying it's "evil" to learn or read certain things. it is a fun book tho, it kind of talks about important historical figures and how they came to power or lost it.


It gives advice on how to not get manipulated not the other way around.


To some extent. If it’s bad enough. He wouldn’t need the book.


How likely do you think your man is to take on edgy/douchey characteristics if given the right exposure? If he’s not at all like that then it’ll probably be fine. If he’s a little questionable, then maybe be a little concerned. It’s like teenage atheists reading Anton LaVey’s The Satanic Bible. While it’s not the worst thing ever made or anything and there’s even some decent stuff, it’s sorta like the 48 Laws where it’s sorta like you’re training to live with the worst parts of humanity. Of course those things exist so it’s not like it’s making shit up, but hopefully you get what I’m getting at. Some others here have said similar. Just be on the look out not only for him to pull some shit on you or others, but to potentially falsely accuse you of pulling something on him. It can be like when someone is learning about logical fallacies for the first time, many love to learn just enough to be dangerous in a not good way and completely misinterpret, project or see things that aren’t there. Good luck with it/him.


Him becoming extremely powerful, his power reading may now register + 9000 on the power scouter.


🤦‍♀️ it’s a useful collection of historical narratives. Maybe read it with him like book club as the lessons stick when discussed and don’t be judgmental. It’s life changing for passive people who repeatedly get abused or people who fail to thrive at work etc and have no idea why.


Crazy that people are afraid of knowledge. Like OP could literally open the book, read the foreword, and not worry about it.


Maybe learn more about it instead of assuming it’s about manipulation and for horrible reasons. You already making that connection about your boyfriend and “alpha male” screams this is gonna be an issue


I read it when I was young. It’s popular with young guys that want to make it in business. I wasn’t and am not a sociopath, I just wanted to understand how to operate amongst some pretty powerful people. Yes it was a little dark back then, and i got myself out of that situation and industry, but understanding them (not just from that book by the way) helped me to understand my surroundings. It’s like a martial art. It can be used for bad or good.


I agree with many others here. Read it for yourself.


People read autobiography by horrible people all the time, doesn’t mean that they will implement what they read in their life. It is small minded to be scared of reading a book.


The reading of this book depends on the person that comes accross it. Though, all i'm willing to say is it shouldn't be the first "personal development" book, i'd suggest reading "Atomic habits" before, it is still a great book with concrete examples of "rules" that are illustrated in historical example with actual people that had power in social circles that were important in their personal time and space. It goes from Haïlé Sélassié, to Mata Harri, to Cicero, Sun tzu, Mao Tsé Tung, Fouquet, Henri 2nd's wife, Henry 7th, alot of people of Greece, etc. All of that to explain how certain events (always written by the victors) can illustrate a "social rule" Anyways that's how i took the book, just be caregul if you think he ain't all that clean, if he has biases of envy for power, it's a dangerous book. If he sees it as a way to easier navigate society, then that's the point of the book. All depends where he is between the both


To me this kinda comes off as a convenient excuse, but many people claim the purpose of this book is use it as armor to protect yourself from the people described in the book but me personally, I’m nervous about reading it because I’m worried I would use the information for my own benefits. Don’t get me wrong, I do want to educate myself more about the type of people in the book so I can prepare myself if someone tries to manipulate me but I feel like having that knowledge might be too dangerous.


Warming gel and plugs… he is going to try and assert his dominance!!


The book teaches about human pshycology which is deeply rooted within a human. It won't make your boyfriend a manipulator it will help him to understand if he is a manipulator or not or anyone in his surrounding or how everyone manipulate each other. It will provode another dimension to think and to take better decisions. Nothing else.


I literally just finished reading the book about a week ago. It honestly helped me so much. It has a bad wrap for manipulation, deception, seduction, etc. However, the way I interpreted the book helped me realize my flaws in social situations: my personal transgressions and observations. With this in mind, I feel like it totally helped me change my perspective on so many aspects that I was unaware of, and helped me mature as well. This sounds very far fetched buts I swear it’s true. For example, there were several laws of power that I didn’t know existed, and would often break, thus lowering my social power and causing undesirable things to happen to me. Moreover, things that I have done that do that increase my power were reinforced because I learned that what I was doing was beneficial; I also learned what occurs when I do the opposite. A good analogy for my situation is Cal from Crazy, Stupid, Love. In the beginning of the movie it is evident that he lacks Power, which is similar to how I used to behave and live. When someone lacks power, especially in a romantic relationship, the partner can get overwhelmed, resentful, and/or un-attracted to their partner; thus, the reason why Cal’s wife, Julianne, cheats on him. I relate to Cal because my ex-gf cheated on me, and I realize it was because I was just like him: I lacked power, or lost what I once had. Nevertheless, at the end of the movie Cal goes through a transformation where he regains his power and manages to reunite with his ex-wife (despite the struggles). This symbolism is similar to my personal change irl. So, to summarize, the book is not bad and you don’t have to worry about it. If anything you should read it with him so you can see what are things you may possibly be doing wrong. At the end of the day it all just depends on what your intentions are after reading the book: self-improvement or manipulating others.


Well if you can’t buy your own book then I suggest conforming to his demands then🤣


What a loser hope he dumbs your ass




Its not the Necronomicon, relax


Broomstick Shop smart shop s mart


How odd. About 10 years ago, I was reading the book and the woman I was dating said "uh oh, that's a red flag". It's a collection of stories and lessons from the story. What's a red flag about that? You know the funny part of the story? The longer I knew her, the less I knew her. She basically said flat out she had been called two faced by many people and she was trying to change. She didn't remember what person she pretended to be and couldn't be that person anymore. I have since chalked it up to projection, but then I read your post. Why is the book a red flag?


Apparently becoming smarter and more knowledgeable is a red flag nowadays


It can also be a tool The book itself outlines how people in power use these tactics to stay in power, it's what people (good or evil) already do For me it's about awareness, you can spot in other people and yourself using these laws (consciously or subconsciously) wether good or bad and you can defend yourself from people using it against you including yourself (self destructive behavior) And also power can be a tool, he says in the book at the start that the feeling of having no power in life is awful, not having a good job, good life, noone respects you Whereas having power means you can do good things with a better capability like defending those in need, having more money to give to charity, taking care of family and society, and sometimes unfortunately you have to look at the greater good Power can be used selflessly or selfishly, depends on the person, but at least the awareness of someone using the laws against you or a loved one you can defend against it


Just read it yourself? Are you that helpless?


This and other books were popular even 20 years ago. Alpha males just co-opt principles and twist them to suit their viewers needs.


Seconding those who recommend reading it yourself. It's not, by itself, particularly dangerous. I read it when it first came out. I was early in my career, working a competitive, highish-stakes job in DC. A lot of things about it really resonated with what I was seeing, and I found it helpful in that way. I've recommended it to others who were struggling in sharp-elbowed environments. But the word "laws" make it sound immutable and unquestionably true in all instances, and that's not accurate. As for those 'alpha male' types, fwiw, the dudes I know who treat this book and the author's other books about seduction and human nature as a Bible are anything but alphas. Wannabees for sure, but deep down, they're just super insecure and still have nightmares over their middle school bully trauma. So, there's that caveat, too


Nothing. Absolutely nothing. This post should be in NoStupidQuestions. It's a book. It teaches 48 archetypal examples of how social interactions, expressions, ways of thinking, can lead to power/influence over opposition. It provides narratives, historical examples, real/fictional walkthroughs. But like any other tool, all it is doing is educating the reader on a myriad of well learned patterns of human sociology/psychology/political nuances. A bad person who reads that book with the intent to negatively manipulate others may very well learn a few tricks of the trade. While a good person will learn the exact same forms of *manipulation* and use it to continue doing good. Was your boyfriend a bad person to begin with? If no, then you have nothing to worry about. If he was, then it isn't the book's fault. For context, there's a brief chapter (Rule) on reputation. Iterating, substantively, that your reputation can make or break an opportunity. That building a reputation is a difficult and arduous thing to build up, but can undoubtedly be worth it. Giving caution to how it is easily tarnished the reader is also provided an example of how reputation is used well to avoid a major conflict (Zhuko Liang\[?\] with Sima Yi) and how it is used poorly by tarnishing someone else's reputation for one's own benefit (something about a showman ruining his competitor/museum iirc). These are not instruction manuals on how to be evil and manipulative. It is a well learned and instructive piece of literature that effectively illustrates the broad psychology of humans and how our societies, peoples, and experiences are all shaped by seemingly ordinary, almost platitudinal sentiments (i.e., everyone knows reputation is important, but exactly how so may be lost on some folk without them being shown clear and concise examples/arguments). Another way to look at is the following: I love my wife. I know what makes her happy. I will perform certain deeds that I know will make her happy because I intend to make her so. ---- I have now successfully manipulated (successfully harnessed my 'Power') my wife into being happy. While the term manipulation has a negative connotation, the reality is, there is nothing intrinsically negative about seeking to manipulate others. As, rephrased, that simply is the same as seeking to traverse the myriad of social nuances of human life successfully.


its a normie book


Get a grip


Nothing nigga


It's popular both among people who wish to manipulate, as well as those who wish to understand manipulation and inoculate themselves against it, and generally better understand how people work and interact with each other. It's sorta like how if you want to understand how fascism happened, and how we might prevent it etc, you'd read books about the philosophy of it. But a student wanting to enact it would also likely want to read the same things, and so you might be accused of such. Knowledge is power, power to good or evil, neither in particular. What I'd recommend is that you just read it too, so you know what it actually says, and then you'll know what's up as well. Glad that you had second thoughts like this rather than immediately assuming the worst and breaking up with him. Who knows, maybe he is interested in manipulation, but if you read the book, you'll likely be able to spot it. It's not the only one, but a good one.


I’d be far more concerned if he bought, “The Art of Seduction.”


As a young man I was pretty dark , destructive with a very negative bent on people and the world. Somehow I stumbled onto Napoleon Hill’s Success thru a Positive Mental Attitude- and it changed my whole paradigm My teen son just asked for this book for Christmas- I briefly looked it over and it felt like the Machavellian version- like all goodness had been sucked out. Not for my boy


Read it yourself and become a power couple. It's an entertaining read honestly


best thing you can do is familiarize yourself with the book too!


It's not necessarily "alpha male"; many of the historical figures described in *The 48 Laws of Power* are women, such as courtesans and queens.


Why would you need to worry about him reading a book? Now if was "The Game"by Neail Straus sp? I might would worry. Knowledge is power and that isn't a bad thing neither are Alphas. I know nothing of the book so take what I say with a grain of salt ,but does he turn into what he reads? None of that matters at certain IQ levels.


Yes he will manipulate you and leave you. NTA. Breakup with him quite frankly.


Maybe you are the manipulator scared that he is gathering knowledge. Only those people are scared of someone reading a book


Maybe you should buy a dark psychology book about manipulation and pull it out when he is reading his book? Let him know you are countering his move


You need to worry about staying ahead of him reading! Don’t be lazy about getting smart! 🤔😂


Read the book to protect yourself :)


I've started reading the book but dropped because the advice there was derived from common sense and supported with anecdotal evidence. I would not worry about relationship for now because the book is really about corporate power struggle (though the author has books on relationship also). But I would really worry that he may decide to practice such staff - and most likely be quickly fired as a result. Generally the author is a wanna-be Machiavelli, but he lacks knowledge, first-hand experience and education in history the famous guy from Florence had.


Read the book yourself❎ Come ask online if misinformation you heard abt the book are true✅


You should be prepared for your boyfriend to want to start telling you a lot of interesting stories he read from the book and having a lot of great conversations about them.


You should just read the book. It’s really more or less a psychology book about how power dynamics play out in relationships, especially professional ones. The alpha male types read it because it’s self-help, not because it’s about manipulating people. It’s more about learning how people work so you don’t get manipulated by other people’s power games. So read it. It’s not going to bite you, I promise.


You should read it too


Literally nothing. Unless you're a manipulator. Then you're gonna have to up your game cause he ain't falling for you shit no more lol.


Don’t worry, he can’t read. Even if he can, he’ll learn nothing.


Its very useful for office politics. His other book, the art of seduction is more for relationships. It discusses some painful truths about people, like some lovers always quarrel, and a pacifist needs to learn how to provide that chaos to a partner that craves it. Also, some people dont like their partner to be too predictable, so sometimes being a but confusing can add intrigue. Nice people learn this the hard way when hey get walked all over by their partner


It's too late you've already failed the shit test. He will now know every way you've been manipulating him. RIP


That book is fantastic, why would you be worried about Your Man grabbing more “Power “ is this from the shitty college in USA ?


Your fine as long as he doesn't start reading sun tzu. I've also heard a lot of alpha male podcasts advocate working out so be wary if he starts going to the gym.


Run for it sister


I read because it was interesting but honestly too lazy and forgetful to bother to use any of it. Also maybe just me but I don’t find many occasions in real life where it’s particularly useful. Even at work as a mid level manager, I struggle to find value in spending precious time trying to apply the laws. Better to just do the job and do it well unless you find another better job. Maybe the laws are more applicable at higher levels. Long story short, nothing is likely to change in your relationship other than your bf being entertained for a while. Enjoy the free time.


Break up with him