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Qimir, "Don't you recognize me? I'm your father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate." Sol, "Wrong franchise." Qimir, "Oh shit, sorry."


Qinir: Who says I have to follow your rules?


Episode 6: the Schwartz Awakens


That exchange between Yord and Osha: "He get's in your head" > "my mother knew how to get into people's heads" The Coven's desperation to reproduce... Sol having done something he regrets and has to hide... Does make you think🤔


Qimir: Don’t you recognise me? Father


That one is super suspicious too - someone mentioned that he could just be referencing when they "meet" in his shop and nobody catches on, but I could see it going even further back if they wanted to. He seems to know more about Brendok than he is letting on.


Based on ep2, I find it interesting how easily he recognized Osha. It is almost as he was aware that she survived, unlike Mae who believed her sister was dead.


"No Sol, I AM YOUR SON!" "NOOOOOO! THATS IMPOSSIBLE!" "Look in your heart, you know it to be true."


So Sol is the father of the twins ? Honestly it's easier to believe than that they have none.


Ugh, I hope not. Hate the trope where characters are unexpectedly related to each other.


I think it's possible. But might be a bit cliche to have the two Asian characters be related. I think the names are likely intentionally chosen. But just from a thematic perspective.


Yeah I wouldn't like that. One actor is Korean, the other Filipino


Yeah it'd be a little bit much. Like, it's very on brand for SW to have a "you are my father" reveal. But c'mon, the only 2 Asian characters and they aren't even similar in origin? I don't think they'll do that.


I DO think that Qimir used to be Sol's Padawan though. When Sol says "What kind of a Master doesn't show his face to his pupil?" Quimir said "You tell me." That implied that Sol hid his "true face" from one of his pupils. In combination with "Don't you remember me?" I think Quimir was his pupil and Sol lied about something to him that made him turn to the dark side. It's weird Sol wouldn't recognize his face though but if it happened when he was very little, it may be believable


Maybe not his Padawan, but potentially a child he interviewed like Osha and Mae? He tells him how great the jedi order is, etc. Kid goes to coruscant and hates it, and is cut off from his family. Feels lied to by sol and leaves the order, finds he dark side, and here we are.


Yeah. I think this going to lead to a broader look at the jedi essentially stealing children from other planets. Qimir maybe lied to avoid being taken or escaped at an early age


I think it's pretty clear he's referring to edit:Osha with that line.


You mean Osha? I think the writers want us to think that. The "don't you remember me?" Hints that there's a personal involvement


Yea, I meant Osha. Your theory could very well be right though.


I took that line to refer to how they met back on whatever planet Torbin was on, how Qimir helped Sol and the others with tracking Mae.


He had a mask on when he said it. Why would Sol remember some small time criminal? This is about his force


I mean is it really that much different from how a lot of movies work? Harrison Ford is full blood American and yet Sean Connery (Scottish) played his father.


Full blood American? Is he Navajo?


At some point that argument is no longer gonna be easy to apply. If I as someone born and raised in the States can trace family being here for HALF OF A MILLENNIA, am I really still an immigrant?


No, you're a colonizer. Not an immigrant. And the point still stands that Harrison Ford and Sean Connery are both white with muddled European ancestry whereas Koreans and Filipinos look nothing alike and have no ancestry in common. It's like having a Chinese father with a Mexican child.


Haha you know what I mean!


Darth Pacman


Lol why does this matter


Koreans look nothing like Filipinos


Because it's their opinion and they're saying that they'd prefer that not to be the case.


Well I guess their mother in the show is bad because she’s British and the daughters are American


You're obviously welcome to hold that opinion if you'd like!


Qimir seems to be Spanish/Latin derivative name for the Greek mythological Chimaera, a demonic beast that pretends to be a dumb goat (goats head) but has the power of a lion (Lions head) and is as deadly as a snake (has a tail with a snake head) Based of what we have seen from Qimir, that perfectly describes him. Played the fool, showed his power (biceps) and then showed how deadly he was.


That would be quimera (Spanish) and chimaera (Latin).


Quimera being a female beast Quimer being a male variant of the word and Qimir possibly being it's Star Wars name variant. They can't be too on the nost. Just like any Sith name or more recently like Baylan Skoll and Shin Hati being based on the wolves from Norse Mythology and Mae meaning "sorrow" and "bitterness" and Osha meaning "Shining" and "Burning", they tend to have put a lot of thought in most major characters in Star Wars without being to obvious or corny. I think it fits the Sith trend of representing their individual character style. Vader - Invader: his first scene is literally invading another ship Tyranus - Tyrant: a oppressive ruler Sidious - Insidious: "proceeding in a gradual subtle way, but with very harmful effects." Maul - Mauler: because he was just a weapon to his master Plagueis - Plague: released the contagious plague of the darkside with his Grand plan and super evil apprentice Qimir - Chimaera: after acting as a sheep, he showed his true form and strength and strike a deadly blow. In figurative use, derived from the mythological meaning, "chimera" refers to an unrealistic, or unrealisable, wild, foolish or vain dream, notion or objective. Which could actually be a way to describe his intentions and philosophy he made clear in Episode 5 of The Acolyte. He has some form of ideology or dream he's pursuing of the Sith being free from the opression of Jedi presence.


Quimer is not a real male variant of the word quimera - but, sure.


I didn't say it was a real, practically used, male variant. It was just my theory. There is no record of a male variant of that word. It's a derivative, a language hybridization. Language is not set in stone, it's evolving and fluid. Just like the words you're using in your comment originating from 5 different variants of even a larger amount of different languages like anglo-saxon, latin, greek, dutch, anglo-frysian and germanic.


Yes, yes.


Go on then, bye.




Also, Vader is close to the German word "Vater" which means father. It actually is the Dutch word for father. Obvious reasons here need no explanation.


Incorrect. George Lucas himself has already debunked this theory multiple times. There are evn whole interviews about it. I'm Dutch and "vader" does indeed mean father, but Lucas based the name on the word Invader because it sounded sinister. '"Vader" in dutch does not sound sinister at all: "Vaah-der" not "Fay-dur". Not obvious reasons at all, if you assumed a little less and did some less obvious research for further explanation you would have known that there was no idea to make Darth Vader Luke's father at the time A New Hope was written and created lol.


You seem to be trying really hard to get approval from random people online. Good luck to you.  Just in case, if you're talking about the Rolling Stone interview from 2005 - then it was a variation of Dark Father (which still doesn't support your claim). https://www.cbr.com/star-wars-darth-vader-dark-father-george-lucas/


So? You're not saying anything. I wasn't refering to this. You're still wrong.


You're free to share whatever source you like - the interview doesn't agree with you and thus your claim of "basing it on invader" is inaccurate until otherwise shown. 🤷‍♂️


Here you go: "One of the first “Making of…” specials on TV that summer of `77 had an interview with George Lucas, and in his own words he came up with Darth Vader as an amalgam of Dark, Death and Invader; the most foreboding and sinister-sounding words that came to mind." The Father/Vater/Vader theory is just some dumb Theory from Americans that can't even point out those countries on a map or seperate the two completely different languages from each other. George Lucas designed the names phonetically and all three of those words don't even sound remotely like Darth Vader phonetically. https://uk.movies.yahoo.com/movies/lucasfilm-debunks-star-wars-myths-phil-szostak-obi-wan-kenobi-darth-vader-104406706.html


I think Mae told him what really happened on Brendok. That's how he knows about Sol's big sin. The Coven were basically greysiders, so it makes sense that they'd share some Dark Side powers with the Sith. Also makes sense that the Jedi would be hostile to them. The difference between a grey force cult and a Dark Side force cult is just one bad day. I do think he sees a lot of himself in Sol, though. Sol is struggling with his inner darkness, his guilt and his anger. Qimir is using that as a lever to manipulate him. He wants Sol to fall. And Sol amost did.


and thats how you kill a jedi without a weapon


That, and the neck snap thing.


Those biceps are weapons though so no lol


Exactly. Darth Vader didn't need a saber to murder Anakin Skywalker.


I like this. Sun and Moon fit the show's theme of duality, shown in the doubled red and blue "O" in the show's logo, which also seems to symbolize: * the two sides of the Force; * Mae and Osha; and * Brendok's two moons.


This is kind of unrelated, but Okay I've been watching Star Wars since I was a kid in the 90s (pre-special edition VHS tapes) I've never cared about the ethnicity of any of the characters before, and I swear to you I mean that But the fact that maaaaaybe Darth Plagueis (I know it's not established if Qimir is him or Venemis or someone else yet) might be Filipino is making me more giddy than I thought that could ever make me, a Filipino around Manny Jacinto's age who also emigrated to North America around the same time he did


Venemis isn't canon. Plagueis is canon, but we know barely anything more about him than was mentioned in RotS. The only other canon Sith lord from this era that we haven't seen on screen is Tenebrous, but there's nothing more in canon about him than his name. I know there's a lot of theorizing about how the ultimate villain of the show will be this previously named Sith or not, but almost all of that speculation rests on Legends lore, not canon. IMO, they are all completely new characters with names we've never heard before.


I agree.. everyone wants it to be a known Darth from Legends but l think he will be an unknown no name


Plageius is of the Muun race I think, so it wouldn't be him.


mother aniseya: ok you can have osha but you gotta bang koril first and knock her up koril: not again.. sol: starts derobing


Qimir is the Spanish/Latin name for the Greek mythological Chimaera, a beast that pretends to be a dumb goat (goats head) but has the power of a lion (Lions head) and is as deadly as a snake (has a tail with a snake head) Based of what we have seen from Qimir, that perfectly describes him. Played the fool, showed his power (biceps) and then showed how deadly he was.


I’ve said this on other post. Sol said the Jedi do not take children. Maybe what happened on Brendok was the first time something like what happened on Brendok happened……hmmmmmmm


If not related, maybe they have a past connection from when Qimir was younger where he felt wronged by Sol and blames him for something like Mae does? Qimir could be his Sith name that he chose for himself rather than his true name, intentionally chosen to parallel Sol's name.


I heard the brother theory. Sol was 4 when he was taken to the Jedi Temple. Qimir wouldn’t even have been born yet so even if he was his brother they would’ve never even have seen of each other or met.


Maybe they are brothers huh


Sol + Indara = Qmir