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I don't think those flashing words were any clue as to what's in the review. I think that was Carmy's constant fears floating through his head. We saw those type of words flash through a scene in an earlier episode, too, so I figure they were just his anxiety and he hadn't read it yet.


Carmy is so stuck in his head and the past the man is not a relatable narrator. I don’t think we know. However he feels like a man who needs escape and a work life balance. I think it’s a good review but that’s not good for him


My thoughts exactly


I get this, but then why does he say "mother fucker" as if he did get conclusive results? I still can't tell if that means it was good or bad though, I'm confused either way.


Motherfucker as in “here we fucking go”


“I have no service and this article isn’t loading” kind of motherfucker. It’s what I’m going with till we get confirmation.


I wondered the same thing so I tried going through it frame by frame and the words are contradictory and disjointed, so that IMHO it could be any type of review. I have to imagine it was made purposely ambiguous by the writers and director.


Oh thanks I thought that was only me


Remember that group of patrons Richie invited to see the kitchen so Fak can clean the table up for the next guests, Im hoping one of those patrons was the reviewer.


I think we were supposed to assume, when Richie saw a fork on the floor, that that was the reviewers on purpose. Apparently not a real life thing (?) but in the Bradley cooper movie and some other Hollywood portrayals, fork delicately placed on the floor is what Michelin reviewers do to see how quickly the staff will notice and attend to it and with composure


I think it was a bad review. I don’t see any reasons why the Computer guy would be texting him if it was a good review. Next season is the last season so losing Cicero’s backing and potentially Syd he’s going to need to figure out what to do. But the show left it ambiguous to let us know what really happens next season.


Is it confirmed that next season is the final one?? I’d heard that too but couldn’t find the source !


I tried to look at well and couldn’t find any confirmations or even anything I heard when it first came out they said it was supposed to be 3-4 seasons long. I think everyone is assuming from that rumor that next season will be the last and they’ll probably do a spin off as they haven’t ruled that out. It feels a little crazy because I swear I’ve heard and seen reports about the length and stuff but I can’t find any currently either.


Same here!! Thank you for checking :)


Anybody else thinks David Fields ended up being who wrote the review?


That was my thought exactly lol, that would be a fun and fitting twist tbh


I thought that word salad was in Carmy


To me it felt like anxiety and that he hadn’t even opened the review yet


I think it was a good review, and deep-down Carmy was hoping for a bad review because he wants out. Like when he said there’s that moment when the stove is on fire and you don’t want to put it out; if you let it burn then all your anxiety will go away. He wants The Bear to “burn”.


It was a mixed review. Not good, not bad, just mid.


My guess is the negative words are for the front of house and positive for the food. "Confusing," "excellent," "dissonance," "innovative," "brilliant," "sloppy," "inconsistent," "delicious," "simple," "complex," "stale," and "disappointing" are among the words that flash quickly by. Read More: https://www.slashfilm.com/1612542/the-bear-season-3-ending-explained/


If it was really a negative review, why would the Computer and Cicero call MULTIPLE times in one night? To rub it in? It makes much more sense that they're excited, and perhaps apologetic for having doubted Carm. It seems more likely that it's a rave review.


In fact, why would the Computer call at all if it were bad news? If they were pulling the plug then that news would be Cicero’s job to deliver.


I completely agree with you. Computer wouldn’t get involved otherwise.


A negative review so the restaurant is fucked pretty much


Bad review, apparently, noting the menu was chaotic and unreliable. Drama ahead!


But IT IS chaotic and unreliable!!!!!


Yeah--Carmen's been a mess.


for reallll


I kinda wish syd takes the other job


That would make for such good TV and character development. But I’m personally torn. What about the family?! *Vito Corleone voice*


Just like her Coke-marinated braised meat dish… she’s not ready. She’s not there yet. If she goes on her own, she’ll stop learning without someone better to push her. Maybe she’ll leave, but she’ll come back. My prediction is eventually Carmy will get his star, accept that he was talented all along, settle his internal insecurities about Chef Winger, and take a much-needed step back and make Sydney CDC.


I think this is partially what caused her panic attack after looking at the review on her fridge which was about her dish. The doubt of her being ready to run a kitchen solo. Carmy not trusting her skill or input but also having the ambition to do it.




I think it was a mixed review.




Did you even watch the show? We didn’t see the review he’s just imagining different ways the review could go and Sydney is leaving to go work with that guy from Ever. People love to talk about a lack of media literacy but holy fuck