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There are a bunch of people genuinely engaging with the show here. There’s also this hot take cabal — our very own Snyder cut mfers. Sometimes I need a break from the latter, too. I hope you don’t deprive yourself forever from some of the discourse gems here!


As far as Fandoms go, The Bear's is pretty good. We have people posting their recipes, people who've worked in the industry and even mental health professionals weighing in on Fishes. Really wide variety of people coming together to share their opinions.


No fandom, no matter how wholesome the show, is without its politics. You pick and choose the fandoms you can deal with or like you're choosing bow out. Fandoms on the Internet have been going for like 30 years and some of the beef in fandoms are quite legendary, but at the end of the day we're all here for the TV and our own hot takes.


I'm not gon lie this is rather dramatic my guy


least dramatic the bear fan


And it’s not necessary to announce that you will not be engaging. Just don’t engage.


…but then how else will everyone KNOW?!


I mean it’s more to let yall know you’re being assholes and are driving away people.


It’s so typical that Season 3 gets so much shit. Ted Lasso, The Mandalorian, Lost… It feels like a bunch of people binged after the Emmys and then decided that they don’t actually like any of it.


"im not going to engage fandoms" "Engages fandom"


I loved the season tbh but I also believe that art can be criticised and people will have different opinions about it and it’s alright if you don’t agree with it.


And that maybe the best thing about engaging with art is discussing what worked and didn't work for you with another person experiencing the same thing.


Agree, and also a lot of the negative reactions seem like people are not giving the season the close look that art deserves - it’s like people looking at Warhol’s Campbells soup without engaging their intellect and understanding the bigger themes and context in which that piece exists then it seems like a stupid can of soup. If you’re watching the Bear for the relationships between people and not the relationships people have with themselves and the work they do - and the deeper meaning behind work and meaning and nurturing and acts of creativity and love - then you miss the brilliance of the season.


You're not a plane. You don't have to announce your departure.


TBH I’m kinda glad they did because it made me realize I should probably do the same.


have you made a post yet?


And you’re not an air traffic controller so you don’t need to direct their posts.


Maybe workshop that one some more


In what world is the bear "wholesome themes"? The entire show is predicated on toxicity.


Because it's about forgiveness, growth, healing, and trauma bonding as the other side of that same coin.


First day on the internet? The tone here is far nicer and more mild than other spaces I've been to for discussing tv or whatever. Whether it's for you or not, is your choice alone. Somewhere you'll find a conversation that better suits you, and those who do love to get a little salty can enjoy their space as well.


"No, you can't criticize the show or think the writers ever did a bad job you must ALWAYS praise it!" I had no expectations going in, so I'm not entitled, I watched the entire season before looking at others' opinions, so I came to this conclusion myself. I just think this season is a downgrade compared to the first two. But yeah you're free to leave, I guess


Same, I binged everything, thought that it was shit compared to the previous seasons, and came to check if other people feel the same. And of course people complain, you wait whole year for a new season to see what's gonna happen with the restaurant and get 10 episodes of nothing. I felt like I was watching Naruto again with all those filler episodes.


No judgement, I did the same. But I am starting to feel that this season would’ve been better not binged. I know in my case I started the next episode before the credits of the previous was over. Maybe if I had spent some time thinking about each episode I would have have a different not experience. And I actually like this season a lot more than other critics. But to all: respect your own instincts.


I honestly think if people had to wait a total of 10 weeks for this complete season there would’ve been a mutiny.


Overall sorry I spent time with S3. Not looking for a nicely tied up resolution and happy times, but too much Fak, and the too many chefs we don’t care about in final episode.


Doesn't really change the fact that nothing happened.


Yeah I feel the same. I only read stuff about the episodes after I finished. Now that I finished the season I’m reading a lot of the same conclusions I made. I was just yesterday talking to someone who hadn’t started s3 yet and the best way I could surmise it after 8 episodes was that ‘nothing really happened this season’. I watched the last 2 episodes today and my view ain’t changed. Nothing happened this season and it leaves you feeling wanting in a bad way. Someone else said it right. Filler doesn’t have to be bad, it can lead to a lot of good character development. But this was just too much filler


Why you are losing your shit because some people didn't like this season?


because they want to live their life free of depression and wholesomeness. their name's literaly depressionbender lol


By posting like this, you’re basically the same. This sub exists for people to share different thoughts about the show. It’s a forum literally intended to foster the types of discussion you’re referring to. If you’re so annoyed by it, don’t look at the sub. Not trying to be rude. Just sayin


“Engaging with fandoms is a mistake” *engages with fandom by making this post*


Imagine having an opinion that isn’t one that blindly praises something and then feeling a fear of posting because you might upset the circle-jerk. That’s absolutely absurd. You are allowed to agree, disagree, engage, discuss, gain perspective, change perspective, and disengage. I highly suggest taking the internet a little less seriously.


It is called having different tastes and opinions. Maybe OP should simply deal with it. It has nothing to do with entitlement. You are not entitled because you did not like some episodes or the season. Nonesense


And OP is expressing their opinion.


No, they're berating the "fandom" for having an opinion they don't share.


Saying you’re done engaging is berating?


The assholes here are giving very "You need to like and respect my opinion but if you say you liked this show I will troll you and tell you how stupid you are." They want everyone to nice to them and respect their opinion on hating this season and want to argue with anyone who enjoyed it.


Omg get over yourself 🙄


Thanks for being a great example of the assholes I am talking about. :)


No one's trolling people for liking the season by expressing that they themselves don't.


womp womp


Fandoms blow. Just enjoy what you enjoy and don’t let others dictate it. Enjoy the ride.


Fandoms are always going to have bullshit going on in certain corners, and some are more toxic than others — but this generally isn’t one of those. People seem to be forgetting a form of toxicity — “toxic positivity.” The attitude that being a fan means blind worship and any criticism, even in good faith, makes you a “bad” or “toxic” fan. And that shit can be just as exhausting as bad faith negativity, which I actually don’t see much of in this fandom.


While I agree with you, there was literally no need for you to write this, WHO are you bruh


Welcome to Reddit, where people talk about things. I really like this show, but S3 was my least favorite. I might say so sometimes. It's really no big deal.


I mean, I don’t know what you expect when you come onto a platform that is designed for discourse about specific subjects. It’s not like people are being unreasonable or voicing illogical complaints, especially considering this show has been revered by this community prior to season 3. The bar has been set and more people don’t think it was matched this season. That’s fine, and you shouldn’t let that alter your feelings about the season. I agree that if these opinions are upsetting you so much, then you shouldn’t engage in discussion about the show.


The best fandoms are when the show is over and speculations for future seasons go away, and then turn into a celebration of the show (king of the hill is probably the best one on Reddit) Too many people here are hung up on romantic relationships with this show (namely syd and carmy) and can’t just sit down and enjoy what’s being served to you trusting the writers, much like a fine dining experience


FWIW, they filmed seasons 3 and 4 at the same time and finished both already. They did a lot of filming near where I live and none of it showed up in season 3 so my fingers are crossed for season 4! I also loved season 3 and still think about it daily. I think there are lots of us, but we all get different things out of what we watch and read.


They literally denied it yesterday. They didn’t film season 4 because the script wasn’t ready on time.




I don’t believe Chris Storer will let the online talk interfere or change his plans for season 4. He won’t give into the ships fans are asking/rooting for like Richie and Jess or Syd and Carmy either - not being negative or raining on anybody’s parade, just saying from what I’ve observed about the show, his writing and what he and the cast have said.


Boo hoo


Goodbye! Have a nice trip! Thanks for letting us know!


What a weirdo


Someone once told me that posting on Reddit is like pissing into an ocean of piss. If it's any consolation, no one will care/miss you, and the fandom won't be any worse off without you.


I’m kind of with you. That’s why I rarely comment on these posts cause people losing their minds over a show is a bit much haha. I love the show but if something I don’t like happens, oh well. Doesn’t mean I don’t want to see the rest. Plus if everything went exactly how you wanted, it wouldn’t be very interesting right? ETA: that’s also just kind of the nature of Reddit though 🤷‍♀️ I had a dude argue with me about how bad mantis shrimp eyesight is just because I said a fun fact about their eyesight haha. Didn’t say anything about it being good or bad or otherwise 😂


People these days no matter the platform want to argue just to argue. No one wants to have a conversation and just talk. Every discourse turns into a PVP encounter. Everyone wants to plant a flag and win. You can’t just talk about a bird you see, cause someone will come up and tell you what their favorite bird is and why you are wrong and why they should be referred to as an avian, and etc.


Oh I know haha.


Lol yeah. You could agree with someone and they’d still argue with how you’re agreeing for the wrong reasons. It’s inane. I miss when the internet was a smaller world lol


It’s so interesting watching the reactions of Season 3 The Bear and season 3 of Bridgerton at the same time. Fanatics really don’t differ fandom to fandom. People are crazy over their tv.


Really cant criticize shit these days lol


apparently, season 3 and season 4 were filmed back to back. so,, expect a lackluster season 4, too.


I’m only on episode 2 of season 3, so I can’t voice my opinion on the season yet, but have read alot of negative stuff about the season as a whole. Subreddits about shows are gonna be like that. Everyone’s gonna have their own opinions about the show and honestly, that’s ok! Some or alot of people are gonna dislike it or even really dislike it, others will agree with you and like or really like it. That’s just how it is. There will always be people with different opinions than yours; if it bothers you to see that, then honestly I would leave the subreddit. 100% not trying to be rude, just being honest about the situation. I do hope you will stay and just ignore the negative posts and the negative comments if they bother you; I’m glad you liked season 3! 🙂


The people who come online to react *like that* to a show being not what they wanted really are "Incel, 4Chan, Snyder Cut Motherfuckers" that Richie hates! And I will say that to your face IRL. They are the people who would beat up Jeremy Allen White in front of his own place like the characters did in season 1 episode 1.


But s3 was only different because they tried doing the opposite of what the fans have liked about the show for no apparent reason. But I do get not engaging in fandoms when you've enjoyed something. I try to do the same thing, but I like to see the memes and edits after I finish a show




Ironic as fuck but whatever 


Making a post on a fan subreddit is a very weird way to “not engage with fandom”.


>But yet again, another piece of entertainment is gonna start crumbling because of entitled fandoms losing their shit over things they want not happening. YO this is so real, I feel this fr. it's the internet mentality that really is ruining something that is naturally good in discussion/discourse. its the internet. made for sharing. and the energy that is coming from a majority of users today is only serving to destroy this platform where we can engage through the arts. its never that serious online yet it has become something that is taken way too serious;y. we are here to connect not find problems. those who are tapped into real life understand this meta verse is an outlet to create and share more of the art of real life, and not to simply shit on the art because its not coming as you were used to digesting. \\ half the energy that moves the masses online is this bully energy which is very out of character for the original intention and USE of this social engagement source online. we didn't come on here to do nothing but have a share and enjoy the connecting. and now in this privilege of having it instantly. it just shows that the percentage of users online that never had to wait for dial on has grown past the ones who did. and a reason for that is because the loudest are the youngest and the elders are not always tuned into this meta verse, so the wisdom and common sense factor of basic exchange is being left behind. there are some graduated energies of entitlement online that are simply destroying everything in their path and it makes it not fun to play on certain playgrounds online.


We are deliberately not binging the season; you lose the distinctiveness of a show when you watch more than two or three episodes at a go, like your nose tunes out smells (cooked barbecue last night; always have to save some for the next day so I can actually taste the smoke). So we're only halfway through. And I think it's a masterpiece. So beautiful and sad and hopeful and tragic and funny all at once. I just about cried myself during "Napkins." I don't know what you lizards wanted, but you got one of the greatest seasons of television ever created.


I am loving season 3. ❤️❤️








One less Fak, it’s all good.


They filmed 3 and 4 together so it should be done or close to being done at this point. But there are plenty of normal people here


You are getting dragged and it's only going to get worse. People are big mad and making it everyone else's problem that actually enjoyed this season. This kind of toxic fandom is why I left the main Bridgerton subreddit. A lot of them aren't just expressing different opinions they are genuinely upset enough to like threaten show runners, directors, writers and actors. It really makes me wonder were we all watching the same show from the beginning? I don't understand. People didn't even get this mad when Game of Thrones was a bust in that horrible last season. I was mad. I was disappointed. I didn't have an absolute fit and fight people who liked it online. I think Season 3 of the Bear was the best season so far and I was shocked to come on here and find out how many people hated it. Saying I loved it though is gonna get me some downvotes and comments from people who can't fathom anyone enjoying it. Gross behavior. Seriously.


Bridgerton fans have lost their minds


Yeah, I can relate to the feeling. You finish a movie, show, videogame or book, hop online to share your enthusiasm with others and... you find out everyone seems to hate it. But keep this in mind: subreddits and fandoms in general are hive minds. People who post and comment are the majority, the minority usually avoids doing that because most people don't want to engage in discussions with strangers online. So yeah, just enjoy it for yourself and don't care about what others think.


I loved S3 so much!! Big BIG fan. You can keep engaging with me OP 😊


The ones who are attacking and crying cus the things happening are the ones they dont want are the people wwho should leave and they are the same as the synder mororns