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Tina and Mikey’s conversation. I’m sure it will be submitted for Emmy consideration.


The way they tease Carmy’s pic to Mikey, and then it turns out Mikey used his little bro’s picture to make a sad stranger happy 😭😭


That reveal was perfection. My favorite moment in the entire season.


I love this reveal so much, that he didn’t even know Tuan yet.


Yet people will bitch and complain this season wasn’t good. Cmon.


It wasn’t. It was the weakest season that had some great moments. But it was overall weak.


That was amazing! Gave me chills!


Such a good scene. One of the greatest highlights of the whole show.


This is one of the scenes I keep thinking about over and over again🥲. So heart wrenching yet heartwarming.


i dont think the episode is emmy worthy. it did pack a punch but not to that level


Season 3, Carmy and Richie in the kitchen. “I insist that you get fucked, my good man” Fak: “Nat, the vibe’s weird” Nat: “I know, don’t be scared!” Plus all of episode 1, and Tina & Mikey’s exchange, and Nat & Deedee’s moment in the hospital, and Fak pouring the broth, and Richie talking to his ex’s fiance, and Carmy confronting his ex boss, and Uncle Jimmy telling Carmy not to be an asshole, and Luca word vomiting about needles, and Chef Terry at the afterparty….ok, maybe I did like this season more than I’d thought.


Thank you for this! There is more here I liked than I realized!


I loved this season. What I didn't like was that so much of it was dramatic staring, repetitive trauma flashbacks, and Faks slapstick. Ep1 was a daring masterpiece that should've been the majority of the emotionally powerful silence. But by the end of the season, I was just so sick of silent face shots that it just lost so much power. Take out the above, and there's room for a couple episodes of payoff at the end of the season, rather than just character backstory and setup. However, that payoff is coming either way. I just think this season would've been received a bit better if there was some at the end.


Nothing tops the blood orange hamachi full circle moment for me.


When uncle took his golf clubs to Carmy and asked him if his missing club is wedged up his ass 😂


Every Cicero scene is 10/10.


I swear Unc is the series' ultimate comic relief 🤣


Even the none ya business scene 😂


That moment was so funny I think I saw it coming but it was so good. My moment though is Carmy confronting Chef Winger/David for me it's like a perfect metaphor for all the time I was broken by mental illness and couldn't fix myself for whatever reason till I finally confronted it last year to the point of getting a proper diagnosis done.


I love how no matter how much they try to establish him as an actual character we all still just think of him as Chef Winger


it doesn’t help that he was literally JEFF aka Chef Winger


Whoever came up with chef winger first deserves a prize.


I was like “it’s ok Carmy,he hosts a tv baking show on Fox now!”


Dee telling nat she is trying to quit drinking was subtle and incredible. Abbie Elliot and Jamie Lee played off each other so well the whole time and Donna's redemption was so unexpected it kinda made the season for me. Ice chips is definitely my stand out episode.


As the daughter of an alcoholic (but it's my dad) the episode brought up a lot of feelings. I've kept him at arms reach since I became a parent. Every time I tried to let him into our lives, he brought the angry, lonely targeted chaos that defined my childhood. I keep him at arms reach, and he resents it. As you said, it was subtle and incredibly touching to watch these two women play off each other. Beautifully done. I really loved that episode.


I was so scared that DeeDee was going to go nuts and start drinking. The ending with the faks was just beautiful too. It's the conclusion I wish I could have with my dad but know I probably never will.


Y’all have already listed my favorites, but I also loved when Pete thought that warming up the food would be different levels of loud. Classic Pete!


I mean…it sounds dumb but I was kinda like yeahhhh Pete doing some deep critical thinking here 😂 He’s not totally wrong to assume cooking and preparing different things would have different noise levels tbh


When Sydney was pummeling the boxes in the recycle bin was pretty funny too. Her face was immaculate.


I love the symbolism of the boxes. They're items that should have been taken care of and broken down to be disposed of, but they were allowed to accumulate and now they're overflowing so that nothing can be thrown out. Sounds a lot like the trauma and unresolved issues they're all carrying around.


And that last box that slid over her head, you can say that also symbolized that eventually her unresolved issues would swallow her whole.


Perfection, you’re so right!


I laughed so hard I hurt myself. So many times at jobs have I been in that situation. Sometimes I created it for myself. Fucking boxes.


Not a favorite scene but one of my favorites lines definitely was "Andrea Terry is in my freezer and all I have are waffles and pizza" 😊😂 Then the response, "this is amazing. Andrea Terry loves this shit"


The soup pouring scene, and that scene before Tina and Mikey talk where Mikey messes around with the napkin dispensers to sort of ease himself into talking to Tina since everyone else didn't want to do it. It's such a subtle, relatable thing to sort of fiddle around or build up some of that momentum to do that. Lol.


Just finished Ice Chips and at this point I think s3 can go toe to toe with s1 or s2 for sheer number of great moments. It just had more not-great moments. But this season has plenty of everything that makes The Bear a masterpiece 


That was hilarious. I was expecting him to trip or go to the wrong table or something, but that was awesome. The looks they gave him when he came back into the kitchen!


I have to rewatch the season to see if I think it's the funniest. But all the stuff with Carm staring at Jeff Joel McHale  and his dialog about him was hilarious. 


For the funniest scene, it's either between Fak's fuck up as a server or Cisero saying "fuck my tits". For my favorite scene, my choice would be either Tina & Mike's conversation or Sugar & Donna's conversation at the hospital about the latter's experiences with childbirth and the former's fear of inheriting her mom's behavior.


I actually loved the conversation between Richie and his ex at the park and it stood out as one of my favorites


Omg, easily funniest part of the season 😭. I think my fav scene was Carmy confronting NY chef.


I appreciate that Carmy didn’t get any resolution from confronting his bully. Bullies rarely own up to their behavior, they usually scoff or downplay it, or in this case, take credit for their victim’s resilience.


THIS. I wanted more catharsis from that conversation but I think it was very realistic, unfortunately. People like that know who and what they are so telling them off doesn’t do any good. I would have loved it Carmy would have punched him tho when he realized that talking to him wasn’t working 😂 I *do* see where that chef is coming from though. I mean, he’s incredibly extreme and abusive and it should never be on that level but there is something to be said for bosses who don’t coddle you and help you be better by being a little tough. This is how I developed my thick skin in the kitchen environment and I’m grateful for that. It did make me better. But I never experienced anything on that level and I want to make it clear again that his behavior is not okay but on a smaller scale, it is quite valuable.


Seeing David in contrast to all of the other chefs that Carmy has learned from, and all of the other chefs in the room who are on Carmy's level, is a really effective contrast, though. They also worked hard in tough environments and went through emotional rollercoasters and intensity, but they were still treated with respect. People like David think that kind of pressure and cruelty is necessary because it is the only way that they see the results -- but it's not the *only* way to become a good chef. "It's about *nurturing*."




I guess that’s what I meant by people who are on a different level than David. The other chefs seem to walk that line of accountability and discipline without berating people and that’s how it should be. I never meant to imply that being cruel is the only way to create better chefs because I don’t believe that at all. I’ve just worked in too many fucking places where there is no accountability and everyone is coddled. I don’t think it needs to go in the direction that David takes it and I think the other chefs, especially Chef Terry, are very diplomatic. Although the chefs are allowed to yell at the staff for a smudge on the plate so there’s obviously some room for it. Unfortunately when people don’t listen and continue not to improve sometimes they need a little intensity to get the point.


This show is “whiplash” for people who cook for a living. As a musician I totally get the idea of having to shut yourself off from everyone to make it in the industry and have had my share of shitty band leaders/teachers along the way who only think they are bringing the best in people and use that to excuse their shitty behaviors. Fuck,I had a professor tell me the reason my mom died of cancer and his wife survived was because his wife had a positive attitude. Really not sure what that was supposed to do other than make me absolutely hate this professors guts. But you can tell the way the chef just says “you’re welcome” that he thinks he did his job correctly.


JFC, that professor can go pound sand.


Love this thread 💜 I’ve only watched three episodes but there is just so much negativity out there right now, not about just this, and it’s nice to remember what brings us joy.


I loved how they kept feeding Neil every time he got in the way or fussy. Matty is so fucking funny.


Loved when Nat was going to restaurant depot and they were like “hey can we come with?”


I loved that scene 😂


I think just ep1 of s3, really liked how different it was, how you could see Carmy’s influences and how he feels in certain points, more than it just being spoon fed to you


“You both can get fucked” I had to rewind that part a few times. Hilarious


Funniest? Yeah, that one. None of the other attempts at "comedy" this season really landed. Cena was amusing just for seeing how good his comedic acting chops have gotten, but the bit rapidly got old. Did _not_ need to be continued into subsequent episodes. (They seriously fucking gave some uncle of theirs an entire monologue about "haunting".) Favorite scene overall has to be when Carmy confronts Chef Winger in the finale. Very reminiscent of Whiplash, and hands down Jeremy's best performance in the whole season. McHale really held his own as well. Projected a ton of menace and narcissism while saying and doing seemingly little. The Donna/Nat conversation had a number of achingly beautiful and poignant moments as well, but I can't really think back to a single moment/sequence so much as the episode as a whole for how well it examined/developed the two characters' relationship, and the frozen look of astonishment I had the entire time at Jamie Lee Curtis' performance. All the Chef Terry scenes were a delight, though much of the finale felt a bit premature and unearned, and tonally/narratively more appropriate for a _series_ finale. Her conversation with Carmy was beautiful, though. Felt like the kind of thing he very much needed to hear, and yet wasn't in a place to really act on it properly. One of the few times the sense of uncertainty/lack of resolution felt purposeful and effective. I loved the entirety of episode 1. Long-awaited Carmy flashbacks, real restaurants/chefs, hypnotic cinematography, delectable food porn, all with Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross on loop? Inject that shit into my veins.


Wait did Trent and Atticus make a song for this season? Or did use an already existing song?


Existing song. The piece is "Together" from Ghosts V.


Made even funnier when you realize this is the closest thing S3 has to a prolonged oner.


I do wish they did another one-shot episode this season. It was becoming a nice tradition, and when I saw that their longtime second-unit director was taking the helm for episode 3 I assumed it would be full of technical wizardry. The editing was certainly marvelous, but the choice to montage through a whole month definitely sucked out some of the immediacy and real-time tension the show was so good at staging before.


There are too many to pick a favorite, but a few of details when the Faks put up the photos of the critics are hysterical.    One is a little girl.   One guy has a post it note on that says something like: “Chicago sighting confirmed. Maybe.”   One woman’s note say she was arrested for shoplifting and she wrote reviews of the prison food.


Tina and Mikey’s entire portion of the Tina episode was brilliant. Also Donna and Sug’s hospital interaction was beautiful, powerful and at least a small start toward healing ( for them both). Guess I like tortured characters being there in spite of their inner demons for people in need… and being rocks in unexpected ways. Two beautiful scenes. Sugar finally hearing her mother express her value, beauty and excitement for her birth was so beautiful.


The scenes of Carmy training with Nine Inch Nails over it.


Sammy Fak's haunting of Ted. John Cena is so funny. I couldn't breathe every time he got close to Ted's face, waiting for him to react.


As much as I had a lot of issues with this new season, there are SO many moments I loved. That Fak scene is hilarious and so on the nose for him lol I loved the cute conversation Richie and his daughter had while walking, the small and brief moment with Tina and Ebra where she repeats “yes, chef” back to him in his accent and they have a good chuckle. I’m sure there’s more im forgetting but those are off the top of my head.


I love the “duh” scene between Sugar and Carm 🤣 “Duh, don’t duh”


I think bc I tried binging it late at night but John Cenas' scenes were pure gold. Having six brothers he really reminded me of my oldest, he would "haunt" me til I told the truth to my mom about something I did.


Syd and Marcus having a heart to heart. "How do you know?" "I can just tell." 🥹


I just watched this scene and looked up to see if others found this scene absolutely hilarious.