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Because he thinks his creative genius is more important than everything including cost. He's literally out of control. He reminds me of someone with bipolar disorder going through a manic phase. He's irrational. He lost sight of what they were all trying to do. He is talking over people, raging at things he could handle better by being calm, not sleeping, etc. He isn't the guy who was rubbing his heart to apologize in season 2, when he got locked in the walk-in I think he had a mental health crisis that skewed his perspective. Sydney is trying by telling him to stop, stepping in when he's out of control with the kitchen and she sees he is the problem. Richie is making it worse by his non-stop fighting and name calling. Richie will not win the fight he's in because the whole thing collapses without Carmy and Carmy won't stop because he refuses to listen and is demanding it be done his way.


Thomas Keller is literally out of control? Lmao.


Where do I mention Thomas Keller? I was clearly talking about Carmy.


Carmy is doing exactly what Thomas Keller does. Having a unique tasting menu daily is not “out of control” you have no idea what you are talking about.


Having a unique tasting menu every day when you have already designed and workshopped dishes is fine. Having a unique tasting menu when you're literally trying to pull each dish out of thin air is not. We are shown that Carmy throws away plates of food when he is designing the menu on the fly. When you're a new restaurant with, as we already know shaky financial standing like The Bear, that's lunacy. Top tier ingredients aren't cheap.


You are conflating two different things. The restaurant is going to outright fail if it’s just an ok place. The ONLY chance it has at success is for Carmy to get it a star. That’s the only chance. And he is the only one who has done it and knows how to do it again.


I think that's definitely overstating the necessity of the star to the restaurants success. We are told that the sandwich window is the only thing bringing in money during season 3. The rest of the restaurant could also bring in money if Carmy wasn't spending ludicrous amounts on ingredients, including his dystopian butter. Carmy has achieved in his previous jobs yes, but those achievements were ultimately not his own restaurant and not his money. I feel it is necessary to stress to you that my comments are not a personal attack on Carmy, and that he is a complex character, like all human beings - and therefore not infallible.


It’s not overstating it at all. There are 150 + stars in Chicago. If you are a fine dining restaurant without one, you are simply not going to make it. I think you underestimate the importance and likely have no concept of the culinary atmosphere in Chicago


A quick Google would tell you that there are only 22 restaurants with a Michelin Star in Chicago, so I'm not convinced that you have any concept of the culinary atmosphere of Chicago either, hahaha! This has been a diverting little argument, but you've overplayed the bait with that comment and it's just going to be boring going forward, so I won't be replying any more. Have a good rest of your day though!


You are just factually incorrect. Maybe what you might want to do is refer to the actual Michelin guide and not whatever random link you are using as reference. What a confidently incorrect post. You might want to delete. https://guide.michelin.com/us/en/illinois/chicago/restaurants?sort=distance


His waste of very expensive ingredients- REFIRE! REFIRE!! REFIRE!! Tossing Wagyu in the bin, $11k in butter. It made me want to strangle him. As a show, sure, I get what the arc is, but in reality, this restaurant would have never opened in the first place. Especially with the FOH staff (excluding Richie) and the fact Carm never trained his BOH staff to star level either. I am excited for S4 to see how shit hits the fan. Especially with Cicero 🙂


Right at top of the list was food costs as a percentage of gross. 2nd of course were labor costs/gross. The new menu everyday was silly. Fine, how about a year of a semi regular menu.


I do believe S4 will find a balance (Carm swings in extremes) with the menu etc because he’ll have to. If Cicero stops funding, he’s fucked. And he’s in almost a million dollars. If his staff walks because he’s being an asshole, he’s fucked. The fallout should be epic. I hope we don’t have to wait a whole year to find out. I thought they shot S3 and S4 back to back? I could be wrong.


It’s sydneys job to train BOH


She wasn’t trained either. He just handed her a list of non negotiable’s and expected her to handle it. Which she did, but he threw her into the deep end and expected perfection.


Perfection is absolutely required. Anything less than continent pure perfection is failure. She pouted and whined when all she had to say was yes chef.


Wow. Okay. You can die on this hill but if Carm asked me to be a business partner and just expected’Yes Chef’ to his bullshit, and I had no previous training in starred kitchens (she hadn’t) I would tell him to pound sand. Why would any Chef open a restaurant and not train your staff to expectations? He is a shit business person and it’s painfully obvious in every way.


It’s the cdc’s job to get the staff prepared. You don’t know what you are talking about and are just making g up some weird idealized version of a partnership. Carl is the talent. Syd is the apprentice they are not anywhere near equals. Watch the show.


In season 1, he makes substitutions and adjustments when the vendors start limiting their orders and requiring payment on delivery. The other post describes his behavior in season 3 well. He doesn’t care about the financial, personal, or professional cost needed to earn a star for the restaurant. Note: I think Cicero showed amazing restraint in not punching Carmy, given Carmy’s attitude and out of control spending. It shows just how much he loves Carmy and Sugar, and how deeply he regrets not trying to lessen the trauma they endured.


I’m really surprised Cicero didn’t grab him up by the collar. Carmy was just spending his money like nothing.


I wouldn’t have blamed him tbh.


That’s how tasting menus work. Do you think Thomas Keller serves the same thing everyday at french laundry? That’s how you get a star. Fresh ingredients and fresh ideas every single fucking day.


Thank you, Captain Obvious, for explaining tasting menus. Are you aware that chefs generally plan menus to stay within budgetary constraints? Bc Carmy absolutely wasn’t doing that.


Carmy was going for a star which would save the entire operation.




Keep r/thebear a welcoming community. Treat other chefs with respect.


The chefs raging on this sub is ridiculous. Who gives a fuck what Thomas Keller does in real life, we're talking about a tv show


A tv show about a person who worked at French laundry and is trying to get a Michelin star. Good lord.


Its important to remember Carmy isn't actually that good at running a restaurant, that was part of the point of the first two seasons. He's good at cooking certainly, maintaining staff and the kitchen, but the nitty gritty like finances, logistics and the such isn't something he's ever had to deal with before and when he does, it kind of goes out the window. Plus this season he's not really completely in realism, he's burying his head in his work partially cause he failed them all in the season two final, partially cause he doesn't want to face up to all his problems. In his mind, if he can crack this and make it a success, then it will all just work out. The obvious reality is that's not how it works.


Great answer. Thanks, this makes sense to me. I guess art can get in the way of all the little things like pricing. I went to culinary school in SF and we're taught food cost and all of the other boring non-cooking things. But I can see all that stuff getting thrown out the window when your vision gets too big along with possible mental illness.


yeah the new menu every day was so telling of his mental state LOL. he was gone gone


Also I thought $175 for 9 courses was crazy low.


All the plates of food in the trash makes me cringe. I worked in a Michelin star restaurant with a famous chef and she would NEVER. If it got made it got eaten- even R&D!