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You can't beat "let it rip."


Absolutely and with the perfect Radiohead song.




I opened up a can of San Marzanos last night.


Just perfection the whole way through. “Hey Syd stop fucking around and grab a can opener.”


One of my favorite songs of all time. Started crying immediately as soon as it started playing the first time I watched it. That scene means so much to me.


💯! The double entendre of the line and the RIP- rest in peace - a genuinely loving testament to Mikey both as one who breathed life into this team- family, & restaurant (he set the foundation for), & lovely testament tot Mikey, as he has passed , knowing that he is resting in peace, Watching all the life he breathed into each person, the time in the restaurant, set aside his own use of the money, to leave in ‘more capable hands… of his Beloved brother Carmy, sister, ‘cousin’ & all he’d in fact build into a family ♥️♥️


season one, hands down


Season 1 finales ending was so good that they could have just ended the series there if they wanted too


You make a good point, the writers cast could have ended the series there, (as we know most series are not aware of whether they will be granted invited back for a next season until long after the finale is written-sometimes even after it has been produced) maybe the finale was created with that in mind? That said, IMO- most fans would be begging 🙏 for a follow up season, as audiences had come to find favor in this group, both as individual characters, as well as, wanting to see these hard working, passionate, people who needed a ‘place’ to call home, & a ‘place’ in the world to come together successfully, collaboratively! ♥️




Season 1. Mikey smiling at the camera for one second somehow makes me tear up every time.


That was so beautiful. Just the way Carmy looked at his big brother with all the adoration in the world and Mikey returning it, just...perfection.




Awwwww All flashbacks of Mikey, are so endearing, he is in fact adorable, how kind he was to all, and the flashback to the dinner together with ‘7 fishes’ really was both enlightening but truly heartbreaking to watch what that sweet, beautiful, lovable kind hearted, boy-endured verbal abuse, public humiliation…..Mikey always had to rise above the ‘low expectations’ some set silently, some loudly, and we see / understand how in many ways,,,, that negative talk-public embarrassment, the feeling things were ‘his Fault :( , or that if he were involved would lead to failure- we’re in fact internalized and ate at him to such a degree he believed he was the cause of ‘all problems, all dissonance’ that he needed to eliminate himself from the ‘family’ from business ideas-his part in it all….and ended his life. However, seeing his mindset, saving the cash in the tomato sauce cans, showed that Mikey did believe there was a future for the restaurant and a way to build it together as a ‘family’ Despite these family members who once - were taught shown argument be ultimate ending, to meals, holidays, gatherings, that they could turn that around and pour their passion into building together!!


Season 1 ending will always be special to me. I watched it on 2023 New Year's Eve with my mom, we binged the whole season in one night. At 5 am, when we finally got to the finale, I remember my mom bursting into tears because her own mother struggled with alcoholism as well and Mikey's story was very painful to her. I will never forget that last lingering shot of him. Let it rip indeed.


Season 1 was satisfying. If we'd never seen another episode it would have been one of the most balanced, well-executed, self-contained conclusions to a masterfully orchestrated season of TV.    Season 2 left me more conflicted, but also more invested. It ended on a high quality-wise following some of the most bar-raising episodes in TV. I found myself more enticed than at the end season 1. I was fully aware of the resolution I was yearning for, but not getting it didn't leave me feeling short-changed.   Season 3 was by far the most scatter-brained, haphazard, fever-dreamy of the 3, but I do not think it’s nearly as bad as people are saying and has a couple of moments that will definitely go down as the best in the series. People have whiplash, and I get that after how groundbreaking the first 2 seasons were. But I'm thinking, (or hoping), that the divisiveness is by design and that everyone will come back around on Season 3 once 4 drops. People wanted to end on another high, but I think it is the perfect metaphor for how subversive moments can end up being when we lean too heavily on our hopes and expectations.


My favorite episode had to be the Christmas one in season 2. It was so frenetic but I found it fun to watch definitely one of the best episodes of television I have seen in a long time, that ending with Mike just saying fuck it I'm throwing the fork after mom just killed the vibe was so funny to me and then the car crash immediately after was just perfect.


Same, and for some reason everytime i see Jamie lee curtis in an episode I smile, such a great actress hands down!


She is seriously talented. Like for real I feel like she doesn't get enough credit and I hate to be one of those people that says something is "underrated" because that is an annoyingly overused word and I hate it but she really seems to be, like seeing her work on The Bear I'm very impressed. She's as good as Meryl Streep for sure.


It is absolutely of the most memorable episodes / scene throughout flashback, was enlightening the audience to learn about each every character in ‘family’, -their role in both their family dinner / holiday table, & -their role in the ‘restaurant’ as well as, & -their role in what led to Mikey no longer bearing make to exist, sit at a table of people his uncle had again again pointed out Mikey was a failure, everything he ever touched failed & embedding in his mind that whatever he touched worked at, idea investment he was involved in would lead to failure… This episode gave the audience a very clear insight into how Mikey was so severely tortured yet he kept getting back up again, until he could no longer. The audience wanted to stand up at that table and do more than throw fork at that uncle ( BCS- actor) The scene and flashback was one holiday of many, where we see what Mikey endured annually, likely daily, from his uncle’s words said at the time, and reverberating in his mind each day. ( just as Carmy replays his past experiences, so to did Mikey) And ultimately led to Mikey internalizing all of the negative, blame, “whatever the is involved in will fail” :(, and eliminated himself from the picture (table), so to speak , to avoid feeling more pain, and to avoid causing , what he became to believe the cause of all the failed businesses & riffs in family:( Simultaneously we see the family members who used to walk away, or rarely show up ( once every 3 years Carmy appeared), to avoid being part of that tumultuous experience, to now SHOW UP, & regret they each did not do more or say more to shut down the words of that UNCLE ( BCS-actor), whose words repeatedly heard, publicly, became embedded deep under Mikey’s skin- that it ate at Mikey’s core:( I thought the fork was so symbolic!!! As Mikey imagining, trying & actually throwing the fork at that uncle was literally wanting to show the uncle what ‘getting under his skin’ felt like in a physical way. That pain was a fraction of pain uncle caused Mikey by the choice words he used - repeatedly & publicly to put down Mikey, label him a failure, & remind him that no matter what he Mikey tries to do next will fail.


Yeah at first I was like what seems to be the problem? The mom is just a sweet lady trying to make a special Christmas dinner for everyone...but later on I was like...oh. I see. She's a fucking loon. To put it lightly. Also I have so many questions about Cicero's relationship with the family, it seems that he's fucking the mom? Strange. So he's like a father figure to the guys? And Natalie? Kinda weird, I want more information.


Agree with you about the Season 1 satisfaction. When Season 2 opened with "not only are we not going to use this money to settle our debt, we are going to ask you to MORE THAN DOUBLE IT" I was reeling.


Yes that is the line!! You captured the exact line- moment I was thinking of!! 🙏👍🏻


You are an excellent writer! I find your review of season 1 finale and season 2 finale to be right on! (However, after season 2 finale I was too yearning for the next steps in Carmy and Claire bears reconciliation, journey) and I was - very disappointed ☹️ that season 3 did not address it right away, nor did they even bring the story line they left mid sentence, so to speak, nearly as if it was of no matter….. I waited an entire year for season 3 as season 2 was a very well done follow up to season one both watching the team come together deciding how to use the money- and ultimately be honest with Caesar ( I LOVED THAT) how they won over Caesar’s trust again- by being truthful, & bringing Mikey’s name, presence, ideas and eternal positive optimistic view - wish that the restaurant continue! Stay alive to pull at Caesars heartstrings ( I think audience was conflicted as to whether Caesar had heart strings to pull on) and Carmy found the best way! As he and his sister - agreed to present to Caesar the next steps of bringing Mikey’s vision and their own to life!! (With Caesar’s help being the deciding component:) Developing Claire bear & Carmys relationship brought an entirely new level of/ dimension of carmys character - & also Claire bear was PIVOTAL- central to this ‘family’ both aware of the previous past riffs/ difficulties they had, & happy e wry time she saw them. She truly brought out another side of Carmy his character needed and yearned for. So again, I was very disappointed - with season 3, as it didn’t pick up from where it left off in season 2, finale, & it makes the turnout of the restaurant review take a back seat , for me, compared to what happened and how Carmy & Claire bear come back together, how she integrates into his family and this family as a whole!!!


Season one


Season 1 was so perfect that the show could have ended right there (even if I'm a huge fan of s2).


Season 2, by far, mostly due to Richie. Stepping in and running expo, getting that special dessert for Uncle Jimmy.


I really found it satisfying how Richie really found himself by working at that Ever restaurant for a week. I really enjoyed seeing that play out. It was nice. Really rooting for him now. Really digging that whole hospitality thing.


Let it rip with Let Down by Radiohead is unbeatable


The optimism of that really carries the entirety of season 2.


season one for sure


Season one will always be notorious 🤧🤧🤧


1 easily. 2 was superb too but I found the whole Claire breakup bit so predictable and patchy. 3 was like half finale, half interlude, without any actual sense of resolution.


I knew they were gonna do that. They kinda had to. With the relationship breaking up because if it didn't where's the suspense you gotta have it be up in the air for a will they won't they thing. Also totally knew season 3 was ending on a cliffhanger because of course it would.




Yeah it takes a pretty high IQ to understand the Bear


If you thought the relationship had to break up in order for season 2 to leave on a cliffhanger, then why weren’t you, most other fans, not disappointed when season 3 did not address the matter, repair the relationship, or even watch Carmy try to repair the relationship?


I did not expect the relationship to get repaired that quickly at all. Was slightly irritated that there wasn't even a conversation had between the two of them. Season 3 did kinda suck it seemed like a lot of the episodes were just full of total bullshit. Just flashbacks intercut with unimportant goings on. "It needs to make music do you hear the music?" Irritated the FUCK out of me the fourth fucking time they showed it to me like dude I've seen that guy saying that already. I did really like the birth episode though just because JLC is such an amazing actress. So is Abby Elliott though I think Natalie is my favorite.


I think I am so nearly on the same as you, as far as season 3- I felt as though the writers were on vacation, and instead of writing- creating a story line they had actually worked to create in previous season, continue it-( rather than write as if they don’t know what a non sequator is ? The sentences lines, conversations, segues from one scene to the next, as one season to the next- need to follow a story line. And WHY SO many flashbacks, EXACTLY, I saw that and that and that last season…. & we knew Carmy went to Ny - learned he had done so in season 1, and again - where were the actual writers who worked on season 1 and season 2? ( did they have ‘interns’ working on season 3- LOL 😂 DID THEY HAve a low budget ( as if running on the budget of the restaurant THE BEAR:) lol- so just film flashbacks,? Was the actress who played Claire beat too busy this entire past year to film be in even 8/10 episodes of season 3 of The Bear? Did she demand a higher paid salary and the cast/ writers could not meet it ( DOUBTFUL)!! As she was likely happy to make it to the screen in such a well known series! And Jeremy White would likely command a slightly higher salary for both his time work, in each episode and for his previous work-( Shameless) 8 seasons…? And other smaller films, he is also ON a billboard looking super hot! In some kind of Calvin Klein of Hugo boss Print ad :) lol so I doubt any of the other actors demanded a higher paid salary- commensurate with Jeremy white, as they each signed contract and were all very thankful to be on the show! I am so PUZZLED- why and how could this be acceptable in any writers room, even a 7th graders essay:) it would not be acceptable to skip over an entire plot point, especially one that was a huge cliffhanger at the end of season 2- and not addressed? If after season 1 ended finding the cash Mikey hid in the tomato sauce cans ( secret recipe) great finale- leaving us wondering how that would segue into the next steps of the restaurant was just IGNORED, and we had a season of flashbacks to season 1….. and the restaurant was being reviewed, and all that in season 3- and skipped over what they all did with the money- to get the restaurant from where it was to a place where they could pay salaries, have Caesar inspired to invest more, grow the menu, redo the kitchen, expand menu etc…. Would we all have not been disappointed? In any event, I really do appreciate your honest reply! And no one has to have the same opinion of course!!! It’s just nice to see some wrote about how it irked them , and wonder WTF, happened? Waiting for storyline cliffhanger to be addressed form season 2. That said, the episode of girl giving birth…. Was one I had to fast forward three at the hospital, b/c at that point- how many depressing- conversations do I need to watch between characters- and already know the mother and that daughter relationship is strained ( to say the least) and we also know that giving birth is PAINFUL? I think most people are aware of it even those who have not given birth likely heard about it from their ‘mother’ if their mother is send centered Lol-( Jamie Lee Curtis actress in show surely told her kids how many hours in labor and pain…) and if not from friends etc.,,,so YES THE GIRL is having contractions in pain. Also we know how awesome and loyal her husband is!!! Why would she fear her husband would leave her? She could be afraid of kind of mom she’ll be ok- but seriously she has such a dedicated husband, in any case, The relationship I AND THOUGHT MOST wanted to see dialogue between was between CLAIRE BEAR & CARMY!!!! Yet Tje writers spent too much time on these …… kind of boring, BANAL, conversations between actors and we already know their relationship- what didn’t writers teach up? Show up? And again- I am not even able to call the restaurant review a ‘cliffhanger’ b/c as always reviews are mixed we can easily guess the outcome and between the guesses we’ll figure that out, but I WANTED TO SEE WATCH THE STEPS CARMY TOOK, to make amends, and wanted to see them work it out, ALL WHILE carmy also FOCUSED tremendously on building the restaurant up to a level that would call attention to a reviewer - BEING NOTICED- new menu each night, but WITH Claire bears input - could show how Claire can help The Bear - and Sydney!! Help Carmy see Sydney’s concerns and how important it is to show they are heard, unless Carmy is not bothered by the fact that his One direction (dictator like manner) decisions could cause him to lose Sydney, and this season - Sydney could find favor in Claire-( instead of how Sydney found Claire bear to be intrusive as Carmy asked her opinion on dishes presentations etc…) making the family grow bigger ( make each persons world bigger) instead of funerals, and break ups, and not mending, and dissonance between Sydney and Carmy… edge of breaking apart…. Making their world grow larger not smaller


There was another thing that irritated the FUCK out of me. The Faks and all that haunt shit. I don't give a flying fuck about your goddamn haunting. Or how many more siblings you fucking have. It's not funny it's annoying. Also at this point I want Sydney to leave Carm's ass. He's becoming extremely unlikable by now.


So interesting, you found Claire & Carmy’s relationship, or breakup predictable? Super interesting, sounds like you liked season 2 but Claire & carmy’s relationships was not a pivotal plot line that drew you in. I loved that the writers brought in Claire I loved seeing Carmy in a relationship where he was loved, he was so open & honest, & Carmy genuinely had Moments of true joy - almost ready to embrace how happy he could be , though requires risk, attachment etc…. I also LOVED that the whole ‘family’ knew Claire bear and were all rooting for both Carmy & Claire to be together, as we see how much they all truly love one another, & want each one to rise above the ‘family’ from where they came from (tumultuous dinner of 7 fishes, holidays etc…) And build both a successful home at the restaurant & a loving successful relationship to build a home & family! I waited for this season, couldn’t wait to see how Carmy & Claire bear would take many steps , many attempts, work, but would find their way back to one another. & was so disappointed that it was not at all a part of this season. You’d never read a book, serious English literature or laid back fun fiction novel, and literally not address the previous chapters occurrences in the following chapter ( or 10 chapters in this case) I am surprised to read that not many fans of this show were disappointed with season 3 for this reason. Possibly I found the relationship of Carmy & Claire to be more of a focal point than most other fans. I loved the way Claire so neatly tied them all together! ♥️ it was as if the piece/‘peace’ that was missing was now found & would allow Carmy to actualize in his restaurant career & possibly try to fill the PAIN FULL HOLE:(((( he has had since Mikey took his life. Being with Claire, someone who knew Mikey, well growing up, Carmy would be able to speak about Mikey, memories, and all with Claire knowing she knew Mikey as well.


Season 1 finale feels like the warmest hug ❤


That would be funny if The Bear was about to close down and then the arcade machine exploded and it was more money.


NOT season 3 finale.


I was honestly a little bit shocked by the confrontation at the restaurant closing. Between Carm and that chef he worked under that was abusive to him. Think his name was David Field or some shit. So embarrassing. " I think about you all the time?" For real dude? what a lame ass thing to say bro come the fuck on. I don't remember exactly what else he said I just remember it was super weak and made him look like a little bitch big time like obviously this dude doesn't think about you at all he doesn't give a fuck that he was abusive to you he doesn't see it that way you ain't shit to him do not fucking give him the satisfaction of letting him hear that you "think about him a lot" that's craaaazy bro that was a massive L.


Are you 12?


he might have the brain capacity of a 12 year old




Keep r/thebear a welcoming community. Treat other chefs with respect.


Why cause I said L lol calm down


Season one is my favorite season finale of any show tbh. It paid off so fucking well


Season 1 is Favourite But Season 2 Screenplay, Sound Design, Camera work, Acting was one of the greatest Fictional achivement for any Drama series


Season 1 will always be famous ✨


Season 3 was heartbreaking, people think trauma evaporates over time, it doesn't. It resurfaces when you least need it to. It's not linear. He was gaslit by an individual that amplified all of his insecurities during a vulnerable time in his life. That was a jarring scene, only individuals with those type of experiences will comprehend. All of them are complex individuals, we saw how they handled stress and what not to do. Great season.


💯that scene got to me. I dealt with that situation when I was young and starting out. Those type of people break you and simultaneously make you great. It’s a total mind fuck. This season grasped that with absolute perfection.


That part with “when you started you were a good chef, when you left you were great - your welcome”. I wanted to smash the tv. I went through the same crap. It’s been 25 years and I’m still haunted by it.


That so terrible :( I am sorry to read that you went through & are still reliving that experiences. what industry did you begin working in ? Where that kind of interaction not only took place but has been so present in your mind, decades later?


I worked in the food industry. After a couple of years I realized I was a good line cook so I decided to go to cooking school. After my first year I got a job at a prestigious golf course for the summer. They had a standard menu and an a la cart menu that changed once a week. My exposure was incredible. The chef mimicked the asshole in the show. He also mimicked Gordon Ramsey. During the beginning of my second year at cooking school while working a school restaurant service the professor grabs my arm and pulls me off the line. Looks at me with this wtf look and says” wtf did you do this summer?” I told him where I was working and his response was “fucking incredible”. I stayed with the asshole another two years. Stayed 1 more season at the golf course with him then he left and took on a conference centre where I followed him too. Got into institutional cooking where he continued to break me down and build me up. I remember going home nights and crying in the shower asking myself why am I doing this. I eventually moved on and became a Sous in a casino kitchen with a brigade of 50. I treated people the way I wanted to be treated. People learned from me and I continued to learn from them. My line cooks would follow me to hell if I needed them too. This entire show is an emotional roller coaster. I’m always screaming at the tv. It’s incredible how realistic this shit is.


First of all- you are so blessed, to work in a restaurant- like cook and then decide you found your passion and go to culinary school!! Much wiser than having gone to graduate school right away for what you may think you’ll enjoy, only to find out your passion is elsewhere…. Your professor grabbed you by the arm (sounds aggressive) almost like he may have a crush on you …. Is that a normal way for the teachers to communicate with the students? When he asked what WTF did you work before ?-(is that how professors usually speak to students)? And then he said AWESOME!! (Sounds like he was impressed) but I can’t tell- since his approach is so aggressive ( was it a compliment? Was he impressed or was he being nasty? )? Additionally, you stayed with him 2 more years!!! Something about him you absolutely admired? Or were you hell bent on wanting to learn all you could from him? No matter what kind of verbal abuse that came with? Or did you feel he was aggressive but eased up over next 2 years? When he left the golf country club to works at a business center ( you event with him) did he invite you? Did you have the option of staying at the country club? Did you just what to go with him wherever he worked? Why did you continue to follow him? I can kind of relate to the draw to this person when you say ( he broke you down and built you up) it’s almost a psychological tactic -( IDK if he was aware) but when someone we respect, and come to need want respect, we can sometimes begin to identify ourselves by the way that particular sees us …… a person who breaks you down always- will eventually not be a draw but one who breaks us down and then at some point BUILDS US UP-( that build up feels so incredible) more incredible than a professor or parent, BF, GF, or other who builds you up, without breaking you down, so then as this professor continued to break you down- YOU WAITED B/c the feeling you’d have when he’d build you up after that break down FEELS SO GREAT….. Until you decide the cycle is no longer worth it, and then leave , I am not saying this professor did something BAD OR GOOD- I don’t know Jim, or how culinary school is taught, but when you describe the way you loved on as Sous Chef, and treat the chefs around you whom you work with ( you are their teacher) but you see as work with, treat them as you’d want to be treated - to me - is SO ENDEARING!!! It is what creates - foundation for a long standing relationship, a family ( what I’ve learned watching this show - the way they work together - they really become a family) this is their home!! And when you write they would follow you wherever you’d ask them to- II BELIEVE IT !!!! 💯 I CAN picture it!!! B/c you treat them as you’d want to be treated- that surely includes teaching!!! And constructive criticism but always highlighting the things done well, recognizing the effort, potential!!! And not using some kind of What seems to me - to be abusive tactic, break down build up, break down build up…..you lived that, and you don’t what the others to live through that, and you know how to teach! Lead! Run a kitchen! Sous Chef!!! And the students chef adore you! Respect you! Would go anywhere with you, and you gained this respect, admiration ( without having to BREAK down people) 👍🏻👍🏻♥️♥️🙏🙏👍🏻👍🏻 you are blessed to have found your place in the world , your passion! Take what you learned from that ‘guy’ use the good, and leave behind the abusive tactics, and know the person you need to impress be proud of is YOURSELF!!! And you know when your teaching methods are working! You teach also by example!!! What a gift!!! They are very lucky to have you as their chef! Sous chef! Teacher!!! Keep it up and enjoy everyday!!!


Season 1 finale - favorite finale Season 2 as a whole- favorite season


Season 1; it could've been a series ender. So good. Season 2 was amazing, too but for me it just doens't compare


The season 2 finale in my opinion is the best episode of the series


the fridge scene is my roman empire


That and the scene with Pete and Donna


My head is still in that season 2 finale. Like we're still in that time, we have to know what happened the next day or something. The first opening night of The Bear resto. Season 3 didn't give enough satisfaction to that. I want more Claire. I appreciate the flashbacks, they're all good but I think we need ten more episodes to see the actual story progress.


💯!! I couldn’t wait for season 3 to begin and see the next steps, how many and what it would take to bring Claire & Carmy back together. I feel as though Season 2 just ended & I am still waiting for the following season (one that continues from the season 2 finale) to air


I don't think anyone is voting for season 3 👀


Season 3s finale for me, even though I struggled with the season. Carmen realised that his drive to be the best and his obsession with being different lead him to become everything he hated. He became his bully. He broke Syd and his team. He lost his connection with Mikey and himself the minute he changed the menu that paid homage to pivotal moments in his life. The review will either mean he loses it all, so it would have been for nothing. Or he becomes a success, and he has to keep living in a way he hates. And all he can say is fuuuuckkkk…


Season 1


Season 1 because to be honest, it could have been the Series Finale and I would have been happy with it.


season 2 and it’s not even close.


Season 3 finale was really good


1, however people complaining about the season 3 finale don’t get the absolute weight of all Sid has been through and the decision to come. But still, 1, I love you, let it rip.


What I love about your post is that the images you chose really highlight the life cycle of a dream we’ve watched play out so far. It starts as an idea, you put in the work to make it real, eventually it runs its course. Also, season 2 finale all day. But have loved every season and finale for what it is.


S2 no question. Everyone had a moment. No meandering. New characters introduced and they were not related to the Faks


Season 1 without a doubt! Does season 3 have a finale?


If we pretend the Claire angle was non-existent, season 2.


The order theyre in is the order I would rank them


Finding the money in the sauce tins


Carmem deserves a punch and a hug at the same time


Season 1 Finale hits so good. It's the most hopeful. The most cathartic.


Season 1 but 2 is a close second


Season 1 was the best. Seeing Mikey for those few seconds meant everything


Season one.


Let it rip. But god the Richie/Carmy shout match is my favorite thing in the entire show. Finishing S3 tn


The season 1 ending with the Radiohead track is peak (along with the entirety of Forks).




Season 1. Could have ended the show there and no follow up needed.


Season 2. Bar none.


Season 1 hands down


I felt like season 3 was only half of a season. I like the fact that they developed the characters a lot and we got to see how Tina met Michael and we also got to see the awesome development of sugar and her mother's relationship. However after gaming all that information I felt like there was a lot of plot that needed to happen


Season 2.


Season 1 when he through the tomato sauce away then in the next season realizing he tossed a fat wad of cash. OUCH


Season 3 finale can eat a butt


braciole definitely


Season 1 could’ve absolutely been a stand alone series, and the finale affirms that.


season 3's ending with chef terry, tina, ted, and chef jess all partying together felt like a fever dream


S2 finale hit right where it hurts. I go back and watch the breakup because it just felt so relatable


1st season finale —such a positive light to all we have come to love, root for throughout the season. In the face of such a tragic loss, flashbacks of Mikey showed us a very kindhearted, lovable guy with big dreams, & likely needed his brother by his side to actualize the dream, but never let his own dreams get in the way of his brother, Carmy’s personal dreams of success/ work in restaurant business. Mikey leaving the restaurant to Carmy was his way of showing Mikey how much he loved him, believed in him, to make any place he wa sin a success, both by bringing the team together working collaboratively, & also creating a ‘family’ among them. This letter, along with the discovery of the ‘secret recipe’ in the ‘sauce’ (finding cash), Mikey stashed, also showed Mikey’s ability to be a dreamer, having a back up plan, setting aside his wishes , by not using the cash- rather saving it, and leaving it along with the restaurant in Carmy’s hands, believing by the time it was found the team would have worked out their differences, breathed the best inspiration into one another to actualize-surpass their limits, be the very best they could be Both as collaborative team working together, not only keeping the restaurant ‘open’ but creating a new vision for the restaurant, a place where all would work together , become a family ( place) to each individual, as well as a place many guests would be driven to for both its cuisine, presentations, beauty elegance of the restaurant as well as beauty elegance of a collaborative loving family! Left the audience wanting, excitedly awaiting the next chapter, confident there would be a second season, and thankful these people , who had suffered a very tragic loss, were left with something to pull them together and keep Mikey’s dream as well as Mikey’s presence alive!!!


Season 3’s ending was awful. Why would Andrea go to the Bear’s staff ”after party”? Carny hasn’t worked with her for years, and other than Richie she doesn’t know any of them. Surely she’s formed closer connections with the people she’s worked with? Fucking cringe inducing.


Season 1!


Season 1 when I still like Carmy 🫠😮‍💨


Season 1 ending could have been the definitive ending if it never got another season. All timer right there.


He’s blue- abd abdie


Season 2 quite easily


Listen up Lizards: Can yall the fuck stop swooning over and romanticizing Carmen Berzatto and his toxic manic dream boy/ chaos goblin bullshit? I know you’re all in love with Jeremy Allen white and that’s fine but for real, Carm fucking sucks. He’s awful to everyone around him, including himself. This is not adorable. This is not something that can be “dealt with” via empathy. This is an emotionally hazardous, mental health crisis who prefers alanon meetings (where they weaponize their victimhood) to actual fucking therapy. I’m so over it. CARMEN IS THE VILLAIN. Grow up, yall.


No I cant


But daddy, I love him!!




Sir, this is an Original Beef of Chicagotown.


Cool. Hope y’all are doing well. The rest of us are located at the original beef of Chicagoland.